
I'm Never the One.

"Ugh, I don't get any of this!" Hyemin growled.

Changsub looked at her and laughed. "It's not that hard." 

She glared at him, "It's super hard! Then this teacher is really no help. He's such a grouch."

"He is. I don't like him but he's an alright teacher. So far I get the lesson."

Hyemin rolled her eyes, "Well lucky you."

"I'll tutor you." He said with a smile.

Hyemin felt herself freeze up. She cleared , "Well, if you want." She said in a low voice. 

Hyemin was popular with the guys at school. She was beautiful so they would always flirt with her. Changsub was definitely coming off as the flirting type.

He nodded his head, "Okay. During lunch? We can go grab food then sit together and I'll help you out."

Hyemin puffed out her cheeks and slowly nodded her head, "Okay." She said. 

The bell rang signaling lunch was starting. They both got up and got their stuff together. "Let's go." Changsub said. 

The two walked to the cafeteria together. "Hey Hyemin!" Junpyo, a guy she used to talk to, greeted her.

She smiled and hugged him, "Hey, how are you?" The two had a short conversation as Changsub stood there awkwardly. "Well, I gotta get going. Bye!" The two hugged and said goodbye.

"Miss Popular." Changsub said and they both laughed.

They got their food and sat down at a table. "Okay so what is it that you don't get?" Changsub asked as he took a bite of his pizza.

"Everything." She said as she let out a heavy sigh. 

Changsub began teacher her how to solve the equation. As he was doing so, a couple of their friends came and sat down besides them.

"Hey Changsub!" One of the girls, Jiyeon, said with a smile.

He simply gave her a wave and went back to teaching Hyemin. 

"What are you two doing?" Another one asked.

The two began getting annoyed. "We're kind of busy. I'm teaching her." Changsub said. 

They all teased the two and got up and left except for Jiyeon. "I need help with that too so I'll stay here." Changsub looked up at her with an expressionless face and she gave him a wide smile.

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Chapter 20: i just found this fic while hunting for changsub fics in the tags and omg i finished this within two days and i really love it!! thank you for the wonderful read!! really loved how hyemin and changsub got together in the end ahhhh so sweet <3
Gikanuna #2
Chapter 20: cuteeeeee ;A;
b2utyxinspirit #3
Chapter 20: Finally changsub's ff! So nice authornim ;)
I am grateful you made Changsub the main for this fic. Like you've said, it's hard to find fics here with Changsub in it.
Omg Changsub<3
Chapter 20: Audkcnakmd I loved this story so much ; u ; the ending was so perfect! But I don't want it to overrrr! :c
SanderpBANA #7
Chapter 20: Its over. ;A; so happy they are finally together. Changsubbie is finally happy ^_^
xRawrRiot #8
Chapter 19: Haha even Minah is rooting for them :P
Chapter 18: ahahaha niceee Hyemin :p
xRawrRiot #10
Chapter 18: Omg lol
Haha Hyemin is right though.
She never did try to come between them.