Where is my woman?!

Where is my woman?!


“WHERE IS MY WOMAN?!” Kyuhyun yelled out. Sungmin stormed into the room looking furious. “I am NOT your woman Kyu!” “Why’d you come when I called you then?” The mischievous maknae challenged. Sungmin opened his mouth to retort but then closed it again when he realised Kyuhyun was right. Kyuhyun smiled knowing he’d won which made Sungmin huff and pout, very displeased. “Why am I your woman anyway?!” Sungmin demanded. Kyuhyun smirked, “so you haven’t seen the poster yet?” “What poster?!” Sungmin looked alarmed. Had someone made a poster of him as a woman? Was this a joke Kyu was pulling? Had he used his photoshop skills for evil again like that time with Eunhyuk? Sungmin shuddered at the thought of Kyu’s photoshopped picture of Eunhyuk. If Donghae hadn’t stepped in and calmed Eunhyuk down he surely would’ve murdered Kyuhyun. Sungmin was now sufficiently scared. He never needed to see anything that scary of himself. Surely Kyu wouldn’t do that to him though? He could be mean but he was nicer to Sungmin because he lo- “do you want to see the poster Minnie?” Kyu interrupted his train of thought, grabbing his hand and leading him down the hall to his room. Sungmin was still dubious but he let Kyu drag him along.

Eunhyuk had been in the kitchen the whole time watching the KyuMin debarkle. He hoped this ended badly for Kyu, stupid evil maknae. He still needed pay back for the picture. Emotional pain would be a perfect way to- “Hey Hyukkie…” Hae interrupted Hyuk’s violent thoughts. “mmm yes Hae?” The cute little monkey pulled an adorable face melting Hyuk’s heart, “you’re my woman right?” Hyuk smiled at him and nodded “of course I a- wait what?!” The realisation of what Hae had said dawned on Hyuk and he tried to back track but it was too late. “YAY!” Hae exclaimed just as Siwon walked in in grabbing a glass of water. “What’re you so happy about?” “Hyuk’s my woman!!!” Siwon choked on the water he was drinking. “W-w-what? T-that’s not *cough* very c-Christian, I d-don’t think Jesus would-“

“WHAAAATTTTTT?!” Sungmin’s screech echoed throughout the dorm cutting Siwon’s religious speech short. Leeteuk appeared with a worried look on his face, “was that Sungmin?” he asked the trio in the kitchen. The three nodded. Leeteuk sighed “Kyu showed him the poster didn’t he?” But the three didn’t have time to answer before Sungmin stormed back into the room followed shortly by Kyuhyun who was laughing so hard he had tears in his eyes. “Leetuek!!! Did you know about it?!!” Sungmin demanded. Leeteuk looked sheepishly at the ground avoiding Sungmin’s eyes. Sungmin let out a distressed wail`. “WHY?! Even Ryeowook looks manlier than me! I look like I have s!”  “That’s ok, I like s Minnie” Kyu laughed. “Well now THAT’s a lie if I ever heard one” Hyuk exclaimed. “Oh shut up Hyuk, go make out with your monkey!” “Um guys this conversation is not very Christ-“  “SHUT UP SIWON” they all exclaimed.

 Sungmin let out another snivell and then looked at Leeteuk hopefully. “Can we recall the posters Leeteuk? Please?” Leeteuk shuffled nervously on the spot “I’m sorry Sungmin but the y, Free and Single posters have been on sale for a couple of weeks now, we can’t recall them now.” Sungmin’s face dropped again and then was replaced by a look of rage. “KYU I WILL KILL YOU!” Kyuhyun abruptly stopped laughing and looked at Sungmin fearfully. “Minnie, it’s not my fault you know! Let’s not fight, we’re supposed to be going for dinner with Suho and Kai tonight. Look I thought you must have noticed….” Sungmin continued to look murderously at Kyuhyun making him go quiet. “Cho Kyuhyun, I am giving you two options” Sungmin spoke through gritted teeth, “either I murder you here and now or” he paused making sure Kyu was as scared as possible before he gave him his second option, “or you become my woman.” Kyuhyun was startled “what?!” “You heard me!” Sungmin looked highly unimpressed and still way too angry for Kyuhyun’s liking. His shoulders sagged in defeat “fine” he mumbled. “Fine what?! Say it Cho Kyuhyun!” The use of his full name scared him and so Kyuhyun took a deep breath and said what Sungmin wanted to hear “I’ll be your woman Sungmin.”

Sungmin’s face instantly brightened. “Awww Kyu! You’re so cute! Now let’s dress you in some more feminine clothes before dinner shall we?” Kyuhyun gaped at Sungmin. “Minnie, you’re not serious-“ But the look on Sungmin’s face told Kyu he was a hundred percent serious. “Oh ! Minnie don’t do this!” “HA HA IT MAKNAE!” Hyuk exclaimed. “SHUT UP INDIAN! AT LEAST MY FACE ISN’T ED UP!” “AT LEAST I DON’T HAVE TO PRETEND TO BE A GIRL FOR MY BOYFRIEND!” “YEAH BECAUSE YOU ARE A GIRL!” Kyuhyun retorted before being dragged off by Sungmin to be dressed. Leeteuk sighed, “sometimes I wonder about you guys.” “Just thank your lucky stars that Heechul’s not around” Siwon pointed out. Hyuk, Hae and Leeteuk all nodded in agreement. It was then they heard Kyuhyun start shouting protests from the other end of the dorm, “even so” Leeteuk said “I feel it will be a long night.” “And I am getting as many pictures and videos of it as possible.” Hyuk told them, grabbing Hae’s hand. “Let’s go Hae!”

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venzsuju #1
Chapter 2: so funny!! hahahah XD
Chapter 2: Ooo a sequel <3 Yay!!
Chapter 1: Sungmin... Kyuhyun has you seriously whipped, omg.
This gets funnier the more I read it.
Chapter 1: This is so hilarious... Love it ^^
Chapter 1: Thanks for posting it!!! Rly funny lol
elien23 #6
Chapter 1: ITZ DAMN FUNNY AND I'M LAUGHING MY A** OFF ITZ THE BEST and poor kyu has 2 suffer
Chapter 1: hahahaha xD
poor Kyu