
My Marriage Act

"Umma, this has got to be a joke," Baekhyun finally said.

His voice was angelic and it made your hair stand up since his expression was actually a little cute but you still didn't agree with the sudden news of arrange marriage.

Mrs. Byun laughed, "What do you mean a joke? This is all true, you and Eun Seul will get engaged in a week and then get married the weeks after, don't worry son, we've got it under control."

Baekhyun frowned, "But I don't want to marry her," his voice went quiet since your parents' smile was gone, and so did his parents. The elderly glared at Baekhyun, they were not happy with what he said.

You then found the confidence to step in, "I also don't want to marry him."

The parents looked at you as if you and Baekhyun were insane. Jaejoong was holding his laughter back and since he couldn't hold it, he slowly left the restaurant and went back to the office since it didn't involve him. Jaejoong found it amusing but he couldn't stay since it was personal business.

"What do you mean you don't want to marry?" said your appa in a stern voice.

You jumped since your appa's tone when he's angry was much more brutal. Baekhyun saw your mini-jump and he felt sorry for you.

"Baekhyun, you are the same," Mr. Byun said in the same stern voice as your appa's. But Baekhyun wasn't scared of his appa like you, he was much more relaxed with his parents and he did whatever he wanted.

"But you can't just tell us to marry when we have no clue about each other," Baekhyun protested.

Mrs. Byun sighed, "But you'll know each other over time... Byun Baekhyun! This is final decision! This is the best option for your future, understand?"

Baekhyun was about to protest another argument but Mr. Byun stood up and glared at him, "If you don't want to marry Eun Seul then forget about being my son, I'll donate all my money to charity!"

Your jaw dropped the second time. This was not a joke anymore, this is serious. The money we're talking about it not only a couple of millions but it has reached billions!

"Appa, don't be ridiculous!" Baekhyun stood up, "You can't do that to me!"

"Of course I can!"

Baekhyun was lost in words, he turned to you and he saw you were also outstanded by his parent's idea. Baekhyun didn't really have any feelings for you even if you're beautiful or rich, he simply sees you as a girl... nothing more, nothing less.

You were the same. Baekhyun was nothing to you, he was just a guy. But deep inside you, you were hurting because Baekhyun's words were not rightly picked in your opinion, *He could've said it in a nicer way when he said he didn't want to marry me... He didn't have to say it all out like there's no tomorrow.*

"Now decide, what do you want?" Mr. Byun explained, "You want to live happily with Eun Seul or live alone without any money at all?!"

It was a tensed silence. Everyone in the room eyed Baekhyun and you were the same. 

You felt like vomiting since you really didn't like when people are shouting and arguing, you were more of a person who would joke about things and won't take anything seriously. 

But then, Baekhyun cleared his throat and looked at you. He took a moment before grabbing your wrist. He tightly gripped it, you were surprised and didn't expect him to touch you, "I'll marry her... But," everything turned serious again, "She has to agree too."

And with just that sentence, everyone turned to you. 

You were totally surprised, you were angry at Baekhyun for turning the tables to you, *Cheap shot!* you were breathing deeply and your head is spinning, everything is basically blank in your head. Nothing was there, it was just blank.

"Eun Seul, you'll marry my son, right?" asked Mr. Byun in a gently voice.

Baekhyun eyed you signaling you not to agree with it but you were more scared of Mr. Byun than Baekhyun, "Yes sir."

The in laws then smiled widely and started celebrating again.

Baekhyun slowly let go of your wrist and you avoided his eyes, you felt as if you've let him down but you had your life on the line, you didn't want to upset Mr. Byun since he seem to be such a scary man when he gets angry.

"Excuse us," Baekhyun said and he literally pulled you from your seat.

You were wearing heels and it hurts since he was in a hurry to get out of the restaurant. 

"Ouch! Stop! You're hurting me!" you shouted in pain of your heels and his tight grip.

Baekhyun walked straight to his black, Mercedes Benz s class. His car was slick and smooth.

He pushed you into the passenger seat and quickly went to the driver's seat. You tried to open the door but he was already on the verge of speeding off so you didn't want to take that risk.

Baekhyun drove fast... too fast considering he wasn't wearing his seatbelt and you were literally jumping and flying off, you held onto your seatbelt tightly and you were really worried about his driving. 

"YAHHHHH!!!" you screamed, "Slow down!"

He then made a full stop which made you lean forward suddenly.

Every part of you was aching and you had some tears on the edge of your eyes, "Are you crazy?! You drove too fast! That was breaking the law!"

Baekhyun faced you and glared at you, "Trust me, I've broken the law several time and that wasn't the best speed I've done with this car."

You sniffed and a tear left your eye, you quickly wiped it and cleared your throat, "Then if you want to break the law and die, do it yourself! I don't want to be involved with you!"

"But you see," he bit his lower lip, "You're ganna be involved from now on! When you opened your mouth and said 'yes sir', you were involved with everything I do!"

"So you blame me for this?!" you were angry, "You turned the tables to me! You agreed to it first and what can I do?!"

"You should've protested!"

"I can't!"

"Your parents didn't threaten you, that means they're giving you an option!"

You grew tired of shouting and so you didn't say anything back. Instead you took a deep breath and spoke softly, "Even if I did protest, my parents would probably say the same things as your appa."

Baekhyun was beyond mad with you but he became calm after your voice became soft and gentle. 

"What now then?" he asked.

You bit your lip and looked down, "I don't know. We'll just have to face it all I guess."

"I can't marry you," he pointed out, "At least not forever. I can't! I have a girlfriend..."

It hurts, even if you only knew this guy for a few minutes, the way he describe you is like as if you were someone to be blamed for. It's as if you were the black hole who not only ruined Baekhyun but his relationship.

"She won't be happy about this," he added.

"Then you'll just have to break up with her," you found yourself saying. Never in a million years did you get the courage to say something like that.

Baekhyun laughed angrily, "Are you crazy?! Break up?! You are the ing reason this all happened!"

His words were stabbing you. You were tired of all this sh*t.

"Sure, blame me! Because it was my fault to be born on a rich family who just happened to be your parent's business partner! I'm also the victim here! You can't just speak to me like that and blame me! At the end of the day, if you're angry, you have to it up, you coward!"

You were out. You got off the car and walked off, your feet were sore but you just had to get out of the car, it was torturing you. 

*He's such a coward for blaming me and turning the tables on me when clearly he did it himself!* you thought angrily.

The heels you were wearing were leaving big scars on the back of your foot and as much as it hurts, you felt more pain inside. Your stomach was feeling funny because you felt sad and alone.

Meanwhile, Baekhyun lightly hit the steering wheel to vent on his anger. He was beyond mad and as much as he hates to admit it, you were right. It was not just your fault but his too, he was too scared to challenge his appa so he turned the tables on you instead. 

*Byun Baekhyun! Think straight!* he encouraged himself.

Baekhyun did have a girlfriend, well, for the meanwhile. Baekhyun was not a playboy but he did have many relationships, all his relationship is taken seriously but not too seriously. He probably used his current girlfriend as an excuse to make you feel angry and so now, he's feeling guilty for all the things he said and the added inappropriate language involved.














A/N: Hi~ Double update! Hooray!

This chapter is filled with anger! Woah! I can't believe this, can you? Well comment and subscribe ^^

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BaekZie #1
wow i love your story authornim update soon.anyway new reader heree.hehe thumbsup update soon
Tinkerbell94 #2
Chapter 2: woahh this chapter is really awesome !
i'm waiting for the next chapter, upload juseyo :)
lovelycookies #3
Chapter 2: Woow! I'm first. Hehehe.
Authornim, fighting! I'll wait for the updates,^^