
Virtually hiding from Luhan

hdfdhdfdChapter five- Studyhdfdhdfd

Kai Ling woke up, with a small lingering pain in her nose, feeling small inches of dried blood around her nostrils. She had been unconscious for many periods already. She turned her head aside to see the school nurse who was busy washing her hands as if she had just treated a student with numerous amounts of deadly bacteria, or maybe it was just the social worm Kai Ling. She rose from the single bed and massaged her temples with her eyelids half closed.

“Oh hey, you’re up.” An unfamiliar voice greeted her. She turned around, extremely surprised by the person talking to her. Kris Wu, one of the flower boys, though he didn’t seem as popular as Luhan due to the fact that most of the girls in the school were human appearance deprived, make up addicts and Miranda Kerr wannabes who only talked about hot and normal guys, and to them hot and normal guys would have to be great at sport, somewhat badass with that coolness and awesomeness or if that guy was just plain adorable like Luhan, they’d get a pass as a ‘normal guy.’ At least that was what Kai Ling described the people in her school. Except Kris unfortunately didn’t pass as the most normal guy or in the ‘highest level of guys’, it was as if boys in the school had tiers which categorise their ranks. Rumours say that Kris Wu seems really hot and cool but then after people got to know him, they realised he was a major derp and a minority group of girls think he’s an ultimate weirdo under the mask of an angel.

Kai Ling froze on the spot and stared at him, not knowing what to do. She didn’t know the rumours about him and which category or tier he belonged under but she did know that no matter where he belonged, he was still one of those who got attention from girls. “Ye-yeah, I’m up.” She said, stumbling a bit on her words. He flashed a small yet sinister looking smile, “That’s good then, Luhan was here too but he just went to the toilet break. He’s going to come back and apologise for what he’s done.” From Kai Ling’s memory there was a tennis ball flying at the speed of light towards her, which smashed her in the nose, which was currently bandaged. Before replying to Kris, she turned to stare at her reflection through the dark window. *I look so pathetic right now, and very noticeable too.*

“Miss… Kai ying? Xing Yang? I’m so sorry I forgot your name.” Kris said, scratching his head. *That’s good, I don’t even want you to know my name you conceited flower boy.* She thought to herself. “It’s Kai Ling.” She whispered quietly, loud enough for him to hear. Just then footsteps of another person trailed its way into the room. Kai Ling looked up to see the Luhan right in front of her eyes with an apologic look on his face. “Look, I’m so sorry for what happened, are you alright now?” the Luhan managed to say, sitting down beside her and staring with those round deer-like eyeballs. “I-I’m good, thanks.’ She managed to say. She wondered why they kept giving her opportunities to speak and reply, because truth is she didn’t want to talk to anyone at the moment. *I need to find the chance to escape as soon as possible.* She swiftly lifted up her blanket and stretched for a long time, leaving Kris and Luhan confused on what intentions she had.

Without saying a word, she swiftly left the room. *Well, an explanation is not needed from someone who doesn’t matter.*

“Look what you did Luhan, stop scaring people with your stupid face.” Kris teased. “What? I didn’t do anything? Maybe it was you and your cold, y disgusting glares.” Luhan argued back. The two of them were such close friends they’d love to dive insults at each other, and you could say Kris Wu was a major troll, which probably put many girls off. He had failed to keep that beautiful and flawless, adorable, dorky reputation unlike all his friends, but he didn’t care at all.

“Well Luhan, do your thing, I need to meet up with Mr Kim because I don’t understand something in chemistry.”

“Do what thing?” Luhan asked, slightly confused. He scratched the back of his neck as Kris stared at him with disgust. “Stop acting cute in front of me, how disgusting. Go and see if the girl is okay, I mean she just completely ran off like that.” Kris ordered slowly edging closer to the exit of the room. Luhan stared at him with his bright brown eyes, “I already apologised…but to be very honest with you I can’t be bothered.” Kris shrugged and left the room leaving Luhan standing there puzzled. *Well looks like I’ll just go and find the others while Kris goes to see the chemistry teacher.* He too, walked out of the room and looked around for his friends, he made his way to their usual lunch table and surprisingly, none of them were there. *Perhaps they’re playing soccer already.* Without hesitation, he strolled towards the soccer fields to see none of them there. Luhan was extremely confused, aside from the lunch table where they’d eat and talk about their silly lives and the soccer field they wouldn’t be anywhere else. He pulled out his smartphone from his pocket and decided to text Chen.

Where the hell are you s all gone to? –Stupid deer face

Chen was startled by the suddenly beeping of his phone. The boys all turned to face him, “What is it Chen?” Kris asked. “Luhan texted me and asked us where we are.” He replied. “Well you can’t tell him!” Lay screamed, sounding slightly suffocated after playing with a helium balloon. Kris had lied to Luhan previously, the truth is the boys were all planning for Luhan’s surprise birthday party tomorrow held in the huge hall the teachers had allocated for them to use from 4PM-12AM tomorrow. “But isn’t he going to be all lonely and sad? Luhan being sad will make me sad.” Tao suggested.

“Can you please stop talking like you’re a total cutie pie?” Kris asked, pulling a disgusted face. “Rude as duizhang, completely uncalled for.” Tao replied.

“Yeah so what do we do?!” Lay screamed again. He was somehow very motherly and always very anxious, they all think he acts like an old woman. “Woman, calm yourself.” Kris snapped, “Yeah Lay, you always do that, every time you just start screaming. I mean it’s not like we’re going to die.” Xiu min said. “Well I’m sorry! I just have a lot of feelings.”

“Good on you then Xing Xing gege.” Chen replied, staring at the planning sheet. “So…what do we do?” Tao asked. “Someone just go and tell Yoorin to hang out with him, they’re friends right?” Kris asked. The group chuckled, “You think? I’d say she’s more like his girlfriend and I bet you Luhan has a thing for her.” Chen giggled, clearly he was the major gossip goat who always knew the latest news. In fact, he and Lay are both gossip goats who could spend hours talking about one topic. “Alright then, I’ll just text her.” Xiumin said. Kris glanced at his watch and then back at the planning sheet. “Seriously guys, we’re going to run out of time, just hurry the up and work faggots.”

“FINE.” They yelled in unison. “Oh, wait I need to text Luhan an excuse.” Chen said, everyone basically ignored him and just nodded their heads.

Hahaha c: we’re all at the chemistry teacher seeking for help. -Chen

Luhan looked at his lit up screen in confusion. Though he never did his work he wasn’t a complete idiot.

but you dun even do chemistry lolwhat o_o ??? –Stupid deer face.

OK! OK! fine, you win, we’re all studying in private study room filled with nerds, if you come you’ll probably contract mysterious nerd diseases o0o0oo –Chen

oh ok, then I guess I’ll come over since I need some nerdness in me so I can study LOL –Stupid deer face.

*Yeah okay whatever, since he’s a sloth it’d take him a few hours to walk to the private study room, in fact he probably doesn’t even know where that is. Gosh Chen! You’re so smart!*

Unfortunately, Luhan really didn’t know where the private study room is. Of course he wouldn’t know, he’s someone who never studies because he’s a lazy game addict and when he’s not gaming he just lazes about and eat, or watch movies, eat some more then sleep. “Oh hey Luhan.” Yoorin greeted as he walked passed her. “Oh hey, sorry didn’t see you there.” He smiled back. She softly slapped him on the arm and laughed, “How do you not see me, thought we were friends!”

“Sorry girly, but do you know where the private study rooms are?” He asked. “You what? You’re going to the private study rooms? She asked. He scratched the back of his neck and smiled, “You’re not judging me right? You better not be or we’re not friends.” He joked.

“Of course not! Just surprised, but if you’re looking for them they should be at the second floor next to the maths office! There’s about three private study rooms open during lunch just directly next to each other.” She answered, looking like a glamorous model. Kai Ling would call that the ‘I’m so fabulous’ look.

“Awh thanks Rinrin! Catch ya later!” With that, he left, leaving her confused. *I thought I was meant to hang out with him today, oh well.*


*Okay so basically if I use this formula and transpose those variables then solve the equation using this method I should be able to achieve the correct answer.* Kai Ling was sitting at the emptiest private study room and completing the math homework that was assigned yesterday and due tomorrow. *So I guess x equals negative two over y bracket the power of three over four.* She flipped to the back of the text book to check her answer. *What? It’s positive? How did I get that wrong what? It’s meant to be four to the power of three? Seriously this is bull .* She was slowly getting frustrated and started tapping her pencil vigorously on the table. Just at this moment, Luhan had entered the room. He stared at Kai Ling who was making a lot of noise.

“Stahp et.” Some random nerd who couldn’t speak without a strange accent called out. “S-sorry.” She replied and decided to have a stretch. She stood up to see Luhan looking like a lost puppy in the room. *What the hell is he doing here? Mother of lord, the sun must have rose at the west this morning. L-Lu? Han? Study room? Those things aren’t compatible at all. No way man, no way.* Kai Ling internally thought to herself, feeling extremely shocked.

“Um hey,” Luhan asked the nerdy guy, “have you seen Kris or any of the others? Were they here before? They said they’re here but clearly not currently…did they leave to go anywhere?”

“Stahp et, I reallay dun care bout your friends and their location, I’m trying to do my work so pliss stahp torking to me.”

“Okay I’m sorry.” He said, feeling slightly dissed by a nerdy guy. *Didn’t know people would be so rude to me* he thought, feeling disappointed. Before leaving, he turned around and saw Kai Ling studying really hard for her math. *Should I say hi to her or..?* Kai Ling stared up and made the most awkward eye contact with one of the eye candies in the year level. Luhan flashed an awkward smile and waved quickly, expecting her to wave back at him, however according to her personality she just merely looked at him behind her glasses and turned back to her work. *Oh goodness, please do not communicate with me, even if no one is here.* She silently thought to herself. “How can you not wave back to someone who’s waving at you, you’re so rude.” He jokily said, pouting. Kai Ling slowly gave him an awkward wave and smile, making him feel extremely awkward, though he was a very social guy. “Well, nice to see you here, I hope you’re okay, sorry once again.” He said out of the blue.

“It’s fine.” She managed to say, only just loud enough for him to hear. *Okay, that’s just awkward as , I must leave now.* He thought to himself and disappeared through the door. *Thank god that lazy eye candy left.*


Kai Ling’s P.O.V

I’m finally home, after a long and stupid day of school and skipping Biology class because of that stupid blood nose the pretty man candies caused. I opened the door to my small apartment near the beauty and cosmetics store which I work at. It’s slightly strange for me to be working in those places but I just wanted to slightly take off the weight of the financial burden from my dad who was actually paying for that expensive school.

Still cleaning, night shift aiya lol! Bye –Mama

Guess what, like usual I completed all my homework in class. I packed out my empty lunch box and placed it in the sink; I guess I’ll wash it later. I also didn’t have work today so that’s more good news for me and my sad addiction to being an internet kid.

You have moved from being a ‘Miss fetch me coffee’ to a sales lady! The boss of Kristian Fior has seen your skills!

Well okay, that’s cool.


Author’s P.O.V

DeerDearx3: HII

Fatshioncat: HEY!! Oh my god I am finally not the stupid coffee where everyone treats me like

DeerDearx3: good 4 u girly, but seriously how come I’m still coffee boy?!

Fatshioncat: u don’t have to be so disappointed, I guess it’d take you some time to become as good as me, you have so much to learn my dear.

DeerDearx3: LOL you’re so funny. Jks, who am I kidding can you not be so rude. I HELPED YOU WITH THE COFFEE AND YOU TREAT ME LIKE THIS?

Fatshioncat: it’s ok we’re still ultimate bfflz <3 <3 N00BS 2GETHER4LIFE!

DeerDearx3: YEEEEEEES. Dude, sometimes I wonder who this stupid boss is.

Fatshioncat: ikr, like how do you even be so good at this game, wtf.

DeerDearx3: i’m getting a strange feeling that the boss is fat and created this fashion company just to make up for the depressing fat that he or she can’t fit into clothes in real life. Gotta admit the fashion is amazing.

Fatshioncat: NICE CALL HAHAHAHHAHAHAHA but a little mean, kidding, the boss is a . Honestly, I feel that even though I’m a saleslady now I’m getting less pay.

DeerDearx3: maybe he wants to conserve some online money and buy online cheeseburgers and continue being fat.

Kris sat at his laptop screen and hacked into the gaming system, somehow picking up parts of his employees conversations. ‘good at this game, ‘fashion is amazing’ were the words he picked up. *Splendidly beautiful, everyone loves me here. Looks like I’ll add more money to their income due to the gracious comments about me.*

He got up and decided to look for a cup of water to drink, bumping into a Luhan lurking about in the kitchen.


“What do you want .” Luhan blurted, holding his mug of coffee. Kris stared at him judgementally, “You’re seriously having coffee, are you retarded?”

“Look Wufan, I don’t know what’s wrong with your face but fix it…with botox, and Luhan does as he pleases, goodnight babe.” Luhan sang and ran back to his room, completing forgetting about the pre-test for math tomorrow morning.

fdjdfhdfAuthor's note(s)dfgfhdfd

I updated!! 

Happy reading, and I promise to  update as much as I can, right now I have my priorities on my first fic :O

I don't know, if you wanna check it out here's the link (for any Jaejoong fans) A Mischievous Marriage 






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re-read chap 4 author note?


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kupkajjie #1
Chapter 5: luhan's so slack ><
anna_marie016 #2
Chapter 4: ahahaha kris and luhan is so cute !!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!
Chapter 4: FINALLY, a realistic fanfic
Love the poster by the way~ KEEP WRITING.
monsterbubble #4
Chapter 4: It's really up to you to change the pov to the main character. But I also would like Luhan's pov too. That's just what I think though.
Good luck writing author!!
Chapter 4: I like the way kris and luhan bicker ! I was quite surprised at the fact that luhan tool lay's fingers to hold her nose though o.o
Chapter 4: ahaha oh kris and luhan :3 great update author nim! ^^ it was definitely worth the wait~
monsterbubble #7
Chapter 4: Definitely subbing this wonderful story of yours author!!
Chapter 4: kyaaaaaa you updated omg
usually a jaejoong fan but i really LOVE your stories so i'm subbing this one :)
Chapter 1: nawhh he's so dorky but he's popular too :o kailing is so anti-social it gives me the shivers ;_;