Next to them

Virtually hiding from Luhan

hdfdhdfdChapter three- Next to themhdfdhdfd

Earlier on during period one, Luhan was late to school again. Kai Ling couldn’t help but see him as a lazy who has a dark future ahead of him. Although she didn’t talk much she had heaps of thoughts running through her mind. Currently, she was sitting at the back row of the classroom in Chemistry, since it was an empty row. She didn’t want to be noticed by the amount of idiots in her school.

Although she knew it was unfair to dislike basically everyone in the school, she just saw most people as cocky and arrogant rich people with horrible attitudes. She didn’t want to mix with people who weren’t all that nice. She sat at the back corner but also wondered why no one was sitting at the back today, it was rather odd. Maybe students actually wanted to study so they’re sitting closer?

*I kind of doubt that* She thought to herself. Kai Ling turned to the left and noticed a huge spider on the leg of the table, she widened her eyes in fear, wanting to move seats but there were no more left. However, she was lucky that she was at the seat on the edge, which meant she was as far away from the spider as possible.

She stared into space and randomly watched as Kris, Luhan and Lay enter the classroom, the other boys didn’t study chemistry. Right, she forgot that those three usually sat at the back. *I don’t want to be the type of girls obsessing over them but they’re so gorgeous.* She honestly thought to herself.

“Kris, did you do your chemistry homework?” Luhan asked.

“Yes and I’m not showing you.” Luhan pouted and turned his smile on Lay.

“No.” He bluntly replied and smirked, his dimple showing. They seated themselves at the back row, completely ignoring Kai Ling’s existence. They were wondering why no one sat with them at the back row today, usually lots of girls would fight for those seats.

“Oppa, want to sit right next to me?” A girl asked, popping her bag off the seat she seemed to be reserving.

“What’s wrong with sitting here?” Lay asked. The girl was about to open to talk when the teacher suddenly walked into the classroom. “Quiet, quiet, class is about to start.” Mr Kim said. The girl pouted as Lay and the boys stood there confused, before sitting down at the back, closer to the right. *Yes, keep sitting away from me!*

Luhan sat in the middle of the two with Lay at the edge, the right side of the back row. “Luhan! Stop touching me and tickling my leg with your fingers, or is it you Kris?” He hissed. The two turned their head at him and stared at him, perplexed.

“What are you talking about?” Luhan asked, staring at Lay with his bright, round eyes.

“Please, stop, it’s really annoying.” Lay said in a serious tone. *What is he talking about?* Luhan thought to himself, extremely confused.  He turned to face Kris, Kris just gave him a ‘don’t worry it’s just Lay’ look.

A few moments had passed and Lay was still feeling really uncomfortable. Kai Ling opened up her textbook to complete the questions assigned and couldn’t help but slightly giggle. No one heard her though, because at this moment the whole class was pretty much chattering extremely loudly and ‘working’.

“LUHAN, KRIS, I SAID STOP.” Lay said in an extremely irritated tone.

“WHAT?” Kris roared, getting annoyed.

“Stop touching me!” Lay yelled as he brushed his hand across his thigh, to feel something soft and weird.

“Our hands are here.” Luhan stated as he and Kris lifted up both hands in the air. Lay widened his eyes and looked down at the table, to see a huge spider perched on the table leg, where his leg was touching.

“HOLY WHAT IS THAT UGLY THING?” He screamed. The whole class stopped chattering for a moment and stared at the boys.

“Zhang Yixing, please refrain from using foul language in this classroom.” He ordered. The class turned back to do their own thing as Kai Ling chuckled from the other side of the row.

“What was that stupid outburst?” Kris asked, staring at his friend with a judgemental face. Lay sprung up from his seat and placed himself on the spare seat next to Kris. Now Luhan was the closest to the spider.

“When you see it.” Lay said in a shivery tone.

“See what?” Luhan asked as he stared around the table and underneath. His eyes widened in shock and he too, sprung up from his seat. “EEEW!” He shrieked as he sat himself next to Lay. Now Kris was the closest to the spider. *I hope they stay there and not come any closer to me.* Kai Ling thought as she stared at the boys, who were creating a scene.

“What’s up with you guys?” Kris asked, annoyed by his friend’s childish behaviours. Luhan pointed at the table leg as the ‘cool guy’ Kris jumped up from his chair and ran as far as he could.


“What.” Luhan and Lay said in unison.

“It’s mine.”

*Oh no please don’t come here, please, please don’t.* Kai Ling thought to herself as Kris and the boys edged their way closer to her.

“No! you can sit closest to that bug!” Lay yelled.

“Kris! Don’t be mean!” Luhan cried. The three rushed to the seat as fast as they possibly could but unfortunately Kris placed his on the chair. Now it was just Luhan and Lay fighting. He shoved Lay’s books onto the floor, in which Lay had no choice but to pick them up. It all concluded with Luhan in the middle like before and Lay on the edge.

Kai Ling felt extremely nervous sitting around such popular guys, and she was afraid that girls would start getting jealous and hating on her. She shook away her thoughts and continued to do her work when a couple of girls started gossiping loudly.

“Why is oppa sitting next to her? Who is she?”

“Kris oppa! Come sit next to me instead.”

“Why are all the oppas so close to her? She probably sat there on purpose.”

Kai Ling fought the urge to smack her hand on her face at this stupidity. Kris ignored the girls and the boys continued to do their work.

“Kris, I don’t know how to do this question, help me because I’m cute.” Luhan pleaded.


He pouted and turned to Lay with sparkling eyes, “Lay, can you please explain to me how to do it?”

“Just copy me.” He replied.

“But I won’t learn from that, in tests I won’t be able to do this myself.” He cried.

“You don’t learn anyway.”

“There’s something called a teacher, and you can seek help from Mr Kim.” Kris said, highly irritated by Luhan’s voice.

“Kris ge, I think Luhan is scared of all teachers.” Lay stated.

The boys continued chattering which really annoyed Kai Ling. *Why can’t they just be quiet for once, I’m trying to focus here.* She turned her note book to the next page, her elbow accidentally shoving Kris’s side.

“Uh…sorry.” Kris turned to stare at Kai Ling, she had long black hair and a side fringe and rather fair skin, he didn’t recognise her, or barely ever noticed her.

“Oh, it’s okay.” He replied. *Oh goodness, I can’t believe I just talked to him. His voice is actually quite hot…HAHA Kai Ling do your work.* She slightly giggled which made Kris stare at her again,*What is she laughing at…* He thought to himself. Luhan turned to Kris’s direction and realised he was staring at the girl next to her.

“Kris, are you interested in her?” Luhan innocently whispered in Kris’s ears.

*Are they backstabbing me?* Kai Ling thought to herself as she frowned. Honestly, she admired the boy’s looks and found them all really handsome, but they were far from her reach. She wasn’t interested in them though.

“No… is she a new student?” Kris asked, loud enough only for Luhan to hear.

“Uh, I don’t know, I don’t think so.”

Luhan turned to look at her and truth is, she just looked so unfamiliar as if he’s never seen her before. He never noticed her until now…

“She’s really quiet, that’s probably why no one knew her existence.” Kris added. Lay turned to look at the two gossiping boys, “Do your work children.” He ordered.  Luhan was slowly beginning to understand how to do his chemistry, it really was getting easier for him, maybe because he was actually focusing in class.

*I’m glad the teacher forgot to check last night’s homework.* He thought to himself as a smile crept onto his face.

“There’s around ten to fifteen minutes left in class, I’d like to go around and collect each of your homework papers.” Mr Kim stated out loud.

*I will cry.* Luhan thought to himself. Kai Ling mysteriously found herself staring at Luhan for some odd reason. *He probably didn’t do his work, like usual.*


fdjdfhdfAuthor's note(s)dfgfhdfd

Not my most successful stories! (not that I've completed any but..)
Please comment/subscribe, really encourages me :D


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re-read chap 4 author note?


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kupkajjie #1
Chapter 5: luhan's so slack ><
anna_marie016 #2
Chapter 4: ahahaha kris and luhan is so cute !!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!
Chapter 4: FINALLY, a realistic fanfic
Love the poster by the way~ KEEP WRITING.
monsterbubble #4
Chapter 4: It's really up to you to change the pov to the main character. But I also would like Luhan's pov too. That's just what I think though.
Good luck writing author!!
Chapter 4: I like the way kris and luhan bicker ! I was quite surprised at the fact that luhan tool lay's fingers to hold her nose though o.o
Chapter 4: ahaha oh kris and luhan :3 great update author nim! ^^ it was definitely worth the wait~
monsterbubble #7
Chapter 4: Definitely subbing this wonderful story of yours author!!
Chapter 4: kyaaaaaa you updated omg
usually a jaejoong fan but i really LOVE your stories so i'm subbing this one :)
Chapter 1: nawhh he's so dorky but he's popular too :o kailing is so anti-social it gives me the shivers ;_;