Slowly Breaking

Another Chance

Chapter 23

Slowly Breaking


Jiyong came back to the YG Building as soon as he left Dara back at her apartment; he made sure she didn’t get into any trouble by confirming that she already finished her training with him.


Time flew by as it’s already mid 2006, after the energetic training, rehearsing and hard work, it was finally time for Big Bang to debut.

The guys performed lively with their debut song “Put your hands up, La La La and V.I.P” leaving fans with great impression as they cheered happily and crazily.


Jiyong walked backstage happily and thanks everyone for their hard work and effort, he looked around and saw the YG crew there, cheering for them but someone he can’t seem to find ‘her’.


“Yah! Where are you? Aren’t you here to cheer for my debut stage?” he texted


A few minutes later...


“I’ll be cheering for you at home, good luck! Keke” she replied


Does that means she’s not here? He asked himself

He felt disappointed but tried to act strong when someone came by and congratulate him.



Later that night, there was an after party created to celebrate Big Bang’s successful debut stage. Everyone was happy and overjoyed; well expect for a certain someone who was feeling kind of disappointed.

Some of the trainees also came such as Bom, Chaerin, Minzy and more, even Se7en and Yang Hyun Suk came to the party.

He wandered his eyes around, but there was still no sense of her presence.


After the part, everyone was starting to leave; he sat still on his chair staring at his phone.

 -No new message-

As soon as he sense that everyone has left, he wrote “Yah! come to *** restaurant near Hongdae” and send it to her

“erm...why?” she replied after a second

“Don’t ask too much, just come here!!!”

“ok, I’ll be there in 15 mins” she replied

As soon as he saw her text message, a smile crept on his face.


Jiyong’s POV

I waited outside the restaurant for a while ~ waiting for her

When Chaerin came out of the restaurant, I was quite surprise because I thought everyone had already left.

“Oppa? What are you going here? Are you waiting for someone?” she asked.

“oh! Chaerin-ah... erm..Yeah....” I answered awkwardly

“Anyway, congratulation on you’re so cool on stage” as soon as she finished talking, she suddenly hugs me...

“Thank you” as I pat her back


Dara’s POV

I walked out of my house holding a gift, expected to give it to him as a congratulation present but because I was too busy today, I couldn’t attend his debut stage, I guess this is my chance to give it to me...

I rode a cab to Hongdae and look at my phone GPS indicating that I was near the restaurant....

Suddenly, I saw the restaurant but that didn’t catch my eyes as I saw two figures standing there, a girl hugging a guy. I looked closer; it was no other than Chaerin and Jiyong. My heart skipped a beat just starting at them. My mind was empty, all I could think about is the image them hugging right in front of me.

I looked at my phone and started to text him

“I’m sorry I couldn’t make it today, enjoy your evening” I wrote

My hands dropped the gift on the ground and I suddenly thought there was no point giving it to him.

I walked back to the road I came from, blocking my eyes and mind from seeing the image in my head.


Jiyong’s POV

As I heard a text sound, I broke the hug and saw a text from Dara.

A smile crept on my face but started to faint when I read her text.

I immediately called her hoping she’ll pick up

“Yah! Where are you?! Aren’t you coming?!?!” I heard myself panicking

“Didn’t I told you I couldn’t make it” she answered flatly


As I was about to continue talking, a car honking sound was heard on the street and surprisingly I also heard it inside the phone. Strange~~ she told me she couldn’t make it, but hearing the sound it really feels like we’re in the same place. “Bye!” she said hurriedly and the phone call was cut...

“Oppa? Are you okay?” Chaerin asked me with a concern face.

“oh! I’m fine” I answered flatly

“it’s late, I think I should get going, I have practice tomorrow” she said and started to walk away waving at me.

I waved back as I walked the other direction.

While walking, a particular object on the ground caught my eyes; it looks like a gift box. Since no one owns it, I picked it up and open the cover.

I saw a small piece of letter and read it



   Congratulation on your debut, I knew you could make it.

   Ah! And thanks for taking care of me when I’m always getting

   into trouble. Oh! Before, you’re always a meanie to me but I don’t

   know why you’ve changed ~ keke anyway thank you ^_^


                                                                        Your Ssan-tokki”


A smile curved on his lips but he was still confuse, if she was here why didn’t she just told him she was? He remembered the same car honking sound a while ago~~



He ran toward the YG building wearing his brand new scarf flashing a smile on his face.


He saw a familiar figure dancing and practicing hard in the training room.


After the training,

“Everyone has worked hard” said the trainer


“Hi” he said to the girl whose about to stand up

She looked up and saw a familiar scarf

“YAH! Where did you get that?” she was sure she bought it but never gave it to him..

“Oh! Someone bought it for me as a congratulation present” he said cheekily

“oh!” she hissed

She hurriedly stands up and walked away when he grabbed her hand

“Yah! Where are you going? Aren’t you curious who gave it to me?” he asked sort of pissed

“It doesn’t matter who gave it to you! I don’t care!” she scoffed

When they were still bickering and talking, they didn’t realized two pair of eyes observing them...

“Hey, I’m sure I saw that scarf somewhere” Bom who was still staring at them said

“Really? Did you bought it for him” Seunghyun asked curiously





“Let’s go in there” Dara pointed at a store

Bom followed her in

As she wandered around the store, something caught her eyes

“Bom-ah, Look at this!! It’s so warm and cozy” Dara who was holding a bright pink scarf exclaimed excitingly

“Yeah! But...who are you giving it to?”

“er....erm..... Nobody in particular... I’m just buying it for myself...Look! It’s Pink, why did you expect I’m buying it for someone? Dara explained

“Hey, hey, What’s the rush? I’m just asking you a simple question? Why did you explain it that much?” Bom asked suspiciously

“erm....oh! let’s go” Dara said as she headed to the counter




“So it must be a gift for him, you said it’s the exact same on right?” TOP asked

“I’m guessing it is..”



These days, Big Bang was really busy promoting their new hit and preparing a new album, but a guy in the group never stops thinking about a girl..

He was walking in the YG hallway when he decided to give her a call since he hasn’t seen her recently.


“Hey! It has been a while, I’ve notice you haven’t contact me recently...Are you avoiding me?” he asked

“I was just so busy, oh! I heard your new album would be out soon... Congrats~~” She said happily.


After the phone call ended, he smiled happily when someone walked toward him


Jiyong’s POV

“Hey, why are you smiling? What are you happy about? Haven’t seen you like this a whole week” The one who said it was no other than Seunghyun but I call him Top Hyung now

“Hyung!” I was startled

“Come talk with me a bit” he walked toward the senior room as I followed him in

“Jiyong, was that Dara?”


“You haven’t been this happy the whole week”

I was speechless

“Don’t hide it, you know you feel something for her” Top demand


“The way you looked at her, the way you talked to her, the way you smile at her... it was easily noticed” he continued and I still couldn’t say anything

“I...NO! I don’t feel anything for Dara! She’s just a girl I was asked to teach! SO RECKLESS AND STUPID.... always getting into trouble, you expect me to fall for her? How could it be possible? Don’t talk nonsense hyung! It’s never going to happen!!” I forced myself to say these words harshly just to make him less suspicious as I remembered Sajangnim’s word, Not letting these things be known. Saying these words, which betrays my heart made it hurt, but if I don’t state it that way, people will still be curious about my relationship with Dara. As I was about to continue my fake statement, I heard a running footstep sound outside the room, I was confuse as I got up from my seat and about to head to the door when Top hyung continued talking which made me glued on my seat.


Dara’s POV


I was asked to pick up some files from a room which alot of Sunbaes usually spend their times there. I was about to knock when I heard a familiar sound; I leaned in to listen harder and realized it was Jiyong. He was talking to someone.

“I don’t feel anything for Dara!” .... Dara? Why was my name inside their conversation? I tried to listen harder to learn what they were discussing about, “She’s just a girl I was asked to teach! SO RECKLESS AND STUPID.... always getting into trouble, you expect me to fall for her? How could it be possible? Don’t talk nonsense hyung! It’s never going to happen!!” he said

Did...Did he just said I was reckless and stupid? After all we’ve been through, I’ve never thought he could say such things about me, if he really hated me that much, why didn’t he just told me or even avoid me in the first place? But instead, he kept following me and making fun of me when the real fact was this? My legs suddenly weakened as if there’s no more energy in it, drained...

I stopped myself from listening to what he’s going to say next. Compare to the time when Chaerin hugs him and the time when he hurriedly rushed off just because of a single phone call, this time my heart hurt so bad, it felt like it has been stabbed by a thousand needles. I ran out of the hallway, my eyes were blurring when I realized I was actually crying. I tried to stop it from flowing out of my eyes, but somehow it really didn’t seem to work.







And ofcourse , THANK YOU SO MUCH  "littlemissshawol1216 FOR YOUR AMAZiNG POSTER hengso  

Cece <3 

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Rhea_25 #1
Chapter 2: Isbthis comoleted?
krc711 #2
Please update
NoTearsLeftToCry #3
Chapter 30: Omo~ Donghae, Jaejoong, or P.O. even Mario Maurer would be nice even lee min ho, jang keun suk or jun hyong wa, dara is so shippable haha^^ ganbatte authornim
mikkydragon #4
Chapter 28: update soon....
freckles #5
Chapter 30: Seven with dara would be nice . . ;-D
wenkie0414 #6
Chapter 30: can you do either with lee soo hyuk or kim young kwang or Jung il woo well can kwon jiyong be there too.. lol
Daragon >< hahaha i fell in love with this storyy !! Hahaha
Sounds Good~
skate4jan #9
Chapter 29: we perfectly understand authornim.. with the most recent news that they have been spotted again in Japan.. Guess, confirmation is no longer an issue.. I am not a daragon to be honest ... i just like those stories that plot for me them..

HOpe your heart will heal..soon...
freckles #10
Chapter 29: Just let it stay the way it is . . . who knows, you may be able to continue it in the future . . . and with a twist . . . 'til then . . . ;-D