


Changjo smiled as he watched you snap pictures of the other members who were playing with sparklers and drawing pictures in the air.

“Faster!” you ordered to Ricky and Niel as they waved the sparklers in their hands in star formations.

You laughed as Ricky knitted his eyebrows together and furiously waved his arm in the air while Niel let out a screeching sound as he tried to draw a star in the air as fast as he could.

“I got it!” you beamed.

Ricky and Niel ran over to your side, their sparklers no longer lit, and hovered over your camera.

“Waaahhh!” they exclaimed as you flipped through the pictures that you took of them.

Changjo kept his eyes on you as they gave you thumbs up and ran to get more sparklers.

“I don’t know if it’s acceptable to be crushing on our CEO’s niece.”

Changjo snapped out of his trance as L.Joe sat next to him, a can of soda in his hand.

“What are you talking about?” Changjo faked a scoff, his voice getting higher at the end of his question.

L.Joe didn’t give him an explanation and just gave him a knowing look.

“Fine,” Changjo sighed, “I might have a little, tiny crush on her.”

“For how long?” the older boy asked as they both watched you take more pictures of their fellow members.

“Since that party for our first win,” Changjo mumbled.

“What?!” L.Joe exclaimed, standing up from his chair, “That was almost a year ago!”

“Shhh! Keep it down!” Changjo hushed him and quickly pulled him down onto his chair again, “Do you want to let the whole world know?”

“What are you waiting for?” L.Joe asked, ignoring his comment.

Changjo looked down at his shoes and shrugged.

“You’re going to tell her now,” L.Joe declared and pulled Changjo to a standing position.

“What?” Changjo looked at him with confused eyes as the rapper dragged him across the lawn, “No! I don’t want to!”

“I don’t care, I have just made it your new year’s resolution. So you’re going to confess to her. One year is way too long to be crushing on the same girl without telling her.”

Changjo continued to struggle against L.Joe’s grip as he got pulled towards you.

“Please, hyung, don’t make me do this,” Changjo pleaded as the both of them approached you.

L.Joe ignored him and shoved the maknae towards you.

You were looking down at your camera when you felt a sudden impact coming from behind you.

You looked up to see Changjo staring back down at you.

“Sorry,” he apologized quickly as he took a step away from you and looked down at the ground, trying to hide his flushed face.

“Oh, no problem,” you shook your head, “What’s up?”

Changjo looked over his shoulder at L.Joe, who made a shooing motion that told him to just say it.

He looked back you to see you looking up at him curiously.

“Ummmm, I just want to ask …” he took a deep breath as he felt his heart start to pound in your chest, “If I could play with some of the sparklers.” he finished quickly.

L.Joe smacked his forehead and shook his head at Changjo.

“I give up,” he rolled his eyes and walked back towards the food table.

“Oh, sure,” you smiled and wire sparkler, “Did you want to draw something and I can try and get a picture of it.”

You showed him a few examples of different shapes that Ricky and Niel drew earlier.

“Okay,” he nodded and lit his sparkler with a candle that was sitting the table.

Changjo started making the usual infinity sign, moving his arm in a figure eight motion.

“Faster,” you told him as you pressed down on the shutter release of your camera.

Changjo nodded his head and started swinging his arm around faster. After a few minutes, the light of his sparkler went out and he quickly threw it in the bucket of water.

“Did you get it?” he asked.

You nodded and showed him the picture, “Do you want me to send it to you later?”

Changjo felt his heart skip a beat when you looked into his eyes, “S-Sure.”


You turned around to see CAP and Chunji running towards you, their arms filled with different fountain fireworks.

“We’re going to light up all of these at the same time so can you get some pictures of them?” Chunji asked.

“Sure,” you nodded.

“Okay, we’ll let you know when we’re ready,” CAP nodded before the both of them ran off to a different part of the yard.

You turned back to Changjo to see a conflicted expression on his face.

“Is something wrong?” you asked.

Changjo snapped his head up and looked at you with wide eyes.

“Oh no, nothing’s wrong,” he shook his head and bit his lip.

You were about to question him more but decided to drop it and looked back down at your camera.

“Actually, can I have a few more of those sparklers?” Changjo asked suddenly.

“Oh, yeah!” you smiled and handed him the box.

“Could you take pictures again?” he asked.

“Sure,” you switched your camera back to capture mode.

“I kind of want to do a few shapes,” he said as he lit the first sparkler.

You nodded your head as he started to move his arm up and down.

“Okay, I got it,” you told him.

Changjo quickly started to draw the next shape in the air.

“Go faster, I can only get half of it,” you told him.

He drew the shape faster, looking up at you to get the okay to draw the next shape.

“Okay, got it,” you glanced up at him.

“This is the last one,” he mumbled and drew the last shape which was much simpler than the second.

You snapped the picture and lowered your camera just as his sparkler went out.

Changjo moved to stand next to you as you went through the pictures and deleted the failed attempts, only keeping the best one of each shape.

“So here’s the first one,” you showed him the picture of him drawing a straight line.

“Here’s the second one,” you flipped to the second one of him drawing what you could make out as a heart.

“And the last one,” the last picture appeared with a U shape on the screen.

You stared at the picture for a while and your eyes suddenly widened in realization. You quickly clicked the left arrow twice and stared at the picture.





You looked at Changjo, your mouth slightly open in shock.

“Did you get it?” he asked nervously.

“I-I think so,” you stuttered.

The two of you fell silent for a few long moments.

“I just wanted you to know that,” he mumbled and stared down at his shoes.

“Do you really mean it?” you asked softly.

He looked up to meet your eyes and nodded his head, “For a while now.”

“Why didn’t you tell me sooner?” you asked, honestly curious.

“I guess I was scared,” he admitted.

“You didn’t have to be,” you smiled, “because I kinda feel the same way.”

Changjo’s eyes widened, “Really?!”

You laughed and nodded your head.

“Why didn’t you tell me?!”

“I guess I was scared,” you repeated his words with a shrug.

Changjo let out a relieved sigh and wrapped his arms around your waist.

“Would it be okay if I … kissed you?” he asked innocently.

You giggled and nodded your head.

He leaned down and just as your lips were about to meet his, a loud crack echoed throughout the yard, causing you to spring apart.

The two of you looked towards the source of the sound to see CAP and Chunji standing next to a small cardboard cylinder that was covered in black soot and smoking.

“Sorry,” they apologized while raising a hand to everyone who was staring at them.

Everyone at the party bursted into laugher as the two boys continued to apologize to them.

You jumped a little when you felt a pair on arms snake around your waist from behind and turned your head to see Changjo resting his chin on your shoulder.

“Happy New Years,” he whispered before pressing a chaste kiss to your cheek.

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gyusungie #1
Chapter 1: wow i hope my future boyfriend confess like that. omf this is so cute i'm crying
Chapter 1: THE CHANGJO FEELZ OMG. like the butterflies in my stomach just went off. this is too perfect.
Chapter 1: Oh my god~~~ so sweet~~ :))
EXO-Lover91 #4
Chapter 1: Oh my gosh I remember doing the same thing with a camera when I went camping, but with flashlights. This was too adorable.
sushiblaq #5
bmb022611 #6
Chapter 1: This is so sweet!!
redangel #7
Chapter 1: the sparklers were amazing!! LOL loved it!
alwaysdreaming #8
aww so cute i want a guy to confess to me like that
Chapter 1: perfect way to confess :D thank you author-nim, the story was so cute haha
Chapter 1: That is one of the most creative and cutest ways to confess omg ;~; so cute~