Chapter Three.

I'm Sorry


She can’t be here, can she?” He keep on denying it. While he still deep in his thought, someone bump on him. “Sorry.” He say. Hoya look up at him. “I’m sorry sir. I don’t see you here. I’m in hurry.” He bows. Hoya just shake his head and smiles. “It’s Okey. It’s my fault as well. I don’t see where am i going.” He say. “Sorry again and let say we’re fair. See you around later bro.” He left him.

“Dude, Duh. I was looking for you like everywhere.” Dongwoo’s voice make Hoya turn his head to him. “Why?” .. “Why? You should at least meet with the couples and congrats them. Pft.” Dongwoo poke Hoya’s head. “And why with that DUDE?” Hoya emphasized that word. “Just come with me now.” He drag him to the couple.


“Sorry princess, your super handsome prince running late due to something.” Daehyun bows like a prince in front of Eunji. “I bumped on someone when i  was on my way here to meet with my princess and this cute lil Superman. Forgive me pleaseeeee.” Daehyun shows his puppy eyes. Eunji chuckles and she finds that Daehyun look adorable when he doing that. She nods. “Alright, your apologize is accepted by your beautiful princess.” She tap Daehyun’s shoulder and they both chuckles.

Daehyun feels like something tug his pants.He look down and see Mason look up to him. “Why Mr Superman.?” He bent down. “Why you be my Omma’s prince?” Mason ask. Daehyun laugh secretly. “Because I’m his prince. Why? You don’t like Hyun ahjusshi be your Omma’s prince?” Mason shake his head. “Aniyo. I like Hyun ahjusshi. You should get marry with Omma and be her forever prince.” Eunji’s cheeks turn red as soon Mason said that. Daehyun smiles widely.

“I thought you gonna kick me. Sure. Easy task. Help me ,so your mom will agree to marry me.” Daehyun whisper’s to Mason is loud enough for Eunji to hear it. “Yaah, Daehyun ah.” She poke Daehyun’s back and he laugh. Mason laughing while covering his mouth and nods. Mason show his thumb to Daehyun. Eunji look at them like they’re planning something together. “What are you both talking about now?” Both boys just shake their head while Mason mehrong playfully at his Omma. “Omg, now please stop Daehyun before i smack your head.” Eunji warn him and Daehyun nods. “Okey okey, I stop now.” .. Daehyun chuckles.

“Omma, I will go there.” Mason point at a group of kids that playing something at the garden. Eunji just nods and he run to the group. She smiles as she see her son look so happy. “Daehyun ah, I need to go to Ladies for a while. Take care of my son.” Daehyun just nods and smiles. “I’ll watch him from here. Don’t worry. “ Eunji just walk to Ladies.


“Ahjushi, Can i sit here?” Hoya look at the little boy. He smiles and nods. That boy sits besides him. “Thank you ahjusshi.”.. “Welcome young boy.” The situation seems quiet for a while. They both watching the other kids that chasing each other happily. Once a while, He hear that boy chuckling softly. He take a look at him. He smiles without he notice. “This boy remind me of someone. The smiles. I love that smiles of him.” His mind talking.

“You seems so tired.” The boy chuckles. “ Nae, We’re chasing each other. Ah, Ahjushhi. I’m tired.” The boy close his hands to his chest and act like want to faint. Hoya just giggles. “He’s adorable.”
..”I saw you running here and there. You seems having so much fun.”.. “Ahjusshi should be joining me. Hahaha. Actually we’re playing Chasing the criminals.  We’re chasing the criminals and put them in the jail.” He take a deep breath. “So, You’re the criminal?” The lil boy shakes his head. “No. I’m the superhero.”

“Ahh, You’re the superhero. No wonder you run so fast while chasing the others. What type of superhero are you?” He stand up and put his left hand at his waist and his right hand straight up o the air. “I’m the Superman.” Hoya burst in laugh when the boy mention superhero. The lil boy laughing as well. He mess the boy’s hair. “how cute this Superman. I wonder how strong he is.” The lil boy scoffs. “Lets do Hand battle.” The lil boy in his ready pose. “Ppali, Ahjusshi.” Hoya chuckles again. “Alright. Don’t cry if you lose.” He just mehrong at Hoya.

They start the hand battle. The lil boy fight so hard and Hoya is smiling because of him. Hoya let the lil boy win. “Yeay, I’m win. See? I’m strong Superman.” Hoya burst in laugh again. “Okey. I admit it. You’re a strong Superman. No one can beat you. Even me.” .. “So, What is your name?” Hoya ask him. “I’m Mason. And you ahjusshi?” Mason sit besides Hoya again. “Mason? I’ve heard that name before but i forgot.” His mind trying to process it but he seems fail to remember it. “oh, My name is Yadong Ahjusshi.” Mason look at him. “Yadong ahjusshi? Hahahaha. It’s funny.” Mason laugh hard because of Hoya’s name.

“Aigoo wae? It’s my name. You shouldn’t laugh at it.” Hoya show his sad face. Mason poke his cheeks softly. “Mianhaeyo Ahjusshi. It’s just funny. I won’t laugh at your name again.” Hoya smiles. “Mason ah, Come here. Lts get something to eat while waiting for your mom.” A man’s voice calling Mason. Both Mason and Hoya turn around. “Ouh, It’s you. Again.” He smiles. “He’s your son?” Hoya ask. “He’s my soon to be appa.” Mason answer cause smiles from both men. “I’m Daehyun and this lil Superman is my friend’s son. You’re?” “ I’m Ho..” The men shake their hands when Mason intterupt. “He’s Yadong ahjusshi.” Hoya smiles and nods.

“Yeah, You can call me that. Yadong.” Hoya say and Daehyun nods. “Well, young man, we better get going. You should eat or your mom will kill me” He tickles Mason on his tummy cause he laughing. “I’m sorry. I wish we could talk more but i need to feed this boy or his mom will kill me” Hoya laugh. “Sure, you guys may go now.” “Yadong ahjusshi, I hope we can meet again. Here is my number. Call me” Mason give Hoya a small paper which is his number. “I’ll call you. Aigoo, You’re such a cute boy.” He mess Mason’s hair. Daehyun holds Mason’s hand and walk to the dining table.

“Hoya dude, What are you doing here? Lets get something to eat now.”  Sungyeol tap Hoya’s shoulder. “Naa, You go 1s,t I want to go to the bathroom. See you there.” Hoya walks to the bathroom and leave Sungyeol. Sungyeol just walks to the others and join them. Myungsoo and Naeun are now husband and wife. They kissed and everyone claps, celebrating the new couple.

Hoya was too busy with his phone until he bumpon someone. A girl. “ouch” She say.  Her phone fall down as she try to balance herself before she fell down. Luckily Hoya hold her on her waist. “Are you Okey miss?” He ask. She turn her face around and they both lock their eyes together. Heart beats really fast and the world seems stop for both of them. Hoya himself can’t believe that he finally meet her.

“Eu-Eunji” . He sutter.  The girl’s eyes seems can’t believe that Hoya is the one who hold her on her waist. The man that she missed for the past 5 years even she try to deny it. His heart beat faster than usual. Deep inside his heart, he’s happy to meet with her again. Realize the situation , she clear and stand and Hoya let go of his hand from her waist.

“I never thought I’ll meet with you again” His eyes on her. “She’s getting more beautiful.” “Do i know you?” Eunji’s question shocks Hoya.


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Chapter 3: omfgggg T^T *cries* hoya and eunji pweashe *puppy eyes*
tiffani123456 #2
Chapter 3: Please don't make eunji forget him ,,,,,,!!!,!,!,!,!
Chapter 3: OMG I'm lovin this FF my precious feels TT^TT
Chapter 3: I love this chapter‌ ;-; <3
Ho‌Ji‌ or DaeJi‌??? My mine want both T.T
Chapter 3: update soon please!!
Dorky93 #6
I'm working on it now. I'm so so so sorry. I'm busy with working </3
Chapter 2: seriously why no update? B(
KPOPfangirl1004 #8
Chapter 2: update soon omg *o*
Chapter 2: Update soon! I can't wait for the next chapter~ this is a nice story ^^