Chapter 2

In The Night


            The clock displayed 2:17 as Kiko quietly walked into her kitchen. She poured herself a glass of water and look out the window at the moving city outside. Her high-rise gave her a wonderful view of bustling Tokyo. What do all these people do at two am, Kiko thought. Maybe they were like her, restless in the night, or they were meeting a friend because their marriage was failing. They could be college students, workers, anyone. Sighing, Kiko finished drinking her water and put the glass in the sink. She walked back to her room lightly and effortlessly as if she were made of air.

            “Are you alright?” A husky tired sounding voice came from the dark of Kiko’s room.

            Kiko did not respond, but walked to her bed and laid down under her sheets. The figure beside her moved closer and wrapped its arms around her. She closed her eyes and relaxed, giving up on her constant thoughts.

            “You smell so nice.” Ji Yong mumbled quietly, beginning to fall back asleep. He Kiko’s hair delicately with his thumb. Her presence was soothing to him, and he never wanted to leave her side.

            “Ji Yong,” Kiko looked at his peaceful face in the dark of the night. “Our lives move so fast. Everything’s always rushed from one thing to the next. Why does the world have to be in constant motion?”

"That's just the natural order of things." Ji Yong said simply. "Do you think about these things often?"

"'Well my mind is never quiet." Kiko closed her eyes. "I ask all these questions to myself, but I never seem to have the answer I look for."

"Some things just don't have an answer. Ignorance is bliss sometimes. You just have to flow with life, not really giving it a question." 

Opening his eyes, Ji Yong watched Kiko breathe silently. He moved a strand of hair from in front of her eyes. Slowly and calmly, he kissed her pale forehead. Kiko stayed in Ji Yong's arms as if it were where she was supposed to be. It was a completely natural show of affection for the two of them. They knew each other, a deep and powerful connection.

"You're not supposed to be out tonight are you?" Kiko whispered.

Ji Yong pulled away from his kiss and smiled a little.

"I'd like to get away from work every once and a while, even if it isn't allowed." There was silence for a few seconds. "How'd you know?"

"I've done the same thing before." Kiko laughed a little bit and shifted herself in bed. "I was in Paris for a fashion show, and I snuck out to see a midnight movie and get some drinks. My manager wasn't at all happy."

Ji Yong smiled at Kiko in the dark and continued to hold her against his bare chest. Comforting silence surrounded them as the city continued to busily flow around them. Time stopped. It was just Ji Yong and Kiko alone in their little world. The warmth between the two of them was a special thing. This was just a time away from the business of life, and yet it was something more.


            The morning was cool and pale sunlight filtered through open curtains. Tokyo began to move in its regular business day flow, but in this room time ran differently. Kiko and Ji Yong lay under light sheets, entangled in each other. They looked like a sculpture that had be carefully carved in the light of the morning. Their breathing was completely in sync with the other. A small buzzing sound was enough to break the spell though as Ji Yong woke and reached to the floor tiredly. He grabbed his phone out of his pants pocket, checked who was calling, and declined the call. Yawning, Ji Yong sat up carefully in bed and stretched. He looked at the sleeping woman at his side and smiled.

            “The most beautiful woman I’ve ever seen,” He whispered in Korean. “Flawless.”

            He smiled and kissed her head before slipping out of the bed and began to put on his clothes. If he was going to be any later to his hotel, his manager would really have a fit. Beside him, Kiko woke up, rolled over, and watched Ji Yong’s every move, the way he put on his shirt, snapped on his watch, and repeatedly checked the time. She loved small details about people. Kiko sat up and wrapped her arms around Ji Yong’s waist.

            “Can I see you again?’ She asked, resting her chin on his shoulder.

            Ji Yong smiled brightly and turned to look her in the face. He softly kissed her lips and lingered there. He wanted more of her. There was a longing in his mind. Ji Yong wanted to know Mizuhara Kiko deeply and completely. It pained him to have to leave, but if he stayed trying to get more, he knew he would never leave. Slowly, he backed away to face Kiko.

            “We’ll meet each other again.” Ji Yong smiled and looked her in the eyes. “If we don’t I’m not sure what I’d do with myself.”

            Kiko laughed a little and sat up straight.

            “Good luck with all of your group activities here.” She gave Ji Yong a quick kiss. “Remember that anything can happen in Tokyo.”

            Just another 5 minutes with you. Please. I want to know you and love you deeply. Just another 5 minutes.

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