
Merry Christmas


Key sat on the couch holding both of the twins on his knees. Jonghyun didn't want to tell them, "It'll ruin their christmas!" he had said with those adorable puppy eyes when they had discussed about it, so he was in the kitchen. Or at least that was what he said, but Key was sure he was going to listen through the door, anxiously waiting for their reaction. He sighed. Key didn't want to upset his husband or his children but he'd rather tell them himself than have them finding out from someone else or to "catch" them.

He squeezed their backs gently to get their attention "So Ashley, Kris, you're a big girl and a big boy now..." he said watching them seriously in the eyes "I have something important to tell you, but you have to promise me to listen and not cry, ok?" They both nodded eyes widening a little.

He breathed deeply "Santa Claus doesn't exist" Ashley's eyes widened comically, her little hands flying to her pouty mouth "What?! Santa Claus isn't real?!" she asked in shock, her high pitched voice raising. Kris covered quickly looking around alarmed "Sssh! Dad is in the kitchen, he'll hear you!" he lowered his voice leaning closer "He'll be very upset if he finds out..." he whispered with wide eyes.

"You don't have to tell him, even if he asks you what dad said, otherwise he'll cry and we don't want that" Kris continued seriously. Ashley nodded slowly in understanding "Ok" she whispered behind her brother's hand.

She then turned around pointing at Key, her eyebrows knitted, imitating the way Jonghyun stood when he told them they had been naughty "You don'ty have to tell him either" she said narrowing her eyes. Key nodded seriously eyes glittering with laughter. "Promise" Kris said threatingly, crossing his arms on his chest "I promise" They stared at him for a couple of seconds more almost like judging if he was saying the truth or not.

Then Kris nodded and turned towards his sister starting to chat excitedly about something, probably a new game.

Key shook his head lightly, a smile stretching his lips. Only their kids could worry of upsetting their oh so naive daddy... 

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gefsgdfasfdg This was extremely adorable >.<
Hehehe the twins were more worried about their dad's reaction and that he'd probably cry if he found out that santa wasn't real lmao

I can just imagine Jonghyun bawling his eyes out after being told that Santa wasn't real omg
Ilonahaku #2
Chapter 1: OMG, it was soooooo cute how they worried about Jjong and his upset reaction, if he got to know that Santa wasn´t real. One of the most cutest fanfics which I read in last months!
I really have to congratulate you on writing such amazingly cute story! <3

Hahaha, just to imagine crying Jjong after he got to know that big news. XDD that is cracking me up. XD
dinocheeese #3