Barney and Spongebob

My Prize for Being Lazy ♥_♥

Second Shot : "Barney and Sponegbob"

"My coffee!" I groaned loudly in english to the pain on my elbows, and glared up at him. I could only see his eyes, because he was hiding through a thick scarf wrapped around his neck up to his nose, and he was also wearing a hat.

Then I heard girls screaming and their heavy footsteps running just a few feet away from us, he glance behind him and jolted up to his feet, and offered me his hands, I stared up at him, when the screams started to get closer he rolled his eyes and bent down grabbing by arm and pulled me up.

"Pay for my coffee, that was my last of my money and you didn't even let me en--" He cut me of by pulling my hand, and started running away, with me also running hesitantly behind him.

"Hey, what the hell are you doing?" I yelled but he kept on pulling my hand. He suddenly pulled into a stop beside a big tree and looked around.

"Hey, can you please answer me mister?" I kept on asking but he didn't answer instead he pushed me to the bush beside the big tree, I landed on my knees on the other side.

"!" I groaned, then I heard the leaves on the bush ruffled then he landed on his knees beside me. He met my eyes and looked away, leaning at on the big tree, and rested his arms on his knees.

"Hey, who are--" Again he cut me but this time he put his hand over my mouth and his other around my waist and pulling me on his side with my back on him.

"Mmmmm." I mummled while kicking my feet audibly against the bush.

He started to muffle something in my ears but he was speaking in korean so I didn't understand, I shook my head, hard. Was he a gangster or something? why was he running away?

"Here they are." He hissed, suddenly speaking in english, when foot steps was coming, many of them, he pressed his hands hard on my mouth, signaling me to stop moving so I did, maybe there was someone who wanted to kill him, and what if they find him? with me, they would also kill me! I don't wanna die like that! I would rather die in starvation than get killed.

A female voice complained in korean with a pout in her voice, she sounded like she was dissapointed, I heard sigh's and after a long moment they left, then he let go of me, I crawled away from him. Was he the one those girls were chasing? I didn't bother bothering myself about it. All that matters to me now was my coffee and the money wasted.

"Who're you? Wy are they chasing you huh?" I snapped.

"They're nothing, what are you doing here?" He asked in a weird accent arching an eyebrow. I curled up a lip.

"You dragged me here, duh!" I rolled my eyes. "You owe me my coffee, that was the last of my money, and you fed it to the ground." I added flatly, he snickered.

"Okay, then, it's time to pay, wait, are you sure you don't know me?" He wondered.

"Duh! Will I ask if I know? Why? are you a famous gangster here?" I crossed my arms to my chest and gawked at him.

"No." He replied shaking his head and taking the scarf from his neck, okay, he was cute but I really don't know him.

"Sorry to dissapoint you but have we meet before? 'cause I really don't remember seeing that face." He chuckled.

"I'm..." He thought for a moment, then added with a smile, "Barney." A snicker escaped my lips.

"For real? you don't look like a purple dinosaur to me." I said. He rolled his eyes.

"That's a codename." He sighed.

"Is that what your friends call you?"

"No? What about you?"

"They don't call me Barney." I shrugged.

"I mean, what's your name." He said narrowing his eyes.

"Oh~" I paused for a moment. "Spongebob."

"Spongebob?" He repeated, questioningly. "You don't look like a square yellow sponge to me." He said, with a smirk.

"It's a codename." I said, mimicking him. He chuckled.

"Why don't just tell me your name?" He asked.

"You didn't tell me yours, so why would I tell mine." I ventured, it made him smirk.

"Okay, let's tell each others real name if we meet again." He suggested. I jerked up to my feet and almost stumble, but my knees automatically buckled itself up. I looked down at him and crossed my arms to my chest.

"If we do." I prompted. "So do you mind paying my coffee?" I asked.


I was actually expecting money when I said 'pay me back' rather than 'pay for another coffee', instead he took me to the coffee shop where I bought the coffee he spilled on the ground, it was frustrating that he used his charms on me and made me agree, idiot. I noticed that he was still cautious about his surrounding, he put back his thick scarf around his neck but now revealing a little of his full red lips while he kept his head down.

"Why are they chasing you anyway? you have a life debt to pay?" I asked sipping the most expensive coffee of the shop, I was an opportunist, but he didn't hesitate and bought it for me, rich guy, I thought to myself. He chuckled.

"No, being too handsome is a crime here you know?" He said proudly but with a hint of humor. I snorted.

"Handsome." I mocked.

"Where you from?" He asked.

"Philippines, I'm on a vacation here." He nodded.


"Yuh, and I'm looking for a job."

"A job? I thought your on a vacation?"

"Yeah, but I'm running out of cash, I don't have much for a month, that's why you really have to pay for the coffee." He sniffled a laugh and started to look around again.

"We should have stayed at that bush, we could have more private time than staying here." He said batting his eyes and waggling his eyebrows at me, I glared up at him.

"I don't have a plan on staying with you you know?"

"Really, I wonder why your here." He said.

I scoffed, "What do you for a living 'Barney'? run around or make kids happy like you do on TV?" I mocked.

"I make girls happy." He shrugged, giving me a hunky look. Seriously?

"What are a some kinda ?" I arched an eyebrow, he chuckled.

"No, let's just say, I make people happy with what I do."

"Define happy." I challenged, he was opening his mouth to answer but my phone suddenly rang from my pocket.

"Excuse me, I'll be back." I said standing up and leaving him from the table and went to the girls washroom.

"Hello." I said when I answered my phone.

"Tara, what are you doing?" It was my brother.

"I'm looking for a job, don't tell Gran she'll call and scold me, why did you call?"

"I was going to ask if you left the PSP?"

"You called me for PSP? How sweet brother...I didn't bring it, I left it in the drawer in my room, the door is locked, destroy it if you want." I said then hang up.

I smoothed my hair before leaving the washroom and returned to table where I left "Barney" but he was out of sight, maybe he realize he was wasting his time, good thing he already paid for the coffee.

When I was getting my stuff from the table I saw a note under the cup of my coffee and took it and started to read, "Thanks for the hand, Barney." was all it said, hand? did he really think I helped him from those girls? I flipped over the paper and expected something like "I hope to see you again" or "Here's my number #######" but there was nothing, so I just decided to leave the shop and get on with my business.


The Second Shot people,,,did you enjoy it? the end is coming! few shots left!

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OMCheeze, I love your poster!
@JoJomontano: Thanks a lot for liking the story...and yeah I hope it wasn't just a five shot story...I can't think of anything to add..hehe..
JoJomontano #3
i bet you're from the Philippines too? nice story, hope it wasn't a 5 shot only :))
kyahaha.. eonnie!!! kanami ka chapter title muh!!!!!!<br />
<br />
Barney and Spongebob...Reunited
wahaha... eonnie!!!!!!!!!