
What is Love...? Love is...

Kwon Ji Eun - 17 years old.

- Ji Eun’s POV -

It was at 2 o’clock in the afternoon already, I’m going to take the subway so that my bestfriend, Jung “Nicole” Yong-joo won’t get mad at me because I’m late again. I’m tired taking the stairs so I took the elevator.

I kept on thinking, somehow it feels strange that my best friend now has a boyfriend. I wonder what kind of person Nicole’s first boyfriend is...


‘What was that?’, I asked myself since I’m the only one who’s here in the elevator. I just realized, ‘Oh yeah! I’m inside of the elevator!’,
‘Did this thing just stop?!’,
‘Why I don’t feel it going down?!’,
‘No way!”,
‘It stopped?!”,
‘I’m scared now! What should I do?!’
, I kept banging the door of the elevator. I know someone will hear me from here.

“Ahh, we got locked in here~”

‘A guy..?!’,
‘No way, don’t tell me..’
, I stopped banging the door when I heard a male voice behind me. I didn’t look back because I’m scared.

“So we’re alone together~”

He talked again. The way he talked, it gives me more nervous! I still didn’t look back.

*foot step in*

I felt like his really behind me. I’m so scared now! Really!


I was shocked when he just bang the door so strong. I was in front of him.

“Please hurry up and come!”,
“There’s a girl here!”, he said.

I looked at him.
“Are you alright?”, he asked me. He was looking at me.

*my heart just skipped a beat...*

"I...I’m alright.", I looked away.
“This must be scary for a grade school student, right?”, he said.
I was like, ‘EH??’, I imagined myself like I’m 148cm tall. “I...I’m a highschool student! I-it’s only been a week since I entered highschool though...”, I said.
“Eh?! You’re two years younger than me? You’re so small, so I was sure that you were a grade school student...
My face was like, ‘WHAT?!’
“I’m just joking.”, he smiled a little.
‘That smile~’, I said to myself. I shook my head. ‘He’s so rude! This person is really rude!!’, and I heard him giggled.
“Sorry, sorry.”, he apologized.


“Hey, don’t be in a such a bad mood.”, he said. His touching my hair.
I looked at him, “Jeez, don’t pull my hair...”, I touched my hair but our face was so near to each other. ‘WAAH! That was close!’, I moved far away to him.
“It’s not that bad to let me kiss you.”, he said; staring at me.
‘No...’, ‘That would be my f..first kiss...’
He was so near to me. I can’t move anywhere into my place. He was in front of me now. His head moving slowly on me. ‘What should I do?!’
“Sorry I couldn’t control myself...somehow you’re just so cute...”, he said while looking at me.
“You’re awfully cute.”, he continued.
I blushed; covered my lips.


The door of the elevator finally opened. I heard the people noises.
“Excuse me...It’s already open.”, said the repair man of the elevator.
“But well, I got to see something nice.”, *still talking~*
I blush more.
“Thank goodness it was a couple that got locked in here.”, said the repairman.
I ran fast outside the elevator. Saying in to my head ‘Nooooooo!!!!!!!!’
“Ah! Wai-!”, the stranger said. I heard him.


I was outside of the subway now. I stopped in the street first, I’m tired of running.
‘It’s so embarrassing! I can’t go to that station anymore!’
‘To have people see me like that...’
‘It was...’

*flashback to our faces*

“It was my first time...”,
“And with someone that I don’t even know”,
“And yet, I...”

*my heart skipped a beat again*

‘You’re awfully cute’, I remembered when he said that.
I was worried. ‘What should I do about this feeling?’

I started to walk again; looking back at the station.
‘I’m sure I’ll never get to see him again and yet...’

“You’re late, Ji Eun!”
I heard a familiar voice, it was Nicole.
“Nicole!”, I called.
“I-I’m sorry.”, I apologized.
“It’s fine. It seems that my boyfriend is late, too.”, Nicole said.
“So I’ll introduce someone else to you first!”, she smirked.
“I’ll introduce a guy to you Ji Eun!”, she grinned.
“Hey!”, she called out the guy.
“Nicole! Don’t do that! I don’t want it!”
She looked at me, “What the, is there someone you like?”
“I don’t have one.”, I continued.
“Then it’s fine. Think of this as fate!”, she said.
‘...fate?’, I was curious.
While Nicole is calling the mind saying; ‘If I get to see...that person in the elevator one more time...’, I was so nervous. I heard Nicole yelling the name of the guy 3 times.
I looked who was it.
“Stupid, don’t call someone older than you without any honorific.”, he said to Nicole.
‘Not him...’, I was shocked.
‘That’s right. There’s no way there could be such a coincidence..’
“Well, well, it’s fine, right? During club practice, I still call you with an honorific.”, Nicole said, tapping the dude’s shoulders.
“That’s because I’m the captain, right?”, he said.
“I’ll introduce to you two!”, Nicole suddenly talked out of nowhere.
I got into speechless.
“Huh? What’s wrong Ji Eun?”, Nicole poked me.
“Ah...No, it’s nothing. I’m sorry.”, I said.
“Really?”, she asked.
“I-I’m Kwon Ji Eun. I’m sorry about today...”, I introduced myself to him.
“Huh?”, he said. “”
“Uh-uhm...”, I don’t know what to say to him. “He seems kind of scary...”
“You came here because you got called here, right?”, he asked.
“Yeah!”, Nicole shouted and put her arms in the air.
We both looked at her.
“Believe it or not! Surprise!! Today is meant to match you up Ji Eun!”, she said happily.
‘Eh?’, I don’t know what was Nicole talking about.
‘Could it be that...Minho-ssi didn’t know about this either..?’, I said to myself.
“ stupid.”, Minho said.
‘Waah..he seems totally in a bad mood’, I said looking at Minho.

*N-Nicole’s boyfriend come here...soon.*
“Sorry, I’m late!!”, I heard some voice out of nowhere.
I looked where the voice came from, when I saw his face.
We both looked to each other. *eyes to eyes*
‘No way..!! To think that I’d actually get to see him again.’
KEY OPPA!”, Nicole shouted and hugged him like they never saw each other for a year or more than a year.
“This is my boyfriend, Kim Kibum!”, Nicole seems very happy.
I was just looking at them.
“Jeez, you’re so late!”, Nicole said to him.
‘I can’t believe it...’, I said to myself.
“Ah...yeah, sorry.”, he said to Nicole.
“You got hooked by a girl somewhere again, didn’t you?”, Nicole said.
I looked down.
“You go home.”, I heard Minho said it to me.
‘Eh...?’, as I looked at him. He’s glaring at me.
“Minho! Why did you suddenly say something like that?”, Key said as he touched Minho’s shoulder.
‘I’m feeling dizzy...’,
‘I don’t get it anymore...’
, I ran.
“JI EUN!”, I heard Nicole shouted my name.
My bag flew away. ‘...what’s going on with me??’
I noticed, I’m almost got hit by a car. I don’t know what’s going on with me.
“Stupid!! How can you run without looking in front of you?!!”, Minho shouted at me. He looked very worried.
‘He saved me?’
“I-I’m sorry.”, I apologized.
He sighed. We stood up and I just looked down.
“Which way is your house?”, I heard Minho asked.
I looked at him.
“Right or left?”, he asked.
“R-right...”, I answered.
...and we walked together and went to the subway; going home.

“Yay! They look good together!”, Nicole said.
“...yeah.”, Key said.
As they looking at us.


“Is it the next station?”, Minho asked.
“Y-yes.”, I stuttered.
‘I didn’t think he’d send me home.’
He’s standing in front of me while I’m sitting here.
*wind blows*
‘Oh?’, I looked at him. He put his jacket on me.
“You have a cold, right? Put that on. You still look pale.”, he said, not looking at me.

“You go home.” as he said a while ago.
‘He thought that I have a cold?’


We finally arrived at my house.
“Thank you very much!”, I smiled a little to him.
“Keep yourself warm, and then go to sleep.”, he said. How caring~
“Y-yes.”, I said.
...then he walked away.
‘If only I can fall in love with him...’, as I looked at him walking.


The day after. We have school and I remembered Minho oppa and Key oppa studying in our school too. I remember Minho’s jacket, I need to give this back to him. So I went to his classroom 3-A.

There I saw him by the door.
“Uhm... Thank you very much for yesterday!!”, I bowed and hand it to him.
He stares at me and said, “You didn’t know that you were going to be introduced to me, right?”
I just stared at him.
“You don’t have to force yourself. I’ll let those two know.”, he said. Then he went inside but I stopped him.
“W-wait!”, I grabbed his arm and I heard a ripped.
‘Oh my gad! I just ripped his uniform! No way!’
“I’m sorry...”, I was shocked; apologized.
...and for the first time, I saw he smiled. He chuckled.
“You should calm down a bit more.”
‘He laughed!’
“Uhm..please let me fix it!”, I said.

We went to Home ec Preparation room. He took off his uniform coat.
‘Wah~ I feel so nervous when a guy takes off his clothes’
...then I felt he ruffle my hair.
“Yah! Don’t look like that! Even I feel embarrassed”, he said. He gave to me his coat and he turns away.
I giggled.
‘As I thought, Minho oppa is really nice...’
Then I started to fix it. We didn’t took so long in the Home ec Preparation room though.
“You’ve got skill.”, he said.
“Home economics is my specialty!”, I said.
We smiled to each other.


It was afternoon already. I was with Nicole, walking around the school.

“Hey!! Isn’t Minho cool?!!”, she asked.
“Y-yeah...”, I answered.
“Thank goodness! I was sure that he’d suit you, Ji Eun!”, she said happily and she handed something to me.
I took it and said, “cell phone number?”, I was curious.
“It’s Minho-ssi!”, she said smiling.
I stared in the paper for a while.
“Why don’t you come to see the basketball club? He’s the captain there.”, Nicole invited me to watch the basket ball game tonight.
“Eh?”, I said.
‘Key oppa is cool, too. So look at him.’
“...sorry, I have something to do today.”, I lied.
“Really?”, she said. I saw her face, sad.
“Then, see you again!”, she ran and waved.
I waved back.

I’m still standing where Nicole left me. *thinking...*
“Ji Eun?”, someone called my name behind me. A familiar voice...
‘No...’, it was Key oppa.
“Are you going home now? Isn’t it dangerous for a grade school student to go home on her own?”, he said.
I still not facing him and not talking.
“Ji Eun?”, he said my name again.
‘Because he’s Nicole’s boyfriend...’, I teary eyed.

Suddenly...I felt he held my hand and push me against the wall and kissed me. I was shocked for what he did!
‘What’s transmitted through our entwined fingertips...’
...and he asked me, “...Hey, do you believe in love at first sight?”.

to be continued...
_ _ _ _


How was it so far readers? >_<  PLEASE COMMENT & SUBSCRIBE even if this is just a shots. KEKE THANKS Y'ALL! ^^

So you notice readers, I didn't really explain the scene..I just did their sayings~  I'M SORRY ABOUT THAT. I'M TOO LAZY. >_< LOL

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Oh my god I loved this so much <33333<br />
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Especially the end!<br />
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...what happened to Minho? D:<br />
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stupid girls >_____> GET. AWAY. FROM. KEY.<br />
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:><br />
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I love this <3
hayeee #2
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O my god!! this is so good!!! nicole is such a and i think minho is pretty sweet..he's kinda like jihoo from boys before flowers.. :D updatee soon!! ~ xx
STOP SAYING JI EUN IS SMALL ;A; She's pretty big.... inside. LOL<br />
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Nicole wae are you bad? ;A;
asdfghjklasdfghjklkjhgfdsasdfghjklkjhgfdsasdfghjklkjhgfdsa<br />
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ETERNAL SPAZZ~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~<br />
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I.. WANT. MORE. <br />
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omg this is so good! at some parts its confusing but this fic is so cute!! especially key and jieun, they're so cute but have a feeling they're gonna cheat on their partners :O
Minho 8DDD <3<br />
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....<br />
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i bet i know who the dude is ;DD<br />
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