Chapter 3 : And The Oscar Goes To..

Pushing Key Away

A/N: I don't know if you consider this long but I DO. hehe.. Sorry if you find it short, again. D;

"I thought of your face all night long. I get embarrassed over my imagination that has a will of its own. You've become bigger within me. Although you may not know~" Key sang while pouring himself a glass of water.
"Whose face did you think all night long?" Minho questioned as he entered the kitchen.
Key was startled and spit out the water he was drinking. Minho laughed.
"Yah! Are you a ghost or something? Don't scare me like that." Key scolded.
"First, I was a frog. Now, I'm a ghost. What's next?" Minho asked.
"My boyfriend." Key mumbled to himself.
"Move." Minho ordered as he pushed Key aside to also drink water.
Key tripped on his own feet and dramatically fell on the floor.
"Minho.." Key softly called out as he slowly reached out his hand to Minho.
It was Minho's turn to spit out the water he was drinking. He immediately put the glass down and took Key's hand to help him stand up.
Key collapsed in Minho's arms.
"Are you ok?" Minho worriedly asked.
"My ankle hurts.." Key weakly replied.
Minho scooped Key up and was now carrying him princess style. Key held unto him and buried his face on the crook of Minho's neck.
Minho carried Key to his room and gently put him down on his bed.
"Minho, its hot.." Key complained as he started to his polo, showing off his bare chest.
Minho gulped as he stared at the milky skin in his view. Key just looked so damn hot that moment. He abruptly stood up and grabbed the remote to adjust the AC.
Key groaned which made Minho uncomfortable. Minho composed himself before facing Key again.
"I just adjusted the AC." Minho said. He covered Key's body with blanket and turned around to leave. But before he could do so, Key grabbed his hand.
"Minho, please stay... It hurts... Can you massage it?" Key pleaded.
Minho couldn't say no to him. It was his fault after all. He went to the end of the bed and lifted the blanket.
“The left or right?” Minho asked.
“The right.” Key answered.
Minho held Key’s right ankle and carefully moved it in circles. Key hissed due to the pain.
“Ahh.. Minho, it hurts..” Key whimpered loudly.
“Key, it’s okay. It’ll feel good later on.” Minho assured him.
“Don’t go fast. I want to walk in the morning.” Key ordered.
What they didn't know is that on the other side of the door, the imagination of three guys went green and wild.
Key's eyes fluttered open. He didn't realize he fell asleep. He was surprised when he saw Minho laying beside him. What surprised him more is that Minho was hugging him. He hugged him back tightly.
"You don't know how much I love you and how much it damn hurts that you're with Yuri." Key whispered.
He felt Minho move so he shut eyes and pretended to be asleep. He felt his hair being caressed and his forehead being kissed.
"I'm sorry. I don't hate you but I can't be with you." Minho uttered very softly but it was loud enough for Key to hear.
Minho untangled himself from Key and got up from bed. He felt his cellphone vibrated and sighed when he looked at the name of the caller. He cleared his throat before answering.
"Min, Are you free?"
"Then, should we have dinner together? Jessica told me about this good restaurant."
"Okay. We'll meet there. I'll text you the address."
"No, let's go together. I'll pick you up."
"Really? My Min is so sweet that's why I love you. See you in my doorstep."
"Haha. I love you too, Yul. Bye."
With that, Minho left the room. He didn't get the chance to see the tears trailing down Key's eyes as he closed the door. 
It was another night full of tears for Key.
The following day, Minho woke up to the sound of metals clanging. He decided to check what was happening in the kitchen. Maybe Key was having a hard time considering that his ankle hurts. But when he arrived at the kitchen, it was more than that.
"What is all this mess??" Minho half-shoutedly asked.
The culprits just smiled sheepishly at him. Minho eyed the kitchen which was a mess. Strands of noodles on the stove. Egg shells on the sink. Frying pan on the floor. What seems to be burned pancakes were also on the floor. 
Minho shot them a questioning glare.
"I was cooking the noodles but then it overflowed. I guess I put too much water." Taemin said.
"I was cracking the eggs with the rolling pin but it all fell on the sink." Jonghyun explained.
"I was trying to flip the pancakes but I accidentally burned my finger. Look at, its red." Onew reasoned while showing his index finger for Minho to see.
Minho shooked his head.
"Noodles overflowed? Cracked the eggs with rolling pin? Flipped the pancakes like some kind of professional? I think this is the reason why Key voluntarily cooks." Minho stated.
The three nodded in agreement.
"By the way, where's Key?" Minho asked.
The three guys' eyes blazed like a fire.
"Well, he said he's not feeling well." Jonghyun answered.
"So, why exactly is he not feeling well Minho? I think you know the answer." It was Onew's turn to ask.
"You know how I always push him right. I did yesterday and I think he tripped so he fell on the floor. He hurt his ankle." Minho replied.
The three raised their eyebrows.
"You didn't.. you know? the three letters?" Taemin cautiously asked.
"What do you mean?" Minho asked back.
"Ahh.. Minho, it hurts.." Jonghyun imitated Key's whimpering voice.
Finally getting what they meant, Minho laughed.
"I was massaging his ankle. Of course, it hurts." Minho defended.
Upon realizing their erted thought, the three was embarassed. Suddenly, Onew remembered something.
"Wait, you said Key  tripped and fell on the floor right?" Onew questioned.
"Yes." Minho answered.
Onew looked at Jonghyun and Taemin trying to send them a message. The two smiled in unison after interpreting the oldest's stare.
"Minho, you seem to be forgetting something." Jonghyun exclaimed.
Onew patted Minho's shoulder.
"Hyung, Key was the Drama Club President in high school." Taemin reminded him.
'So everything was just an act? Including when he said he loves me and it hurts because I'm with Yuri?' Minho asked himself. 'He even murmured "my boyfriend". I'm such a fool to be carried away by his acting.'
He exited the kitchen and noticed a familiar shadow on the hallway.
"I'm going to Yuri's place for breakfast." Minho declared and went to his room to get change.
Key's heart ached again.
"So my hurt ankle is for nothing." Key told himself and walked back to his room.
A/N: You, how was it? Please comment your thoughts/feelings. I need some feedback. >,<
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Chapter 10: hope u can update soon
Taebaby4Life_21 #2
Chapter 10: Amazing story! Hope you update soon! xx
Engravedintomyskin #3
Chapter 10: Love you so much *kisses you all over* Thank you for coming back!
SashaHRH #4
Chapter 2: MinKey is life ;) i wonder if Key will confess or if Minho will see what he is doing is wrong? Or both? :)
blackhole #5
Chapter 10: Hey! The story has been progressing greatly! The relationship between tae and yongguk adding some more curiosity. .

Hope Minho is having acceptable enough reason for pushing Key away this whole time..

Expecting your update soon then ^^
Chapter 10: no matter how long it will take you to write an update again, I will wait.
just don't forget ne? ^^
Ilonahaku #7
Chapter 10: Oh, I was prepared to read that you gave up on this fanfic, but I am pleasantly surprised that you are going to work on it again. :)
I am looking forward to the update! :D
Ilonahaku #8
It breaks my heart that this fanfic wasnt updated for almost year, because I really enjoyed the story and wanted to read more.
At least I hope you are doing well and life isnt too difficult for you...
CamiiAusterlitz #9
Chapter 9: I love the story hope you update soon~
Ilonahaku #10
I miss this story sooo much. Hope to see update soon. :)