Part 2

17 Year Old Teacher To Delinquent's

"Well ,well , well" The boy said smirking.

"" Jae said looking away....

"What brings you here" L said smirking. 'Dang it why couldnt it be one of the Ze:a Members!!' Jae screamed in her head.

"Oh Mr....L..i guess Im just shopping with my..son" Jae said looking at Dae as he was Bitting L's hand. "well take this little creature...of yours...and you dont look the age that your supposed to be for hanving kids" L said as his smirk grew wider. 'ill slap that smirk of your face off!" Jae said on her head.

"Well bye Mr.L...It was 'nice' meeting you" Jae said as she grabbed Dae Jung and walked away. When L was yelling over to her she didnt listen.

"Yahh!! you dropped something!" L shouted. He looked at the ID she dropped and saw her name , And her..Age.

"Seventeen.... Well-" "Give me that!" Jae said snatching the Id. "Did you see something your not supposed to?" Jae questioned nervously.

"No" He bluntly said. "Oh" She turned around and started walking. "-But i did see your seventeen" L said smirking again. "w-what" Jae panicked.

She ran to him and grabbed his shirt. "Please Dont tell L" She said as she looked around. "I wont" "Thank god" "Unless you do me a big favor" "What?! I mean what is it?" She said looking at his scared.

"Not to hard just do my homework , and you gotta bail infinite out of the detentions...right now" L said smirking. "L i cant do that-" "Hmm seventeen for a teacher , wouldnt you get fired" "OKAY OKAY!!" She said getting on her knees.

"Homework and Bailing out detentions right?" She said making sure. "Noonaaaaaa!!!! Im hungry let's go!" Dae Jung whinned. "Alright hold up" Jae said as she was holding his hand.'

"Starting tomorrow , Bye seventeen- Oh wait Noona" L smirked as he left. Jae gave a big sigh. "Dang it....stupid boy" She mummbled as she payed her food , and started walking home.

When she reached the house she cooked food , and She also invited Junhyung to eat , They ate , Junhyung went home , and then they fell asleep,


While she was fixing her papers on her desk She saw the class come in. They all were smirking while some Ze:a members were smiling. When They all sat down L was smirking,

"Well Miss" L said smirking. "Oh r-right umm I have to go to talk to the principle , Stay here and dont make a mess" Jae said running out the room , Once she reached the Principles room she knocked and he opened Quickly. "What is it Jae is something wrong?" "Yes something is wrong can i go inside and talk to you" "Yea yea sure"

Once Jae sat down , Her Uncle was looking at her in a worried way. "What happened?" "Well i need you to please~ Let the infinite boys out , the detentions" Jae said looking down.

"Jae im sorry i cant do that" Her uncle said looking at her weirdly now. "What's going on?" "Well One of the boys of infinite..L to be exact , saw my ID yesterday and saw i was seventeen so i need you to please let him out of detention for he wont tell" Jae pleaded. "Well do what you want-" "Thanks uncle!" She said hugging him , Once she left To the classroom She saw everyone there.

"So i got all your detentions out" "Yah!! Are you forreal!!! thank you!!" Siwan and Kwanghee said hugging her.

"Yah!" Everyone looked over to Hoya. "Just because you took our detentions out doesnt mean were gonna have to be nice to you , Im sick of this" He said storming out of the classroom.

"i'll get him" Dongwoo said rushing over to follow his friend.

"Miss are you okay?" Kwanghee questioned. Jae was looking where Dongwoo , and Hoya left with a Worried Expression.

"Well Miss can i talk to you!" L said standing up. "Arent you already?" Jae joked. He gave her a Death Glare and she shut up. "Okay well lets go outside" Jae said scratching her neck nervously.

When she reached to the hallway He was smirking. "Stop your smirking your annoying the crap out of me" "Ooo~ you just cursed" "Oh please what do you want?" Jae said looking thrue the hallway.

"Well my homework , Pick it up in math class , Just say your picking up my homework for detention" L said smiling. She gave a Big sigh , "FINE" She said annoyed , When she went back to the classroom she saw Minwoo And Dongjun playing around. "Yah stop it!" She shouted , When she reached over to them She grabbed Dongjun's arm , and he thought it was One of his Friend that he pushed her making her fall onto Taehun's lap.

Her glasses fell over and everyone was staring at her now. "What is it?" She said still on taehun's lap. "One your sitting on taehuns lap , and two...You dont look like your old , actually you look...Young..." Woohyun said looking at her Indifferently.

"W-what?" She looked down and saw her glasses on the floor. She rushed over and tried to pick them up But sungjong already did. "Wow you look prettier miss!!!" He shouted excitedly.

"Give me it!" She hissed. "I dont think so!" He said laughing. Hyungshik Snatched the glasses away and placed it on her. "Here you go" He said smiling. When she blushed L was glaring at Hyungshik. "Woooo~ Miss are you blushing???" Kwanghee sai claspping his hands together. "N-NO!" She shouted.

"Yes you are" The whole Ze:a crew said laughing. She gave them a glare and they stopped. L sat down Giving death glares to Hyungshik and The rest of ze:a.

"Oh well umm.. let's start anyways... Woohyun opp- i mean Woohyun Can you get me the Books in the back room. "Okay" He shrugged. When Hoya and Dongwoo came back. Hoya was glaring at her.

She escaped it by 'Helping' Woohyun. She went to the back room And grabbed some books. "i'll help" She smiled. "Thanks miss but" He picked up the books she had tooken. "I could do it" He smirked. When Jae saw a wet spot on the floor she tried to warn him but he already fell , and on top of her.

"C-can you get off" She said blushing. "Im the books are on top of me and their kinda heavy" Woohyun said smiling. "Whats going on here" When they both turned their heads they saw Hyungshik Standing there.

"N-nothing but can you get the book off of Woohyun so i can get up" Jae said smiling at Hyungshik. "No dont... i like it" Woohyun said snuggling to Jae. "Yah !! she's a teacher!" Hyungshik shouted.

"And what....are you jelouse?" Woohyun said smirking. Hyungshik grew furiouse and just left from the back room. "Yah! Woohyun that was the only chance you could of hopped off me" Jae shouted. "I could already" He said getting up. "Then why did you lie!" She said sitting up. "I didnt , you feel fluffy" He said smiling as he grabbed the books and left.

When she got up she was blushing furiousely. "Ugh stupid boy" She said covering her face. "Miss are you alright?" She heard Kwanghee's voice and she looked up , "Yeah im fine" She said smiling. Woohyun passed the books around then sat on his seat.

When she sat down L was looking straight at her , So was Woohyun , Hyungshik , And Hoya. "Well turn to pages 16" She said looking at the book infront of her.


When She finished her class they were all groaning. "Why didnt we cook!!!" Sungjong and Kwanghee shouted. "For what happened Yesterday" Jae bluntly said. "We wont do that again" Junyoung groaned. "Who knows maybe you will" Jae said flipping the pages and then closed the books.

"Well ze:a wont do it again" Junyoung said looking at his group. "Neither will Infinite" Sunggyu smirked. "Stop trying to challenge me because your going down" Junyoung said smirking.

"This isnt about challenging" Jae said standing up. The bell rung and all of them stayed. "you could help By cleaning and taking the books back , Kwanghee here are the keys please close up my room" Jae said smiling. "make sure to hand me the keys tomorrow" "OKEY DOKEY!" He shouted all proud but getting smacked on the head by siwan.

When she went to the mathroom she picked up L's homework and headed home on the bus.

While she was doing her homework or should she say L's ,Dae came in and so did junhyung. "Baby im hungry" Junhyung whinned. "go to the kitchen and eat" She said plainly.

"How about you give me some money and i will take Dae Jung here and we will go out to eat" He said getting his hopes up. "Okay here" She said handing him money , she was more focused onto the homework. Junhyung was looking at her weird until he hugged her , kissed her on the head and left with Dae.

When she finished the homework she sighed and leaned back. "So tired..." She sighed. "Where did Dae go..." She asked herself.

"Oh well he's probably With Junhyung" She said as she layed on the bed. "Just gonna close my eyes for a little bit" She whispered to herself. Thats when she totally fell asleep.


Dae and Junhyung were eating everything on the resteraunt Until Their bellies were big. "ahh~ My wife is so good" Junhyung said as his belly was full. "wife..? You mean noona is married to you" Dae said surprised.

"Yes she is..." Junhyung said closing his eyes. "Well i guess your really are my appa!!" Dae said hugging him.

"" Junhyung said , He laughed when he saw Dae Jung pouting.


Well thank you Subscribers!!!!!

And Next Chapter will be done as soon as possible , when i get free time!!!

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Today im gonna make you a cute little face...(。◕‿‿◕。)...

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luvtherush #1
Please Do more , I love L'S Personality so Mean...i mean they always make L mysteriouse and last time i heard in the kpop thingy that sungyeol said L is stubborn and is quick tempered.. Lol to Sungyeol because after that L said he likes girls younger then him!! Well not elementary and stuff but you know what i mean!! Lol <br />
Plz update