I Don't Wanna

Eeny Meeny Miny Moe, Catch A Groom Before You Go!


*Jisue’s POV*

“Good morning, Jisue,” Soohyun’s voice rang through my cell phone. “How are you feeling today?”

“Like a sack of potatoes,” I answered, rubbing the sleepiness out of my eyes. “Why are you calling so early?”

“It’s already 9 am. Are you still in bed?”

“No, what are you talking about?” I retorted, jumping out of bed and slipping on my fuzzy bunny slippers. “I just don’t like talking to people until 10 am, that’s all.”

“Right,” Soohyun remarked skeptically. “Anyway, I have created your dating schedule! Your first date will be this evening, starting at 4 pm. His name is Suho. You’ll be meeting at Bukchang Dong where you will eat dinner.”

“What if he picks a restaurant that I don’t like?”

“Deal with it,” Soohyun said straightly. “Make sure you arrive on time and with your best manners!”

“Yeah, yeah, okay,” I agreed before ending the call.


“Jisue, aren’t you going to start getting ready for your date?” Kevin asked from the chair across my living room.

“I am ready,” I said, keeping my eyes on the TV.

“You’re going in that?! Like that?!” Kevin exclaimed in shock.

“What’s wrong with this outfit?”

“You’re wearing sweater pants!”

“I’m not going to dress up like something I’m not. This guy has to like me for who I am,” I stated nonchalantly.

“You’re forgetting that this is only temporary, aren’t you?” Kevin sighed.

“I can’t handle living a couple of months with a guy that doesn’t like me for who I am.”

“I don’t think they could handle it either,” he mumbled.

“Ya!” I stuck my tongue out at him. “Fine. I’ll put on some jeans and a nice top.”

Designing clothes for other people to wear was my passion. Wearing the clothes that I designed, well that was just out of the question. I didn’t believe I could pull off such chic, classy looks. Therefore, I stuck to my simple sweatpants and t-shirt look while mannequins (and soon to be models) wore my designs.  

“How’s this?” I asked Kevin, coming out of my bedroom wearing dark, denim jeans and a turquoise top with a white cardigan.  

“Is that the only dressy outfit you have?” Kevin put his hands on his hips.

“No, silly! Of course I have others!”

“Mhmmm,” Kevin shook his head, not believing my obvious lie. “Well, do you have any makeup?”

“What I’m wearing is fine,” I shrugged while applying some lip balm. “You wear more makeup than me!”

“I should give you some tips.”

“Stop iiiiiit,” I whined in annoyance, slapping his arm. “You’re so mean to me! Tell me I’m beautiful!”

“Well, you’re something,” he sighed, putting his hands on my shoulders. “My little girl is growing up!”

“Stoooooop,” I rolled my eyes, wriggling away from him and grabbing me purse of the counter. “I should get going. There’s no way I’m taking a taxi. I’d rather make it there in one piece.”

“At least you have some sense,” Kevin remarked, slapping my .

“Ya!” I turned around with a giggle. “Now get out of my apartment.”

“Arassooo,” he cutely grabbed his jacket and scurried out of the room.

“Aigoo, what am I going to do with you?” I rolled my eyes.

The two of us took the elevator down to the lobby or the building. When we got to the doors Kevin began to put on his jacket, then stopped at looked at me quizzically.

“What?” I raised an eyebrow.

“You’re not wearing a jacket?” he questioned.

“Dang it, I knew I was forgetting something. Oh well, I’ll be fine. It’s not too chilly out,” I shrugged, pushing open the doors.

A cold burst of air slapped me in the face; stealing my breath away and blowing open my cardigan. The chill consumed me from head to toe, but I tried not to show it.

I started walking in the direction of Bukchang Dong, but Kevin caught my arm.

“Mwo? I’m going to be late!” I snapped, pulling away.

“You’re also going to freeze,” he replied, slipping out of his jacket. “Take this.”

“I can’t. Then you’ll be cold.”

“My apartment is only three blocks away,” he shook his head. “Plus I’m naturally warm. I know you and you’re always cold. Just wear it and give it to me tomorrow.”

Reluctantly, I grabbed the jacket and put it on.

“But I swear if you get anything on it you’re dead!”

I looked up from zipping up the warm piece of clothing and stuck my tongue out at my friend, “Get home before you freeze, pabo!”

We headed in opposite directions, toward our destinations.

“You’ll pay for dry cleaning if it gets dirty!” his voice came from down the street.

“Shikkeureowo!” I shouted over my shoulder, rolling my eyes.


“Where is he?” I mumbled, scanning the crowd for someone who fit Suho’s description. The cold wind nipped at my nose and I snuggled deeper into Kevin’s jacket. Not a single trace of summer warmth was left. Winter would be setting in soon enough.

He better hurry up. I’m freezing.

Just then I caught a glimpse of an attractive, dark haired gentleman walking toward me. My heart leaped in joy of how close he was to being my ideal type in a physical sense. He was about to walk past me when I grabbed him arm.


“Suho?” I asked excitedly, my face lit up.

“Who the heck is Suho?” he shrugged me off, stomping away in annoyance.

“Humph,” he crossed my arms in a pout. “He was attractive too.”


A voice came from behind me, and I turned to see a young man standing before me.

“Hello,” he bowed, “I’m Suho. You’re Jisue I presume?”

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Chapter 13: Update soon!!!:)
anna-kpop #2
Chapter 13: HAHAHA I had a feeling that Kevin was gay but I'm still not completely sure xD Jisue what kind of question is that? xDD
Chapter 13: Whuuuuuuuut?! XD will be waiting for the next chapter! Will soohyun and jisue end up together? I was hopig for Kevin but I don't think that'll happen.. or would it? XD anywaaaaaay, I'll be waiting!
Chapter 13: I hope jisue and soohyun are together:)
Lexarvy #5
Chapter 12: Lmao XDDDD I had a feeling Soohyun would be made into the "Fiancé" XP
Wtheck? Eating habbits? Animal in bed!?! Yeah I'd be as embarrassed as Soohyun if I was him o/////o
Great Update!!! :D
R_Squared_Pi #6
Chapter 12: OMG Eli!!!!!!
Chapter 12: Well, everyone got the surprise....
Chapter 11: Please Update Soon Author nim!:)
JennyPark2ne1 #9
anna-kpop #10
whaaat?? xDD