

From outside, they hear that announcements are just finishing and Joo Young can feel her heart racing just a bit faster than usual. A girl like Joo Young shouldn't get anxious over school but there are just somethings she can't fight off, things that come natural. The Vice Principal steps up and begins to pull back the door so that it slides open and the sunlight trapped within the classroom pours through the door frame. She absently stuffs her hands in the pockets of her blazer as she waits. Here goes nothing. 

"Ah excuse me,  but I've brought the new transfer student," says the Vice principal as he steps aside to let her through. Besides the steps of her own feet, the buckles clinking against each other slighty, everything around goes quiet. One step at a time, she enters the classroom, her eyes set straight ahead. She is mildly surprised to see that the class has two home room teachers, male and female. She stops near their desk, turning on an angle to face the class with eyes downcast to avoid the stares she is very well aware of. Someone makes a sound, like a small gasp. Suddenly more voices follow, mainly girls making small talk. They keep their voices to a minimum so that Joo Young can't decipher their exact words but even an idiot could figure out what they were talking about. The clearing of a throat is heard and everything falls silence once more. The Vice Principal introduces her. "Ah this is a new transfer student from Japan. Her name is Kwon Joo Young and she'll be joining your class from now on. Treat her well and take care of her, alright?"

The Vice Principal then bids the teacher farewell and takes his leave quickly, not waiting for an answer. Joo Young has to remind herself to breath, hoping she won't have to stand in the spotlight for longer. Her prayers are answered when the female teacher, small and thin greets her with a bright smile. "Hello, it's nice to meet you," she says. "I'm Teacher Jung and this," she gestures to the man next to her," is Teacher Kang."

Joo Young doesn't really acknowledge the introduction, not even with a small nod of her head. She remains like a frozen statue, unresponsive and still. "Um . . . why don't we get you set up?" Teacher Jung suggests. She looks over the classroom, rubbing her lips together in thought. "There doesn't seem to be enough desk so . . . President Go, can you go to the storage room outside and help Joo Young grab a desk?"

There's another short pause before an answer is made. "Yes Teacher Jung," the voice of a boy answers back. Following suit, there is the sound of a chair skidding on the floor.

Teacher Jung leans a bit over the desk as she speaks to Joo Young. "You can meet President Go in the hall. He'll show you where to find a desk."

Joo Young takes the advice as a cue for her to finally get out of the room. She pivots on the balls of her heels effortless and makes her way back through the door frame whilst sliding the door closed. She lets out a breath she hadn't realized she'd been holding in, slipping her hands out of her pockets as she slouches against the door softly. She lazily wiped her sweaty palms against her school skirt while she lowly mutters, "I hate school."

"We don't have a lot of time before the next class begins." Joo Young is startled a bit by the voice, finding the one who went by President Go is standing right next to her. How had she not been aware of his presence early? She straightens herself before making eye contact with the other. He isn't that much taller than her, seeing as Joo young would probably be the tallest girl standing at about 5'8", but he's tall enough to still tower over her and she kind of has to dip her head back a bit to look up. His eyes look back at her lazily and he mutters, "We should get going. Follow me."

Joo Young doesn't know what to say back so as she watches the tall boy turn his back and begin to head down the hall, she follows him. She follows him down the hall and around corners, downstairs and then outside towards the back of the school. No words are exchanged between the two and so Joo Young just keeps her eyes trained on the boy from being, thinking.

This guy . . . He's easy on the eyes, pretty tall and quite handsome in general. No but that's a given with Asian guys. He could probably be a fighter type, can't say for sure though. Skinny guys lately seem to know how to pack a punch when they need it most. Considering all of this, she knows he's not her type, but then again she's just assuming.

The mind of a teenage hormonal girl is quite fascinating in this way. 

Soon they come across an open shed where Joo Young can see all the old desk stacked and piled up with dust and cobwebs. Lucky her, she's get the best seat, Joo Young snorts mentally with a roll of her eyes. The two then step inside, Joo Young waving a hand back and forth. It was very dusty and dust was not her best friend, actually it was her worst enemy. "A-CHOO!" 

"Bless you," says the class president but then Joo Young slips in a sneezing fit.

"You know what I'm just going to wait outside," she excuses her as she covers her nose with a her hand and rushes out, sniffling the whole way. She feels the snot drizzling down to her upper lip in the cold so she pulls out some tissues to wipe it away and in doing so, proceeds to blow her nose.  There's a small garbage place nearby so she strolls over to discard the tissues and as she makes her way back the class president is just stepping out with her new desk, topped with more dust and cobwebs.

"Aish," she hisses underneath her breath. "Why do I have to put up with this?"

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Updated 4/3/13


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Shajah #1
It's been awhile since I've been on here. I came to check on this story as soon as I signed in. Was hoping that it was completed. Hope u come back and finish it! Hwaiting!!!
Va-Nila #2
Chapter 6: Update soon author-nim! IM TOTALLY in love with the story! i'm sad theres no more chapters to read so please come back and continue!! <3
Shajah #3
Chapter 6: Hi!^^
Have you stopped writing Shelter...or are u experiencing writers block?
Shajah #4
Chapter 6: I wish there was an insta-chapter button. I'll be back...dun dun duunnnn
Shajah #5
Chapter 5: I finished the chapter with a smile on my face.
Shajah #6
Chapter 3: Another wait. But it's all good.
Shajah #7
Like this story so far. After the chapter ended I was very disappointed I couldn't continue Reading. Upload as soon as possible please.