WTF?! im gonnamarry a EARTHLING?!

I love that alien of mine

hello :) im backy~

This story ish in L.Joe's POV~ :D



-->L.Joe's POV<--

"A..A.APPA? WH..WHAT DID.. YOU.. YOU.. JUST SAID?!" I practically roared and stammered.

"You heard it...." my dad said.

" IM GOING TO MARRY A FEMALE EARTHLING?!" I yelled again. My dad rolled his eyes, "Then? you want a male earthling eh?"

I growled, pulling my hair. What ish this???????

Im happy with my life.

Im happy with my face.

Im happy with my family.

Im happy with all the girls running up to me.

HELL. Im happy with everything!!!!!

So when Im married. ALL the freaking happiness will turn to UNHAPPINESS.

My life would be ruined.

I will be stuck with that girl.

Girls can't running up to me anymore. WHY? Because im going to be attached.


"Do you know if you continue to keep silence, imma gonna have to think: Silence is Consent? :D" my dad said, breaking my internal horror.

"ANNIOOOOOOO" I roared. My dad sighed.

"My dear byunghyun arh... its time to get settled... You are soon-to-be- king. YOU NEED A WIFE" my dad said in a tone which i could not disobey.

"Yes appa.. i will.. marry... that female earthling......." i mumbled.

"That's my boy!!!!!" my dad clapped. "Well there's a good news~~"

I dragged my gaze away from my beautiful floor, "what?"

"You get to choose ur wifey!!!! ^^!" he laughed, skipping away from my room. Talk about a mature daddy much?

I managed a feeble smile. Well... i can choose a wife...






Hahahahahahahahahahaha. This is cool!!! Im gonna find a wifey myself >D bwahahahahaha IM GOING TO BE MARRIED!! I danced happily around the room.

ehhhh... hangon...

Shouldn't I be depressed?! Over my beloved freedom?!


Back to emo-ing then >_>    T__________________T

-sniff sniff- I hoped that girl will be alright.

>D i can give her my supa luvvvvvvvv >D

Make her be entranced into my beautyyyyyyy xDDDD


But first. 

 Let mi be emo.... =.= 


hey yo :D second chappie :) not much peepurs ish subscribing eh @_@ ish okay as long as peepurs bother to read, imma happy lerh x'3  have a nice day ahead!<3

xFuntastic :3

11May2011, 2.43pm

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Liyanloveapple #1
Pls update!!! I like this story ~~~
Plzz write more of ur story!!! I like this and update!!! :D