B.A.P Café

"What? Someone robbed us?!" Himchan cries in horror.

"Why didn't they steal her!" Youngjae points at Jaewha with a frown.

"Hey!" She stood up raise my fist up at him. 

"Try it." Youngjae sneers.

"Sit down." Yongguk glared at the both of them.

The store was closed today from the robbery incident but all of us was called for a meeting. "Did you catch him?" Zelo asks. "He didn't steal my skateboard did he?!" He panicks, glancing around for his skateboard that he left for the night.

"He attempted to steal from the cashier but I got him in time." Yongguk says. "Starting from now on I put on a code for us to access it so something like this won't ever happen again."

"Who was it?" Jongup asks.

Yongguk shook his head. "Doesn't matter." He stood up and sighs. "You're all dismissed." He went into the kitchen.

Himchan blew his bangs and huffs loudly with his arms crossed. "I'm going to find out this crooked bastard."

"Yeah like how?" Youngjae snorts. "Probably just a bored kid that did it."

The door opens and the bell rings in their presence.

The person walks in but was stopped by Daehyun who was glaring the living daylights out of him. "Whoa!" They guy squeaks when he was pushed against the wall.

"Are you the one who hurt my bride?" He growls.

The guy's eyes widen in surprise. "Hurt your bride? Of course not!"

Daehyun raise a brow and smirks. "Liar I know you're the one."

"I didn't do anything I swear!"

Daehyun leans in close and whispers in his ear. "Just to let you know...my hobby is cracking heads open-" 

"DAEHYUN!" Youngjae jumps a flying kick and sends Daehyun out of the cafe." You moron! Stop scaring our customers!"

Youngjae shouts in rage. He bows to the guy and says his apologizes for Daehyun.

Daehyun was laid sprawl on the sidewalk. He sat up and scratches his head, cutely looking around. Then he had his eyes set on his target. He sprints to the sidewalk bench and bends at the level of the presence in front of him.

"Hmmm big and beastly." He cups his chin in deep thought. "You are the one who hurt my bride!!" He snarls grabbing the collar of the poor dog who whined to get away from him.

"So how did you do it? You scartch her you bit her!? Did you howl at her too!?!"

"What are you doing to my dog!" A woman who came out of the cafe saw Daehyun straggling her dog who was tied to the bench.

Yongguk heard the woman cry from the back and heads to the front. "Better not be that-" His eyes darken as he storms over to Daehyun who was hugging the dog from getting pulled away.

He pass by a boy who was holding a baseball bat and his glove. "Kid I'm going to burrow your bat."

"Huh no way!" The boy possively held the bat behind his back."

"I'll give you anything for free in my cafe I promise."

The boy grins and gace him the bat. "Don't forget your promise!"

Yongguk  grips tightly  onto the bat and hovers over Daehyun. "Yah."

"No he's going to jail for hurting my bride!" Daehyun says lunging for the dog.

Yongguk eyes gone into slits as he whip the bat down at Daehyun.


"Don't you think you went a bit far?" Youngjae snickers at the lifelesss Daehyun sprawled on the couch in the back of the cafe. Jaewha was putting ice packs on his swollen cheeks.

Yongguk glances over his shoulder and returns to making his dessert. "That bat. Give it to the little kid and let him choose anything from the display."

Youngjae picks up the bat. "OKay, this is a bit toooooo far. Don''t you think?"

"Before I could use it. The dog owner scored a kick to his face. Less work for me."

Youngjae shook his head with a smile as he left to the front.

Yongguk was patting the dough and began to make batches of cookies when suddenly Jaewha pops up from the counter. He blinks at her and raised a brow.


"How dare you hurt Daehyun like that?" She frowns.

Oh here comes the beating up your workers speech.

Yongguk didn't answer and continue to do his work.

Jaewha crosses her arms. "I was talking to you?! Hey!"

"Be quiet."

"Not until you answer me." 

Yongguk glances up at her. "What?"

"What you mean what? I asked you a question-"

Yongguk flicked flour in Jaewha's face. She gasps and wipes her face. "Jerk!"

He smirks and calls out, "Himchan! Jaewha here just confessed to me that she likes you."

"At last the time has come! I'm coming for you sweet cheeks!"

Curse you, Yongguk.



UH! If it wasn't for Yongguk's big mouth of lies. Himchan wouldn't be pestering me throughout the whole day.

I was cleaning dishes when suddenly Himchan appears behind me. "So you like me huh? Huh?!"

His outburst made me drop the plates, loudly in the sink. "Himchan!" I turn around to him with a glare. "You're going to make me break everything!"

"So it's true then you do-" I shove him out from the kitchen and locked the door. I hope this door will somehow hold him off...

The next task I was washing the windows from the inside. He appeared outside and fog the glass then wrote, "Yes, I will marry you ♥0♥"

I face palmed and walk away.

Next I took out the garbage and open the barrel when Himchan out of the blue pops up from the inside. "So when is out ceremony? Tonight? Wait! How about we skip and go straight to our honeymoon! Wait...No! Straight to bed yes straight to bed-" I slam down the lid and place the garbage on top.

I hope he never gets out.

"Jaehwa, I'm going to bring the barrel out in front." Zelo says heading to the barrel I trapped Himchan in.

Hmmm...never come back...

"Sure. I threw everything away." I smile. HEHEHE no more pestering Himchan. I went back into the cafe and sat at the counter when suddenly Himchan rolls out from the bottom shelf, making shriek.

"Himchan!!!" Wasn't he just in the barrel?!!? I'm pretty sure he was trapped!

"I'm guessing it's a no? I'm still not giving up my sweet cheeks!" He grins, coming close to me with puckering lips. My hands were everywhere on the counter in searching for something to cover up his face. 

My hand landed on a catalog and I used it to block his so called smooches.

"Himchan!" I cried. "Leave me alone! I don't like you in that way!"

"What? You want more smooches, sweet cheeks? Did I ever tell you that l'm a smooch machine? I'm undefeatable." He grins wider.

Oh please help meEeeeee

Yongguk came in the counter and smirks. "Had enough?" 

"I don't know what you're talking about." I glare at him. I really didn't know.

"Himchan, shorty never confessed."

Himchan stops leaning towards me with his moving lips. He blinks and turns to Yongguk, scratching his head. "Oh..." He turns to me and stares at me.

I brought the book up to my face in case he starts to act weird again.

"You should have said so sweet cheeks." With that he regain back to himself and skips to a table filled with girls.

What was that?

I did. I did said I didn't felt that way towards him.

I met eyes with Yongguk. He shrugs but a smirk quickly plastered onto his face. "Will you stop back talking me now?"

Curse you, Yongguk.



I really took a long break and heres finally an update! The next chap is about school. A different setting for the change xD


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princess2394 #1
Chapter 15: I love this story.. it's like 2am and I'm here reading this trying not to laugh out loud. It's really hard.. please update soon author-nim.
Chapter 15: thanks for the update ! nice story :D
Chapter 14: I found this story on one of the recommended stories here in aff. I'm so happy that i've found it hahaha this syory is really funny
beejello96 #4
Chapter 14: dae's so funny and cute here!! oh my god!! i'm laughing whenever daedae passed out xD daedae always smile>< and and, seulgi is yongguk's stepsist? ugh...;; cant wait for next chapter!
beejello96 #5
Chapter 13: lol daedae's character is so cute here. and that was close! dae was going to kiss her but....he's passing out xD aw woohyun?><
Chapter 12: Whooo~ loving this !
Jennyskater #7
Chapter 11: Waaaah~ finally an update! Please keep it up :3