Barney and Spongebob...Reunited

My Prize for Being Lazy ♥_♥

Fourth Shot : "Barney and Spongebob...Reunited"

The next week came and I wasn't trilled about the people I was taking pictures but the place we we're shooting and the thought that I was being a real photographer and I'm earning good at this.

"Are you ready Tara-ah?" Boss asked.

I turned to him and nodded nervously. "Yeah." I said.

"Don't worry I know you'll do good, you take good pictures." He said. Why am I suddenly feeling flustered? Nothing's gonna happen right? I'm just going to take the pictures of this people and then go home, eat and sleep right? Why?

I decided to fix the things we needed for the shoot and keep myself busy than thinking of why I'm feeling all nervous about this, wait maybe I'm just getting too excited, that's why I think I'm nervous, is that even possible?

"Tara-ah, let's go!" Eunha Unni called.

"Coming!" I yelled back, up a long deep breath.


We arrived at the location and of course we should be the earliest and we we're, so we placed the necessary aparatus we needed for the shoot around the area, it was a farm like theme so the surronding should be green like the ones we are in right now.

Then other's started coming, the one's who was in charge with the wardrobe while the other's started building a tent for the groupie, they were talking and greeting my boss and Eunha unnie, while I wait with my other companions for the shoot to start.

"Anytime now, the Starts will be coming." My coworker at the studio whispered behind me and giggled, she was my age, but I never really knew her, she was like the noisest person I heard in the studio whenever ther was no costumer.

"Who are we taking pictures anyway?" I asked. She looked at me and arched an eyebrow.

"SHINee, how come you don't know? you're the photographer." She shrugged. SHINee? Is she a model? I thought it was a groupie?

"Is she a model?" She snickered, I frowned. "What's so funny?"

"SHINee is not a she, they're like the most famous hot singers in korea!" She gushed. SHINee? why SHINee? why does it sound so feminine to me?

"Excuse me, I'm from philippines, I like, don't know anyone from korea." I curled up a lip.

"Oh yeah, I totally forgot." She mumbled and kept on mumbling when she suddenly stopped, stunned and un moving, I watched her and she was in gape, staring at something.

I turned to see what she was looking at and wondered who the hell it was, until I saw people approaching, there was five young guys with an older one, they all look handsome and I predicted that they are what they call SHINee. They were all wearing sunglasses and one caught my attention, he was the shortest I think and he wearing a familiar looking hat. I squinted my eyes and looked closely, where did I see that? I can't remember, but I'm sure I saw that before, after a short moment of recalling where I saw that hat, I gave up and didn't mind.

"SHINee?" I guessed turning to her, she nodded unconciously and gripped hard on my hand.

"Tara-ah! here they are let's start the shoot!" Boss called.

I ran back to the van, took my camera from the back and inspected it, as long as I was sure that it was fine and ready to flash, I ran to the area where the photo's will be taking, when I was passing by the tent for the SHINee guys to it's other side someone grabbed me on the arm and pulled me at the back of the tent where no people was watching.

He smiled widely at me flashing his perfect white teeth, I suddenly felt flustered at the sight of him, again.

"Spongebob." He breathe, clucking his tongue. "Hey, you don't remember me?" He frowned when I didn't respond and kept on staring at him. How am I suppose to say it? I was..bewildered to see him for the second time, and I really didn't expect this.

"Barney." I panted. He smiled again.

"I knew it, you will never forget me." He said proudly rubbing his forehead with his forefinger and batted his eye at me. I gulped before I could speak.

"I didn't expect to see you here." was all that I managed to say. He stiffled a laugh.

"Me neither, remember what I promised?" He asked letting go of my arm and putting it inside his pocket, and looked at me waiting for my answer. I shrugged. He rolled his eyes.

"That's what you get if you keep on staring at me while I'm talking." He said, I arched an eyebrow.

"What was your promise?" I asked. He smiled mischevously at me, inviting and seducing.

"My name." He said it like it was the most precious thing that I would get in the world. I gulped silently.

"What's your name then?" I asked, he stared for a long moment, thrilling me more.

"Kim Jonghyun." He breathe. Okay, why does it suddenly sound like priceless, now I know his name all that was missing was his number. I bit my lip.

"Would you mind telling me yours?" He asked, his voice turning soft. I flinched, my knees felt like a melting jelly ace. .

"Tamara, call me Tara." I said, chin up, holding my self together before melting on front of him. He gave the smiled again.

"Your name sounds funny, but it's pretty." He mumbled.

"What are you doing here?" I wondered, is he following me? That would be good then right? it will only mean that he was interested of me too, like I was with him, but why does that idea sound weird?

"We have a shooting." He simply said. I blinked, was he a part of that groupie? Does that mean he was a singer too? And the hat, he was the one I saw wearing the hat!

"You're a singer?" I gushed, a smirk escaped his lips.

"That's how I define 'happy'." He said rubbing my chin with his thumb. "Looks like you found a job." He added, waggling his eyebrows.

"Yeah, yeah." I shoved his hand away before I shudder in flustration, how can he be a singer? That's why it sounded weird.

"You're taking our pictures?" He said, looking up.

"Yeah, I think so."

"Then I should prepare good for this one." I snorted, he's acting proud again.

"Sorry if I left you at the coffee shop alone, Manager-hyung called and he needed me immediately so I just left a note, I should also left my number, I couldn't have waited for a week to see you again." He said. My saliva suddenly lodge in my throat.

"Your number?" I chocked, he nodded unconsciously, I took a deep breath. How can he possibly do this thing to me?

"Like I would call you." I added, but didn't mean it, he was showing real interest, and it was making me want more of him. He chuckled in a low husky laugh. Wahhh!

"Oh yes you would." He said. I shook my head.

"I didn't know you wanted to see me." I said, 'too', I wanted to add.

"Why? You didn't think of wanting to see me too?" He pouted, how? how in earth could a person make me feel as nervous as this? Crap how do I look right now? Should I answer? Yes, of course.


"Jonghyun-hyung! @#$#%&*($@#$%#@#!" Someone cut me, isn't that what I call inhuman? when I was starting to gain my confidence some one calls him? He smiled to me and turned to his back and yelled something, like I don't understand?

"What were you saying?" He asked turning back to me again, how am I suppose to say that again?

"I forgot." I gulped.

Someone peered at the side of the tent and  called "Jonghyun-hyung-- Oh~ who's that?" but stopped when caught the sight of me. He was a baby faced guy and and has a chinky eyes he came closer and studied me.

"Is she spongebob?" He asked, wait, how did he know? Barney, I mean Jonghyun nodded like a pre schooler, the guy with chinky eyes smiled widely. Was he telling his groupie about me?

"Ommo, hyung, &$^%@#*%(^(#*$@#." He said, what the hell? "But we have to start the shoot now." He added, Jonghyun's eyes winded.

"Oh yeah, Ms. Photographer are you ready?" He asked, grinning at me.

"Beat it." I chocked again.

**********************Ten Minutes Later***********************

The shoot started when they arrived at the area wearing their attires for the theme, and Jonghyun looked even more handsome with the white striped long sleeved inner shirt and brown vest he was wearing, I tried to stop my self from looking at him, since he was also watching me, while they fix his hair and his costume.

The leader named Onew went first for the solo, and he projected perfectly, so I enjoyed taking his pictures, and what amused me alot was when he tripped over while striking a pose, it made me smile while I noticed Jonghyun was laughing hard at him. I snorted.

"That was good." I complimented Onew when I was finish with him, he smiled at me and said his thanks.

The baby faced guy went up next, I heard his name was Kibum, but he prefered to be called Key, yeah, well he has a necklace with a key as a pendant.

He was, even better at it, he was like seducing the camera by his poses and smile, this people are really gorgeous no wonder they're the 'hottest singers' in korea like my coworker which I still don't know the name said.

The tallest one came next, he was absolutely and athlete, just look at the height and arms, after him was the youngest, he was a bit shy but he did great.

Last was him, I swear I tried to act professional but he was doing the teasing, he kept on seducing me behind the lenses of my camera, 'He's acting for the camera not you' I chided my self, I took a deep breath and focused on the photos, while commanding him on what to do. How can I do this if he keeps on locking his eyes to mine.

I sighed, he smiled, stop it before I run to you.

"Pretend that you see someone special, don't look at the camera." I said, he didn't follow but instead he smiled at the camera or to me? "Uhm, excuse me, I said don't look at the camera?" I repeated, he smirked.

"You're the special one I see around here." He said, again my saliva lodge in my throat, what the hell was he doing? can he be a little professional and do it later? when we're alone, wait, what am I thinking? I looked around and started to get concious of the stares, I cleared my throat, but I almost choked.

"Uhm, don't look at the camera." I repeated and hid my face behind my camera, I was absolutely sure I was flaring red. I saw him smile to himself for my humiliation.


Hey readers! Fourth Shot POSTED! what do you think of it? was it boring? T_T

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OMCheeze, I love your poster!
@JoJomontano: Thanks a lot for liking the story...and yeah I hope it wasn't just a five shot story...I can't think of anything to add..hehe..
JoJomontano #3
i bet you're from the Philippines too? nice story, hope it wasn't a 5 shot only :))
kyahaha.. eonnie!!! kanami ka chapter title muh!!!!!!<br />
<br />
Barney and Spongebob...Reunited
wahaha... eonnie!!!!!!!!!