Planned and Unplanned Exhibitions

The Phoenix

The Phoenix

Chapter 3/6


“Berlin is absolutely BEAUTIFUL! Having the showcase here was an excellent idea, Mr Liu!”


Kris: Thank you very much, Jia.


Kris smiled at her, which caused Wang Jia’s heart to flutter. That feeling was short-lived however since he then quickly veered off in search of Zhang Hua, leaving a fuming Jia staring at his departing figure.


“Mr Liu!”

As he turned, Kris began to say Zhang Hua’s name but stopped midway upon seeing the beautiful girl with long, flowing, brown hair and youthful features which contrasted greatly with his Head of Developmental Planning’s.


Kris: Oh, hello Alyssa. Have you seen Miss Zhang anywhere by chance?

Alyssa: She said that she had urgent business to attend to in China and had to leave immediately.

Kris: Hmm. As expected. She’s almost always as busy as I am. Well then, my dear personal assistant, would you mind…

Alyssa: Assisting you?

Kris: Well, yes. No need to look so smug about it.

Alyssa: You know, I’m your American assistant, so technically I’m supposed to assist in America.

Kris: Yes, but I don’t have a German assistant—

Alyssa: You’re a big conglomerate owner, you’d think you could afford—

Kris: You speak German, I see no reason to have to hire a German assistant if I have one such as you. Therefore, why are you complaining?

Alyssa: I’m not complaining, I make more money. Just wondering.

Kris: You know, another person would fire a smart-mouth assistant like you.

Alyssa: Nah, I’m too lovable for that.


“That you are, Alyssa, that you are…” Kris said with a smirk as he held out his arm for her to take hold of. The two then made their way to the main section where the white runway gleamed in its polished perfection and the round tables with their white tablecloths and centrepieces consisting of a transparent bowl with a candle and iris glowed in their elegant simplicity.


Alyssa: I’m really surprised that so many important people came to this on such notice. I mean, ONE week. ONE. You’re a bit crazy you know that?

Kris: Hah, I know. But never doubt the connections I have…


Kris’ assistant looked up at him with a face that said “you’re creeping me out” which made him laugh but before she could make another witty remark or worse, ask a question, Kris said, “Just go on and enjoy the show, okay?”


With that, he gave her a slight push towards the seating area before hastily making his way backstage to ensure that everything was running smoothly.


The fashion show progressed as it should, exhibiting couture that could rival even the top tier of brands. Kris sauntered down the runway at the end of it all, looking his usual definition-of-perfect self, causing women to swoon and men to sneer. Hearty conversations about the splendour of it all filled the air in a myriad of languages as well as… interviews. Oh, interviews. Kris was yet to figure out if he liked those. He found them boring yet thrilling, monotonous yet novel, and a bunch of other contrasting words that were probably due to his being bipolar.


After some time, and too many reporters and questions for his liking, Kris had been rejoined by Alyssa who proceeded to talk non-stop about exactly why she deserved to get all of the clothes in the collection for free.


Alyssa: … and you can’t forget that time you got all slap-happy with the fast food in America and I had to take care of you.

Kris: I told you to never speak of it. I can still taste the dozen Happy Meals…

Alyssa: Yeah, I bet you do. Did you think your stomach was made of steel? Reminds me of that time in Vegas when you—


“Mr Kaulitz!!” Kris exclaimed brightly, happy to have cut off Alyssa’s potentially horrifying description of a memory he had no desire to recall.


“And our honourable model, Mr Kaulitz,” Kris said, as the renowned twins smiled at him.

“Did you enjoy the show?”


Bill Kaulitz: Oh yes, of course! It’s always a pleasure, modelling.

Tom Kaulitz: Oh yeah, it was cool, ya know... fashion… and stuff… Anyways, who’s that?

Kris: Oh, sorry. This is Alyssa, my personal assistant for American, and now German, activiti—


Kris stopped short when he realized that Alyssa looked like she had just seen a ghost. He then remembered that she was an avid fan of Tokio Hotel. Especially…


“Bill!!” cried Kris suddenly. “Would you mind taking my lovely assistant with you to the after party?”


Alyssa finally regained her senses enough to stare at Kris in exasperation.


Bill: Oh, not at all, that would be great!


With that, Bill presented Alyssa with a smile that surprisingly did not kill her.


Kris: Go on with Mr Kaulitz, Alyssa. You’ve been quite a useful acquaintance and therefore you deserve a reward.


Kris then winked at her but it is uncertain whether she heard him or not, or whether the excited sputters that came out of after that were a word of thanks or just sheer euphoria.


Bill then led her away, arm in arm, which was met with an apple-coloured blush on her cheeks.


Tom Kaulitz: Smart of you to get rid of my brother so early on. Wouldn’t want him finding anything out now, would we?

Kris: We really do need him to just NOT be around, for his own safety of course… and she has been wanting to meet him for a long time. It’s a win-win situation, I’d indubitably say. 

Tom Kaulitz: I agree. Now, about that s—


Suddenly, the lighting was dimmed, startling everyone in the main section. Kris, while keeping his calm intact, excused himself from his underground business partner in order to rectify the situation. However, before he could even take that many steps, his path was blocked. A gracious spotlight then highlighted the obstruction which turned out to be a Chinese dragon. Kris made an attempt to question the ones beneath the colourful costume since this form of entertainment certainly was not planned, but before he could utter a single word, traditional music began blaring while pyrotechnics blossomed.


The Dragon danced away while another appeared and made its way down the runway. Kris then caught sight of Tang Bo, Chief Financial Officer of Phoenix Corporation, and proceeded to ask him if he knew anything about the situation at hand but his question was answered when Tang Bo greeted him with, “Nice touch to the show, Mr Liu. The Dragons are always a big hit.”


Kris: I didn’t organize any of this. Where’s Tao?


A familiar, and quite welcomed, voice greeted Kris from behind with an “I’m right here.”


Kris: Oh, good. Tao, did you plan this?

Tao: No, sir… and I have a really bad feeling about it…

Kris: Me too, if it comes down to it, something might be revealed…

Tao: There’s not that many people here, I coul—

Kris: Even one person is still too much right now, Tao…


As Kris trailed off, figures emerged from the stomachs of the dragons. Panic began to rise in the air as everyone realized that they were all armed.


Huh, Kris thought to himself, six from each Dragon, twelve in all. Mk48 Mod 1s.Tch, .


Tao: What do you want to do…?

Kris: What we always do. But first…


“To all of my wonderful guests, I’m so sorry, but it seems that we’ve run into a little misfortune here. Now, if you would all- and yes, that includes you, Tang Bo- be so kind as to secure yourselves under the tables, I can assure you that this will be resolved quickly.”


“You really are as cocky as they say, aren’t you,” said one of the armed men. The almost rushed manner in which he spoke each syllable accompanied by a specific characteristic of his speech alerted Kris right away of the intruders’ origin. Another one of the men glared in the first one’s direction, almost as if he reprimanded him for speaking.


“I have good reason to be,” said Kris simply and as he saw each esteemed guest shelter themselves under the tables, he snapped his fingers.


Seven of The Phoenix’s best fighters materialized from the shadows.


The opposing side tried to hide their fear but Kris could see all the signs: the drop of sweat on the brow, the sudden gulps, the dilating pupils; he could see it all.


“What seems to be the matter? You have guns, we have none. What is there to fear?”


Kris’ smirk along with his extraordinary confidence puzzled the opposing side, especially considering the situation. The Phoenix was outnumbered, seven against twelve as they were honestly doubtful that Kris or Tao would do anything so it was almost 2 to 1. Even better, for them, was the fact that they had guns. They surely had the advantage… right?


With a glint in his eyes, the duizhang said, “Whenever you’re ready, gentlemen. I can assure you, however, that the misfortune will not be mine.”


Almost as if on cue, the poor souls began firing rounds, for approximately five seconds, if so much, as they were quickly apprehended by the Phoenix’s men. Both Tao and Kris looked on calmly as one man, who Kris deemed the leader of this little battalion, approached them, his shivering quite visible.


In one swift movement, and thought of “instep-gun-ippon”, Kris crushed the instep of the man before him, released the gun from his grip and flawlessly executed the Judo technique, throwing the other man onto his back. Almost as soon as he hit the floor, his own gun was pointed at him in his face.


“Last words?”


The bloke could only manage to sputter and slur.


“Just do it, duizhang. No one would blame you.”


Kris closed one eye, to ensure precision, causing the man’s eyes to widen in fear. However, Kris relaxed his shoulders, opened his eye and threw the gun to one of the seven men. With a sideways nod of the head, the seven men hauled all twelve away.


“Everyone, it is safe to come out now.”


Quaking bodies resurfaced and upon having no sight of the criminals, broke out into a round of applause, which Kris, nor Tao, understood the reason for.


“Uhh… thank you, thank you. Danke. It would be much appreciated if this would not get out though…”


The rest of the night’s happenings went well…  as well as it could have gone for the guests after such a scare and certainly well for Kris as he was able to finish his previously interrupted discussion with Mr Tom Kaulitz…


~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~THE NEXT DAY~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~



Xiao Heng: I heard about what happened yesterday… so what are we going to do about this German gang that attacked us?


A casually-dressed-since-it-was-Sunday Tao, who had been crouched atop a chair while playing intently with a glowing ball, sprung up and walked around.


“They weren’t German. Koreans, rather. I noticed it from one of the men’s accent. In any event, why would the Germans attack us? They’re one of our closest allies.”


Kris: I do not have allies, Tao, nor do I wish to. There are simply those who fear us so much that they now only know how to try to “fit in” with us. However you are right in what you say. The attackers were definitely Korean.

Zhou Chen: So what are we going to do about them? We could just have them all destroyed and—

Kris: My good man. Do you always concern yourself with every speck of dust under the sole of your shoe? For that is what they are. Single grains of microscopic dust which we crush violently with every step we take. We do not have to do anything to them but keep walking. They will soon realize what they could become. However, if they lack common intelligence and attempt this blasphemy again…


A shattering sound echoed in the spacious, and stylish, conference room causing almost everyone in the room to wince. All except Kris who had just crushed the glass of red wine which he had been drinking.


Tao stared at their leader, wondering just how psychotic he really was to do that since blood was now trickling out of his hand in thick streams yet his face remained the vision of pure serenity. 



Well look who decided to update... 

Also, as author of this story, I'm not quite sure if I understand Kris...
I like that. 

FYI: Kris' assistant is based off of my lovely dongsaeng, Alyssa~ ;3

P.S. This was supposed to be way shorter but I got carried in my joy of writing. I think it's still the shortest chapter though... woah. o_o

P.P.S. I couldn't come up with a better chapter name bruh, deal with it. v_v


Ooooo, and I updated on a Tuesday again. Hehehe~ ;)

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I actually updated :O ~ Tues 17/9/13


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ooh sounds like an interesting story so far. Can't wait to see what comes next!