Kim Jongin?

Burst Of Sunshine


 “Honey, your dad and I have to do some grocery shopping but we’ll come back to pick you up in an hour. Have fun and say hi to my brother for me, would you?” she asked.

“Of course! I’ll tell him you said hi. Bye guys, I love you both,” I said.

When I could no longer see their car any more, I ran up the stairs faster than a cheater! I stood in front of the receptionist and realised that she is a new receptionist so the chance of her recognising me is fairly low.

I put on the brightest smile that I could muster and said, “Hi! I’m here to see my uncle.”

She looked really taken aback but decided to humour me, “Honey and who may your uncle be?” she asked.

“Lee Sooman,” I replied.                                     

“Stop with the nonsense, how could he possibly be your uncle? Do you know how many times I’ve heard that line before? I’m going to call security,” she said.

I leaned in over the desk separating us, she moved back instinctively and said, “What the hell are you doing child?”

“I’m just looking at the photo behind you,” I said.

She looked back as well and saw the massive photo which covers up the entire wall. It’s an image of my uncle and myself which was taken the last time I came to visit him 2 years ago. You’d think that he’d put up an image of one of his numerous successful groups like SNSD or Super Junior but no he put up an adorable family photo and I couldn’t help but to smile giddily. I really do love my uncle so I can’t wait to see him.

“Now, do you want me to tell my uncle about how you threatened to call security on me? I’m not really sure how happy he’d be about that,” I said.

“HEY, HEY, HEY, there’s absolutely no need for you to do that. He’s just filing out some paperwork work so you can go in right now and see him,” she said.

I really didn’t need another invitation; I ran up to his office and ripped the door open. My uncle looked really stressed out and tired but as soon as he looked up, his face lit up into the most beautiful smile.

“Come over here,” he said.

I ran over and hugged him then said, “Uncle, I missed you a lot!”

“Honey, I missed you too! Did you have a bad day?” he asked.

He always seems to know if I’m feeling down or if something’s happened to me.

“Yes! No one wants to be friends with me so I’m a loner,” I said.

“Hey, you’re not a loner! You’re my beautiful niece and I’m sure a lot of people would love to be your friend. I know what’ll cheer you up!” he said.

We took a long walk past all of the practice rooms. This has always been my favourite part about visiting my uncle; seeing the talent that he has harboured in the SM practise rooms.

As we were walking past the corridors my uncle said, “You know, I’m really glad that you came to visit me because I’ve been feeling really stressed lately. Especially about the debut of one of my new groups but you have this really calming quality about yourself that makes people feel relaxed!”

“Aw, thanks Uncle the pleasure is all mine! Mum said to say hi by the way,” I replied.

“I’ll call her later today. So would you like to see the group that has been causing me such a great amount of stress?” he asked.

“Of course, I’ll be sure to kick their asses if they cause you any trouble,” I said.

He led the way to a practise room. We stood outside the room and observed a group of 6 boys practising with their choreographer. Their backs were facing us but one of the guys looked oddly familiar although I couldn’t place my finger on the resemblance.

“What’s the name of the guy in the middle?” I asked.

“Oh him, his name is Kim Jongin,” my uncle said.

“WOW! He looks a lot like this guy that I sit next to in class. His name’s Kai,” I replied.

“Honey, Jongin’s nickname and stage name is Kai,” he said.

“No way! That brat didn’t tell me that he was going to debut! How dare he?” I asked.

“They’re not allowed to tell anyone that they’re going to debut so don’t feel bad,” he replied.

“No wonder he always leaves class early and oh my god is that Sehun?” I asked.

“Yes, it is! Well I’m glad that you’re so well acquainted with them!” he replied.

“No, no, no this cannot be happening! They don’t even like me Uncle no in fact they hate my guts!” I said.

“There, there; I’m sure that they don’t hate you! I have a dare for you though,” he said.

“Come on Uncle. What are we in fifth grade?” I asked.

“You’re never too old for dares! If you complete this dare, I’ll give you that Belgian chocolate you’ve been begging me for. You still like chocolate right?” he asked.

“How could you even question my love for chocolate? Uncle I’m deeply offended but for that chocolate yes I’ll complete the dare. What is it?” I asked.

He whispered the dare into my ear and at first I was strongly opposed to it but then I realised that it kind of suits my personality so I agreed. The boys had just finished practising their dance and were resting at the side of the practise room.

My uncle slightly pushed the door open for me and whispered, “Good Luck Munchkin. Go get em.”


Jongin looked really flabbergasted. His friends all whispered to each other about how I even managed to get inside the practise rooms and how Kai has a fan base when they haven’t even debuted yet.

I started to roll around the floor they had just danced on and screamed, “I’M ACTUALLY ROLLING ON THE FLOOR KIM JONGIN WAS DANCING ON! AAAAHH MY LIFE IS COMPLETE!”

Jongin stood up and crouched down next to me, which caused me to stop rolling and to look up at him. I had a mischievous glint in my eyes.

Jongin said, “Mia, Mia, Mia. You sure are full of surprises aren’t you? What are you no how did you get here and how do you know my real name and I can’t even. I don’t even know what to say!”

Before I could respond my uncle walked in and all of the boys stood up and bowed to him.

“YAH! What are you doing? You have to bow down to him! Don’t you know how important and respected he is?” Jongin asked.

I brushed him off with my hand and said, “Don’t worry about it. Chill man.”

“You’ve all been practising well so I’m proud of you all. I would like you all to meet my favourite niece. Mia up you get,” my uncle said.

I stood up and walked over to my uncle.

I thought I’d be best to introduce myself so I said, “Hi, y’all my name’s Mia and I am Kai’s no Jongin’s best friend. It’s nice to meet you all.”

Everyone went around and introduced themselves to me.

“Sunbaenim, could I talk to Mia outside for a few minutes? It’ll be very quick,” Kai said.

“Sure! Take as long as you want,” my uncle said.

My uncle turned to me and whispered, “That was hilarious Mia! Good job!”

We then did our awesome secret handshake, it's just a thing between my uncle and I.

Kai dragged me outside to have our ‘talk’.

“Mia when in the world did we become best friends?” he asked.

“We’ve always been best friends and honestly I don’t want to argue with you so can we not have this conversation. I don’t really want to call you Jongin so I’ll just call you Kai but if I call you by your full name then you’ll know that I’m angry at you!” I said then walked back into the practise room.

“Well that was quick! So before you go would you like to show us a dance Mia?” my uncle asked.

“ not really,” I replied.

 “Most ‘normal’ people would never say no to Sunbaenim,” Sehun said.

“Oh shut up! I have the right to voice my opinion,” I said then put my rude finger up at Sehun.

Let’s just say that I have a quick temper and Sehun really irritates the heck out of me.

“It’s okay Sehun. She doesn’t have to dance if she doesn’t want to. But, how about you dance with your best friend, Mia,” my uncle said.


Everyone laughed at that.

“How about you both dance mirotic?” my uncle suggested.

“ if she’d be able to dance to that song I mean seriously look at her,” Sehun said then snorted in disgust at me.

I was about to go up to Sehun and knock that grin off his mocking face but Kai held me back.

“Put on the song, thanks,” I said.

“Are you sure you can do this?” Kai asked.

“You should have more faith in your best friend, honestly!” I replied.

The intro to Mirotic by TVXQ started playing and a cheeky grin came upon my face. It’s time to show them what I’ve got. Girl power for the win!

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Bibliophile #1
Chapter 1: Your writing is soo detailed. Very niceee
Chapter 6: OH. MA. GAAH.
and oOoO palpitating? IS IT A SHIRTLESS HOT GUY?! ;DD
Chapter 5: Hahah Sooman is hilarious XD
Update soon~
I wanna see Sehun's face when he sees Mia's kickass dancing >:D
MsTrollolol #4
Chapter 3: I thought they have a school uniform

If we didn't have uniforms, I'd go to school in a pickachu suit!
MsTrollolol #7
Chapter 1: Nice! Hahahaaa. Keep it up ;)