Personality Shift

The Phoenix

The Phoenix




“Are you absolutely sure that Kris Liu is the leader of the Phoenix?”

Chanyeol: Are you questioning my knowledge, LuHan-ssi?

Luhan: No, sir… But are you positively certain?

Chanyeol: Goodbye, Luhan. Just prove your worth and do what you do best, understand?

Before the doe-eyed photographer could say another word, his superior hung up on him.

Chanyeol’s last words now seemed as if they were on cue for Kris Liu and his personal assistant, Tao, were now waltzing into view in the vast park. The two were observing the environment which included surrounding buildings painted in colours which gave the atmosphere a glow of sheer warmth. Kris, in particular, seemed to take most notice of the joyous families, laughing and playing together. If Luhan was not mistaken, he could swear that the look in Kris’ eyes was one of longing. Intense longing.

Luhan pressed a little button located on the inside of the frame of his stylish glasses which activated the expertly hidden and almost microscopic camera in them. He folded his legs, opened his magazine and began perusing it. Or at least he pretended to. He kept an eye on the pair of supposed mafia bosses and only glanced at the magazine every time he felt like he was being watched. Kris and Tao sat down on the edge of one of the beautiful circular fountains contained in the park. He found it odd that they did not speak to each other. Kris continued to stare with that yearning look in his eyes at all the people and Tao looked down at the ground, seemingly consumed in his thoughts.

A little girl ran from her mother, who was sitting on one of the many park benches, over to an ice-cream vendor who was less than ten feet away from the pair of business big shots who had apparently been tricked into eternal silence. She bought herself some strawberry ice-cream from the very nice man and looked quite contented with herself. She looked at her mother who was clapping for her and she grinned while consuming her frozen delicacy. Suddenly, some rowdy brothers who were chasing after each other whizzed past her, a little too lose for comfort, which caused her to drop her ice-cream cone in fright. She looked down at it as tears began forming in her eyes.

Kris rushed over to the little girl, knelt down beside her and began attempting to comfort her. He then took her soft, little hand in his and led her to the vendor again where he proceeded to buy her another ice-cream cone. The little girl was quite elated and gestured for Kris to kneel again. She thanked him and then kissed him on the cheek. This action caused Kris to smile, a smile which caused Tao to look on, utterly puzzled, as he had never seen that kind of expression on Kris’ face.

“What’s your name, little one?” Kris asked as he wiped away a stray tear which had managed to burst its bank and made its residence on the little girl’s cheek. “ Jiahui,“ she answered.

Her answer shocked him, causing him to grimace for a split second but he contained himself and smiled at the little girl again.

Kris: That’s a pretty name you have there. A pretty name for a very pretty girl.

Jiahui beamed at him and her mother, who only now seemed to notice her daughter conversing with a stranger, approached them. Kris got up, still holding the little girl’s hand, and began to address the woman.

Kris: Hello. I’m guessing that she’s your daughter? Some wild young boys caused her to drop her ice-cream so I wanted to buy her another one. I hope you don’t mind.

Jiahui’s mother eyed him incredulously.

Kris: Oh, where are my manners, I forgot to state who I am. I’m Kris Liu, owner of—

The mother: Ph-Phoenix Corporation?

Kris: Yes. Yes, that would be correct.

She gasped and then decided to introduce herself as well. “I’m Li Meihui.”

Kris’ face experienced a slight twitch at the sound of her name but he smiled yet again.

Li Meihui:  It’s really nice to meet you, Mr Liu. You said that you bought her another ice-cream? Well, that’s… shocking.

Kris: Why?

Kris felt somewhat offended.

Li Meihui: Oh, it’s nothing against you personally. It’s just that…well… I don’t really know a lot of rich people who would even give their attention to something like that. Especially not millionaires who are owners of huge business conglomerates… But I thank you for not being one of those people.

Kris thought to himself, another ‘thank you’? For me?

Li Meihui: Now come on, Jiahui. Let’s leave Mr Liu alone.

Jiahui: But… but… no!

Li Meihui: Behave yourself, young lady! Now come on.

Jiahui: But I want to stay with Kwis!

Li Meihui: MISTER. LIU.

Jiahui: Kwis.

The little girl seemed so irate yet her mother still went against her will. She picked her up but Jiahui began thrashing around in her arms, still careful not to drop her new ice-cream but making sure to splash a little on her mother.

Li Meihui: Thank you once again, Mr Liu.

She turned and began walking away. Jiahui was looking at Kris over her mother’s shoulder with incredibly sad eyes. Sad eyes that seemed almost apologetic. His memory was jogged and he remembered a similar look that he had gotten in the past. It was a painful recollection so he just shook his head, almost as if he were hoping that the memory would fly out of his mind, never to return. He then rejoined Tao at the fountain, sat down, and stared off blankly.

Tao: You know… you’re really bipolar.

Kris looked at him, his interest seemed to have been peaked but then he looked away again and sighed.

Kris: I know. It’s only slight, though. I don’t have it that bad.

Tao: Wait… so you are bipolar? I-I-I d-didn’t—

Kris: You didn’t know. You were just meaning to offend in some “harmless” way. Not so?

Tao looked down at his lap, slightly ashamed of himself.

Tao: I’m sorry.

Kris: An apology is not needed, Tao. It’s okay. It’s not like it was your fault I became this way… that would be my father’s handiwork… but let’s not go down that road and just enjoy the scenery. I don’t get to do this very often.

Kris closed his eyes and inhaled a huge breath of fresh air. When he exhaled it seemed like he was releasing more than just carbon dioxide and such. It seemed like he was trying to release some hidden troubles as well. If he had failed to release these troubles, no one would know for he smiled softly and sweetly.

Tao: You seem to be in a good mood… dare I try to take advantage of it?

Kris: How so?

Tao: By asking some questions.

Kris looked down as he thought about whether or not to allow it. After some thinking, he muttered, “Proceed.”

Tao: Is there any reason why you go that café/bakery, Cocoa and Dough, every Tuesday?

Kris gave the question a bit of thought then gave his reply. “That café is the only normal place that my dad took me to when I was younger. He took me and… never mind.”

Kris frowned at some thought which had probably entered his mind but Tao did not question him on it since it may hinder him from continuing.

“But he’d take me there because that’s where he first met my mother. Whenever we went there together, he actually seemed humane, it was the only time he ever seemed… like a dad.”

Tao grew a tad uncomfortable since he knew this was a bit of a sensitive subject.

Tao: Hey, uhh… about your dad… I’m sorry.

Kris: Hah, if he heard you apologizing like that, he’d disapprove.

Tao looked up at Kris when he said that, wondering why.

 Kris: You said you wanted to ask some questions… if I’m not mistaken, that was only one.

Tao: Oh, umm… yesterday, while you were in your office, you said you wanted to own all of the people… what was that about?

Kris’ eyes widened as he questioned Tao. “You heard that?”

Tao: Wasn’t my extremely vivid hearing one of the deciding factors when you chose me to be your assistant?

Kris muttered something about getting thicker, more sound-proof walls and then he spoke to Tao again. “Perhaps, it could have been one of the deciding factors in my choice… perhaps so. However you sounded afraid when you mentioned what I said. I guess it was that bipolarity rearing its ugly head again. When I said that, I didn’t mean that I want them all as my slaves or any horrendous outcome like that. I simply meant that if my plans come to pass, Phoenix Corporation will truly become an empire, advancing into almost every industry. With that sort of power and influence, and everyone wanting the products of my creation… it will sort of be like owning them... if you understand what I mean.”

Tao was slightly confused but convinced himself that he fully understood everything.

“So no evil deeds regarding Phoenix Corporation?”

“No, Tao. No evil deeds regarding Phoenix Corporation. I don’t wish to hurt anyone, you know.”

“So then what about The Phoenix?”

Kris sighed and said, “Evil deeds are inevitable regarding The Phoenix, Tao.”

Tao: If you don’t wish to hurt anyone then why are you even leading The Phoenix? Violence is one of its main aspects.

Kris: I did not ask to be born to the leader of The Phoenix who only wished for me to be his successor.

My father didn’t even ask for that.

Tao: So why not just drop it or let someone else lead it? You could put it behind you and just be the successful owner and CEO of Phoenix Corporation.

Oh how I wish it was that simple.

Kris: I just… can’t. I would like to only have the business to think about though.

Tao: Then why don’t you?

Kris: Because I can’t!

Tao: Why not?

Kris: My father would not approve.

Kris looked off at some trees, a sullen expression on his face. He also noticed that there wasn’t anyone close to him and Tao anymore. No one was paying any attention to them. For this, he was glad, since they were touching on such a topic.

Tao: Kris… your dad’s dead.

Is he?

Kris decided not to say that thought out loud and just said, “It doesn’t matter okay, I can’t just abandon The Phoenix. I can’t just break down in a second what my father took years of his time to build. Besides, do you know how much convincing I had to do for him to even let me bring Phoenix Corporation into existence? He only accepted the idea when he realized it meant more money, more power, and an easier way for him to smuggle items, like a private jet to smuggle drugs and all of that. That it would also allow him to carry out his business since exposure of the company and others’ knowledge of it would lead to the growth of The Phoenix.”

Tao: I see… your good mood’s deteriorating though so I won’t push my luck and I’ll just ask one more question.

Kris: One more question is pushing your luck…

Tao, being braver than anyone else since he was closer to Kris than anyone else, decided to ignore him and ask the question anyways.

Tao: Why did your father let you use such an obvious name for the company?

Kris smirked and said, “Have you ever noticed that people find it hard to find things especially when they’re in plain sight. They tend to overlook the obvious. That is why the majority of the population, even if they knew of The Phoenix, wouldn’t be able to figure out that both it and the company are connected in any way. Those who do know are way too intelligent to utter a single word for they know what their fate would bestow upon them.”

Thinking of that fate caused Tao to shudder significantly.

Tao: Okay. No more questions.

Kris: Good.

With that, Kris stood up and then said, “As much as I would rather stay here, we have some business to attend to.”

The tall, blonde one then began walking away, the black-haired one trailing closely behind.


As Luhan watched them making their way out, he called Park Chanyeol once again.

Luhan: I know you have your sources and everything but I seriously can-NOT believe that these two are what you say they are.

Chanyeol: Ughhh. Where are you? Are you seeing them clearly? What are they doing?

Luhan: I’m still at the park and I was seeing them clearly but they’re leaving now.

Chanyeol: WHAT!? They’re leaving!? You can’t lose them--

Their call was cut off but Luhan assumed that Chanyeol hung up on him again and just looked at his phone while swearing and threatening Chanyeol’s life under his breath.


Chanyeol bent down in order to retrieve his cell phone which had fallen due to the collision. Some absolute idiot had just knocked into him and was now sitting on the sidewalk, rubbing his head. Doesn’t anyone watch where they’re going in this country, Chanyeol thought to himself. He sighed in frustration as he looked at the cellular device which was now irrevocably shattered. He would have to remember to plan its funeral a little later on.

“I-I’m s-so-so s-sorry,” said the frightened-looking young individual.

Chanyeol looked up at him, preparing himself to fully express his rage, but his face softened a bit when he saw the look of absolute terror on the boy’s dirt-riddled face. He looked as if he had been fighting for his life or some extremity like that and as if now every little event scared him into thinking it was the end. Chanyeol observed him for a few more seconds. He noticed the unruly hair, the tattered apparel, and of course, the dirt (oh how it repulsed him!) He sighed and then asked him, in Mandarin, what his name was.

“W-Wei Bai,” came the hesitated reply.

Chanyeol arched his right eyebrow as he began wondering why the fellow Korean was there, especially looking as miserable as he was. Despite him introducing himself with a Chinese name, Chanyeol could sense otherwise due to the accent. He then made the comfortable switch to his mother tongue and said, “Tell me, ‘Wei Bai’, why are you in this state?”

Damn, he knows, thought the youth.

Being the unequivocally prolific Senior Inspector that he was it was only Chanyeol’s natural instinct to have suspicions and to question the young lad. A soft whimper disobediently escaped Baekhyun’s lips and he began shying away from the older man. Chanyeol, upon seeing this, said, “If you don’t tell me what’s wrong, I can’t help you.”

H-H-Help me? Baekhyun thought. Why would he want to do that? Just stay quiet, Baekhyun, just stay quiet.

Chanyeol’s thin patience was already beginning to fade. He grabbed the younger one’s hand and began leading him wherever he was venturing off to. Baekhyun thought that that place would turn out to be the police station so he began thrashing in an attempt to free himself from the almost iron-like grip. He kept thinking to himself that no matter who this person was or what their intentions were, he couldn’t go to the police station and neither would he stand for it. His efforts were however, inevitably futile.

He was taken (or rather dragged), much to his surprise, to an expensive looking hotel. Chanyeol checked in at the receptionist’s desk, grip never weakening, and then continued to drag “Wei Bai” up to the acquired room. All this occurred while the receptionist looked on at them, thinking about how well they would fit into her online comic.

Once they were in the quite chic hotel room, Chanyeol took Baekhyun onto the balcony and made him sit at the table situated there. Baekhyun looked through the glass banister and attempted to calculate how he could jump over and escape without plummeting to his untimely, and seemingly prolonged, death. He decided that it was not possible (like the intelligent person he is) and thus decided to go with Plan B: he wasn’t going to say a word. Chanyeol was still pacing the circumference of the table. He was trying to justify his sudden actions to himself but decided to let it go and settled with the fact that he usually acted on impulse since his instincts were exceptional. He sat down opposite to Baekhyun and began his interrogation once more.

“So… do you mind telling me your real name?”

Baekhyun remained looking down at his lap but he shifted a bit uncomfortably in his seat. It was probably an unnoticeable shift to regular human beings but nothing got by Chanyeol.

Chanyeol:  I see that my question makes you uncomfortable… I’m guessing that you’re not in favour of revealing such information since you’re most likely a wanted person.

Baekhyun was caught off guard a bit and glanced nervously at Chanyeol for a split second. Chanyeol was staring solemnly at him.

Chanyeol: I should probably have you know that when it comes to reading emotions or one’s body language… I’m a professional.

Upon hearing this, Baekhyun attempted to stay as still as a rock and to exhibit his best poker face. In Chanyeol’s eyes, it was failure at its largest.

Chanyeol: I should also have you know that patience is not one of my many attributes. I could have you arrested right now and a proper investigation done. I’m certain that you don’t want that, you look like you’ve experienced enough torture for five lifetimes.

Baekhyun’s left eye twitched upon hearing that and knowing the truth within it. He decided to at least disclose his name since it wouldn’t really give away anything which Chanyeol didn’t already know.

“B-Byun Baekhyun. You?”

“Park Chanyeol. I’m a Senior Inspector and all that fancy stuff but that’s irrelevant at the moment. You still haven’t answered my question as to why you are in such a state.”

Chanyeol was beginning to take on a more informal tone in hopes of making Baekhyun more comfortable so that he would talk.

“… People.”

“I like it when persons are specific, Baekhyun-ssi.”

“I can’t say who they are…”

“Why not?”

“They like to stay under the radar. Even the ones who know who they are don’t say anything or else…” He gulped in fear.

“You have nothing to worry about, you’re telling me not just some untrustworthy person.”

Baekhyun looked at Chanyeol dead in the eyes trying to faze him or detect any lies but he couldn’t look at him for long. Even with his “cute” exterior and soft smile which had now replaced the solemnity, there was something about Chanyeol that made it difficult to defy him.

Baekhyun sighed in defeat and stammered his attempted answer, “T-The P-Ph—“

“The Phoenix?”

Baekhyun’s head whipped up to look at Chanyeol again.

“My knowledge of them should not surprise you since I have already indicated my occupation.”

Of course Baekhyun remembered him stating his occupation. Even if he was not in possession of the god-like memory which he had, one simply does not just forget that they are in the presence of an officer, especially when they’re in his position. He didn’t say anything though and just looked down at the hustling and bustling cars below.

“May I ask how one such as yourself manages to tangle themselves within the messy and perilous dealings of The Phoenix?”

“Do you really expect an answer? Is this some way of getting me to reveal everything to you and then you just put me to rot in jail for life? Why am I even here! I’m done with this!”

He stood up and was about to walk away when he decided to take one last look at Chanyeol who was, surprisingly, not telling him to sit back down. A look worthy of a mafia boss had taken over Chanyeol’s charming countenance which caused Baekhyun to shiver and return reluctantly to his seat.

“Exquisite choice of action, Baekhyun-ssi.”

The cold tone which he now utilized sent chills up Baekhyun’s spine.

“Now if you will just relax and recall the situation for me, I can assure you that you will not spend your life rotting in jail. However, if you choose not to comply…”

He did not have to finish his sentence; Baekhyun had received the message loud and clear. He didn’t know how much he could trust Chanyeol’s words but at the moment, he didn’t really have a choice.

“Fine, fine. I’ll tell you.”

“Ahhh, you seem to just be overflowing with excellent decisions today!”

Ignoring the mockery in Chanyeol’s voice, statement and actions (he had smiled really widely and clapped his hands), Baekhyun proceeded with his story.

“I was in this group, not that I wanted to be, but I was still in it. Anyways, it was a little group, so little it didn’t even have a name like The Phoenix or anything else does. We were supposed to deliver some money to the Phoenix but the leader of our group decided that he wanted to keep most of the money for himself and that we’d just trick the leader of The Phoenix and get away scot-free. I told him that it was a stupid idea and we’d just end up getting killed but he’s worse than a mule. So we got to the location and lo and behold, the leader of The Phoenix already knew about his actions. Before I knew it, everyone started fighting. There were fifteen of us and approximately fifty of them. I guess you can figure out how that ended. The leader didn’t want us dead though, just battered up and carried somewhere else for future torture. I had hidden in the dark behind a dumpster though. I think one of the members of The Phoenix saw me, one with black hair and sharp features, looked like his clothes were almost as expensive as the leader’s and he had great martial arts skills. If he did see me then he took pity on me for being the runt of the group and left me to cower in the shadows. He then set a trash can on fire probably as if I’d ended up so injured that I’d just been killed. That wouldn’t have been hard to believe though. The leader called him after that and I thought that he would sell me out or something for sure so I prepared myself to run which was a pretty bad idea. I made a really faint scraping sound as I tried to blend in with the wall and the leader looked in my direction so intensely that I thought I had been caught. I was told that his auditory and visual senses are perfect, that’s why I so scared.  Some rats ran from underneath the dumpster though, thank God, and he looked away. I trailed behind them and held on to one of their SUVs to get a ride, I walked a bit and then snuck onto the train from Tianjin to Beijing. I was tired so I slept in an alley for a while, woke up, it was morning, oh what a joy, walked, walked some more, knocked into you and now I’m here.”

“Seems like you have quite an interesting life, Baekhyun-ssi.”

The mockery still irritated Baekhyun but he decided it would be best for his life to ignore it.

“The pointy one probably squealed about me by now though. They’re probably after me.”

“Oh, I doubt that. If they were after you, you’d be dead by now.”

Chanyeol smiled as if that were the most reassuring thing in the world but Baekhyun was still scared out of his wits.

“Don’t worry. You can just stay here for the time being. Do you have a cellphone? You seem to have information which could be useful to me in investigations. I promise I’ll protect you, not to worry one bit.”

Someone trying to protect him? Baekhyun just couldn’t wrap his thoughts around it.

“I don’t have a cellphone.”

Chanyeol, upon remembering, sighed and said, “Ahh, yes, neither do I… thanks to someone.”

Baekhyun looked away in shame.

“Alright. You stay in this hotel room and I’ll go get us new phones. DO. NOT. LEAVE. If you do, I will personally track you down. Trust me, that is not a pleasant experience. Now, go take a shower or something, you’re absolutely disgusting.”

With that, Chanyeol got up and left the room, leaving the younger male there sniffing himself and recoiling at the horrid scent.

As he walked into the lobby and out of the hotel’s doors, Chanyeol smiled contentedly to himself since he now had a new source of information. The reason behind that smile, however, was completely different from the reality in the now fangirling receptionist’s mind.


Kris and Tao had just returned to Phoenix Corporation’s Headquarters and were now entering the sleek board room to begin making some very crucial decisions for the company. Kris sat in the chair furthest from the others and Tao began to recite the attendees’ names off of a clipboard.

Tao: Founder and CEO, Kris Liu; Personal assistant and Chief Operating Officer, Huang Zitao; Chief Executive of Marketing, Wang Jia; Head of Developmental Planning , Zhang Hua; Chief Financial Officer, Tang Bo; Production Managers, Xiao Heng and Zhou Chen. As you should already know, all seven of us are assembled here today to discuss the industrial expansion of the company. Begin.

Tao took his seat which was the nearest one to Kris’ as the elites began speaking amongst themselves.

Tao: I do believe that the CEO and COO should be involved in group matters.

Upon hearing him, they calmed themselves and apologized. Usually, Kris would have been the one to reprimand them but he was still thinking about the park happenings. Since he was so consumed in his own thoughts, he was silent. And his silence was something which scared those around him.

Wang Jia: Is duizhang alright…?

Tao: Perfectly fine, now what were you saying?

She looked a bit apprehensive but continued with her proposition.

“I’m telling you! Expansion into the entertainment industry will give us even more exposure than we have right now. The youth of today is completely invested in music, dramas and films so we’ll be sure to have their sales. It’s not like we don’t have the resources or anything, I mean come on, we’re Phoenix Cor—

Tao: I’ve heard enough. Are you sure you can guarantee quality production and profits?

Wang Jia: Of course! I’m posi—

Tao: Then just do it. Less talk, more action.

Wang Jia: I already have most of the ideas down but I just need Zhang Hua to look over some things for me. And I need Kris’ approval.

Tao: Kris!!

Kris just flicked his hand in irritation and turned to stare out of the glass panelled wall, still consumed in thought.

Tao: There you go, that’s your sign of approval.

Wang Jia: But—

Tao: That’s as good as it’s going to get today, it seems. Next.

Tang Bo started giggling as he began his pitch. “Well, I think we should—“

Tao: No. No adult film industry.

Tang Bo looked heartbroken while Tao stared at him sternly.

Tao: Why do we even entrust our money to you? You should be demoted.

Tang Bo: Not like I do anything anyways. Mr Liu handles all the money…

Tao: Oh…right… NEXT.

Zhang Hua: Well, we’ve been working on branching out into the fashion industry for some months now and—

Kris shifted wildly in his seat as if he had been sleeping and someone threw ice cold water on him.

“Did I just hear fashion??”

Zhang Hua: Oh, uhh, yes?

Kris smiled. “Excellent! Proceed.”

Zhang Hua peered around looking dumbfounded as she was quite unsure of what was going on.

“Well, over the past few months, we had several designs done and approved and the clothes were produced. The sooner you, Mr Liu, approve of the clothes which would make the cut and enter the line, I can arrange for a showcase as soon as poss—

Kris: Where?

Zhang Hua: Well, I have friends in Paris and Milan, we can have it ther—

Kris: No. Germany. I have some things to… never mind. Just arrange for it to be done there.

Zhang Hua: Okay, when do you want—

Kris: Saturday.

Zhang Hua: But sir, that gives us—

Kris: Less than a week? I’m aware of these details. You don’t have to worry, everything will get done. I’ll help you.

Wang Jia: What about the entertainment expansion?!

Kris: Oh I don’t know anything about that. I’m sure Tao can help you. He’s entertaining. Come on, Zhang Hua!

With that, Kris, who seemed to be quite out-of-character, held Zhang Hua by the forearm and practically dragged her out of the board room and into his office to joyfully plan the fashion show. They, surprisingly did not even feel the eyes attempting to pierce their skin as Tao and Jia glared at their departing figures.

“I still think my idea was the best!” said Tang Bo rebelliously.



Ello there. Sorry it took so long to update. At least I gave you a really long chapter! :D This will be the longest chapter I think though because I just don't have the attention span (or,sadly, time DX ) to make really really long chapters like this again. However, the other 4 chapters HAVE to fit my entire plot and all that and make complete sense without seeming rushed so I might just have to do that (write another long chapter).... :)

Also, I tried to keep this story really "mature" and serious (and almost humour-less) but I just couldn't help it. I had to add in the excited fangirl and Chanyeol being all "I'm mocking you, mwahehhe" mean. XD I'm just the kind of person who loves humour. Ah-tee-hee-hee. =D

Anyways, I hope you liked this chapter! Feel free to comment! Have a nice day~ ^_^

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I actually updated :O ~ Tues 17/9/13


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ooh sounds like an interesting story so far. Can't wait to see what comes next!