Chapter 2

A Complicated Story

The door opened and Leeteuk stepped in. He smiled to his two dongsaengs (younger brothers). The two smiled back.

"Have you ate?" Leeteuk asked, he knew he was talking to almost-30 year olds but this was still his responsibility. Ryeowook and Sungmin sighs and says "yes" in unison. 

"Hyung, come, I'll let you taste my popcorn." Ryeowook, excitedly, said. He started bringing his popcorn making machine to schedules to give it to members or staff. Leeteuk laughed but gets a handful. 

"We'll start in 15 minutes. Take care of yourselves and I'll meet up with the staff and PD." Leeteuk said, finishing his hand full of popcorn. 

"I want to come too!" Ryeowook said. Sungmin sighed.

"Fine, I'll be alone here." Sungmin stated. He sighed again.

"Okay, we'll go now." Leeteuk said with Ryeowook tagging along. 


(Sungmin's Point Of View)


I sat there, in the waiting room, alone. I keep watching but I wasn't really entertained. A ringing sound came out of nowhere. I look at where Ryeowook was previously sitting and I found his cellphone. I took it. It was a message from Yesung. I feel really jealous. Ryeowook doesn't even text me unless it was about work. We're even DJ partners! I can feel my blood boil, I try to stop it since it's wrong to hate on a member. I hear the door opened and I quickly tossed the phone back to Ryeowook's seat. I looked to who it was. It was the PD.

"The filming will start." The PD told me. I smile and stand up. I leave the waiting room. I get ready and went quickly to Ryeowook's side. The MC, which was Shindongyup sunbaenim, handshakes with everyone and stands in the middle. The PD counts to one.

"3, 2, 1..." The camera starts filming and the MC introduces the show and guests. I feel a little nervous.

"Hello, welcome to Idol Family! The show where idols come for a two night stay with other idols! Since today we invited "high class" idols, we will have quite unexpected changes on games. I'll introduce the guests!" Shindongyup sunbaenim stated and started to walk towards us.

"Please introduce yourselves." Shindongyup hyung stated. Leeteuk, Ryeowook and me introduced ourselves the most common way, putting out our hands and saying "Hello! We are Super Junior!" Everybody clapped and Shindongyup hyung moves to the next guest. 

"Hello! We are Girls Generation!...." I wasn't really paying attention to the guest but I tried to look like I was. I glanced beside me and Ryeowook was shivering. How do you get cold in a heated room? Whatever, since I was worried I took off my coat and put it on him. He was surprised and looked at me, saying "Hyung, it's fine." I shake my head, objecting, I replied " It'd be better off not to catch a cold." Once, I turned my head to the camera and noticed everybody was starting at us. Aish, this is really variety.

"This is evidence that we really are close brothers." Leeteuk joked. Everybody laughed. I decided to laugh along. 

"Ryeowook, are you blushing?" Shindongyup hyung asked, jokingly. I looked at Ryeowook and he was blushing, probably from the embarrassment. So cute.

"I see a love line forming?" Jokwon, joking. He was a guest too. Sooyoung giggled.

"If that's so, can I form a love line with another girl?" Sooyoung replied, jokingly too. Everybody laughed.

"Okay, let's proceed to partner making. Is everybody ready?" Shindongyup hyung asked us.

"Yes!" We all replied. 

"Okay, let's go!" Shindongyup stated. 



(No one's Point Of View)


"Okay, pair making. I'll explain. When you get called you can dance, song, etc. After that you will offer your teddy bear to someone that has catched your heart. That person you picked will show off a talent also and may pick another person or accept you." Shindongyup explained.

"Oppa, can it be same gender?" Sooyoung asked not dropping the topic. Everybody laughed. Shindongyup giggled.

"Well Sooyoung....*giggles* if you really want to, then yes." Shindongyup replies. Causing everybody to laugh again. 

"Everybody don't pick Sungmin or Ryeowook since they have been in their own world since the start of filming." Shindongyup causing laughs.

"Hyung!...aish..." Sungmin, pretending that he didn't like it, when he really likes it. 

The pair making started. Sooyoung and Tiffany. Jokwon and Changmin. Suzy and Leeteuk. Narsha and Dongjun. Shindongyup intentionally left two men to be last. Sungmin and Ryeowook. Somehow they became the main of this segment.

"Ladies and Gentlemen, the main event that you are waiting for, the forced pair, Ryeowook and Sungmin!" Everybody clapped to Shindongyup's statement. Ryeowook laughs. Sungmin objected, just for variety.

"Hyung, I can steal someone already in a couple, right?" Sungmin asked.

" No one will accept you in the couple section though." Tiffany, jokingly said. Everybody laughed. Sungmin put his head down in embarrassment. 

"Okay, Sungmin. Are you ready?" Sungmin nods. He starts to sing the song "I Love You" while playing the guitar. He made eye contact with Ryeowook. 

Sungmin hears jokes like "It's kind of weird, he looks so serious." and "Doing good." He was singing passionately though, the love seen through his eyes, he knew was true. He finished the song but the music continues. He walks to Ryeowook and everybody was jealous of Ryeowook. 

"Yah, they are in their own world." Jokwon whispered, receiving giggles from the guests.

Sungmin gives the teddy bear to Ryeowook and he puts Ryeowook hands between his. 

"Do you want to be with me?" Ryeowook was blushing madly. Laughing from embarrassment. Sungmin kept eye contact him. While smiling. 

"Yes." Ryeowook and Sungmin hugged. Shindongyup and the guests claps.

"The main event indeed. Sungmin, you looked like you really love him." Shindongyup changed into a really serious tone, getting laughs.

"Aish, hyung, for variety." Sungmin replied, Ryeowook second emotioned. Sooyoung eyed them suspiciously.

"Ryeowook, why did you blush then?" Sooyoung quickly asked.

"I...uhh...embarrassed?" Ryeowook replied, taken aback.

"Aha! He hesitated!" Sooyoung stated, getting laughs. 

"Okay, everybody please keep an eye on those two." Shindongyup stated, jokingly. "Okay, since we have pairs off to the family making game!"




"Hello, this is your Minwook couple inventor, MC Shindongyup." Shindongyup laughs. Sungmin and Ryeowook acted pissed. 

"Hyung...ahh...aish..." Sungmin replied. 

"Okay, has anyone have an idea what game are we going to play to form two families?" The MC asked. Sooyoung, Leeteuk and Narsha raised their hands.

"Karaoke?" Sooyoung asked. Everybody laughs.

"Noodle kiss?" Narsha asked.

"I know. Acting?" Leeteuk shouted. 

"Leeteuk was very close. Not just acting, acting with a noodle kiss!" Shindongyup introduces the game. "Okay, so, first you'll pick a number and well show you what scene you are going to do. All scenes has a noodle kiss in the end. The judges will be the staff. They'll grade you from your acting skills and how short the remaining noodle will be. Is everybody ready to pick a number?" 

"Yes." Everybody replied.





Everybody has picked their number, Ryeowook and Sungmin choose number 5. Since, that was the last number. Everybody has finished and it's now their turn. Nobody knew what their scene was. Only they knew. They got ready. 

"Fighting!" Sungmin whispered to Ryeowook before they started.

"Everybody, Minwook couple!" 

To Be Continued.....


Author's Section:

Hello :) Kyumin starting on next chapter, please comment, i take criticism in a good way :D Sorry for my grammatical mistakes.










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can you make this a KyuMin ending pls
Chapter 7: Honestly I really hope min will like kyu too
Chapter 4: Minwook is fine.
But I like KyuMin and YeWook more :)
aulia21 #4
Chapter 4: Minwook, please!^^
Thanks GOD you feel better^^ and also thanks for update!^O^
Illiora #5
Chapter 4: MinWook! Defifnitely MinWook! Please don't make it KyuMin story^^
Illiora #6
Chapter 3: Minnie, you really should think about something to make Wookie yours! He is for you, not for Yesung!^^
Get well soon, author-nim^^
aulia21 #7
Chapter 3: Haha Mommy and daddy minwook with three children//all girls// >> so cute ^0^
Minnie... confess to Wookie, quickly!
Thanks for update :))
aulia21 #8
It seems very interesting!^^