


The weather today somehow manages to be cold and warm at the same time. In Kiseop’s view, such thick items like a jacket, scarf and gloves aren’t necessary. But well, he is still wearing them since Hoon insists that it’s snowy and freezing in the USA. Yeah, he is flying to New York today to chase after his love like Hoon has advised that day.

“Kiseop, I’m really nervous about you.” Hoon says squeezing Kiseop’s hand.

“I’ll be fine.” Kiseop smiles reassuringly.

“Why don’t you let Kevin or Eli go with you? The States are their hometown!” Hoon’s stomach starts to clench.

“They don’t even know I love Jaeseop, Hoonie. And I’m hiding this from them.” The older guy persuades.

“Then why don’t you let me go with you?” Hoon retorts.

“You have to stay here to cover everything for me!” Kiseop laughs at the other man’s worried face.

“You start to regret encouraging me to confess, don’t you?” Kiseop teases.

“I should have told you to wait for Jaeseop to come back.” Hoon mumbles under his breath.

“Don’t worry!” Kiseop pats Hoon’s muscular shoulder.

Hoon unwillingly nods his head then says goodbye to the other. Before Kiseop leaves, he makes some careful recommendations to the boy in love. Hoon is exactly same with a mother who has her daughter get married. Kiseop takes them in without paying much attention. He is just so excited about meeting his love in a few more hours.

Kiseop quickly says goodbye to move to the waiting room. The plane soon takes off bringing Kiseop up in the air. Light sunshine and cool breezes give the staying guy some goose bumps. Hoon leaves the airport in worry and some hopes as well.



The freezing air in the States has done a great job to startle Kiseop. He almost clatters his teeth when he steps out of the plane. Luckily he is accustomed to cold weather in Korea already. In addition, he has all the warm clothes as Hoon told him to. What he concerns more now is how to get to Jaeseop’s place. Although he has prepared some English and what to tell AJ before getting here, the long flight seems to empty his mind partly.

Bringing the luggage with him, Kiseop looks around anxiously then walks out the airport. On the way out, he unexpectedly feels someone tug the hem of his jacket. To tell the truth, he was extremely nervous when looking back. What if it is a ert? Or even a policeman? He doesn’t want to get in troubles right the moment he gets here at all.

Strangely he finds no one standing behind him. But… casting down his eyes, there is a little boy. He is indescribably adorable with pinky-white skin, a small straight nose and staring red lips that are trembling. The boy looks up at Kiseop with teary eyes. The beautiful sparkling brown eyes are briefly happy then turn dark moments later.

“Mommy…” he calls. A few following words are easily drowned in his sobs.

Kiseop is bad at English, he doesn’t deny. But at least, he understands what “mommy” means. The boy definitely gets lost. Kiseop sits down to face the kid. He takes one of the kid’s hands in his then carefully sweeps the strained tears away.

“I will help you.” He manages to speak. He learns this in an intensive English book. His strong Korean accent makes it hard to hear. But he still hopes that the kid somewhat understand what he has said.

Smiling sweetly at the latter, Kiseop is about to take him somewhere to find his mother. The boy looks at Kiseop for a while then bursts out crying. Kiseop is totally taken aback by that action. He didn’t do anything wrong, did he? But he doesn’t know what to do and especially how to speak English! He looks so puzzled and even frightened.

The kid’s sobs get louder and louder. People start to look at him with a doubtful look. Some people come to ask but receive no response from them. The boy is busy crying and sniffling. Kiseop, despite dearly wanting to speak, knows nothing to answer. He just shakes his head in defeat. The crowd around them then disperses. No one can fix the situation.

Looking at the poor boy, Kiseop can’t take in the heartbroken scene. Therefore, he pulls the boy close and hugs him tightly. The trembling boy gradually relaxes in his embrace. The young man somewhat feel relieved. He secretly heaves a sigh. Why must it be him that gets into such a difficult problem?



Near the crowd, an Asian man is attracted by a familiar figure. He has run as fast as he could in hope that he wasn’t misled. Although he himself knows the thought is really stupid, he still believes in his eyes and intuition. But the crowd prevents him from contacting with that person. Impatiently he tries to sneak up to the front. Still he can’t make it. In the end, waiting seems to be the best solution.

After everyone leave, he carefully approaches that person who is holding a crying boy. That familiar back. that familiar style… he can’t mistake that special person for anyone else in the world. His heart skips a beat at the thought of the other. Ignoring many questions that are spinning around in his head, he sits down next them.

“Kiseop?” he calls putting one hand on the guy’s shoulder.

Hearing his name being called, Kiseop looks up. And immediately his eyes go wide as much as possible.

“Jaeseop!” he screams letting go of the kid. He jumps in surprise then takes a few steps backward.

The boy looks at Kiseop then turns to Jaeseop. Getting scared, his eyes start to dew with tears again.

“Oh, little kid. Did I scare you?” AJ asks in English making the boy drop his jaw.

“A little.” He mumbles.

Kiseop, after gathering his soul, sits down next to AJ and the kid. He doesn’t understand what they are saying but having Jaeseop help him now is totally reliable. He wants to ask the other so many things but remains silent since the kid needs Jaeseop more than him for the moment.

“What’s the matter with you?” AJ asks in a soft voice.

“I’m lost.” He speaks after calming down.

“Did this guy do something to you?” AJ turns his gaze to Kiseop. And of course, Kiseop blinks his eyes in complete confusion.

“No. But I mistook him for my mother.” The boy answers honestly.

“Huh? What? How?” this time Jaeseop is the one to get shocked.

“I don’t know. I just felt so.” The boy shakes his head cutely.

“Okay. Let’s find your mommy.” AJ smiles genuinely then pulls the boy up.

“Kiseop, let’s go.” He turns to Kiseop. This time he speaks in Korean.

The oldest guy stands up dusting off his trousers. The little kid runs to hold Kiseop’s hand but doesn’t let go of Jaeseop’s hand. It seems that Kiseop makes a good impression in his eyes whereas Jaeseop brings him a secure feeling.

Jaeseop takes them to the management board of the airport. He makes a quick report about the situation. Soon an announcement about a boy getting lost is heard everywhere. In the meantime, Kiseop and the kid are waiting patiently on a bench in the room like two lost kids. The boy seems totally relaxed now. He starts to swing his legs since he can’t reach the floor. Kiseop observes Jaeseop with eyebrows knitted then turns to check the boy’s expression. Caressing his hair, Kiseop smiles reassuringly.

“Do you want us to stay here with you till your mom come here?” AJ takes a seat next to the boy. He immediately receives several nods from the happy kid. 

“We will wait for his mother. Is it ok?” AJ then asks the Korean guy. And the same response with the kid comes from Kiseop.

“How do you feel now?” Jaeseop asks the kid.

“I’m fine. Thank you so much.” The boy says appreciably.

“I think you should thank him.” AJ says pointing to Kiseop.

“I will. You’re not American, are you?” the boy quickly asks.

“Nope. He and I are Korean.” AJ answers.

 “He doesn’t speak English like you?” the boy tilts his head.

“He’s not very fluent.” AJ chuckles a little.

“I’m AJ. What’s your name?” AJ enquires.

“My name is Hannief. Mommy said it had many special meanings!” the boy excitedly replies.

“Yeah, it sounds special too.” AJ ruffles the boy’s hair.

“I heard you called him Kiseop and he called you Jaeseop.” Hannief doubts.

“Jaeseop is my Korean name. And his only name is Kiseop.” AJ responds.

Kiseop, who has kept silent for a while, raises his eyebrows when hearing his name being called.

“Kiseop, this is Hannief. Hannief, this is Kiseop.” Jaeseop introduces in two languages.

“He seems alright now. What have you guys been talking about?” Kiseop asks.

“Hannief said that he had mistaken you for his mother!” Jaeseop laughs.

“What? I totally don’t look like a girl!” Kiseop frighteningly looks at himself from head to toe. He soon receives a shrug and a chuckle from his fellow Korean. Kiseop bites his lips in frustration not wanting to face AJ again. Of course, it is just a temporary wish.

“Mommy!” Hannief screams jumping off from the bench.

A young woman is standing in the doorway. Her face is all white. They can see that she has run with all her might on the way here. Her figure is tall and skinny. She is wearing uni clothes just like Kiseop. She looks around bewilderedly. Hannief runs to his mother. The woman clumsily hugs her son. Awaiting tears fill his eyes. They soon catch the same scene in his mother’s image. What a beautiful moment! The mother and her son must be extremely happy now. Jaeseop observes her so carefully that even Kiseop can notice his gaze.

“Where have you been?” Hannief lets go of his mom.

“I went to buy some food and drinks for us.” The woman answers caressing her son’s strained cheeks.

“You might get lost!” the kid raises his voice.

“What? How can you speak like that to me? You’re the one that got lost!” she asks shrinking her nose. But not a hint of anger is shown in her voice. It seems that she has heard that many times and just wants to keep her power in front of strangers.

“Did I? I was just looking for you when you suddenly disappeared. I know you care about me. But…” Hannief says like an old person.

“Oh, you must be my son’s savior. Thank you so much. How can I show my deep gratitude towards you?” The woman stands up ignoring the unpleasant look on her son’s face.

“Oh, that’s not a big deal. Your son is really cute.” AJ quickly says.

“He is? I don’t think so. Did he bring you troubles?” The mother waves her hand laughing.

“Oh no. But I think we have to go now.” Jaeseop excuses.

“Really? I still haven’t done anything to thank yet!” she whines.

“You don’t need to.” Jaeseop shakes his head.

“It’s really nice to meet you.” He continues.

“Nice to meet you, too.” She smiles genuinely.

While AJ talks to the woman, Kiseop lets out a sigh in relief. Although they have known each other for just an hour, Kiseop feels the urge to cry for the boy’s happiness. Jaeseop now partly understands why the boy mistook. Her appearance is a reason. Another one is her style which is somewhat childlike and butter.

“Goodbye. And take care.” AJ says then wraps his arm around Kiseop’s shoulders dragging him out the room.

“That’s your boyfriend?” she asks briskly.

“Oh, no. Or at least not yet.” Jaeseop chuckles.

“Good luck. And thanks again.” she smiles knowingly then turns to Kiseop to thank.

However, before they can leave, Hannief already pulls AJ back. The kid whispers something in the man’s ear then nods his head as if he has understood something.

“Kiseop hyung, kamsahamnida!” Hannief manages to thank in Korean.

“Aw, saranghaeyo~” Kiseop chimes happily.

“It means I love you.” Jaeseop explains.

“I’ll never forget you guys.” Hannief sniffles.

“Thank you a lot.” Jaeseop says bending down to the boy’s eye level.

“Why? I didn’t do anything.” Hannief doubts.

“Just know that your appearance has a lot of meanings for us.” AJ winks naughtily.

They wave goodbye to each other then turn to different directions. It’s high time they solved their serious problem now.


They walk abreast to somewhere they don’t even care. While AJ is busy arranging his thoughts, Kiseop is trying his best to calm down. His knitted eyebrows leave some wrinkles on his pretty face.

“Kiseop, wrinkles don’t fit your face!” AJ starts the conversation in the most unexpected way.

“I’m just thinking.” Kiseop mindlessly answers.

“How could U-KISS and Shim manager let you go here alone?” Jaeseop asks.

“Actually they don’t know about this.” Kiseop mumbles.

“They could get jealous to death if they knew you went away for vacation here!” Jaeseop laughs.

“Jaeseop, I have something serious to tell you. So… stop joking.” Kiseop changes his voice. He begins to play with the hem of his coat and bite his bottom lip. It isn’t clear that because he is too nervous, too angry or lost in another world, no word is spoken after that.

AJ stands there watching the latter amusingly. He has partly known why Kiseop is here already. It’s just he wants to see how the other deals with it. But it seems that he is facing some difficulties. He should help him, shouldn’t he?

The taller guy bends over catching the other’s lips in a swift move. Kiseop widens his eyes being unaware of what is really happening. No matter what the reason is, he doesn’t protest. The sweetness and fragrance of the lipsalve mix in their lips bringing them a sense of comfort and excitement. Taking the advantage of the situation, AJ deepens the kiss till Kiseop stops biting his lips. But to his disappointment, Jaeseop breaks away right that moment.

“Though the lipsalve is gone, your lips are still soft and pink as usual.” Jaeseop says nodding satisfyingly.

“What… what have you just done?” Kiseop stutters.

“Rescue your bottom lip. I’m afraid that you might make it bleed. And I don’t want to see that at all!” Jaeseop answers in a phlegmatic way. 

“But… but…” Kiseop tries his best to form some words while touching his lips which are not only moist but also warm.

“You have already reached your limit of one hundred words today?” AJ tilts his head then continues.

“You should change that bad habit. Your face, it looks somewhat silly those times.” he finishes the sentence with laughter. Seriously AJ isn’t the kind of people that talk too much and behave rakishly. But why does he act like that today? Is it because of several months living in this liberal country?

“Since I don’t have anything to do now, let’s-“Jaeseop is cut off since someone’s lips are crashing into his ones.

Of course, that’s Kiseop. AJ restrains himself from letting out a chuckle as he didn’t expect Kiseop to react like that. The kiss lingers for a short moment before Kiseop lets go.

“I love you.” He blurts out then turns on his heels and leaves. “I did my best”, he told himself.

“Hey, wait!” AJ catches Kiseop’s hand right away.

“You just leave like that after speaking something like that?” AJ says and receives a constant nod from the other.

“I did what I needed to do.” Kiseop replies trying to break away from Jaeseop’s grip.

“You don’t need an answer?” Jaeseop tightens his hand.

“Hoon told me to go and confess.” Kiseop mumbles finding some words to cover his shaking heart. Unknowingly, he has touched Jaeseop’s weak point. The taller guy pulls him back till his back reached his chest.

“I still give it anyway.” Jaeseop whispers. “I love you, too.” He says simply. AJ actually didn’t plan to tell the older guy that sentence this soon. He thought he would do that when he finished his course.

Kiseop blinks his eyes a few times. Has Kim Jaeseop, Lee Kiseop’s secret crush, just confessed to him? But even before Kiseop can have a chance to experience the ineffable feeling of being loved, AJ has already ruined it. He unexpectedly nibbles the other’s ear.

“What was that for?” Kiseop jumps back.

“Punishment.” AJ answers simply.

“For what? I didn’t do anything!” Kiseop scolds.

“Nothing.” AJ smirks. Actually it’s the reason why he is here, at the airport, today.

“You-” his lips curl lightly. Again they are crushed in a sudden lips lock.

Just in about 5 minutes, they have kissed three times. What an exciting surprise that they have hidden their feelings that long! As a result, things get over their edge when they cross the limit.

“So what are we now?” Kiseop whispers after letting go. His cheeks become extremely flushed.

“Does it need to be answered?” AJ asks back.

 “Fine. I don’t care either.” The older guy tries to ignore the other’s intense glare. He looks around to find something else to ease the anxiety. Not until now does he realizes that they have just done several intimate things between thousands of people at a public place!

“Jaeseop! How could we do that here?” Kiseop shouts.

“Why not?” AJ tilts his head and his eyebrows. Seriously, his manners are driving Kiseop up the wall.

“We are in the States now. Don’t worry too much.” He smiles.

“Ugh. I’m going back to Korea now.” Kiseop desperately says face getting hot.

“Why?” Jaeseop widens his eyes. To think it over again, he never considers the other as an easy person from the moment he laid his eyes on that guy. If Kiseop was, AJ wouldn’t be afraid and run here to take a flight to Korea. And it must be fate that he met the other today.

“Hoon can’t suffer from everyone’s interrogation.” Kiseop answers as if he wants to irritate the latter. “Anyway, today is more successful than I expected.” He whispers to himself then simpers.

He starts to walk fast to the timetable and happily finds a flight to Korea in two hours. In the meantime, AJ chases after him. However, he seems to have some troubles since many people are blocking his way.

“Jaeseop, I find…“ It feels like the umpteenth time he has stopped in the middle of his sentences today.

“What’s wrong?” he runs to AJ when catching the painful look on his love’s face.

“I twist my ankle.” Jaeseop informs in an apparently sad voice while squeezing his ankle.

“Take me home.” He suggests quickly.

“Why should I?” Kiseop asks annoyingly but still helps Jaeseop stand with less pressure.

“It’s because of you, I end up like this.” AJ resists.

“I didn’t tell you to follow me.” Kiseop turns around. His back is facing the other.

“Then goodbye. Take care.” Jaeseop says pretending to sound cold. He difficultly drags his feet.

Kiseop tiredly watches Jaeseop’s figure slowly disappear in the stream of people. How can he love such a stubborn, enigmatic, strange, prissy or whatever he is? Shuffling his hair in defeat, Kiseop quickly runs to the other. Anyway, he has run from Korea to the States for that guy. It doesn’t matter much to run a few meters, does it?

“Let me help you.” Kiseop holds the other’s arm and leads him through the crowd.

“My room doesn’t have anyone today.” Jaeseop smirks evilly.

On the sidewalk that is pretty empty now, two screwball but happy guys are trying to catch a cab. Tiny snowflakes frozen their cheeks but something of theirs is undeniably warm…






A/N: Honestly, this is the most moonstruck chapter I have ever written!!! But anyway, I had fun writing it =)))))))))

Actually I haven't editted but too lazy to do that =.= 



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HakieLee #1
Chapter 3: Uầy, FA rảnh ruồi vỡi :v
Lại còn Hannief gọi LKS là umma nữa =))))))))
Ờ, hnay phòng KJS k có ai đâu LOL
Chapter 3: oh my god my 2seops feelssssss
you make me smile since the i read the first sentence

katyloveukiss #3
Chapter 3: perfect perfect peeeeeeerfeeeect
cloudy_icyng #4
Chapter 3: aww, so cutee!
i really like this chap!
you should make the sequel!
Chapter 3: What TH =)) I must comment in Vietnamese: =)))))))))) đùa chứ cùng sóng não với nhau thật ý =)))))))))))))))))))) Từ cái vụ lặn lội bay sang với chồng đẩy trách nhiệm cho FA lẫn bị đứa bé nhận lầm là umma =))))))))))))))))))))))))))))))) Xúc động vờ quờ
Chapter 2: Hoon is so sweet! I hope Kiseop can confess to Jaeseop and be accepted~
Chapter 1: Your writing style is lovely~
Chapter 2: Umma is just like me =)))))))))))))))) Both the Way he loves someone and his random Mood =)))))))))))))))))))
Chapter 1: I love the FA's Part =)))))))))))))))))))))))))))) He seems to have so much free time :v