Manager's Talk

What Did We Get Ourselves Into?


I am dragged through a crowd of paparazzi while they all shout questions at me. “What happened in there?” “Did this picture really happen?” “Are you in a relationship with Chanyeol?” “Can I hear your side of the story?” “Did you think you could hide your relationship with Chanyeol from the world?”




“I'm not sure what the plan is... I just... Thought it was some harmless fun... I mean, it was a private party, and other people were doing the same, so why not?” I felt my voice waver. I hope Chanyeol's okay.

“Don't worry. We will get to the bottom of how one of the paparazzi got in there. And we will find out why they targeted you and Chanyeol. In the mean time, we need to figure out what to do.” He didn't seem upset with me anymore. In fact, he seemed like he was trying to comfort me without making it obvious that he was.

“Where are Shinyoung, Hanbyul, and Jiyoung? Are they still at the party?”

“No. Everyone left from the party because of the intruder. They went back to the dorms.”

“Oh. Is that where we're going?”

“No. We're going to SM Entertainment.” I gulp really hard.

“Oh...” I feel my phone vibrate. I pull it out of the top of my dress and see Chanyeol's face above the name 'My Happy Virus', making me smile like an idiot. Manager-ssi gives me a curious look.

'Are you okay?' Chanyeol asks.

I message him back, 'Yeah. My manager was pretty ticked off, but he's calmed down now.' I lay my phone and hands in my lap and look out of the window.


'That's great! My manager was pretty angry as well. He said that we must meet with you and your manager to discuss what we are going to do about the paparazzi finding out.'

'Yeah, my manager said the same thing. We're on our way to SM right now.'

'Oh? At least we can sit down and think about how we're going to handle this.'

'Yeah... I just hope everything turns out okay...'

'Everything will be fine.'

'Are you sure?'

'Yes, I'm completely sure.'

'Alright... I believe you.'

'Good. :)'

'We're here.'


I take a deep breathe. Here goes nothing.




wookie_96's note:

Well, well, well. I supposed this is going to be a crazy one, huh?

*dies from laughter*

*raises from the dead only to see this and die from laughter again* Oh Chanyeol and your Engrish. XD


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