"Why do they get to risk everything when I can't?"

Just Best Friends


            "Hyesung is in the hospital. Come ASAP."

            "Oh, my god," was all Junjin could say before he sprinted back into the club like a madman.

            "Out of my way!" he screamed and a sea of people parted to let him through. Only a day before, his mind had been completely preoccupied by last-minute changes to Eric hyung's party. He had been stressing over the guest list, trying to invite all of s' friends, desperate to make it a wild night for the people he loved more than his own life. But now, the whole party was forgotten. Even Dongwan's strange comments that had his mind in swirls a moment before didn't matter.

            Hyesungie hyung... Oh, my god, Hyesungie hyung...

            He had to be alright, right? Why was he in the hospital? Was that why he hadn't come to the party? Had he been sick? Perhaps his cold?

            An icy dread swept over him.

            What if he got into an accident on his way to the party? What if his dumb party had been the reason why Hyesung had been hospitalized? What if it was all Junjin's fault? What if Hyesung wasn't okay? What if...

            "No... NO!" Junjin cried, tears welling up in his eyes from imagining the worse. He never had control over his pessimistic thoughts. They always tortured him nonstop... Especially because sometimes, they were proven true...

            "Where are my goddamn keys?!" Junjin heard the panic in his voice, but couldn't pause to calm himself down. He searched the table he had been sitting at for his jacket and his keys. His usually nimble fingers fumbled as he finally found what he was looking for.

            "Jinnie oppa?"

            Junjin didn't want to turn around, but he couldn't help it because he recognized the voice.


            She stood there, gazing at him curiously. "Are you alright?"

            "Who invited you?" he said, ignoring her question. He instantly regretted how mean that sounded. He didn't like the girl because he had seen what Minwoo had to go through after their breakup, but he didn't hate her guts either. He actually felt kind of bad for her because he understood her in a way. For someone rich and spoiled like her, she wasn't used to not getting what she wanted. She clearly wanted Minwoo back, but he didn't want to re-spark such a disastrous relationship and that made her use cruel methods to bring him back.

            She wasn't a mean girl. Junjin trusted Minwoo hyung's taste in women; he would never date someone terrible. That didn't mean he agreed with her actions and attitude though, just that he didn't hate her as much as the other members.

            Amy took a step back, blushing. "I was just hoping to see Minwoo oppa..."

            Junjin sighed, feeling kind of sorry for her. "Well, you're out of luck. He's not here."

            "Oh, I see," she mumbled, fiddling with her fingers. "Must be a rough night, huh?"

            "What do you mean?" he asked her curiously.

            "Oh," she blushed again. "I just saw some of the Shinhwa oppas fighting outside..."

            "What?" Was she being serious? She wasn't the type to joke...

            "Dongwannie oppa kind of punched Eric oppa..."

            "WHAT?!" Junjin exclaimed, outraged.

            "Well, Dongwan seemed a bit drunk. I saw Hyesungie oppa collapse afterwards and Andy and Eric took him."

            "Oh, my god." So Hyesung had come to the party safely after all. What happened after he arrived had been the problem. "Why were they fighting?"

            "I... I don't know... I only saw it from afar because I arrived then..."

            Of course, she wouldn't know. "Did anyone else see?"

            "I... I don't think so... I was late so everyone was inside by the time I came..."

            That's all Junjin needed to hear. He really needed to go see Hyesung right now. He needed to make sure he was okay before he could do anything...

            "Thanks for informing me, Amy," he told her gratefully and gave her a tight hug. "I'll tell Minwoo hyung that you came looking for him."

            "You will? Thank you!" she said brightly and he felt slightly bad because the part about telling Minwoo had been a lie. But he was thankful. Now, he was one step closer to finding out what was going on...

            He rushed out with the jacket and keys in his hand. Without looking back, he got into his newly fixed car and sped out onto the highway. As soon as he got caught at a red light, he took out his phone from his pocket and rapidly texted his manager, asking him to wrap up the party without him. A few seconds later, his phone beeped with a reply.

            "What's going on? Is everything alright?"

            That's when a force crashed into him from behind. His whole body was thrown forwards, only to be contained by the seat belt that cut into his flesh. Junjin felt his head spin, almost blacking out.

            I need to go see Hyesungie hyung... he reminded himself to keep himself from fainting. Besides, he had faced worse accidents. He was a person of misfortune, someone who was prone to bad luck. He had accepted that and that made him push himself to become stronger both physically and mentally.

            "I'm soooo sorry!" a female voice called from outside. He was a little dazed but he managed to get out of his car without tripping over his feet.

            Even in his state of mind, Junjin still took note of how beautiful the woman was. She had lovely black hair, a slim figure, and features Eric hyung would find very attractive... Wait, she looked familiar, too...

            "Hwang Siyeon sshi?" Junjin asked carefully.

            "Oh, my gosh!" she clapped her skinny hands to her face. "Is that you, Junjin sshi?"

            "Yeah, what a small world!" Junjin remembered how she was supposed to be Eric's date for the night and made sure he was as friendly as possible. "Were you on your way home from the party?"

            "Ah, yes! How did you know?"

            "Eric hyung told me he invited you. He said many good things about you." Actually, that was a lie and Eric had never said anything about her but she looked pleased anyway.

            "Oh, did he now?" A wide grin formed on her glossy lips. "That's great because I like him a lot!"

            "That's great!" Junjin pretended to agree. "Um, Siyeon sshi, it's so nice to meet you, but I really have to be somewhere right now."

            "Oh, no! Let me at least take your car for repair!"

            Why was she being so difficult? Junjin took a look at his car. The dent in the back was tiny compared to how heavy the impact of the collision had been. "It's just a little dent. I can just fix it up sometime later."

            "No, wait! Let me at least give you my number so I can pay for the damages..."

            "I'll get it from Eric hyung," he snapped then realized how rude he sounded. "I'm sorry, it's just Hyesungie hyung's in the hospital and I'm in a hurry to see him," he explained honestly.

            "Oh, Hyesung sshi is in the hospital?" Her eyes seemed to be lit with a strange gleam but it passed by so fast that Junjin thought he imagined it. "Oh, my, then you should go right away! So sorry to hold you up!"

            "No problem," he quickly shot a fake smile at her. "Hope to see you later."

            "Yes, of course."

            Junjin got back in his car and hit the gas. His mind was focused on just getting to the hospital as soon as possible until what Amy had said intruded his train of thought.

            "Dongwannie oppa kind of punched Eric oppa..."

            The Dongwan he knew would never do such a thing, even if he drank a whole bar dry. What had caused him to do such a thing?

            "I loved him so much. I suffered so much. But he... he loves him. How can I ever be happy for them?"

            Who was him and who were them that Dongwan had been talking about? So, Dongwan had feelings for a man--no matter how ridiculous that sounded--but he had just discovered that that man was in a relationship with another man.

            What the hell... That's impossible... Junjin thought to himself. He tried to shake the preposterous theories out of his head, but something told him that he was close to figuring it all out...

            "Jin ah... I thought you would know... I thought you would have figured it out by now..."

            What was he supposed to have figured out? How was he supposed to know? He had never suspected that Dongwannie hyung had been concealing strong affection for a man... Never had he even imagined his hyung being attracted to a male...


            "Oh, my god," Junjin muttered. It was as simple as one plus one. How had he not seen it? After all these years, how had he never...

            But then again, if his suspicions were right... Things were going to turn out very ugly...


            "Minwoo yah... I still love him."

            Minwoo looked at his drunk friend in the back seat through his rearview mirror. "Just shut up with your bull and go to sleep. Before you cause even more trouble."

            "But you told me not to love him anymore, remember?"

            That caught Minwoo off guard. "What? What are you talking about?"

            "Remember? I told you everything. You were the only one I told."

            "About..." Minwoo gulped at the unappealing memories. "About Hyesung?"

            Dongwan laughed bitterly. "That bastard. He never knew after all these years. I liked him so much but he never even suspected a thing."

            Minwoo sighed as he turned his eyes back on the road. "You're a pretty damn good actor, Dongwan."

            Dongwan laughed some more although it sounded very fake. "You said that it's wrong, right? That I shouldn't confess to him? That I should never risk Shinhwa for something as petty as love?"

            Minwoo felt uncomfortable at how Dongwan recalled their conversation from so many years ago. It was not something he wanted to remember, a disgraceful moment he had thrown in the corner of his mind to collect dust. Minwoo had always felt guilty about how he had strongly advised Dongwan not to pursue Hyesung. He wasn't the type to think that love was petty, but he had been so sure that Dongwan was just going through a phase and that he would eventually get over his liking for Hyesung. Besides, Dongwan had dated so many other women since then that Minwoo had been able to convince himself that everything had turned out alright...

            But what if he had been wrong all this time? What if Dongwan was still stuck on Hyesung, still desperately trying to battle against his attraction towards him?

            "Where are you going with this?" Minwoo asked, apprehensive about why Dongwan was bringing this up again.

            "I thought I was okay. I thought I was fine. I'm not gay. I loved all my ex-girlfriends."

            Minwoo carefully turned the corner into his block, still listening intently to every slurred word.

            "I know you're right. I know it's stupid... I know it's not worth the risk... But as soon as I saw him kissing him, I just couldn't... I was so upset... I thought, why isn't it me who's kissing him? Why isn't he in my arms? Why do they get to risk everything when I can't?"

            Minwoo slowed to park in an empty spot. He was still confused, but he was starting to see where this was going and he dreaded the ending. He wanted Dongwan to stop, but he mumbled on, his tongue loosened by beer.

            "I still love him. I can't stop. I tried for so long and I thought I was succeeding... But after tonight, I know I still desire him. I can't look at him the same way again... It's not his fault, but I'm so angry because he's with Hyesung and I'm not... He was able to do something I couldn't..."

            No, Dongwan... Minwoo thought desperately, but couldn't verbally say it out loud. This has to be a lie. This is because you're drunk. Don't honestly tell me...

            "Minwoo yah, that's why I have to quit Shinhwa. I have to leave because I just can't look at Eric without hatred anymore."


            "Wake up, !"

            Dongwan woke to sunshine and Minwoo glowering over him. He tried to get up, but a sharp pain struck his brain, making him groan loudly.

            "I hope that hangover convinces you to never drink again," Minwoo scowled at him then softened. "Here, take this. This should help." He handed him a small bottle of medication.

            "Thanks," Dongwan murmured, his voice a husky mess. He quickly downed the liquid and waited for it to kick in.

            "Do you... remember anything?" Minwoo asked him cautiously.

            Sadly, he did. He remembered every little bit and detail, to the point that his heart screamed out in unison with his aching head. "Not really," he lied and noticed how relieved Minwoo looked.

            I'm sorry I made you go through all of that... Dongwan apologized silently. You're a really good friend. I don't appreciate you enough.

            "Well, that because you made quite a lot of mess for us to clean up when you were drunk. And people think you're going to quit Shinhwa so use that head of yours and think of a good excuse to tell the public."

            "Damn," Dongwan cussed. "Why would I even say that?" He felt bad at deceiving Minwoo, but he couldn't bear to go through with this. At least not when he was sober.

            "Yeah, I have no idea. You were probably just trying to be funny."

            "Yeah, very funny," Dongwan commented sarcastically. "Did I... say anything else?"

            "Nope. I think one stupid statement like that is more than enough for one night."

            If Minwoo thought Dongwan was a good actor, so was he. Dongwan felt sad at the fact that they were so easily capable of lying to one another. But then again, Minwoo was just trying to protect him from hurting the way he did last night.

            Except nothing was going to erase that pain.

            "Well, I gotta go to the hospital so take care of yourself," Minwoo told him in a motherly tone.

            That surprised Dongwan. "The hospital?"

            "Yeah." Minwoo seemed to hesitate and Dongwan instantly knew something was up. Maybe he was a better actor than Minwoo... Not that it was something to be proud of. "A friend got hospitalized. Just a stupid accident or something."

            "Oh," Dongwan said, pretending not to catch the lie. "Well, be back soon. I'm hungry."

            "Yeah, you would be. You threw up enough to feed a whole country," Minwoo complained as he gathered his belongings. "See ya."

            "Drive safely."

            The door closed and Dongwan sat up from the couch Minwoo had placed him in the previous night. Who was at the hospital? Was it Eric?

            , Eric...

            He recollected how he had punched him directly in the face... That was definitely not something Eric was going to quickly forgive and forget... He remembered how angry the kiss had made him, how he saw nothing but white... How his intoxicated body had somehow dragged itself over, ready to slap Hyesung...

            Hyesung... He was going to slap Hyesung...

            How could he even think of doing that? When he valued every inch of him... How could the thought of harming someone so precious to him even cross his mind?

            His phone beeped on the table beside him and Dongwan slowly reached out to pick it up. There were over three dozen messages and at least forty missed calls. He already knew what they were about so he didn't even attempt to look at them. But then there was a message that had just been sent from an unknown number and that was the only one he bothered to read.

            His fists clenched as soon as he opened the contents. There was a picture of Hyesung kissing Eric so passionately, as if the mental reminder in his head was not enough. Anger and envy flared up again inside him like an uncontained storm ready to destroy everything in its path. He wanted nothing more than them to be apart. For Hyesung to be his. For Eric to disappear...

            Why did it have to be Eric? Why did it have to be one of his most trusted, most valued, most loyal friend, Eric?

            There were small words underneath the picture and Dongwan narrowed his eyes to read them.

            "We want the same thing. I can help you get what you want. Meet me."

            Who did this person think he or she was? The stranger was obviously intelligent, sending the picture along with the message to announce that he or she knew about Hyesung and Eric's relationship, clearly having the upper hand. If this was an enemy, why didn't they just send the picture to the public media? That would end Hyesung and Eric's careers for sure... What was the motive?

            Dongwan carefully observed the picture to gain hints about the mysterious outsider who was planning to toy with him, but he was once again distracted by how happy his two friends looked together in each other's arms... How their lips met with intense fervor... Hyesung's lips... The lips Dongwan had only stared at from afar for all these years...

            Dongwan tried to calm himself down. He had never felt this way, so out-of-control, so... crazy. He had always made sure his head ruled over his heart, but staring at Hyesung in the arms of another man, his efforts to think radically were futile.

            He closed his eyes to think, but his fingers were already texting a reply:

            "Just say when and where."

[A/N]: Whew, I actually got this chapter out earlier than I expected! Thankfully, this chapter kind of wrote itself (again, still need to get on that editing =_= editing is so much more dull compared to writing the first draft lol), but I'm not sure if it's the best. I still hope you guys enjoyed it though! Also, I don't know if you guys checked it out yet, but I started a WanSyung fanfiction titled, "Love and Friendship"! (Yes, I'm a WanSyung fan as much as I am a RicSyung fan :3) It'll be great if you guys can check it out! Please keep supporting me by commenting, etc! I'll try my best to improve my writing for all of you ;) Hope to update soon! You guys are seriously the best! Love youuu <3

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I wrote a page... And couldn't finish. Like I know the whole story plot now but can't put it into words >< I'm so sorry for the delayed update :(


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pikachu0826 #1
Chapter 19: i agreed on the previous and also most of the last comments that this is such an incredible story that is too bad if you wouldnt finish this one really got me hooked up and surprisingly catch all my curiousity on what willl happen next. T___T authornim i hope you pick this one up one day and i hope its a happy ending even just on stories :) i hate sad endings so please dont break my fragile heart T_T
ellieg4453 #2
Chapter 19: This is such an incredible story. I hope you pick it back up one day.
Bunny_RL #3
Chapter 19: Your writing style is incredible. I hope you will update this story one day.
Chapter 19: Author-nim, this story is awesome! I loved the scene where Hyesung was pissed as and was planing to murder all five of s, and Dongwan innocently, waving and smiling at him xD

Please, update soon~ this story is too good to be left In-completed
ChangJaeHolic #5
Chapter 19: Author-nim... Your story... JJANG... DAEBAKK ...
And waaahhhh I have too may questions in my head.. Hehehehe... So please update soon author-nim..... I'm really curious here
Anum96 #6
Hi, I'd just found this fic yesterday and I couldn't stop reading it. Your story is always great!
iechannie #7
Chapter 19: Update please, author-nim :((
miszrange #8
Chapter 19: huhu. what happen next? plese update soon authornim...
Chapter 15: ".... a flower blooming into an explosion of fire." this.. this is just so beautiful. i haven't finished reading the entire story yet, but i've been in a roller-coaster of emotions already.. and i'm loving the hype. :)
tanishi2992 #10
Chapter 19: author nim,miss you and yoủ fics too.please comeback soon