Mission: Cut the Hair

Mission: Beautify.

chapter 2
      Mission to cut the hair
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Holy crap. It She spoke. 
The five boys could only gulp and stare at her, stiff and unable to move. Krystal glared at them with cold, lifeless eyes. She could only see them through tiny gaps through the hair that covered her face. 'They're bright.. did they come from the sun or something...?' she thought to herself.
A quiet 40 seconds later, Krystal had suddenly rolled off the couch and quickly ran like an old woman across the room, trying her best to avoid the 'people from the sun'.  The five house mates snapped out of it, well except Key who still thought he was dreaming. 
"GET HER!" Jonghyun shouted, Taemin blinked. He ranned to the nearby wardrobe that stored cleaning tools and camping equipment. He quickly grabbed the fishing nets, throwing it to his housemates. "Catch!", Minho catched  one of them first and charged towards the second floor where Krystal had managed to enter without fainting from the bright chandelier. Jonghyun followed after, along with Onew. 
Taemin watched them, feeling a bit lazy to bother catching her. He wasn't to great on the physical side of things, so he took the blanket that Krystal used to sleep and placed it over Key. If Key knew he did that, he'd probably wash it more then ten times since that 'ghost-like girl' used it. 
The maknae chuckled, he took a seat on a giant beanbag and relaxed himself. "This is fun." the boy muttered as he drifted off into sleep.
Krystal popped her head cautiously out of the large vase that was placed against a wall in one of the hallways, it was dark and cold, the perfect place for Krystal to stay until her parents came and saved her from this place. But if she hadn't off popped her head out, she wouldn't have got caught. 
Her eyes widened as she saw the eldest house mate running towards her. "YAH! I'M HUNGRY!" he cried as he used all his might to get to her, Krystal quickly climbed out of the vase and continued running her granny walk along with a nice roll pretending she was a spy. Wow, did she need a hobby. 
"Jonghyun ah! Minho ah!" he called, not being able to catch up to Krystal, he wasn't even weirded out by her 'spy moves'. 
Krystal ran and ran, everytime time she ran by a light it would turn off, now this is what freaked Onew out. But that didn't stop him, he needed his food. 
When the girl finally made it down the other end of the hallway, Jonghyun had popped up, a devilish smirk curved upon his lips. But.. Krystal didn't flinch, she responded by returning him the same devilish smirk and this sure got Jonghyun. Before getting attacked, he jumped out of the way and Krystal could make her way back to the 1st floor. 
Onew stopped running when he reached the Jonghyun who was on the floor again, the two had ran out of breath and Onew flopped onto the floor next to Jonghyun. "Man, this girl's stamina." Jonghyun mumbled. 
Minho walked by the two, shaking his head. Jonghyun forced a sarcastic grin. "Come on,  i'm hungry too." he said quietly, patting the back of the less sporty ones. He went downstairs and the other two managed to follow, going down the other stairs hopping to be able to trap Krystal again. 
When Minho wandered around the 1st floor, he saw a little figure crawling towards a sleeping Taemin in the main lounge, Minho could only scoff. He then saw his other house mates that were chasing Krystal. 
"Stop right there!" Onew exclaimed, pointing at the girl who was behind the sleeping Taemin. Jonghyun's eyes widened, he tugged on Onew's sleeve. "Uh... hyung..." 
Taemin opened his eyes tiredly.. only to see a comfortable sight of Krystal tied up in a chair infront of him. Startled, the woken up Taemin sat up straight and scratched his head. "h-hyung?!" Taemin looked around and saw his hyungs, including key, talking to eachother in the dining room. He raised a brow and walked towards them. 
"... get the scissors" Key said with a mischevious tone in his voice. Taemin tilted his head. "What? what are you guys doing?" he asked, but before he got an answer Jonghyun flew to the kitchen to grab some scissors and the remaining house mates, aside from Minho and Taemin, ran to Krystal who was still tied up in a chair. 
The maknae glanced at Minho, Minho responded by using his hand to motion scissors and pretending to cut his fringe. Taemin blinked. "Eh?!" he followed his hyungs back into the lounge.
Onew and Jonghyun held Krystal to the chair incase she could escape the ropes, "Yah! What are you fools trying to do to me!" the girl cried with a harsh tone, she sent a strong glare towards Onew who flinched a little but managed to hold on. Taemin and Minho watched from the lounge entrance. 
The diva smirked evilly, walking stylishly towards Krystal and leaning towards her, Krystal cautiously leaned back.. damn it.. t-to bright...! 
Key chuckled, he held up the scissors. "You won't have it your way anymore!" he said, sending her an evil eye smile. Krystal turned her head to see the scissors, her eyes widened instantly. "No way!" she shouted, Taemin was a little startled, he was about to walk towards them to save her for some reason. For some reason, he felt sorry for her. 
Krystal kicked his left shin, Key shouted, squinting his eyes out of pain. "Aish!" he cried, throwing the scissors on the white coffee table. "Argh! I can't take this anymore!" Onew and Jonghyun let go of her, the eldest sighed and untied Krystal. 
"Why must auntie make her live with us? She's so stubborn, it's annoying!" Key complained. Jonghyun patted his back and shook his head. "Hey, you know all our parents either live over seas or somewhere else in Korea. We're in highschool, theres no way we can afford to rent an enviroment that we're comfortable living in for the next 3 years. " he stated. Onew nodded, "If we manage to make her into a 'lady' we'll be able free load here for 3 years and also get the award." he agreed. 
Taemin could only stare at Krystal from the side in amusement, he tilted his head. "Now that i think about it, how will we get her to attend school..." the boy muttered to himself. Minho looked at Taemin. "Did you say something?" he asked, Taemin grinned. "Nope." 
"Why..." the girl said quietly, Shinee all looked at her curiously. "What's wrong?" Onew said. Krystal stood up angrily, "Why must auntie want me to become that 'fair lady'?! What's the point of trying to be beautiful?" she argued. Key could only scoff.
"You think the world is fair?" Key argued back with his arms crossed. The rest of Shinee stared at the two. "It's easy, if your beautiful people will like you, if your not than they won't. That's why that guy rejected you!" he said harshly. Onew held his arm. "Key, that's enou-"   — You ugly, ugly girl!" 
Everybody in the room stood there, shocked. Taemin held Key's shoulder, shaking his head slowly. "Hyung, you shouldn-" before he could finish his sentence, Krystal ran out of the room and up to the second floor. Taemin bit his lip, he couldn't help but chase after her. 
The room was again, filled with nothing but silence. "Wasn't that a little too much...?" Jonghyun finally said, taking a seat on one of the couches "I can't believe you just called her ugly..." Key gulped, perhaps regretting his words he just said.. "Was it?" 

Author Note:

haaaaaaai, sorry for the slow update. ^^' 

by the way, i thought i should tell you this story is more of a romantic-comedy 

instead of a dramatic-romantic story. e u e 

anyway, thanks for reading! please look forward to future chapters!

don't forget to subscribe and comment! 


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nerdviolence #1
update soon author-nim~ lovin it!
Chapter 3: OMG!!!! MINSUL MOMENTS!!! I feel like I want to smash my head on the wall!! This is great,I love your fanfic!!!! TAESTAL and MINSUL!!!!! Kyaaaaaaaa!!!!
We had finished your request. Do pick it up in the graphic shop. Thank you!
Chapter 3: Taestal and MinSul Feeeeeels ;A; update sooooner authornim keke
Chapter 3: im freaking loving your story .. tae so sweet ! taestal feels ~ love SHINeestal !
KaiserKawaii #6
Chapter 3: Tae is so sweet!!!
bella78 #8
Chapter 3: lol thats the way the diva saying sorry ;p and sulli's here!!!!! i can smell MinSul already! and the fangirls or must i say the fangirlssssss is creepy... being chase by five hundred girls is a bit scary lol! nice update!! ♥ TaeStal ftw!!! update soon ^^
enehkiux #9
Chapter 3: Aww the Minsul first meeting was cute. Minho playing hard to get and Sulli the easy and carefree type. I have a feeling that Sulli might be helping Krystal as well hopefully :) And Taemin is such a sweet kid trying to make Krystal feel at home. It is just a matter of time before she falls for him and him for her ~ But the fact is that I really can't wait to know what really happened to Krystal and who broke her beautiful heart :/