Thirteen: Living

The Scent Of Rain

“Good morning!” Nana greeted me while waving her hands around. She ran straight towards me and gave me a big hug, suffocating me on purpose.

“Good morning, Nana.” I could barely greet her back.

“Yaa, Nana, you know Miyeon’s not comfortable with you hugging her around like that.” Ara stated with her hands on her hips.

“I’ve promised Nana that I would not stiffen up whenever she hugs me but I failed to do so,” I sighed.

“You know, you can’t force yourself to change. You’re you and that’s that. It’s not Song Miyeon if she doesn’t stiffen up when people give her a hug.” Ara said with a smile on her face.

“Whoa, Ara…you sounded really mature just now,” Nana covered and faked a gasp. “You’re a grown up!”

“I’m just voicing out my opinion,” Ara pursed her lips and smiled shyly.

“Yaa, are you guys planning on standing outside and freeze?” Sungjong came out of nowhere and draped his arm around my shoulder.

“You’re late. I thought you said that you were going to wait for us early in the morning.” I nudged him in the ribs, causing him to cough.

“That hurts,” he winced as he backed away from me. Then he hooked his arms with Nana and Ara and led them towards the entrance of the place where we would sit for our exam. “You better come and join us later!”

“Hey,” someone came up from behind and I craned my neck to look at the person. It was none other than Lee Sungyeol himself. “You’re ready for the exam?”

“Sure, I guess,” I nodded slowly, shoving my freezing hands into the pockets of my jacket. “Soon, it’ll start to snow. I’m not really a fan of snow.”

“Why? The snow is beautiful.” Sungyeol stood beside me and joined me to stare at the electric blue sky.

“I prefer rain over snow.”

“I think I’ll go with snow,” he flashed that childish smile of his at me. I could only laugh wordlessly. “Do you know that the snow has its own smell too?”

“Hm?” I raised my eyebrows at him. “I didn’t know that.”

“Too bad,” he chuckled. Then he started stretching his arms and yawning with his mouth wide open.

Before he walked away, he gave me a pat on the shoulder and placed something in my left hand. I stared at him confusedly, trying to ask him what he was doing but he was already far away from earshot. I lifted my fingers to reveal a strawberry lollipop resting on my palm. A smile instantly lit up my face.

I didn’t know why he did it and I never knew until now. I could never understand him.  A choding will always remain as a choding.

The real exam had finally arrived. There was no turning back and I could tell that everyone was nervous. I was nervous too and to be honest, I would rather go back home and sleep.

After the exam, everyone would graduate the next year. Everyone would leave the school and step into another world called adulthood. Like it or not, everyone will eventually go there.

I wondered whether my friends and I could make it through the exam. We used to complain about having to study all day long and doing homework but as the real exam started approaching, we found ourselves studying seriously. It had always been like that for us. We fooled around and ended up being serious.

I must say that I’d learnt heaps of things from school. If it weren’t for my friends, I would’ve not missed school and I wouldn’t have a great time throughout those years. I used to think that efforts weren’t needed in making friends but I was totally wrong. We do have to put a lot of effort.  Although it might be tiring but it was worth it.


We should cherish the people around us to experience the joy of living. If we don’t meet people that means we’re not living.




A/N: End of story. I must say that I’m not that satisfied with this story. I’m still learning to write stories and to me slice of life stories can be really hard to write if you can’t come up with interesting events. Anyway, I wanna thank you all for commenting and subscribing to this story. ^.^

I’ll be coming up with new multichaps in the near future so please anticipate~

Sincerely, Dormiveglia

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Fuu...this story is ending soon


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Chapter 13: Aw, this was a really touching and refreshing read. :)) I relate to Miyeon so much orz Can my life story be like this also? ;u; my own reality xD
Chapter 13: Wahhhh~! I love this fic >.<
It's really touching!
Unnie, this is good.
Write more slice of life story! /pleads
Chapter 13: why end so fast huh? haha XD nice story. can totally relate with the characters since i'm in high school myself. write more slice of life stories~
Chapter 13: Kkeut! Hehe one of the most delicious slice of life stories I've ever had. Very lifey~ XD
Chapter 12: LOL, I caught up with the story~!
Ooohhh, unnie, you write so well~ >.<
And the story's already ending?
Chapter 1: I'm a new reader~
Your fic sounds cool >.<
Chapter 12: LOL dancing in the rain. XD
but i'm really curious about miyeon and yeollie though... >.<
does sungyeol like her? what about ara then?
Chapter 12: Awh, friendship. That was pretty cliche of them to dance in the rain. hahaha
Ehhhh it's ending already? Funny, because I've been the only person commenting lately. Silent readers don't want karma points? =,="
Chapter 11: Some ppl can't help it, you know. It's not easy when everyone around you is super smart and you're the only person who has to work extra hard to keep up. Though sometimes it doesn't pay off. So masking the hurt is all that they can do.
Gosh, this is so depressing... :/
Chapter 10: Wha...? When it comes to Yeol, Miyeon is so different! She likes him! >,<"