Ugly Girl

Mission: Beautify.

chapter one
       Ugly Girl
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Dear my adorable little puppies. 

                    I have a little command request for you, and if i were you, i would follow it. 
                    As i've told you once before, i have a niece. She's shy and timid, she can't even look at her  auntie in the eye. Onew, i've told you about her.
                    She must become a fair lady before the big party coming up in a few months, i mean - she's meeting her fiance for goodness sake. 
                    So, unless you want to be kicked out of the mansion because of the rent you NEVER pay, i guess you will cooperate? 
                    She's currently living in Busan and her parents are currently working in Africa. How could I let my cute little niece stay there alone?
                    She will be living with you five brats until they come back, and by the time they come back she must be a lady. You must make her a lady!
                    But of course, you could just rent another place with those pretty little faces of yours. 

                    And so! For your award, i'll allow you to stay here until you graduate along with an amount of ten thousand dollars. 

                    Isn't frightening, i have to much money to spend. 
                    By the way, she'll be arriving tonight.
                                                                                                                                                                                                               Love, Auntie.

The five 'adorable little puppies' sat there, completely frozen while staring at the letter Onew was holding with blank faces. They didn't know what to think.. well besides from Jonghyun, who loves every single pretty girl he sees. The silence had lasted atleast 5 minutes, until Key spoke up. "Did she just call us puppies?" Key said blankly, who absolutely hated dogs. 

"Did she say we were going to live with a girl..." said Minho, who had no interest in girls at all. No, he wasn't gay, he just couldn't handle all the squeeling and giggling and holding hands. It was just plain annoying. 

"Did she just say ten thousand dollars?!" exclaimed Taemin, who needed a job. It wasn't that he wasn't very good at anything, it was just the harassment. From females, he didn't mind it. But from males? come on, he even got a haircut after going through 'Daddy' Jonghyun's nagging to get a haircut and 'Mummy' Key crying after he did.

Jonghyun had finally stopped day dreaming about what the niece would look like when he had realised something. His eyes widened as he quickly stood up from the couch. "Wait a minute! Did she say she was coming to-" before he could finish his sentence, the lights went out. 

Onew looked up from the letter he had to read a few times before getting it, he looked around. "Wow, is the rain that bad?" he muttered to himself before going outside to put the power back on. 

A few minutes later, the four boys left inside heard a scream. Wow, that guy could scream? Okay, fine. Yell out in complete fear and agony. 

All four boys jumped, Key clinging onto Minho's arm. "W-w-what happened?" Minho stuttered, standing up and heading outside as Key let go. The three others followed Minho from behind. 

They slowly made their way to the pool while getting soaked by the rain, where they heard Onew yell, Taemin gasped. 

There she was, long black, messy wet hair that covered her face. Skin that was as white as milk. Onew was on the floor, shocked from the girls sudden appearence. She stood in the rose bushes that seperated the garden from the pool. None of them could even blink for about 2 minutes.

After a good 20 seconds of screaming, Key had finally fainted into the pool. 

Jonghyun gulped and slowly made his way to the girl, Taemin grasped onto his wrist shaking his head slowly. "H-hey, hyung." he said with a shaky voice. 

"I'll be okay.. hopefully." He walked cautiously past Onew who quickly stood up, Jonghyun was now infront of her. The girl's head tilted to the side, stepping back. Jonghyun took another breathe as he tried to move the hair off her face. But before he could..

She fell, landing on him. Jonghyun shouted and quickly shoved her off as she landed on the ground. Taemin quickly ran towards Jonghyun who had fell onto the ground from the shock and the girl who fainted. 

But before Taemin could try and hit the 'ghost' with the broom stick he grabbed before going out, he noticed her hand shaking. 

"Wait.. is she.. human?" he asked, going closer to her. The maknae slowly put his hand under the hair that covered her face, feeling her forehead. His eyes widened as he turned towards Jonghyun. "hyung, she has a fever!" he cried with a worried expression. 

Onew tilted his head. "Ghost can have fevers?" the eldest asked himself quietly. He sighed. "Minho, take Key back to his room. I think i know who she is." Minho nodded, he was getting Key out of the pool and bringing him back to life during all this commotion. He lifted him onto his back and went back into the house. 

Taemin lifted her up, she was actually quite light. He quickly ran into the house and Onew walked in after them. "So this is what she meant when aunt said she was a little different... I wonder how well she cooks." 



Onew, Jonghyun, Minho and Taemin all gathered around the couch where the girl was lying. They hadn't removed the hair from her face because they were to afraid. 

Onew had told them what their landlord, the girls auntie, had told Onew a few nights ago. Jonghyun nodded. "Ah.. so she got rejected by her crush.." he muttered, he then sighed. "If only i was there to save her, would she still be a cute, lovable girl?" Jonghyun complimented himself proudly. Taemin shook his head. 

"So her name is Krystal.. She wasn't born in Korea?" he asked the eldest hyung. Onew shook his, "She came to Korea at the start of elementary school." he stated. Taemin nodded. "Ah.. " The maknae turned towards Minho. 

"hyung, why aren't you saying anything?" he asked Minho, who just sat there next to Taemin. Minho looked at him with the cold expression he usually has. 

"Why? She's just a girl." he said bluntly, showing no interest. Taemin chuckled and nudged his shoulder with his elbow. "Ya.. i saw your look when Onew hyung yelled, stop trying to be cool!" Taemin teased, grinning goofily. He knew the scaredy cat Minho was on the inside since they were childhood friends.

Minho could only scoff, raising his hand as he threatened to hit the younger one on the head. "Aish, this kid!" He said, slightly raising his voice. Taemin just kept the angellic grin on his face. 


"Hm.. Alright! I'll go get the plates ready!" Onew said with glee, skipping to the kitchen childishly. Jonghyun rolled his eyes, he then chuckled. "I'll help!" Jonghyun followed after him, dragging the tall Minho who could reach the things Jonghyun couldn't. "Taemin, you watch her!" 

"Yep!" Taemin replied. 



Taemin sat there on the floor, against the couch the girl named 'Krystal' was lying on. Those three sure were taking their time, they were probably goofing off. Key was still asleep in his room. 

He fiddled with the little brown locks of his hair, he then blew a rasberry, getting bored. "Ah, so boring.." he mumbled to himself as he sat up. He then remembered that Krystal was behind him, asleep on the couch. Taemin had always wanted to meet a ghost, and this was the closest thing he got to one. 

"I wonder what she looks like.." he asked himself, turning his body around to face her. Taemin hesitated, but just couldn't help it. His arm slowly raised, extending towards Krystal's face. His hand reached for her hair, moving it out of her face. The boy went higher onto his knees so he could see her face. 


"Ah, You guys won't belive the dream i- AHHHHHH!"

Taemin's eyes widened, he backed his hand away quickly as he heard a scream and a thump. "W-What was-?!" he turned around only to see Key.. on the ground.. he fainted again. 

Taemin sighed and rolled his eyes, crawling towards Mother Key who fainted. The three other boys who were mucking around in the kitchen had quickly ran towards them. "What happened?!" shouted Jonghyun, thinking Taemin got attacked or something. He sighed in relief as he realised it was only Key who fainted. 

Onew scratched his head, looking at Key as Taemin dragged him onto the other couch. 

But something had caught Minho's attention, he looked at the girl who had sat up from her couch. Minho's eyes widened, his tugged onto Onew's sleeve. "Y-yah!" 

All of their eyes turned towards Krystal who woke up, they could catch her glaring at them with the eye that was visible through the small little gap in her tangled, messy hair. The brightness had made her eyes squint a little.

"Who.. are you..?" 


Author Note

Yaaaay, finally got the first chapter done!

Is this short? otl forgive me

Thanks to you guys who subsribed!

Anyway please look forward to future chapters! ^^ 

Don't forget to comment and subscribe! 


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nerdviolence #1
update soon author-nim~ lovin it!
Chapter 3: OMG!!!! MINSUL MOMENTS!!! I feel like I want to smash my head on the wall!! This is great,I love your fanfic!!!! TAESTAL and MINSUL!!!!! Kyaaaaaaaa!!!!
We had finished your request. Do pick it up in the graphic shop. Thank you!
Chapter 3: Taestal and MinSul Feeeeeels ;A; update sooooner authornim keke
Chapter 3: im freaking loving your story .. tae so sweet ! taestal feels ~ love SHINeestal !
KaiserKawaii #6
Chapter 3: Tae is so sweet!!!
bella78 #8
Chapter 3: lol thats the way the diva saying sorry ;p and sulli's here!!!!! i can smell MinSul already! and the fangirls or must i say the fangirlssssss is creepy... being chase by five hundred girls is a bit scary lol! nice update!! ♥ TaeStal ftw!!! update soon ^^
enehkiux #9
Chapter 3: Aww the Minsul first meeting was cute. Minho playing hard to get and Sulli the easy and carefree type. I have a feeling that Sulli might be helping Krystal as well hopefully :) And Taemin is such a sweet kid trying to make Krystal feel at home. It is just a matter of time before she falls for him and him for her ~ But the fact is that I really can't wait to know what really happened to Krystal and who broke her beautiful heart :/