Her blood (Witches)

Her blood (WITCHES)

"Prophet: a person who is believed to have a special power which allows them to say what a god wishes to tell people, especially about things that will happen in the future."

A rather rare talent. Even among witches.

They were at a bakery, at 4pm, having cheese sandwiches and pineapple juice, talking about the weather, when…

“Dara…” – Minzy spoke, out of nothing. Her expression was blank. – “He’s not okay… the blood…”

“Dongie…” – Sandara spoke, too low for the others to listen. Her brother was in dangerous. He needed her.
Standing up, she ran to her car. The other witches on her tail.
One of them with her heart stuck in .

Sandara drove, making red lights turn into green, and ignoring speed limits.
She had to get home as fast as possible. Her brother needed her.

“Sanghyun!!” – She entered their house, running. The three other witches close.

They headed to his room, kicking the door open with a rough spell.

“HEY!” – Sanghyun shouted, turning around, covering his bare chest.
He was fine.

“Dougie, are you okay?” – Dara questioned, rushing closer to her brother, touching his face without much care. Blame it on the fright.

“I’m fine Dara…” – he answered, holding a shirt close to his chest, as if covering s he did not have. He was completely clueless.

“You made your sister drive like dude” – he heard Bom joke, and smiled.

A smile that disappeared when he saw Chaerin.


Suddenly, everything became unclear… his body aching, his head spinning…
In a moment, Sanghyun was standing; his hands on his head, the other, he was on the floor, shivering, screaming in pain.
A horrible scene.

“Thunder!!” – It had been Chaerin the first one to run to him.
What had happened?

“Chaerin…” – Sanghyun cried in pain – “What’s this?! This noise!!” – he yelled, covering his ears with strength.
It was a song for his ears only.

“Dongie, did you drink that?!” – Sandara rushed to ask, kneeling next to her brother.

He nodded.

It had taken Sandara a second or two to understand what had happened.
Standing up, she took Chaerin by the arm and dragged her outside of the room.

“That” meant the blood Sanghyun would drink in order to have some little control while transformed.
That is Chaerin’s blood.

“CL, he’s my brother!” – Sandara shouted. Her eyes sparkly green – “You couldn’t…“

“I did not know!” – Chaerin defended. Her voice as loud as Sandara’s, but her eyes were on the floor.

“You didn’t know he was my brother?! Didn’t know he was…” – Sandara shouted again. She was angry, and Chaerin interruption just made it worse.

Bom and Minzy watched, silently. They had never seen Sandara that mad.

“I didn’t know this would happen!” – Chaerin shouted. Her eyes on Sandara now.

“Why do you think I’d ask for your blood?!” – Sandara yelled. 

“I though it was for G-Dragon…” – Chaerin answered. Her voice almost too low for Sandara to listen.

Sandara would ask for a drop of Chaerin’s blood whenever necessary, and she would gladly provide it. If a powerful witch needs you, it proves you may be just as powerfull someday.
But that was when Chaerin was still a .
She was an adult witch with full magic potential now, but that was not the reason Sandara was mad.

Chaerin’s blood had helped Sanghyun so many times…now it was poison.
Because he was not even a man; he was only half of it.
That is a werewolf: not a man, not an animal.
He had committed the dreadful crime of having a witch, and tasting her blood.
He was this way because Chaerin had chosen him.

“It’s your fault he’s like this!” – Sandara spoke, walking on Chaerin’s direction. Her hands into fists, her eyes sparkly green.

Sanghyun’s weak voice stopped his sister from whatever she had the true intention of doing.

He stood by the door, and had only had time to say her name.
Sanghyun fell to the floor.
His once pale skin becoming redish of the blood that came out from the wounds he caused to himself, with his sharp claws.

Sanghyun was pale; he had vomited blood; he’s ribs ached as if he had been transformed; it was difficult to breath, to think…enough to make anyone beg for death.

“Kill…me…” – he moaned, shivering. His skin was hot, but he was freezing on the inside.

“Don’t be stupid…” – Sandara replied, kneeling close to him. Her eyes tearing.

A witch should never have a werewolf.
Because werewolves are not from this world, nor from the dead’s; because they always remember; because they’ll look for you, demanding more; because they can be able to find you no matter where you hide; because they’ll kill you.
A werewolf would never be allowed in heaven, not in hell.
Each witch it kills is a piece of its soul it saves.
Rules are meant for protection.

“You’ll be fine, Dongie…” – Sandara spoke. It was difficult to hold her tears. – “I won’t let anything bad happen to you…”

She said, repeating the promise she had once made, when Sanghyun was still a baby.

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xZeiki #1
Chapter 1: so good.i'm being addicted to skythunder nowadays.wish you could write more about them.
Chapter 1: Waaaaahhhhhhhhhhhhhhh!!!!

No my Poor Doongie & My SkyThunder heart is aching so much right now <3
Chapter 1: I've read it all :) thanks for sharing~!
thunbii #4
Chapter 1: wow this is very exciting, i really love your stories :)