I Rap So Fly

Burst Of Sunshine


The sound of my black brogues making contact with the floor echoed as I strolled through the desolate corridors of Seoul Performing Arts High School like the pathetic loner I am. I’ve honestly tried really hard to conform and be like all the other girls here but I don’t want to wear my skirt freakishly short. I have pride and morals; frankly nobody needs to see their ugly $2 fake Victoria Secret Underwear. Students were avoiding me like the black plague after they had found out that I talked to Kai this morning. Kai this, Kai that; these poor souls worship Kai like he’s the queen! They would probably kiss his , given the opportunity.

Since we’re seniors, we’ve been given the wonderful privilege of choosing the classes we study this year. I don’t know if Kai chose completely different subjects to me or is skipping class. If you’re wondering what classes I chose, I’ve chosen English, Maths, Economics, Fashion & Design, Dance and Music. Class droned on and I’m not trying to brag or anything but it seems like I’ve learnt everything that we are going through already so I can’t help but to feel bored. I wish that I could have graduated already but my parents strongly believe that I must stay in school to be surrounded by students my age, what a load of crap! I’m too childish and weird to be surrounded by people my age. I’m too opinionated, people care too much about their looks; can’t they take a chill pill and not cake on so much make up as if there sad lives depend on it? What a waste of money, you know? What about the poor kids in Africa?

In a way, I felt kind of embarrassed walking around all dejected by myself. Everyone has friends, EVERY SINGLE person...with the exception of Kai and myself.

I was in class 15 minutes early; I sat in my usual seat at the back of the classroom. I patiently waited for class to begin and decided to call my best friend.

“Mia baby; how are you?” she asked.

“Horrible, I feel like Jaime!” I replied.

“HAHAHA I’m guessing that you’ve done something to make everyone hate you so now you’re a pitiful loner who decided to finally call her best friend back,” she said.

“In my defence, I was really busy so I’m sorry about that. But all I did was talk to a guy who’s my seat buddy,” I said.

“On a scale of 1 to 10?” she asked.

“Honey, he is off the charts! He would have probably demolished the poor scale,” I said.

“And you think you’ve done nothing wrong? Shame on you,” she said.

“What should I do then Jaime?” I asked.

“Just act like yourself; your crazy, weird, adorable self and try to become his friend because I’m sure he could use a friend as bubbly and chirpy as you. Okay, I’ve gotta go now. I love you honey! I’ll call you later,” she said.

“Bye, I love you too,” I replied.

Jaime knows me better than I probably know myself. She’s my best friend from Italy; we often call each other as a form of communication. She can read me like an open book; everyone needs an awesome best friend like that. I got out my huge chocolate bar and started eating it; I absolutely love chocolate.

If you were ever to do something wrong against me, a way to cunningly make me forgive you would be to give me chocolate. I would forgive you in a heartbeat. As students began to flock into the classroom after the bell rang, you should have heard the absolute nonsense that came out of most of the girl’s mouths. Girls looked me up and down and cringed. Hey, I’m not fat or anything; I have a pretty damn good body. I will eat whatever the hell I want to eat. Guys on the other hand looked extremely happy to see a girl with a good appetite. Yeah, nothing was going to stop me from eating my chocolate. I’m not going to starve myself and die of malnutrition! All of the seats filled up except for one, which was the seat next to me. I can’t really say that I’m surprised; I’m not really ‘popular’ at the moment. 15 minutes into the lesson, I still hadn’t finished my massive chocolate bar. Kai walked into the classroom; he didn’t get into trouble or anything but looked around for a seat to sit in. I should save the poor kid some time, you know?

“HEY! YOU CAN SIT NEXT TO ME KAI!” I screamed out.

He looked at me with possibly the most revolted face I’ve seen in my life.

The teacher (Mr Kim) sighed and politely asked Kai to take a seat next to me as all the other seats were filled up. Kai sat down and for once didn’t go to sleep. He turned his chair to face me, crossed one leg over the other then flicked his side fringe back into place. His dark brown eyes warily looked at me full of indecision.

“Why aren’t you sleeping?” I asked.

“I have no idea what crazy you would do to me while I’m sleeping and honestly I’m not that tired,” he said.

“Do you want to sing me a song since we’re in music class?” I asked.

He put up his middle finger in response.

It seems like we have a feisty one here. I thought about what I could do to make him warm up to me.

“Hey, do you want some chocolate?” I asked.

His stomach growled but he’s one strong-minded boy and has a lot of pride so of course he declined.

“No, I do not want any food that you’ve touched. How can you eat all that chocolate by yourself? What sort of girl are you?” he asked.

“Obviously, I’m the coolest girl you’ll ever meet. Don’t mess with my chocolate obsession,” I said.

He went back to ignoring me; whatever floats his boat.

I looked through my bag and got out my back up chocolate bar and placed it on his table.

He looked at me in disbelief; I swear I’m evoking so many emotions out of Kai!

“Where did you get this from?” he asked.

“My bag…DUH!” I replied.

“You’re so weird; you know that right?” he asked.

“Honey, this is nothing, my collection of chocolate at home is ridiculous! A room dedicated just for chocolate; heavenly, beautiful, delectable, yummy chocolate!” I said.

“Don’t call me honey, it sounds so disgustingly vile coming out of your mouth,” he said.

“I’ll call you whatever I want to thanks,” I said.

He shook his head but a smile did begin to form on his face.

“You’re smiling!” I exclaimed.

“I was not!” he replied.

“You were too!” I said.

“Whatever, Trevor,” he replied.

Kai’s phone beeped, he looked down at it then smiled. He stood up and grabbed his MCM backpack.

“Hey, where are you going? Don’t tell me that you’re leaving me? Please, don’t go! What will I do if you’re gone? Oh God, please don’t leave me to fend for myself! What if the sharks come and attack me. I’ll probably end up falling asleep!” I blabbered on.

He looked down and laughed at me.

“Take me with you?” I asked.

He looked contemplative for a few seconds then decisively shook his head and said, “Maybe next time, you’re a bit too annoying for my liking, laters loser.”

With that being said he casually walked out of the classroom with his MCM backpack slung off one shoulder. Those bags certainly aren’t cheap; I’ll make sure to ask him if he’s doing some underground business to attain a large sum of money. I can’t believe Kai! He wasn’t even in class for 5 minutes and he left.

For music (as stupid as this sounds) we had to write song lyrics about the person sitting next to us. Obviously, I was going to write about my imaginary friend Casper until Sir said to write about Kai. How do you go about writing about someone you’ve just met? Mr Kim said that no one’s going to see what we’ve written; it will be completely confidential so I set out on writing the best song you’ll ever hear in your life.

Song Title- Kai, Composed by the awesome Mia Lee

YO, YO, YO it’s Mia YO,

That careless dark brown hair flick,

Treating me like , YO,

You think you’re cool sleeping in class huh?

Well, let me show you!

You’re rude,

Not much a dude,

Pissing out money,

Who you tryna fool honey,

I’ll be there,

Will you care?

No, you’re just a silly boy,

I’m not gonna be your toy,

For abandoning me,

I hope you walk into a tree,

Yo, Word, Peace.

And that was my amazingly cool song; it’s okay, hold your applause. Thank God Kai’s not going to see this, as it’s damn embarrassing. As we were walking out of the class we had to hand in our song lyrics.

I stopped by Mr Kim’s desk after I put my song lyrics on the pile.

I said to Mr Kim, “You have to make sure that no one sees this, it’s confidential.”

“Mia, I can’t promise that no one will see this. We need to showcase your amazing talent!” Mr Kim said.

I groaned while walking out of the classroom…this cannot be happening. Whatever, I should be proud of my awesomely talented song I wrote. Let everyone hear it!

As I was walking home, I stopped by an ice cream shack and decided to treat myself to bubble gum flavoured ice cream.

It was one of those moments when I wished that I had friends. I felt so pathetic mopping around about my lack of friends but I will make a friend and no one will feel the need to pity me!

I walked home really slowly and did some much-needed self-reflection. I need to become more laid back, I thought of a way to make myself appear more carefree and honestly now I’m extremely excited about school tomorrow!

When I walked into my house, my parents happily greeted me almost instantly. We have such a positive family environment!

“Hey honey, did you go out to have ice-cream with your friends?” my mom asked.

“Mom, what friends? You know I have no friends,” I said.

“Aw poor baby! Come here,” she said and enveloped me in a massive bear hug. My dad came and joined in our hug, as he didn’t want to be left out.

“Mia, my beautiful daughter, I know you’ll make friends but if people don’t want to be friends with you then honestly it’s their loss because you are fab-u-lous baby,” my Dad said.

“Aw, I love you both!” I said.

We broke up from our hug and my mum said, “Go and get changed, I know what’ll cheer you up.”

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Bibliophile #1
Chapter 1: Your writing is soo detailed. Very niceee
Chapter 6: OH. MA. GAAH.
and oOoO palpitating? IS IT A SHIRTLESS HOT GUY?! ;DD
Chapter 5: Hahah Sooman is hilarious XD
Update soon~
I wanna see Sehun's face when he sees Mia's kickass dancing >:D
MsTrollolol #4
Chapter 3: I thought they have a school uniform

If we didn't have uniforms, I'd go to school in a pickachu suit!
MsTrollolol #7
Chapter 1: Nice! Hahahaaa. Keep it up ;)