"I want you to be happy."

Just Best Friends

            Minwoo opened the door to the hospital room slowly, careful to be quiet. As soon as he stepped in, he found the whiteness of the space to be almost blinding. The walls and the floor were all plain white with no spot of color except for a basket of crimson roses, posed like a drop of blood on a clean handkerchief. Even the bed and its sheets were blank. There was no sense of life within the room, not even from the patient sitting silently in the midst of the pallid.

            "Hyesung..." his voice cracked as he whispered his friend's name. Hyesung turned to him, his face just as pale as his surroundings. Only his dark brown eyes, so deeply broken and torn, cried out amongst the colorless.

            Hyesung's dry lips attempted to smile. "Hey, Minwoo. Thanks for visiting." His voice had lost its sweetness, each word strained and faint.

            "I'm sorry I'm late," Minwoo apologized sincerely. He was still upset that he hadn't been there for Hyesung. Not just when he had collapsed physically, but during the times he had been hurting emotionally. "Are... Are you okay?"

            There was an indescribable sadness in his eyes that sent chills down Minwoo's back. "I'm fine," Hyesung lied weakly.

            "What did the doctor say?" Minwoo asked as he sat himself down in a chair next to the bed.

            "He said that I'll be okay as long as I take care of myself," Hyesung replied, feigning relief.

            Stop acting like everything's okay, you idiot... Minwoo looked around, unable to continue staring at his friend's pained face. He spotted a basket of beautiful roses on the table, the only form of brightness in the room.

            "Who sent these?" Minwoo reached out for the card placed among the flowers, but Hyesung quickly stopped him.

            "They're nothing," he lied again. It was obvious by his expression that the card's content was important, something he didn't want Minwoo to read.

            Minwoo hesitated, then said in a low voice, "Are they from Eric?"

            "Eric?" Hyesung didn't seem to understand at first, but was soon alarmed. "W-why would he send me roses?"

            Minwoo sighed, suddenly exhausted. "You don't have to hide it from me, Hyesung. I know."

            Hyesung seemed to process Minwoo's words rather quickly. He bit down on his lip and stared down at his lap. "Who told you?"


            "Is... Is he okay?" Hyesung asked softly, genuinely worried.

            "He's..." Minwoo began to say then realized there was no point of lying to Hyesung. "I don't know," he concluded honestly.

            Minwoo saw Hyesung gently close his eyes, his bottom lip slightly trembling. "I didn't think he would hate us so much."

            "He... He doesn't hate you." Maybe Eric. But definitely not you.

            Despite Minwoo's words, Hyesung's face continued to portray defeat. "He said that he does. He wants to quit Shinhwa because of us."

            Minwoo gulped before he spoke again. Hyesung had to know, he had to understand...

            "Dongwan loves you."

            Hyesung looked up at Minwoo with a confused expression. "Of course, he does. We've been friends for--"

            "No," Minwoo cut in, his heart aching as he searched for the right words. "He loves you. The way you love Eric."

            It took a few moments for the words to settle in. Suddenly, his friend's eyes widened in shock. "W-what are you trying to say..."

            Minwoo didn't want to say it anymore. He didn't want to wound Hyesung who was already hurting so much... But he had to know. And Minwoo knew he was the only one who would ever tell him.

            "Dongwan loves you. He has for a long time."

            Hyesung started coughing violently, clenching his chest. Alarmed, Minwoo got up to fetch some water, but Hyesung shook his head. "I'm okay," he said, his voice raspy. "I... I just don't understand..."

            "I... should've told you back then. I didn't know things were going to turn out this way."

            Hyesung's whole body was quivering, traumatized, and Minwoo almost regretted telling him the truth. However, Minwoo knew that he had done the right thing, something he should've done years ago when Dongwan had first told him...

            "Minwoo yah, I think I'm in love with Hyesung. I think I really like him, I can't stop thinking about him, he won't get out of my head! What am I supposed to do? How am I supposed to continue living like this?"

            Minwoo flinched at the memory.  Dongwan's words had scared Minwoo to the very core and had haunted him for many nights. However, Minwoo had thought everything was better, he had somehow convinced himself that everything was fine as time went on...

            "Love is petty, Dongwan. You'll get over Hyesung. It'll be hard, but I'll be on your side. We'll get through this, I promise."

            It had been such a futile promise, Minwoo realized now. Dongwan's affection for Hyesung had been anything but petty and Minwoo had failed to recognize that.

            Who could have known things were going to turn out this way?

            "Dongwan... likes me?" Hyesung murmured in disbelief.

            Minwoo wanted to touch him and comfort him, but he was afraid that his friend was going to shatter into broken pieces. "Yes," he confirmed gravely.

            "What have I done..." Hyesung put his face in his hands in despair. Minwoo could tell that he was blaming himself for everything that had happened. But it wasn't his fault at all. It wasn't Eric's nor was it Dongwan's. There was no one to blame...

            It was just a cruel trick of destiny's...

            "Hyesung," Minwoo whispered, placing his hand gently on his back, treating him like a doll made of glass. "You haven't done anything wrong..."

            "I shouldn't have been with Eric... I shouldn't have tortured Dongwan that way..."

            Minwoo couldn't believe what he was saying. "That's ridiculous. You didn't know."

            Hyesung suddenly looked at him, his eyes wild and desperate. His frail body was shuddering violently. "I have to go. I have to tell Eric. I have to--"

            Minwoo wrapped his arms around him so that Hyesung's mouth was muffled against his chest. "Hyesung... Please..." Minwoo begged, holding him tight. He didn't notice that he was crying until his face was wet with tears. "Please... Calm down..."

            Minwoo could feel Hyesung's breathing steadying slowly. "I'm sorry, Minwoo," he whispered although he had nothing to apologize for.

            Minwoo wiped his face before releasing his friend and sat back down on his chair. He tried to curl his lips into a convincing smile. "Hyesung, everything will be alright. You know that, right?"

            There was clear doubt in his eyes, but Hyesung nodded anyway. "Yeah," he said, forcing himself to grin back.

            Sorrowful silence filled the room. Minwoo fixed his eyes on the white wall, unable to look at Hyesung anymore. There was too much pain in his chest, too much sadness from knowing that his closest friend was hurting but having no way of helping him. Everything was such a messy blur... Such a tragic twist of fate...

            "If... If you were me, what would you do?" Hyesung asked quietly.

            At first, Minwoo didn't know how to respond. He honestly had no idea since he had never even considered being in such a situation. Then he remembered the night Dongwan had told him his secret and how Minwoo had regretted the way he had responded for all these years...

            "I want you to be happy," he finally said. That was what he should've told Dongwan, he realized. That had been the simple solution that Minwoo had not been able to advise his best friend years ago. As time went by, Minwoo's own experience had told him that nothing really mattered if one wasn't happy with his life.

            And Minwoo wanted Hyesung to have his share of happiness. Even if that meant risking Shinhwa and being with Eric.

            "Thank you," Hyesung said, his gratitude exhausted and fatigued but still somewhat honest.

            Minwoo was glad that after all these years, he was able to finally give the right answer. However, his heart did not grow any lighter as he saw intense grief still lingering in Hyesung's eyes.

            "It doesn't matter what I say, does it?" Minwoo understood, his heart constricting once more. "You've already made up your mind."

            Hyesung's answer was a silent smile, sadder than any tear drop in the world.


            "So, you're telling me that Dongwan likes Hyesung? That that's the reason why Dongwan wants to leave Shinhwa?" Eric asked, incredulous. He was sitting at a café table a block away from the hospital, the two maknaes across him, nodding in synch.

            "How does that make any sense?" Eric exclaimed, unable to believe it. He knew Junjin and Andy would never lie to him, not about something as serious as this. But... But how could Dongwan... the Dongwan he had known for over a decade and a half...

            "I'm telling you, it's true," Junjin pressed, fighting the urge of frustration. Well, Eric had been kind of difficult, refusing to believe his words for over half an hour already. Eric could tell Junjin was trying his best to be patient with him. "Hyung, it's hard to take in, but you have to accept this in order to fix what's going on."

            Fix what's going on... Those were the wrong words to use. If... if... Dongwan really did like Hyesung, the way Eric did... There was no possible way to fix what was going on...

            "Hyung," Andy called, worried. Eric placed a hand on his forehead, feeling feverish and a bit dazed. "It's gonna be okay. We'll get through this," the youngest said with a tiny smile that reassured Eric for a fraction of a second. "The six of us are going to stay together no matter what."

            The six of us... It was true. As long as Shinhwa was alive, the six of them would be together, bonded by a brotherhood thicker than blood. Dongwan would always have to be with them, knowing Eric and Hyesung were more than just best friends. Eric tried to imagine himself in Dongwan's shoes, attempting to understand how he would feel if he saw Hyesung, the only person his heart truly ever wanted, in the arms of another person...

            "Damn it," he cussed aloud, distressed by the very thought. He closed his eyes in frustration and all he could see was Hyesung growing cold and faint in the hospital, his lips pale and dry. Junjin was right. Eric had to fix the situation whether that was possible or not. Before Hyesung was hurt even more...

            He had to protect him. Hyesung...

            "Hyung!" Junjin interrupted his train of thought. "You have to stay focused! The press is going to corner us soon. I understand that this is difficult, but we need you right now. Shinhwa needs you."

           Shinhwa... That was right. He was still the leader of Shinhwa. He had to stay focused, he had to keep his head in the game. Shinhwa was always priority. Hyesung would agree. No matter how much he's torn and bleeding, Hyesung would never let Shinhwa down...

            "Then keep hiding it." Hyesung had said that in a distant, unpleasant memory. He had been right. Of course he was right. Shin Hyesung was always right... Shin Hyesung had been hiding his feelings for years for the sake of Shinhwa. If it was true what Junjin and Andy had said, Kim Dongwan had done the same thing.

            Eric Mun, the team's leader, the CEO, the man in charge, had been the one to fail.

            Jung Pilgyo... Pilgyo yah... Eric fought a wave of immense sadness as his heart ached to see his lover's face. Everything was so difficult, everything was so complicated... If Pilgyo was here, Eric was sure everything would suddenly turn okay.

            Everything was simple when he was with Pilgyo. But Eric was beginning to see that his life would never become simple again.

            "I... I'm sorry," Eric said in a low voice. He shook the image of the man he loved off his mind. "I'll take your word for it. About Dongwan..." He couldn't manage to finish the sentence. After all, he would never be comfortable with the thought of someone else loving his Pilgyo.

            Even if... Even if...

            "I understand what I have to do," Eric told them and a strange mix of relief and woe passed the others' faces. The two looked guilty, as if they were the ones causing Eric pain. But it was Eric's responsibility as a member of Shinwha. It was his fault for forgetting his primary duties and his dongsengs had done only right by reminding him what was the right decision to make. He knew Hyesung would agree with what he was about to do wholeheartedly.

            Even if... Even if it meant...

            "Hyung, are you okay?" Andy asked quietly, reaching out a hand in comfort.

            Eric was grateful for the gesture, but he didn't take Andy's hand. There was nothing in the world that could remedy the kind of pain he was going through right now. He was far from okay, he was dying. His lungs were being deprived and his throat was constricting. He needed his air, he needed his oxygen...

            He needed his Jung Pilgyo...

            Except Eric knew he would never really breathe again.


            Dongwan entered the restaurant, a pair of shades and a baseball cap carefully placed to hide his identity from the public. He looked around then checked his phone.

            "Meet me at 2 p.m. at Oh Jeon Myun Oak. Table reserved for Mr. Lee Haeyoon."

            Dongwan had managed to be right on time. He was going to have to make this quick before Minwoo got back from the hospital. He made sure his shades were correctly covering his eyes before approaching a lady at the front desk.

            "I reserved a table?" Dongwan told her nervously.

            She stared at his attire suspiciously. Well, not a lot of people wore sunglasses indoors...

            "Name?" she asked, still eying him.

            "Uh, Lee Haeyoon."

            She quickly flipped through a few pages. "Yes, a table of three. Please follow me."

            A table of three? The question still lingered on his mind as the lady led him to a table with a young woman already occupying it. Her eyes were also covered by dark shades, but she looked familiar. Actually, even if she had her whole face covered, Dongwan was sure he would have recognized her.

            "Amy?" he snarled. The girl looked up, startled.

            "Dongwan oppa? Why are you here?" Amy asked, completely dumbfounded.

            Dongwan sat down across from her with his arms crossed. "It was you who asked to meet me?" Was she playing dumb?

            But Amy looked genuinely confused. "No... I came because someone wanted to meet me here."

            "Wait, what?" Dongwan was the one who was lost now. For a second, he had been sure it was Amy who had sent him the text messages. But the more he thought, the more it didn't add up. He hated the girl, but this was too low, even for her. And it was Minwoo she wanted so she would never benefit from breaking Hyesung and Eric up...

            Then he remembered what the lady had said.

            Table of three.

            "Someone else is coming. The one who's behind everything," he whispered and scanned his surroundings, feeling as if someone was listening to their every word.

            "The one who's blackmailing us!" Amy exclaimed.

            "What? Blackmail?" Dongwan asked.

            Amy clasped a hand over . "Oppa, you didn't get blackmailed?"

            Dongwan gave it a second of thought. "I-I... I guess it was blackmail..."

            She stared at him curiously, trying to make sense of his words, then seemed to decide that they were on the same boat regardless. Which, despite how much Dongwan hated it, was true. They were both being used as pawns by this... blackmailer. They only had each other to depend on.

            Amy looked at Dongwan for a long time then spoke up hesitantly, "Oppa... What are you going to do?"

            "What do you mean?" he snapped, still looking around, waiting for someone to jump out at them.

            "Well... This person is going to force us to do things, right?"

            Dongwan thought carefully. "Yes. That is what blackmailing usually involves..."

            "Are..." She lowered her voice considerably. "Are you going to carry it out? What this person tells you to do?"

            He hadn't really considered that. What was he going to do? Was he going to secretly team up with this stranger and stab his friends in the back? He gulped, remembering the text message he had received earlier.

            "We want the same thing. I can help you get what you want."


            He shook his head, trying to keep focused. It was wrong to think that way. He had to keep his head straight. He wasn't going to betray his closest friends for his own selfish desire. He wasn't going to let his brotherhood waver...


            "We don't have much of a choice. You said this person was blackmailing you. We have to go along with it. At least for now." Dongwan interlocked his fingers on the table, forcing his reluctant brain to function logically again. "We'll figure out exactly who is messing with us. Then we'll make sure to turn the tables."

            Amy bit her lip then nodded solemnly. Her eyes quickly darted away from Dongwan's face to something behind him.

            "Excuse me."

            Dongwan whirled around in a flash, ready to encounter the mysterious intruder. He found himself facing the lady who had escorted him to his table.

            "Someone asked me to give this to you," she walked over and placed an orange manila folder on the table.

            "Wait! Who gave this to you?" Dongwan asked her before she could walk away.

            The lady seemed confused by the question. "It was this gentleman with a baseball cap. I don't really remember..." She rushed her way back to her usual post before Dongwan could interrogate her further.

            A gentleman with a baseball cap? A male celebrity? Someone's manager? Whoever it was, they were being very cautious, making sure to hold the upper hand in the game they were playing.


            Pausing his train of thought, Dongwan paid attention to Amy who was handing him a white envelope. She had opened the manila folder to find two identical letters, one addressed to her and the other addressed to Dongwan.

            Amy opened hers first, her hands slightly trembling. Her eyes widened in fear and surprise as she scanned the paper.

            Dongwan decided to read his letter before questioning her about hers. The content of the mail was simple, filled with very limited, curt words. But a few words were enough to scare Dongwan to his bones.

            Amy had been right. The blackmailer wanted them to perform specific tasks and had sent them very clear instructions. And Dongwan knew he had no choice but to carry them out like a puppet controlled by a set of strings.

            I have to do this to find out who's behind this, he told himself firmly. But he couldn't shake off the dark feeling that he was being motivated by an alternative purpose. An alternative purpose that originated from a very selfish portion of his heart.

[A/N]: Hey, guys! Omg, it's been so long right? I have to apologize again... I finally finished my round of finals though! So I wrote this as fast as possible since I haven't updated in ages! New chapters will be rolling in though, I assure you (I will be updating my other story as well). Summer vacation has its perks :) I hope this was a good treat although I did kind of rush it... I'll get around to editing >.< (still being lazy lol). I wrote this chapter listening to Shinhwa's new album!  They're so perfect~ I hope you guys enjoyed "This Love" as much as I did! Let's support them, ShinChang's! Let's go~ And don't forget to comment, your feedback makes me sooo happy! Love you guys!

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I wrote a page... And couldn't finish. Like I know the whole story plot now but can't put it into words >< I'm so sorry for the delayed update :(


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pikachu0826 #1
Chapter 19: i agreed on the previous and also most of the last comments that this is such an incredible story that is too bad if you wouldnt finish this one really got me hooked up and surprisingly catch all my curiousity on what willl happen next. T___T authornim i hope you pick this one up one day and i hope its a happy ending even just on stories :) i hate sad endings so please dont break my fragile heart T_T
ellieg4453 #2
Chapter 19: This is such an incredible story. I hope you pick it back up one day.
Bunny_RL #3
Chapter 19: Your writing style is incredible. I hope you will update this story one day.
Chapter 19: Author-nim, this story is awesome! I loved the scene where Hyesung was pissed as and was planing to murder all five of s, and Dongwan innocently, waving and smiling at him xD

Please, update soon~ this story is too good to be left In-completed
ChangJaeHolic #5
Chapter 19: Author-nim... Your story... JJANG... DAEBAKK ...
And waaahhhh I have too may questions in my head.. Hehehehe... So please update soon author-nim..... I'm really curious here
Anum96 #6
Hi, I'd just found this fic yesterday and I couldn't stop reading it. Your story is always great!
iechannie #7
Chapter 19: Update please, author-nim :((
miszrange #8
Chapter 19: huhu. what happen next? plese update soon authornim...
Chapter 15: ".... a flower blooming into an explosion of fire." this.. this is just so beautiful. i haven't finished reading the entire story yet, but i've been in a roller-coaster of emotions already.. and i'm loving the hype. :)
tanishi2992 #10
Chapter 19: author nim,miss you and yoủ fics too.please comeback soon