Going to Love Us

I'll Go Wherever You Will Go

When the most recently confirmed members of 'SM's New Girl Group' enter the dorm in a mood of celebration, Seohyun heads straight for her room. She doesn't feel like celebrating anymore. There are bouts of laughter and cheers going on outside her door, but she pays no attention; only pulls her knees up to her chest and rests her head against the wall. Opposite her is the bed where her best friend slept. She won't be sleeping there anymore.

Guilt bubbles up inside her, drowning her entire body. They had shared a dream together for years now, and it was finally coming true. All until SM cut Hwanhee out of the equation, keeping Seohyun. What if she had been cut, instead of Hwanhee? She can't bare to think of it, honestly, and that makes her feel even worse.

There's a knock at the door.

They knock again when nobody answers.

"Seohyun, please let me in..." It's Yoona.

Seohyun wipes away the tears from her cheeks desperately, sniffling. She doesn't want her unnies to see her cry. "O-okay."

Cautiously, Yoona enters the room. Her face shows worry and concern. She's sorry. She wants to sit opposite Seohyun, but thinks that maybe it'll make her feel sad, seeing someone other than Hwanhee sat atop the bed. Instead, she sits beside her.

"I know you're going to miss Hwanhee," she begins, thinking through her words carefully. "We all will. I know that your heart hurts more than ours do but... you deserve your place here, Seohyun. I know that doesn't change things but, well, you've got us, right?"

For a glimmer of a moment, Seohyun smiles. Then, the tears begin to flow again.

"Oh, I'm so sorry Seohyun," Yoona tentatively reaches her arms out and wraps them around her. "I know I've not been very good to you in the past. I am so, so sorry, Seohyun..."

Now both of them are crying, and for once Seohyun honestly does not know what to do. Everything is becoming so real now - it's all moving so fast. She just wants to put her foot down on the brakes of life and tell everything to slow down because it's way too much for her. All she can do is return Yoona's hug and hold her in her arms, rocking her. That's what you do to comfort people, isn't it?

"Yoona," Seohyun sniffs again and pulls back her tears. "Don't feel any regrets. It's different now - we're a team. That's the past, and it's something we can't hold on to anymore."

Yoona only nods and coughs a little, because crying honestly makes her feel ill. She's never really been very good at playing the older sister role, it was never really relevant. "You're so kind, Seohyun. They're going to love you."

"No, Yoona," the youngest smiles. "They're going to love us."

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Chapter 4: please update soon
Chapter 2: aww yoonhyun ♥
Chapter 3: Aww nice Sunny :,( please update