

Photography Class is where the little petite boy with blonde hair, a chershire cat grin, and PoinDexter glasses sat right smack-dab in the front of the class. No one really knew his actual name since everyone just called him, "PointGuk" - because of his glasses, the other part is only known to him and the creator of the name. Let's call him "PointGuk" for now. So, PointGuk always sat in the front row, hunched over his textbooks and Canon SLR Camera; he treasured them both so dearly. PointGuk was so recognizable with his flannels buttoned up to the top and beige khaki's. Despite the fact that he was considered a "loser" or a "nerd", his photo's were known all over the school. They were also so amazing and vivid, as if you were there in the actual momment. Almost everybody would stop in the hallways just to admire and be transported right into the picture. He was a magician with the camera. Also in the Photography Class was Park Bom. You'd know her name whether you liked it or not, she was famous - but not for the right reasons. No no, she isn't those girls who do almost every guy in the school - she's the complete opposite. Bom's very pretty and very hardworking, a good mix for any guy in the Photography Class. The only reason why she's famous? Her rich big daddy. Her dad is a football scout and that's why every single guy on the football team is hitting on her. Her heart's been played so many times by football jocks she can't trust any guy anymore. It's been awhile since she's smiled because of a guy. 

But can PointGuk break that spell while working on their Photography project? 

Let's just say, a picture is worth a thousand words


"Everytime you smile at someone, its is an action of love, a gift to that person, a beautiful thing"

-- Mother Teresa --


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^ ^
CornQueen #2
Plaese update~!!
i love this idea~and the picture~please update XD