the choice

the homecoming


Seunghyun closes the door to his locker, putting his stethoscope in his coat’s pocket.

“SEUNGHYUN, MY MAN!!” The door to the locker room is slammed open. Seungri’s voice is loud. Louder than usual. Seunghyun doesn’t have to reply, he knows Seungri will find him.

“AH! There you are, my best buddy.” Seungri grins.

“Okay, I’m biting.”

“What? Biting what?”

“You want something. So I’m biting- Nevermind. It’s an expression. What’s up, Seungri?”

“What’s with the dark circles, man?”

“Haven’t been getting enough sleep.”

“The boyfriend keeping you up?” Seungri quirks his eyebrows.

I wish. Seunghyun replies in his head.

“Just this friend who just came from the States. Helped him out looking for an apartment the other day and I helped him settle some paperwork this morning.”

“Aaah, that kind of not enough sleep,” Seungri sounds regretful.

“Yeah,” Seunghyun starts walking towards the door.

“So anyways, the thing I told you weeks ago, remember?”

“Seungri, you told me a lot of things. From that barista girl, Chaerin, who has, and I quote, “The finest I have ever laid eyes on” to the perfect water ratio for the perfect ramen. So which is it?”

“That Chaerin girl is damn fine…” Seungri seems to be lost in his own nostalgia.

“So it’s about Chaerin?”

“What? OH! No no no. Actually, I’m kinda of surprised you don’t remember this!”

“Well, I do like surprising people so…”

“It’s that research grant thing I applied for, remember?”

Seunghyun stops- how could he forget, Seungri told him several weeks ago that he applied for a research grant at the hospital. Seungri is very keen on the topic of children’s vaccination and he has applied for the grant for his research on that topic.

“No way,” Seunghyun’s eyes widen.

“Yes. You are now looking at a research grant recipient, my man!”

Seunghyun hugs him- pats his back loudly, “Congratulations, Seungri!”

Seunghyun swears he can almost see tears on Seungri’s eyes, but the other man quickly slings his arm on Seunghyun’s shoulder and begins to walk to the nurse station, “Well, if you can also recall, I need a partner for this research.”

“Shut up,” Seunghyun now understands where the conversation is going.

Seungri nods and starts pointing at Seunghyun. Anyone who can see them now would think that they are a couple of 8 year olds who have just been told they can go to Disneyland and stay there for a week. Except Disneyland here is more like a laboratory with long hours of research and trials and errors. And this research is going to last more than a week. Seunghyun hugs his friend again.

“. Does that mean-“ Seunghyun pulls away.

“Yes, Seunghyun. This means normal working hours, 9 to 5, which means I can go to Chaerin’s workplace after work and maybe ask her out to dinner sometimes,” Seungri is again already lost in his own imagination.

“Okay, it doesn’t mean that for me but whatever floats your boat.”

“I’m a happy man today. Nothing you say can deflate me!” Seungri grins, like an idiot.

They reach the nurse station to check the patients’ list that needs monitoring. Seunghyun flips over his chart- nothing seems urgent. He decides to start scheduling their research project.

“So when can we start?” Seunghyun asks.

“Well, I took the liberty of looking at your availability and I saw that you have this weekend off, do you mind if we meet up and draft the proposal this weekend?”

Yes. I’m flying out to see Jiyong. I ing miss him. I have to go to Japan this weekend.

“Can I get back to you this afternoon? Let me move some things around and I’ll let you know.”

“Yeah, sure. I told the Chief that we’re going to submit our project proposal next week so…”

“This weekend should be fine,” Seunghyun grins.

Seungri pats his friend on the back, “So glad to have you on board, Seunghyun.”

Seunghyun is already coming up with scenarios on how to tell Jiyong that he will not be visiting this week. As much as he misses his boyfriend, as much as he wants to smother Jiyong’s body with kisses (and his face too. And watch Jiyong breathless and maybe also sprawled on the bed), as much as Seunghyun wants to be with Jiyong this weekend, this research project must come first. Seunghyun knows that the accolades he is going to get from just executing this project alone will open up more opportunities for his future. And he can’t say no to Seungri’s offer to get things started as soon as possible.

Jiyong will understand. Seunghyun knows he will.


“So you’re not mad?”

“No! Why would I be mad! Seunghyun, that’s a wonderful opportunity.”

Seunghyun breathes out. Relieved.

“Oh, have I told you that Jae’s therapy is going really well?”

“Wow that’s great! So he’s responding well to all the treatments?” Seunghyun pushes the salad leaves around on his plate. He was so worried about telling Jiyong that he lost his appetite for dinner.

“Yes. Jaeyong is making progress. But-“


“He doesn’t want to move back to Korea.”


Jiyong proceeds to explain how Jaeyong met an art collector the other day and somehow, the man convinced him that his works would be more appreciated in Japan.

Seunghyun stays quiet. His appetite still hasn’t returned.

“But I’m coming back. Give me a few weeks to get things sorted here.”

Seunghyun has never smiled so wide in his life. With one hand holding his phone close against his ear, he clasps his other one on the edge of the table- restraining himself from jumping up and down in the middle of the cafeteria.

“I cannot scream right now, but I am screaming. On the inside,” Seunghyun tries to keep his calm. And he can hear Jiyong is smiling on the other end too.

“Is that the boyfriend?” Seungri suddenly shows up and takes a seat next to Seunghyun.

“Ji, I have to go. Troublemaker is here.”

“Oh, hey come on. I’m not that bad,” Seungri tries to defend himself.

“Jiyong said hello, by the way,” Seunghyun taps the end-call button.

“You told him?”

“Yep. I was going to visit him this weekend but our project is more important, so…”

“Oh, I didn’t know. Are you sure that’s okay? I mean I don’t want to-”

Seunghyun nods, “It’s fine. But you owe me one. Big time.”

“Of course! I am forever indebted to you, Seunghyun,” Seungri bats his eyelashes playfully.

“Actually I do have a favor. Are you free Friday night?”

“Seunghyun, I know you’re lonely but I don’t swing that way.”

“I was going to offer if you want to go to a party and maybe ask a certain barista to come along but since you don’t swing that way… well, I guess…”

“What party?” Seungri’s ears perk up at the word.

“The friend I told you about. He’s having a small gathering at his house. Told me to bring some friends. You want to come?”

“Can I bring Chaerin?”

“Only if you bring a bottle of wine,” Seunghyun understands that Seungri bargains, always.



“What’s his name again?” Minzy repeats her question for the third time tonight.

“Soohyuk,” Seunghyun answers, again.

“Soohyuk oppa. What does he do again?”

“He’s doing his PhD on something pharmaceutical and something business, I forgot.”

“He’s doing his PhD. How old is he?” Minzy is mindlessly asking from the backseat.

“Should I be concerned that my sister is doing a background check on a total stranger?” Daesung is talking to himself, loud enough for Minzy and Seunghyun to hear.

Seunghyun cannot contain his laughter anymore, Minzy just huffs from the back.

“He’s a nice guy, Dae. You will like him.”

“As long he doesn’t hit on my 17 year old sister…”

Seunghyun continues to laugh while Minzy starts to protest. Daesung waves his hand at her, his eyes steadfast on the road. It is raining cats and dogs tonight, every car is moving slower than usual on the road, including Daesung’s. Seunghyun thought it’d be a good idea to invite Daesung and Minzy along to Soohyuk’s little gathering. Soohyuk needs new friends and truth be told, Seunghyun has a hunch that it will not be wise to get too close to Soohyuk- he needs Daesung to be there. Great. I’m an adult but I need chaperones. And one of them is a seventeen-year-old girl.

“Just make a left and park there,” Seunghyun instructs Daesung to turn into Soohyuk’s apartment complex.

“Whoa… It’s a nice complex, hyung. Your friend must be rich,” Daesung observes as he parks the car.

“Soohyuk oppa is rich,” Minzy echoes.

“Minzy, if you don’t stop, I swear I will lock you in this car!” Daesung starts to get frustrated.

Minzy just stick her tongue at her brother as a reply.

The three of them have to walk briskly from the car to the front door- the rain is still pouring.

“Hey, it’s Seunghyun,” He answers after the buzzer went off.

“Seunghyun! Come on up.”

The three silently make their way into the building, brushing off the excess water from the rain off their clothes. Seunghyun has a bottle of red safely tugged under his arm and Minzy is carrying a dish of something home-cooked and smelling delicious in her hands. Warm air greets them as they enter the lobby, the shiny marble floor squeaks as they walk to the elevator.

“Which floor?” Minzy queries as they get into the metal box.

“Penthouse,” Seunghyun’s tone is flat.

“Whoa okay, rich oppa is rich.”

“Minzy, can you not?” Daesung rolls his eyes in defeat.

Seunghyun is still laughing at the siblings when they finally arrive on Soohyuk’s floor. Seunghyun leads the way as they walk out from the elevator.

“Your curfew is at 10PM tonight so we’re leaving at 9.30, got it?” Daesung reminds Minzy as Seunghyun knocks on the door.

“Hi! Welcome!” Soohyuk greets them.

“Hey, Soohyuk. Uhm, this is Daesung and his little sister, Minzy.”

“Hello guys, come on in. Please make yourself at home.”

Seunghyun thought that they would be the only guests for the night- and Seungri, who hasn’t showed up. But there are already several people busy chatting in the living room when he walks in.

“Those are my new friends I met yesterday during orientation,” Soohyuk speaks softly near Seunghyun, as if knowing the curiosity in his head. “And let me help you with this,” Soohyuk helps Seunghyun takes off his jacket, his fingers brush near Seunghyun’s nape. He can’t help but to let a small shiver runs down his spine at the touch.

“Thanks,” Seunghyun politely smiles back.

“Nice place, hyung,” Daesung comments.

“I’m just lucky to get this place at an affordable price,” Soohyuk grins back.

“I got you that wine I told you about the other day,” Seunghyun lifts the bottle.

Minzy grins to Soohyuk, lifting the dish in her hands, “I made this too.”

“No, mom made it. You helped put the foil wrapper on,” Daesung responds automatically.

“Hey, the foil wrapper is just as important to keep the food warm, right?” Soohyuk winks at Minzy and gestures for her to follow him to the kitchen.

“Your friend is one smooth talker, isn’t he?” Daesung comments to Seunghyun.

“Yeah. And also, gay. So don’t worry,” Seunghyun replies before following the owner of the apartment into the kitchen. Daesung’s ‘Aaah’ means that he’s starting to put the facts together- Hyeyoon already asked him about Seunghyun’s relationship status, so he just put two and two together.


Seunghyun didn’t know that Soohyuk is what people often refer to as a social butterfly. He’s only been to one day in university and he’s already got 20 new friends coming over to his housewarming party. It is already 10.30PM, Daesung failed to convince Minzy to go home in time for her curfew. Especially since Minzy found out that her dance classmate is also here, Chaerin. The world indeed is such a small place. And Seungri still hasn’t got rid of the smug look on his face after discovering the new fact.

“Chaerin is a dancer.” Seunghyun must have heard this sentence at least five times tonight from Seungri.

Slowly but steadily, this small get-together has turned into an alcohol fueled gathering. Given the fact that most of Soohyuk’s guests brought wine and beers while only finger foods were prepared. Seungri has been spotted talking to various people with a bottle of beer always in hand. Daesung, meanwhile, has been trying to keep Minzy away from trying out the liquors available on the kitchen counter. Luckily, Chaerin, who is already of age, can distract her younger friend by making her mocktails throughout the evening (when Seungri is not busy whisking her away, that is.) Meanwhile, Seunghyun has made some new friends too- maybe he needs this after all. He doesn’t really have any friends in Seoul besides his colleagues at work, Daesung and, of course, Jiyong. This feels different. Meeting new people, getting to know the different walks of life they come from- this is simply exciting.  Seunghyun is in the middle of talking to this self-made millionaire restaurant owner named Dongwook when he hears Seungri beckons him.

“Seunghyun! Come over here!” Seungri shouts from across the room.

Excusing himself from the conversation, Seunghyun makes his way across the room. Soohyuk’s apartment is still filled with the low hubbub of people talking and the lounge music playing softly in the background.

“Is this about Chaerin again?” Seunghyun asks, pointing his almost-empty beer bottle at his friend.

“Chaerin? Minzy’s dancer friend?” Soohyuk appears behind Seungri.

“I like your friend here, Seunghyun. He reads minds,” Seungri winks, obviously he’s getting tipsy.

Seunghyun raises his bottle at them, finishes his fourth bottle of beer for the night.

“And also, because your friend here is doing the same research as us!” Seungri adds.

Seunghyun tilts his head, “What?”

“I was just telling Seungri here that I will be doing my topic on pharmaceutical standards in South Korea, especially the one-size-fits-all medicine and that includes children’s vaccinations,” Soohyuk circles his hand around Seungri’s shoulder, like they’ve been buddies for years.

“Told you,” Seungri concludes.

“Told me what?”

“That Soohyuk is smart.”

“No, you said Soohyuk reads minds.”

“Same thing,” Seungri waves his hands as he’s drinking his beer.

“Hyung, I really have to go. Mom is going to be so pissed that Minzy is out until this late,” Daesung suddenly emerges behind Seunghyun, he’s already putting on his jacket.

“Oh, of course. Minzy. Gosh, I’m so sorry I didn’t realize it’s already this late. I didn’t know-“

“It’s fine. I told her curfew is at 10 but it’s actually at midnight. But I have to take Chaerin home. She doesn’t think Seungri can drive her home tonight,” Daesung glances at the man sitting behind Seunghyun.

“Yeah, that’s probably a good idea. I’ll catch a cab later.” Seunghyun pats his cousin’s shoulder.

Daesung says his goodbye to Soohyuk before tugging (or, dragging, to be more precise) Minzy away. Meanwhile, Chaerin whispers something to Seungri and pecks him on the cheek. Whatever it is that Chaerin told him, it’s working- Seungri put his beer bottle down and has this arrogant grin plastered on his face as he watches Chaerin strolls across the room towards the door.

“You like her a lot, don’t you?” Seunghyun lightly pats on Seungri’s head.

Seungri just smirks, not even looking back a Seunghyun. His eyes still on the trail where Chaerin just walked on. Seunghyun recognizes that look, he could only look at Jiyong whenever he’s around him. Jiyong’s smile lighted up the room no matter where they were; Jiyong’s laugh was the only thing he could pick out in a crowded room. If only Jiyong was here, his heart tugs.

Jiyong. Like a reflex, Seunghyun checks his phone, but nothing. Jiyong must be tired, the last text he got was this afternoon letting Seunghyun know that he might not get any signal because Jaeyong was moved to get his therapy somewhere new. But Seunghyun sends him a message anyways, “I miss you.”

As the night grows, the guest slowly leaves one by one. Until there’s no one left but Seunghyun and Seungri. And, not surprisingly, Seungri still manages to find another reason to down another shot of vodka.

“We haven’t properly celebrated the grant,” Raising the shot glass in his right hand, Seungri shoves another glass to Seunghyun who’s sitting beside him on the dining table.

“Soohyuk! Come and join us!” Seungri shouts, his requests echoes in the apartment.

“No need to shout. I’m sitting right here,” Soohyuk chuckles- grabbing the vodka bottle, he’s sitting opposite them.

 “For the grant, for the research…” Seungri pauses, “For Chaerin.”

“The dancer,” Soohyuk winks before gulping the clear liquid straight from the bottle.

After putting his empty glass down, Seungri tries to stand up, “I have to go home.”

But he wobbles; Seunghyun catches him just in time. Soohyuk quickly helps him. Both are helping Seungri, who is now mumbling that he can walk on his own even though it is evident that none of his limbs are functioning properly, to lie down on the sofa.

“Let him sleep here, you can sleep on my bed,” Soohyuk nonchalantly instructs, he seems unfazed by the amount of alcohol he’s consumed all night.

“Excuse me?” Seunghyun grasps the edge of the sofa tightly, he’s too drunk to be walking more than ten steps.

“Don’t tell me you’re going home like this.”

“Well, I can-“ Seunghyun stops, honestly, he doesn’t know what he can or cannot do at this very moment.

“Relax. I know you have a boyfriend, Seunghyun. My bed is big enough for the two of us,” Soohyuk disappears into his bedroom.

When Soohyuk emerges from his room, he’s already carrying a pair of pajama pants and a tshirt, “You know where the bathroom is. I’m just going to clean up for a bit here.“

Seunghyun’s brain refuses to think clearly. His tongue feels heavy. So, he slowly drags himself into the bathroom. Seungri is already snoring.

Seunghyun splashes cold water onto his face profusely, trying to get his brain to think of a proper solution. But he cannot even think of the problem. He is heavily intoxicated. He lives on the other side of town. It is already passed midnight. It is still raining. Soohyuk’s offer is only logical.

He knows you have a boyfriend. Seunghyun stares at his own reflection. He blinks. Alcohol tends to magnify and dramatize everything anyways. And he's tired.

Soohyuk is still putting dirty plates and glasses in the dishwasher when Seunghyun leaves the bathroom.

“Thanks for letting me stay over tonight,” Seunghyun takes out a bottle of water from the fridge.

“You let me crash at your place too, it’s only fair,” Soohyuk smiles back at him. Seunghyun never noticed the soft lines framing the sides of Soohyuk’s lips every time the older man smiles.

“Do you need help cleaning up?” Seunghyun opens the bottle, gulping the water to quench his dry throat.

“No, I’m good. And you can’t even stand straight. Go sleep. I’ll be fine,” Soohyuk turns the dishwasher on. The rumbling sound of the appliance soon fills the air.

Seunghyun slowly makes his way to Soohyuk’s bedroom. The light is warm in here, dimmed hazy glow of orange. Seunghyun feels his eyelids suddenly heavy, he doesn’t even bother to get under the comforter- he succumbs to slumber the moment his cheek touches the pillow.

It feels like only mere seconds have passed after he closed his eyes when Seunghyun notices the bed dips. Soon after, something warm cover his back. Soohyuk drapes the comforter over Seunghyun as he drifts in and out of consciousness. In between that pull of something that keeps you in between slumber, Seunghyun feels a touch of finger on his temple, brushing off the hair covering his face and trails along the scar on his eyebrow- he can’t even tell whether it’s a dream or a reality. This might just be a dream- the materialization of his subconscious for missing Jiyong, for craving his touch. Just before Seunghyun falls completely back to sleep, the tender touch is now gently tracing his bottom lip. Seunghyun peacefully succumbs back into slumber dreaming of Jiyong.


The train ride back to his apartment is uncharacteristically loud. It is 7.30AM on a Saturday morning, not many people around. Just a few teenagers huddling on the corner, squealing about something on their mobile phones. Too loud for a Saturday morning, too loud for a hangover.

Soohyuk was still asleep when Seunghyun woke up this morning. Seungri was still snoring soundly on the sofa. He decided to leave a note on the fridge, thanking the host for his hospitality. The sky was brushed with a blend of peach and pink color when he left the luxurious complex. The sun was slowly hiking up the horizon when Seunghyun started his walk to the nearest train station. His head was pounding and it still is- again he’s reminded why he doesn’t like alcohol. The aftermath, the morning after but luckily, he couldn’t think of anything he regretted doing last night.

The announcer cheerily broadcasts his stop, still too loud. Seunghyun drags his feet back to his apartment. Stopping at the convenience store as usual, grabbing a few packets of ramen, a bottle of milk and painkillers. He checks his phone again as he waits for the elevator to reach his floor, still nothing. He sighs.

Seunghyun glances at Jiyong’s apartment door as he is opening his own. His heart aches, he should’ve postponed that project meeting with Seungri tomorrow. But it’s too late now.

Seunghyun mindlessly drops everything he just bought on the kitchen counter, he’s about to crash on the sofa when he notices something is unusual. Something- or rather, someone- is already lying there, the familiar red blanket is covering half of his face, and that messy blonde hair is unmistakable.

Seunghyun’s heart stops.


Seunghyun steps closer, he doesn’t want to disturb the peaceful looking man on his sofa. Jiyong is sleeping on his side, his shoulder rise and fall to his breathing and his eyelashes flutters against his cheeks a few times. Seunghyun smiles, this feels like a dream.

He can’t help himself, shifting his face closer to nip at Jiyong’s nose. The other man stirs.

“Hey,” Jiyong whispers.

“How long have you been here?” Whispering back, Seunghyun settles on the floor next to the sofa.

“I got in last night. I wanted to surprise you,” Jiyong mumbles from behind the blanket.

And there I was last night, getting drunk and falling asleep of someone else’s bed.

Seunghyun pushes the guilt away. He just wants Jiyong now. He tugs the blanket down softly, just enough so he can steal a quick kiss.

“Where were you?” Jiyong pulls Seunghyun to come closer.

“Soohyuk’s. Housewarming party. Too much alcohol,” Seunghyun kicks off his shoes, and takes off his jacket. And then snakes his way underneath the blanket, snuggling his face close to Jiyong’s.

Seunghyun slips his hand underneath Jiyong’s shirt, caressing the waist. He pulls their bodies closer.

“Soohyuk again? Should I be jealous?” Jiyong lightly snorts in between Seunghyun nipping his neck, smothering kisses wherever he can.

Seunghyun doesn’t reply straight away. His lips are already busy devouring Jiyong, hangover long forgotten.

“I was just too out of it to go home. I fell asleep at his place.”

Not long after his reply left his mouth, Seunghyun realizes that that was not entirely true. But he pushed the hesitation away. He just needs Jiyong right now and Jiyong is here.




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Sadly, this is going to be the last update on this story. I am going to be on a hiatus for a couple of weeks starting on April. Hope you guys enjoy this one!


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mdrey22 #1
Chapter 12: another gtop happily ever after... thank u
Teyga648 #2
Chapter 12: Thank you authornim. Another awesome one from you. I really enjoyed reading this. Can't wait to read your other stories ^ ^
Chapter 12: i was suspicious of soohyuk, but i see i was wrong
Chapter 12: Wtf . I love this story soooo muchhhhh
lightaway #5
Chapter 12: This is too cuteee, i can't handle it (in a good way). I love Jiyong's character in here. He just sooooooo lovable. And Doctor Choi as well. They're just soooooo cute. And it's killing me ≧﹏≦. Your fic's absolutely stunning. You're an amazing writer. Thank you for sharing this. Keep writing ^^
tintatalk #6
Chapter 12: Oh man! Soohyuk was my favourite character in this story! What a gentleman. He seems very irreplaceable. Anyway, lovely story as always! I'm gal the ending was nice and beautiful and fluffy because I don't think my heart could've taken anything else ahha.
Chapter 12: Awwwww
Welcome home!

This was so touching!
Thank uuuu
I really love ur chaptered stories.
Thank u thank u!