I Won't Give Up On Us

I Won't Give Up On Us

I highly recommend you to read this while listening to this ^^



Somehow Kyuhyun was extra ordinarily exhausted from work that day. Patients kept coming. ER was filled with severe accident victims. He just couldn’t believe that he actually treated more than four cases of car crash. He had been in the hospital for more than 46 hours now. He loved his job, as well as helping people.


His fellow doctors and nurses would praise him for his determination. But at the same time they were concerned about him. He was practically draining his self, tiring his body to the tiny bits, and even for a doctor who was sworn to help people under whatever circumstances, he deserved a rest.


He refused to go home. He kept on telling how he could still manage another 10 hours. But people say the eyes are the window to a person’s heart. And they are actually the window to a person’s body. Kyuhyun was only kidding his self, people couldn’t ignore the fact that the surgeon was physically drained.


“Kyuhyun, I’m sending you home.”


Kyuhyun was awakened from his short nap. He had been sleeping in his palms on the table; the now cold coffee was left untouched. He lifted his head and blinked his eyes a couple times to clear his vision. He put on a weak smile to assure the other that he was still fine. But in fact he was only assuring his self.


“Sir, I’ll go home after another ten.”


Leeteuk sat down on the chair next to Kyuhyun. He sighed loudly, showing the younger his own concern and rather frustration. “Look, Kyuhyun-ah,” he placed an arm on the other’s shoulder, “You are one of the best we have here, I know that. But you should give some credit for the others too.”


Kyuhyun chuckled and shifted his gaze away. He regretted falling asleep while waiting for the coffee to cool down a bit earlier. He took the paper cup and sipped a bit; it was still tasteful despite the temperature.


He put the cup back down and looked at the black liquid while smiling. “The others are doing a great job, hyung. But I just can’t leave my patients. They need me.”


Even after seven years of being a surgeon, he never learned how to take care of his self. And Leeteuk sometimes found it a bit irritating. So he spoke in a stern voice, “Go home. You don’t have any surgery for at least another 48 hours. And I’m speaking as your supervisor, not your hyung.”


“But, sir—“


“No buts,” Leeteuk cut, “You have another patient waiting for you at home. You said your patients need you, right?”


Kyuhyun was left speechless. His gaze dropped to God knows where, his minds flew away back home. He felt like wanting to cry. The mere thought of who was waiting for him at home was unbearable for him. To be honest, the reason he stayed at the hospital for nearly two days straight was to keep his mind off of him.


He was being selfish, he knew that. But he just couldn’t stand not to cry in front of him. He felt like wanting to break down every time he saw him. And yet he called himself a doctor. He mentally scoffed and cursed his self for being such a coward.




The weather outside was freezing cold; Christmas was nearing. Happy thoughts swimming in Kyuhyun’s minds as he entered the elevator in his apartment building. He had this particular gift he wanted to give to his other half since months ago. He had prepared everything and it was going to be perfect.


Kyuhyun opened the door hurriedly as the cold was started pinching his skin. He felt comfortable with the heat of their house, it was always warm, it has always been especially with the sight of the love of his life.


But just then he realized something was missing. Nobody was there to welcome him like usual. He didn’t receive a warm kiss like before. Panic and worry attacked his mind in mere seconds.




No answer. He cursed his self for choosing to stay at the hospital longer than usual. Tears started forming in his eyes. He searched the kitchen but it was completely empty, even the dishes were clean. He rushed to the bath room and even though the lights were off he still barged in only to find nobody in it.


He ran as quickly as possible to the bedroom. The bed was even empty, except for the pink guitar that was lying on top of the cover. He glanced to the side of the room, the window was opened wide and wind was blowing the curtains inside.


He slowly neared the window and poked his head outside. “Min?”


A huge relief struck his chest. He released an air almost audibly to see the ever so beautiful man sitting on the snow covered balcony. He looked undeniably cute in his pink pajamas, especially with the white skullcaps that fit him perfectly.


Sungmin was sitting peacefully, folding his knees to his chest and hugging them. He was looking up to the sky and smiling to his self. Occasionally squinting one of his eyes and furrowed his eyebrows as if he was searching for something.


The slight wind of the winter stung Kyuhyun’s face like a hard rock. He almost gasped upon seeing Sungmin was only sitting on a blanket with nothing covering his body but his clothes. Yet the older didn’t even flinch or affected by the cold.


Kyuhyun went back inside his room and took the blanket on their bed before going back to the balcony. He settled his body beside Sungmin and wrapped both of their bodies with the blanket he brought. Sungmin didn’t even notice Kyuhyun’s presence despite him calling his name earlier. And Kyuhyun felt a slight pang on his heart with that fact. So he kissed Sungmin’s cheek lovingly.


Sungmin turned his head to Kyuhyun with a surprised face. He smiled lovingly as the other was also smiling towards him. “I didn’t know you were here.” He smiled again before kissing Kyuhyun’s lips briefly.


Sungmin furrowed his eyebrow and was confused when he noticed a tear actually leaked from Kyuhyun’s eyes. He wiped the tears with his thumb and asked with a weak smile, “Why are you crying, Kyu?”


Kyuhyun pecked the man’s lips before wiping his tears with his own hands. He shook his head, “Nothing, Min. I just remember one of my patients that came to the ER earlier.”


“Is he okay? What happened?” Sungmin’s face turned into a worried one instantly. And that just brought another tear to Kyuhyun’s face. How he loved this very caring person.


“He is fine, don’t worry about him,” Kyuhyun smiled, trying to assure the other. He didn’t need a big effort to do that because Sungmin immediately shifted his gaze back to the dark sky. Kyuhyun just watched the older as he squinted one of his eyes again like earlier.


The sight brought a complete bliss to Kyuhyun. He loved watching him like this. Sungmin looked like an innocent little kid. He felt like wanting to cry again but he didn’t want to. He just wanted to enjoy this. He just didn’t know if he would ever get a chance like this again; seeing Sungmin so happy in his own world.


He wrapped Sungmin in his arms and Sungmin immediately adjusted his body and leaned on Kyuhyun’s chest. “What are you looking at?” Kyuhyun asked lovingly. He kissed the older’s hair repeatedly, loving the scent that he never grew tired of.


“I’m trying to count the stars in the sky,” Sungmin said while concentrating with one eye.


“Then why are you squinting like that?” Kyuhyun rubbed his gloved hands to Sungmin’s arm. He just knew that Sungmin must be freezing even though he didn’t look like he did.


Sungmin opened his closed eye and blinked a couple times. He was as if trying to adjust his sight. “My left eye is a bit blurry, I can only see clearly with my right eye.” He squinted his left eye again and found his self comfortable seeing with only one eye. “Kyu, I think I’m near sighted now.”


Kyuhyun buried his face deeper in Sungmin’s hair, trying to hold back another tear. He inhaled heavily and tried to calm his self. “Maybe we should buy you a pair of glasses tomorrow,” he chuckled.


“Yah,” Sungmin hit Kyuhyun’s arms that are wrapping him protectively, “You know I look bad in those,” he looked up to meet Kyuhyun’s face with a pout.


Kyuhyun quieted for a bit. He observed the perfection right before his eyes. Sungmin was always beautiful, despite the condition he was in. And Kyuhyun could never find himself not admiring the older. “You will always look good to me with whatever,” he said.


Sungmin smiled with the cheesiness in the younger’s line and just stared back. He closed the distance between their faces and kissed him lovingly. Lips moving with lips and they just loved the moment.


Kyuhyun wasn’t hurrying anything but Sungmin became more aggressive. He started ravishing Kyuhyun’s cavern wholly. But it wasn’t long until he spun his figure entirely to face the younger and started kissing Kyuhyun’s neck. His hands were trying to find their ways to the hem of Kyuhyun’s shirt.


He pulled out the once neatly tucked shirt out of Kyuhyun’s pants and started exploring the warm skin of Kyuhyun’s body underneath the fabric. His lips found their way to Kyuhyun’s clavicle and he just couldn’t wait any longer because he started grinding his hips against the younger’s.


“Kyu…” Sungmin moaned and panted in between his harsh kisses.


As much as Kyuhyun wanted to continue, he knew best he should restrain his self from going any further. He just didn’t want to hurt Sungmin. “Min…stop. Let’s stop….” He panted.


Sungmin continued his hands in feeling Kyuhyun’s back and kissing his neck. He pulled the other impossibly closer for him to feel. “No, Kyu… I want you…”


Kyuhyun needed to stop or else he wouldn’t be able to stop at all. He grabbed Sungmin’s shoulders and pulled him away rather harshly. Sungmin was slightly taken aback by the action but his face showed disappointment and hatred. And that was just enough to make Kyuhyun’s heart broke in to pieces. He stared at Sungmin’s face and couldn’t help but to feel sad and guilty instantly. He wanted to just embrace the older again but he needed to stay firm in front of the other. It was for Sungmin’s good after all.


“I’m sorry, Min. I want to, I swear. But you know we can’t. I don’t want to hurt you,” Kyuhyun hung his head down, hands still gripping Sungmin’s shoulder.


“You won’t, Kyu, I trust you—“


“But I don’t.” He snapped his head to Sungmin.


Sungmin was on the verge of crying. He really wanted to feel Kyuhyun since it had been a long time. He hated it when Kyuhyun rejected him like this. And it was all his condition to blame. If only he wasn’t this sick, they would probably hit the bed by now. He just missed the time when they could make love anytime they want.


“I hate you,” Sungmin pouted.


Kyuhyun had encountered countless times of moments like this, moments where Sungmin was being a child. He used to love it when the older was being childish with all his scoffing and pouting. But this time he was being childish with a different cause, a cause that Kyuhyun still couldn’t accept. And that just broke Kyuhyun’s heart even more.


He pulled Sungmin in his embrace and mentally thanking God that Sungmin didn’t go ballistic, because that was what normally he would do at times like this. “I’m sorry, Min. Really, really sorry.” He then buried his face on the older’s shoulder. He held him tight as if he was going to slip away anytime soon.


Kyuhyun's gaze then caught sight of something on the ground. Sungmin wasn’t wearing anything on his feet, his feet was in a direct contact with the snow. What made Kyuhyun shock even more was that his feet was no longer pale; it was light blue as the blood was already frozen inside.


“Sungmin why aren’t you wearing any footwear?” his tone was between anger and shock.


Sungmin freed his self from Kyuhyun’s arms and took a look at his already inflexible feet. Just then he realized that he couldn’t feel anything on his feet. His legs were even almost numb. “I—uh—I forgot…”


Kyuhyun didn’t let Sungmin finish his sentence. He immediately lifted the older with his two arms and rushed inside the house. He didn’t even notice how light Sungmin had become due to the constant loss of weight because Kyuhyun was in a complete panic state. He almost ran to the bathroom with Sungmin on his arms.


Kyuhyun kicked the door open and immediately seated Sungmin on the toilet seat before turning the faucet on the bath tub in a light speed.


“How long have you been sitting there?” Kyuhyun asked without looking at Sungmin. He checked the temperature with his elbow; he wanted it not too hot and not too cold. But before Sungmin could even answer anything, he rushed to the kitchen and came back seconds later with a basin in his hands.


Sungmin just watched his boyfriend expressionless. He honestly didn’t know what to say or what to do. He couldn’t even remember why he went to the balcony the first place. All he knew was that he was enjoying counting the stars on the sky until Kyuhyun kissed his cheek.


Kyuhyun kneeled down, with the now filled with warm water basin in his hands, in front of the sitting Sungmin. He checked the temperature of the water once more to be certain. He didn’t want to injure Sungmin’s skin. “God min you’re ice freezing!” he exclaimed as he pressed his fingers on Sungmin’s left foot.


Kyuhyun slowly took one of Sungmin’s feet in his hand and the other slowly and gently splashing the warm water to the organ. He splashed a couple more times and looked up to check on Sungmin’s expression. But the sitting guy’s face was straight.


“Do you feel it?” Kyuhyun asked, still splashing while occasionally rubbing the foot and gently massaging it. But Sungmin shook his head and Kyuhyun became more stressed. Sungmin’s feet were definitely having a frost-bite.


Kyuhyun continued splashing the warm water a couple more times before moving to the other foot. Sungmin rolled his pants higher to help Kyuhyun finish his doings. Kyuhyun then put both of Sungmin’s feet inside the basin and let them soaked in the warm water, he massaged both his feet in order for the blood to course again.


After a couple minutes, Sungmin’s feet were no longer blue instead a little pale. But it was good enough and Sungmin started moving his fingers randomly. Kyuhyun sighed at the sight and felt a huge relief in his chest. He dropped his head on Sungmin’s lap with his arm while the other hand was still inside the water.


Sungmin brought his hand on top of Kyuhyun’s lock and a few strands on his head. He then noticed that Kyuhyun was actually sweating. Then guilt came to his conscience, “I’m sorry, Kyu. I promise I won’t forget again.”


Kyuhyun kissed Sungmin’s knee and looked up to meet Sungmin’s loving eyes. He grabbed Sungmin’s hand that was caressing his cheek and brought it to his lips. He kissed it and pressed it against his cheek even more. He closed his eyes and cherished the feeling of Sungmin’s skin against his. He just didn’t want the moment to end.


He opened his eyes and stared at the smiling Sungmin. “I’m sorry I left you all alone here,” he said with voice full of sorry.


Sungmin shook his head, “No, Kyu, you needed to go to the hospital. I understand,” he smiled.


Kyuhyun dropped his head onto Sungmin’s lap again, hand started massaging Sungmin’s feet again. He relaxed under Sungmin’s touch. He unconsciously closed his eyes as he immersed himself deeper to Sungmin’s affection. He really didn’t want this to end. He really didn’t want Sungmin to leave.


“Min,” Kyuhyun mumbled.


Sungmin just hummed in response.


“Promise me you won’t leave me,”


Sungmin didn’t stop Kyuhyun’s hair. His hand moved lower to Kyuhyun’s cheek and caressed it lovingly. He tilted his head to the side and brought a smile on his face. He loved seeing Kyuhyun cling onto him like a kid.


“Kyu, I think it’s time for you to find someone else who can take care of you. A girl probably would be nice,” Sungmin said after a few seconds of silence. A smile was still plastered on his face.


Kyuhyun lifted his head abruptly and shook his head real hard. “No. Don’t say that, Min. You know I can’t,” Kyuhyun said. His eyes were starting to get wet again. No matter how hard he tried to hold back his tears, they still swam down on their own wills.


Sungmin wiped the tears on Kyuhyun’s face and kept smiling. He didn’t want the younger to see him weak. He needed to tell him that he was alright, that he was fine.


“I won’t give up on us, Min. Even in the toughest time, I will stick with you.”


Kyuhyun got up on his feet and hugged the sitting Sungmin. He buried his face on Sungmin’s neck deeply as tears streaming down even more. “I love you.” He mumbled through Sungmin’s skin.


“I love you too, Kyu. I always will.” Sungmin closed his eyes and tightened his arms around Kyuhyun.



It’s been two years since Kyuhyun and Sungmin first found out about Sungmin’s condition. It was devastating for both of them. But Kyuhyun was being all supportive and helpful, and since he was a doctor, he was able to soothe Sungmin’s mind with his assuring words by telling him that he was okay.


Sungmin trusted Kyuhyun so much. He trusted him with all his might. But he wasn’t stupid and sometimes it irritated him whenever he knew that Kyuhyun was lying. He could feel it. He knew he was weakening from time to time. And he knew there was nothing they could do.


Kyuhyun searched for helps from his colleagues and professors. They were more than willing to help him, but unfortunately nobody had contacted him back with some good news.


To Sungmin, Kyuhyun was just being denial. He thought that it was his fate being sick like this. It hurt him whenever he saw the younger trying to bring him from one hospital to another, just to get the best treatment. But his condition was beyond cureable. There was nothing anybody could do. He gave up fighting months ago and just just wanted to enjoy his days.


The past few weeks were the most frustrating times for Kyuhyun. He watched himself how Sungmin’s condition worsened every day. Sungmin threw up every morning. Sungmin started forgetting things. Sungmin’s behavior changed from time to time. Sungmin would cry almost every night saying his head hurts like hell. And there was nothing the younger could do but to just be there for him.


He knew his time was coming. That was why he gave everything to fate. As much as he didn’t want to leave Kyuhyun, he wanted the other to just move on with his life when the time comes.



Sungmin watched every move Kyuhyun made as he changed his clothes. He adored the younger so much. He just felt so lucky he met such a gorgeous and generous man like him. Kyuhyun had the kindest heart a person could ever. He just didn’t know what he did in his previous life to have him in his life.


The next thing he knew Kyuhyun was already climbing on to the bed with a brown envelope in his hand. He couldn’t help but to feel curious, “What’s that?”


Kyuhyun sat right beside Sungmin who was already tucked in the blanket with a wide smile on his face. He handed Sungmin the envelope and gestured him to open it.


“What is it?” Sungmin asked as he started opening the envelope.


“It’s your early Christmas present.”


Sungmin pulled out some papers and started reading it. His eyes grew wide upon certain writings. “Adoption form?!” he shrieked. He looked at Kyuhyun who was nodding while still smiling widely, showing his teeth wholly.


“I registered us to an orphanage and they accepted us. I have met him,” Kyuhyun pointed the picture of a little boy on the next page. “He’s name is Sandeul, he’s five years old. He looks just like you, really cute.”


Sungmin tried to concentrate on reading the document but he failed. His heart was overwhelmed by joy and he felt like wanting to cry. He had always wanted to adopt a child. He really wanted to start a little family with Kyuhyun and a kid would definitely complete everything.


Sungmin turned to his boyfriend and immediately threw his body to hug him. “Thank you so much, Kyu. God, I love you so much!” he kissed Kyuhyun’s temple repeatedly.


After a few seconds he went back to the document and observed the picture of his soon to be son. He trailed his fingers on it and smiled widely. He could feel Kyuhyun’s arms slowly wrapping his figure and his cheek being kissed by the younger.


“You can meet him tomorrow if you want. He won’t be coming home with us yet until the documents are completed but they said we could go and visit him,” Kyuhyun said against Sungmin’s temple.


“I’d love that,” Sungmin smiled, still admiring the cute picture.



Leeteuk heard some noise outside his office; it was like someone was screaming. He cursed under his breath, thinking that it must be another patient’s family being stubborn wanting to go in to the operating room. When he noticed the noise never came to an end, he stood from his desk and went outside his office.


He walked to the source of the chaos and was shocked to find Kyuhyun in his casual clothes wailing like a crazy person in front of the OR door.


“Dr. Park,” one of the nurses, who were seemingly trying to push Kyuhyun back, called.


Kyuhyun spun his head to Leeteuk’s direction and walked towards him immediately. “Hyung! Please tell them to let me in!”


Leeteuk was a bit dumbfounded at first. Kyuhyun was a calm person and he would never make a scene at the hospital. But there was only one thing that could turn Kyuhyun to be such a wreck like this. And Leeteuk didn’t need Kyuhyun to tell him everything.


“Kyuhyun-ah, you know you can’t go inside the OR,” Leeteuk responded calmly, trying to hold the younger’s shoulder.


“I know, but just… Just let me help them, hyung! I don’t want to be away from him, please, hyung!” Kyuhyun pleaded. Just then Leeteuk noticed the tears were flooding Kyuhyun’s pale face.


Knowing that Leeteuk wouldn’t let him, Kyuhyun abruptly turned around and rushed to the OR again, only to be held back by the nurses again. He shouted and screamed, begging to be let in like a crazy person. Something that he had never done before. The nurses weren’t really sure whether to be hard on him or to pity him. Kyuhyun was just desperate.


A doctor came out of the OR with a syringe on his hand and injected it on Kyuhyun’s arm. In just a few seconds Kyuhyun felt his feet wobbly and his head was heavy as hell. His vision was a blur and soon he felt like floating.




Kyuhyun felt dizzy again. He opened his eyes slowly and everything was still a blur. He tried lifting his hand to his head and rubbed the back of his head. He blinked for a couple times and finally his vision was clear.


He snapped his head to Leeteuk, who was sitting across the room, as soon as he remembered something, “Hyung, Sungmin—“


“He’s still in surgery, Kyu.”


“Who’s handling him?”


“Jongwoon is. He took the initiative as soon as he found out Sungmin was in.”


Kyuhyun felt a bit relieved. Jongwoon was one of the best surgeons aside from himself and he trusted that man. But still, his heart was somewhat uneasy and negative thoughts kept forming inside his head. He lifted his body and tried sitting up on the bed, wincing a bit as his head was still slightly dizzy.


“How long was I out for?” Kyuhyun asked.


Leeteuk glanced at his watch as he answered, “Twenty.”


“How long has he been in there?”


Leeteuk lifted his face and looked at the younger doctor, “Thirty.”


Kyuhyun scoffed as he gripped his own hair, feeling frustrated as hell.


Leeteuk observed his dongsaeng. Never in his ten years of knowing the younger had he seen him like this. Kyuhyun was wearing a crappy tee, which Leeteuk thought was his sleep wear, and a pair of jeans. His hair was a mess and face was pale as the wall surrounding them.


He wanted to console the younger telling him to be okay but he and Kyuhyun both knew Sungmin might not be okay. In fact, the possibility of Sungmin being okay was really low. Not with his current condition. And a doctor must not lie even if he wanted to, even if it was just for the sake of Kyuhyun’s mind.


Leeteuk got up from the couch and sat on the side of the bed where Kyuhyun had laid. “What happened, Kyuhyun-ah?”


Kyuhyun rubbed his face roughly with his palms, slightly trying to ease himself. But the memory of the earlier morning brought him to tears again.


“I woke up early and saw him still sleeping next to me,” Kyuhyun started as he hung his head low. “I cooked breakfast for us like usual and prepared a bath for him. But when I tried waking him up, he wouldn’t move. He wasn’t breathing at all but he still had a pulse. It was really weak, hyung. I even had to check many times to just make sure.


“On the way here he was still unconscious. But suddenly he coughed. I felt relieved because I thought he was awake. But when I looked at him, blood was all over his mouth and chin. And he continued coughing blood a couple times. I panicked hyung. I lost it when Kangin hyung said he needed to go to the OR immediately. I just… I just wanted to help. I want to be by his side…” Kyuhyun broke in to tears finally.


Leeteuk brought his arms around Kyuhyun and let the younger cry upon his shoulder. He rubbed Kyuhyun’s back up and down, trying to comfort him. He was never good with words and he didn’t want to lie by saying Sungmin was going to be okay. Judging by the symptoms Sungmin had, he might’ve lost it.


“I won’t allow you lead the operation, Kyu. It’s going to be emotional for you and you know the standard procedure here.”


“I know hyung. I just….wanted to hold him…. I’m scared, hyung.” Kyuhyun couldn’t hold his sobs anymore. Deep down he just knew he had only little hopes for this. “We were going to adopt a child, hyung, and he was so excited about it. And tomorrow’s Christmas.”


There was a long silence because Leeteuk really didn’t know what to say. So he just provided his shoulder for the younger to continue cry and kept rubbing his back.




Moments later, Kyuhyun was looking at a blank space. The door to his room opened and revealed Leeteuk in his white coat bringing two cups of hot tea in his hands. He was about to hand one of them to Kyuhyun when suddenly another person entered the room.


Kyuhyun jumped on his spot and Leeteuk snapped his head to the door.


“Jongwoon hyung…”


Jongwoon didn’t say a word and his face was hard to read. His mask was hanging below his chin. He sighed and took his operating cap off. “I’m sorry, Kyuhyun-ah. The tumor was all over his brain…I just…I’m sorry….”


Leeteuk snapped to Kyuhyun. The younger was sitting still with his mouth slightly gaped, his eyes were staring Jongwoon full of disbelief. "Kyuhyun-ah,” Leeteuk trailed.


There was avery long pause as the three of them didn't dare to say one word. But Jongwoon couldn't stand facing Kyuhyun. As a doctor, he knew it wasn't his fault, but the guilt was inevitable. Especially because Kyuhyun was one of his closest dongsaeng. He just couldn't face Kyuhyun anymore, “He’s still in the operating room if you want to see him…” Jongwoon said, “I’m really, really sorry, Kyuhyun.” Then Jongwoon left the room with his head hung down.


Leeteuk put down the cups in his hands on the stand beside the bed and brought Kyuhyun to his arms. This time he didn’t rub his back like last time instead he just stayed still. He heard Kyuhyun sniffed lightly, followed by heavy sobs.


“How can he….leave me like this, hyung? Doesn’t he know that I…..can’t….live without him?” Kyuhyun cried between sobs.


“Kyuhyun-ah,” Leeteuk said in his softest voice, “You need to let him go.”


Kyuhyun pulled away from the hug and looked at his hyung with stern eyes. “No,” he said, face was still wet with tears, “I won’t give up on him. He’ll always be with me…”


But no matter how hard Kyuhyun tried to be strong, he just couldn’t pretend anymore. And soon he broke down into more tears than anybody could ever know....




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Chapter 1: daebak.. =") (sea of tears..sobs**) good job authornim ^_^
PeaceOutTakeCare #2
Chapter 1: Another tear-jerker. I didn't know I had so much tears in me.
RayhanAdni #3
Chapter 1: omgggg imma crying in the midnight!!! Why min??????? :(((

Anyway, it really great and touching.

Hwaiting another fanfic for u ^^
ybunnyMin #4
Chapter 1: It did make my tears flow continuously
Chapter 1: Min is dead?? T.T such a great angst ff...
Chapter 1: Im crying... Omg such the best angst
evryva #7
Chapter 1: Whoa...you took my breath away.....
gadsmin7 #8
Chapter 1: //ugly sobbing my tears
Omgggggg why so sadddd...;;;A;;;
It would be even more sad in the end if you make their sweet moments longer, but thanks God you're not coz if you're i might be dying now with all of the tears TT^TT
tiyan_mute #9
Chapter 1: really.... so sad..... i'm crying here.....