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Catching Cars


Last time, we sat in silence, absolutely contented with the nothing that seemed to pass endlessly. Now that I know how limited our time together is, I am determined to make the most of our ride.

However, I am still in awe at the striking eyes of the girl sitting next to me.

We stay quiet, mostly watching the hackneyed holiday panorama of snow-topped houses against mountains similarly covered in blinding white. Mostly, my eyes flit to her blue-green head as she peers hopelessly out into the landscape.

After some time, I gather enough courage and begin, “What would you do, if you were back there?”

She faces me with smiling eyes, and my heart flutters.

“I’d be dusting my shelves. Nobody really understands why I like those CDs at all.”

My mouth hangs ajar at her simple answer, and she opens hers to explain. I blink once and am back home. The hour is up. I will have to wait another year for the continuation of my gift.




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Chapter 1: "One year after our earthly repose, Father, Dabin and I are still newcomers, discovering something strange with every passing of each day... Did she ever do anything for her to end up in a lesser plane?"

Possibly the best opening I've ever read on this site. So much is told in this one paragraph and...I don't know. It's just beautiful, the wording, the curiousity, the mood it gives. ;_;
Your writing has this elusiveness to it, like I'm wading through a swamp or something. Like I'm going to miss the meanings if I don't read carefully enough. I love how their conversations are so concise everytime they meet, the way they are connected and the way they start to learn about eachother at the end.
I've never read a C-Clown fic before (all I know is one of my friend likes them), but this was a great first experience for one ;_;

Gah, no words can describe how much I love this. THE FEELS, OH FEELS. Great job and I'll make sure to check out more of your other stuff 8D!
Chapter 7: I dont know the boy before...
nvm, i can try to search bout him..
beside, this is cool!
Chapter 7: AWWWW WHAT IS THIS I LOVE IT ;A; You are such a good writer; you always make me want to cry or idk to bang my ahead against the wall. ;~; <33

This is beautiful. I love the mystery and beauty of Jieun. ;~; You described her perfectly. Good job, once again, friend. :3

All the best for the contest! 8D
Chapter 3: I love the last sentence. :(((

I LOVE JIEUN OH MY GOSH and oh my gosh they actually will look good together idk why I just see it
