Imagine #1

.:|[Fangirl Corner]|:. (Layout freebies, imagines, short stories, requests are taken)

Imagine......[PLOT] Its nearly the end of the school year, and your class is going to go on a camping trip for the last week of school. You will be going into the mountains for hiking, camping, and swimming in the lake. You were very excited. Why? becuase your crush of four years, Chanyeol, was in your class and would be going too! but there was one thing you were very worried about, and that was that your couldn't swim. What would all the other kids think of you when they found out?




You woke up to the loud ringing of your alarm clock. you randomly smacked your side table, searching blindly for your snooze button. It was five in the morning and you had to get up and get ready for your class camping trip. You had already packed your clothes and all the stuff you would need the night before so all that was left was to take a shower, and get ready for today.
Hurrying your shower, and quickly drying your hair and throwing it up into a cute ponytail, you hurried downstairs and ate breakfast with your parents and younger brother.
"are you looking foward to your camping trip?" asks your mother. You nodded your head up and down. Your brother laughed. "Thats only because Chanyeol oppa will be there." He mocked you when saying Chanyeols name. You frowned and flicked his head from across the table. "Yah! shush up, pabo!" you whispered harshly.
Your parents let out a laugh and watched your redening face. It was no surprise that you liked him. He was the son of your mothers best friend so your parents kind of saw it coming.
You two had practically allways been around eachother for almost the past five years. Your mother worked with his at a small coffee haus downtown and they were very close, so you two would often stay at the same babysitters together, even though you two were old enough to stay at your own homes alone, your mothers thought it would be good for you two.
"_____, make sure you packed everything okay? We don't need any calls from the school about how you forgot something important." Your father said. You nodded.
After you had finished breakfast you went back upstairs and grabbed your stuff, said goodbye to your pesty little brother and father, then got into the car with your mother. After driving for a few minutes you saw your mother frown out of the corner of your eye. "Eomma, Gwenchana?" You asked, cocking your head to the side. "Eh? oh yes, Im fine. I'm just worried about you. What are you going to do when the class goes swimming? You know you can't swim." she said. You frowned. Ever since you found out about the trip, you had been trying to put that to the side and avoid the subject. you shrugged your shoulders. "I don't know. maybe i'll just say im not feeling good or I have cramps so I wont have to." You said, telling your mother your lame excusses. She shook her head. "Or you could just tell them the truth." you shook your head. Never would you tell anybody you can't swim. It was an embarassment so you tried to hide it.
After driving another half an hour, you reached the school. Your mother said goodbye and dropped you off by the front gate. You met your friend, Krystal, in your homeroom as you waited for the teacher to come and take your class to their bus. "____, are you ready for the trip?" Krys asked you. You nodded, barely paying attention to her as your eyes scanned the room for him. He walked into the classroom and headed straight in your direction. Your heart began to beet faster than a racecar so you directed your attention back to krys. "Anyoung, ____-ah.Will you sit by me on the bus?" asked Chanyeol. Yours and Krys eyes widened. You smiled at Chanyeol, sure your face was red as it was burning up, and nodded. "Okay, oppa. I'll sit with you." Chanyeol clapped like a little kid, thanked you, then went to go talk to his friend, Baekhyun. Krys playfully hit your arm. "OMG! YOUR GOING TO SIT BY-" You covered and furrowed your brows. "Keep it down, loud mouth." you said jokingly. She giggled and nodded.
The teacher walked in and said to get into pairs and follow him down to the bus. You found Chanyeol, and the two of you walked down to the bus in silence. You had no clue what to say, so you kept quiet.
"I can't wait to get there." Yeol said suddenly. "It's going to be so fun! hiking in the mountains, swimming and telling scary stories at night." He said, smiling his signiture creepy grin. You giggled. "Neither can I. I want to go alway to the top of the mountain." You said, letting your inner child come out. He nodded. "Then we can see all of Seoul together." He said. You nodded, not taking note of the meaning behind what he said.
You two sat down on the bus, and listened to your iPod. You shuffled through the songs at random. Chanyeol would randomly dance in his seat when a song he liked came on. You two laughed and told jokes the entire bus ride. Once you finally got there, you had to split up into a group of girls and guys. You were to pair up with the person you would be sharing a tent with so of course you went straight to Krys. You were given a tent and were told to set it up. You both took the tent and headed over next to a tree and decided to put it up in the shade. It took less than ten minutes to set it up. Once done you both sat inside and lay down, the heat from outside making you two feel lazy. "Um, ___!" called Baekhyun from outside. You groaned as you got up and peaked outside the tent. Next to yours you saw Yeol and Baek tangled in their tent. You burst into laughter. "heheh, do you happen to know how to set up a tent?" asked Chanyeol sheepishly. You nodded and went over to help the two. The three of you successfully set up the tent, only occasionaly getting tangled up. You all fell on the ground when you finished and glared jokingly at Krys when she came out and critized your y tent setting up skills.
"TIME FOR OUR FISRT ACTIVITY! GATHER AROUND." Yelled the teacher. Baekhyun helped you up as the four of you walked over. "Okay, get in a line with your buss partner and follow me down to the lake. We're gonig swimming!" yelled the teacher. everybody cheered, while you felt like the world was falling apart around you. You slumped over to the line and stood next to Chanyeol, who was wearign a big grin on his face while jumping up and down. "I cant wait to go swimming! it's so hot out! The water is going to be so refreshing! Me and Baek are so going to have a-" He stopped talking and looked at you. "whats wrong? aren't you excited?" he asked softly, his deep voice making you melt. You nodded slowly, your bangs covering your eyes. "perfectly fine..." You said. NO NO IM NOT. you thought. you walked to the lake with him and listened to him go on about how much funn it would be. Once there you excused yourself and headed straight to the teacher. "oh, _____, is there something I can help you with?" he asked slightly loud. You nodded. "I um... really cant swim so is it okay if I stay out of the water?" You asked quietly. "You cant swim?!" He asked loudly again, causing multiple people to turn their heads towards you. Your eyes widened and you face went red. "She cant swim?" "How can she not know how to swim?" "What a looser." You heard some of your classmates comment. You felt tears come to your eyes and you quickly turned around and ran back to the tents.
Once there you crawled into yours, sat down and pulled your knees to your chest. This was the most embarrassing moment of your life. You started to cry. Not out of anger by your teacher practically screaming it but becuase you were so embarassed. You didn't want everybody knowing, especially Chanyeol.
"stupid.... I shouldn't have come." You sniffled. You heard somebody come into the tent and sit next to you. You looked up and saw Chanyeol. The day couldn't have gotten worse.
He smiled sympatheticaly. "Are you okay?" He asked softly. You sniffled and nodded, turning your head away from him. You felt his arms around your shoulders. "Can you really not swim?" he asked you. You nodded slowly. "then would you like me to teach you?" He asked again. You kinda froze at his words and turned to face him. "Really? You would teach me?" You asked, a smile on your face. He nodded and smiled back. "Of course, anything for you." You were very happy. so happy you threw your arms around his neck and hugged him. "oh thank you so much! Thank you thank you thank you!" He chuckled and hugged you back."How about tonight, we go down to the lake and I will teach you. Sound good?" You nodded. Maybe today wasn't so bad. It had turned out to be kind of good. Now, all that was left was to see how tonight would turn out....




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