DEAL 3: The evil witch-MORGANA!






It’s raining. I don’t know what it starts raining. I don’t even bother to think about it and just walk in it letting the rain washed all my tears away. I couldn’t remember how long did I walk and how far did I walk away from that mansion. I don’t even care. As long as I can escape from HIM!

That cruel,



and arrogant sorcerer!

I felt my heart aching every time I got mad at him and sober for my parent’s death. I rather die in that volcano hole than watching my parent exchanged their lives for my safety. I felt so weak.

I’m alone...

I don’t have a place to go anymore...

My legs gave up in supporting me and I fall to my knees, crying by the roadside.




Suddenly, a carriage stops by Chaerin and a lady with black cloak and hood comes out from it. “What’s wrong sweetheart?” she asked. “Why are you crying? Come in and let me give you a ride home.” She offered.

Chaerin looked at the lady as she unrevealed her face. She’s beautiful, like an angel. No, a goddess is the right description for her. She smiled at Chaerin and held out her hand. “I...I don’t have a home anymore...” Chaerin told her. “Oh, my! That’s bad. You’re going to catch a cold in here. Please come over to my place. You can stay there if you want to. I could use a companion.” She invited her. Without waiting for Chaerin to reply, the lady pull her up and bring her into the carriage after covering Chaerin with her cloak.




“Why are you being so nice to me, Morgana?” Chaerin asked as the lady. Morgana smiled at her. “I was an orphan myself. I was abandon by my family just because they didn’t want me. So, basically you just remind me of myself.” She answered. “Please have some of the tea while it’s still hot.” She served the tea.

“Thank you.” Chaerin said and sipped the tea. “You’re welcome. I’ll leave you for some rest now. See you tomorrow, Chaerin.” She closed the door behind her as she leaves Chaerin’s room. “Yeah, I think I’m too tired and sleepy right now.” she put down the cup and put her head on the pillow and quickly falls asleep. Outside of her window, a black large crow is watching her with it’s red blood eyes.

“That’s right, Chearin. Sleep tight...”




“DAMN IT!” Youngbae grunts, shocking Bom who just arrived. “Wae,wae,wae??!” Bom dashed to him.  “I lost her track.” He replied with an anxious face. “What does that mean?” she got puzzled. Youngbae never failed before. Well, not really. He did once or twice but that was a long time ago. Huhuhu...

“Means, she being hide by someone who have greater power than the PRESENT me.” He answered. Someone who is powerful than him? Who would that be? It can’t be the old man. He’s not getting involved in any of this. Bom brains start thinking. Maybe it’s that person!

“That WITCH!” Youngbae gripped his fist.






My head is spinning. It hurts so much and I can’t move my body. Am I having a fever? I’m tired... “Chaerin?” I heard Morgana calls me. “What’s wrong with you?” she asked with her worried face. She held out her hand and touches my forehead. Then, suddenly I’m feeling my body burning up. “Oh my! You’re having a fever!” she said. “I’m going to get wet towels.” She leaves the bed.

That’s weird... I wasn’t feeling this hot just now. But I can’t do or even say anything. I’m too...tired. I close my eyes and fall asleep.




“Neh, Youngbae-ah! Have you seen the witch’s face?” suddenly Bom asked which makes Youngbae turn his attention to her. “Well, no... Why?” he replied. “A-aniya... Just asking...” she looks away. The siblings walk through the forest after Youngbae transported them there where he last sense Chaerin and they’ve been walking for a while.

All of a sudden, a gust of strong wind blows and the sky turn dark as if a storm is coming. “That’s weird...” Bom looked up to the dark sky. Youngbae too begin to feel curious of what cause this to happen. He was sure it’s not natural. There must be magic involve. “Look, over there!” Bom points to the north. An old castle stands there and above it the sky is even darker and thunder clashes. Bom let out a shiver as she felt an eerie feeling.

“Let’s go!” Youngbae said. Bom just followed him from behind.




“I see we have visitors. It’s been a while since we seen each other isn’t it, Youngbae?” Morgana smiled. “To think that now you didn’t even remember my face is really disappointing. Thanks to that pathetic ahjusshi doings.” She looked into her crystal ball. “It’s time to revive her so I can kill her.” She turned her back and walks out from the room.




Chaerin who was left in the room alone, is getting weaker and weaker. What’s wrong with me? Is the question that keeps repeating in her mind. The sound of thunder clashing startled her and she turned her head towards the window and saw the darkness roams. Then a light suddenly shines through the window as if trying to comfort her. Light? She closes her eyes as the light calms her.


Youngbae stops. Bom who didn’t realize her brother’s action failed to stop and just bumped into him. “Ouch! Hey!!!” she growls. “What is wrong with you?!” she nags. “Noona, did you heard that?” Youngbae ignores her. Bom looks around while listening but hears nothing. “I heard nothing.” She replied.

“I thought I heard someone called my name...” he told her.

“YOUNGBAE-AH~!” a female voice called him. Both Bom and him looked to the owner of the voice. A lady wearing black cloak standing on top of a tall pillar with a staff in her hands. Youngbae quickly recognized the staff.

“NO WAY!” he said in disbelief as the witch reveals herself from the hood that covers her head. “MORGANA!!!” he calls out. Morgana just stands there, smiling at him. “Orean-maniya... Youngbae-ah, unni-do..” she looks at Bom. Bom just give her a glare.

“Don’t look at me like that, unni. You got some explanation to do.” Morgana smirks as Youngbae stared at his sister. “You knew she was alive?!” Youngbae asked her. “He was trying to protect you, Youngbae! We all don’t have a choice! She’s controlling you!” Bom snapped. “What are you saying, noona?” Youngbae asked.

“She’s trying to gain your power and Appa knew her plan. That’s why Appa banished her from heaven. She cast a spell on you and the only way to get yourself back is from getting you out from your memories of her.” Bom told her brother.

“And that’s why he kicked me out from home...” Youngbae mutters. “Don’t listen to her Youngbae.. They tried to rip us apart, again. Can’t you see? Baby, can’t you remember how much I love you?” Morgana floats closer to him, pleading him.

“Don’t listen to her! Her words are poisonous!” Bom warns him. But, then Morgana aim her staff directly at Bom and it hits her. “Yah!! What do you think you’re doing?!!!” Youngbae shouts.  “Don’t worry, Youngbae. I can’t kill her remember? We’re from the opposite signs.” She smiled.

Signs are what differentiate each god and goddess. Youngbae and Bom are under the sign of LIGHT which means Morgana is under the signs of DARK. There are other rare signs like their father who possess both light and dark signs. Which means, he can kill both signs. The opposite signs cannot kill each other because they need each other. So, the only person that can kill a Light sign god is a god under the same sign. Even though, they can’t kill each other but they still can hurt each other.

 “You’ve changed Morgana...” Youngbae utters. “No, Youngbae... You’re wrong. I never changed...” she replied at him. “But soon, I will...” she smirks. “As soon as Ciel is revived.” She continues before attacking Youngbae. Good thing he was ready for any of possibilities. “Ooo... Youngbae’s got swift moves.” She jabbers.

“Stop talking rubbish! Where is Chaerin?!” Youngbae urged her. “I’m not telling.” She said and aim her staff but this time Bom attacks her with her powers and separated her from her staff. “What are you planning to do with Chaerin?! She’s just an innocent girl!” Bom snapped.

“Innocent girl you said?” Morgana glared at Bom. Her staff then flew back to Morgana’s hand. “She’s not who you think she is!” Morgana gone mad.




Again, Youngbae heard his name was called. “Noona, I’m going to find Chaerin!” he trust Bom with the situation. Something bugs him.





Chaerin abruptly opens her eyes as she gasped for air as if she was dying. She crawl down from her bed and walks weakly to the door. “I get out...” she tried to open the door but she’s too weak for it. “” she lean to the door.






That voice... It’s him. He’s here?? Why? This damned door! Why aren’t you opening!!! I pushed the door with all my strength that left. A gust of strong wind blows to my face as the door opens and I found myself by the edge of the tower with no stair or what so ever to come down from this place. This is insane. I clearly remember that last night there was a hallway here.

My feet gave up and I fall down to the floor. The surrounding is dark and the weather is harsh. Is a storm coming? Then I saw someone running towards the tower. “Ozzie?” I mumbles.

“CHAERIN, LOOK OUT!!” he shouted. Look out for what? Damn it, my head’s spinning!

“You’re awake, sister...” Morgana suddenly appears in front of me. SISTER?? “It’s too bad that we’re in this type of situation, CIEL. If this didn’t happen, I wouldn’t have to kill you...” she continues and aims her staff to me.

“Morgana...?” I looked up to her.




This is bad! She’s going to get killed! Why does Morgana wanted her died so badly?!! I flew to the trees nearby to stop Morgana. But, I was too late! The light from Morgana’s staff is blinding my eyes that I had to cover myself. A few moments later, the light’s gone.

“Youngbae-ah!” I heard noona calls me from below. “Where is Chaerin?!” she asked with her worried look. I shook my head. “Aish! I should have tried harder. She’s too powerful from me!” noona grunts.


“NO! THIS IS IMPOSIBBLE!!” both of us heard Morgana’s screams.




“NO!!!” Morgana shouted as Chaerin didn’t even scratches a bit! “Why,why,why?!!” she rants. Chaerin just gives Morgana a stare which makes Morgana stepped away from her. “No, it can’t be!” she said in disbelief.

Youngbae just stood on the tree branch, confused of what happen. He too was sure, Morgana hits her. Then, two lights emerge from the sky. One is fiery red and the other one is dark. Loud roars and screams that deafen any human’s ear echoed in the sky. The thunder and wind stops.

“You have no right to kill me MORGANA...” Chaerin grabs Morgana’s staff. Morgana is shaking. “C...CIEL....” she stutters. “You tried to defy me Morgana. And you’re going to pay for it!” Chaerin glares at her. “I’m taking what you stole from me, once!” she pulls the staff away from Morgana and the staff automatically lights up.

“NO! CIEL, FORGIVE ME!!!!” Morgana shouted but it’s too late she turned into dust as the light illuminates her. Youngbae and Bom were shocked. Who is CHAERIN?! The two lights then turned into a red phoenix and a black dragon and they bows at her.

“She’s an...”

ELEMANTAL!” Youngbae said in shock.







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Chapter 11: Update please ;; I'm waitiiiiing <3
diannan #2
Chapter 11: When are u gonna update ?!?!?!?
Chapter 11: great update :D
so they back to earth n YB have to help her find her power back!
I love this chapter , specially the last part :D , YB being kind n Chaerin heard all :D
i hope the next chapter they can be more closed than now :)
thanks for the update author nim ^^
BigBang_VIP #4
Chapter 11: Amazing update! But now I'm wondering more about her life. :) Btw, you spelled torture wrong. Lol
BigBang_VIP #5
Chapter 10: Awww what an awesome update!!! :)
Chapter 10: so dara wads coming out here n she have a little crush on yongbae ? that will be a dificult one .. haha
n where is yongbae bring her ? i bet he is really mad now .. hahah
uuhh cant wait for the next chapter ><
keep updating author nim :)
Chapter 9: what u make her cry tae !!
no thik the way to get apologize !
thanks for the update author :)
BigBang_VIP #8
Chapter 9: Oh great job Taeyang. -.- You just made her cry. Go after her!
Chapter 8: finally the whole story about their past was done ^^
im understand now author .. who is morgana , ciel/chaerin n about their destiny to be together ...
this is was great n getting more interesting :)
i cant wait for the next chapter , keep update author ^_^
Chapter 8: omg authornim >.< I enjoy this story like a watching movie , waiting for next chapter . I love this story so much ^^