Chapter 19

Kidnapped Minho

Kidnapped Minho Chapter 19

Minho got a restless sleep that night as he was too preoccupied with his thoughts on what Donghae, Nichkhun and Key had told him. He was trying to decide if he was ready to be with Donghae and Nickhun, because they deserved an answer as soon as possible.

In the morning Minho found himself sitting in the living room staring off into space still trying to get his head around everything and that is how the rest of Shinee found him when they woke up.

“Did you get any sleep last night?” ­­­­­­­Onew asked concerned, sitting next to Minho and putting an arm round his shoulders.

“Not really, no. I had too much to think about.” Onew’s facial expression turned from a look of concern to one of understanding.

“What were you thinking about?” Onew asked, though it seemed as if he already knew the answer.

“Donghae and Nichkhun hyung” Minho replied with a slight smile on his face but there was also sadness in his eyes

“Do you want to talk about it?” Onew asked

“No. I think this is a decision I will have to make myself but thank you. I need to be alone some more so I am going to go to my room.” Minho stood up and smiled at his band mates then started to leave but Onew called him back.

“Minho, we’ve got to leave in about 20 minutes. Sorry for leaving you on your own again. We will be back at about 1 in the morning so no need to wait up but you can ring any time if you need us, okay?”

“Okay, I’ll see you when you get back. Don’t push yourselves too hard.” And with that Minho left.

“Will he be okay?” Taemin wondered

“He will be fine.” Key told Taemin.

In his room Minho was lying on his bed just staring at the ceiling, thinking about Donghae and Nichkhun.

Did he love them? Yes

Did they love him? Yes

Was he ready to be in a relationship with them? Now that is the question he did not know the answer to.

Minho sighed, what was he going to do? He knew he had to give them an answer because he did not want to keep them waiting any longer then he had to.

Minho lay on his back staring at the ceiling thinking thing over in his head and after about an hour his phone rang. It was Siwon.

“Hello hyung”

“Hi, I’m just calling to see how you are doing.”

“I’m doing okay hyung.”

“Then how comes I feel like you are lying to me.”

“I’m not really in pain anymore; I just have a lot on my mind.”

“Donghae and Nichkhun”

“Did they really talk to you about me?”

“Yep, they told me that they both had feelings for you and each other and they wanted to ask me first if they could talk to you about you all being in a relationship together before asking you.”

“What did you say to them?”

“I did not really know what to say at first but I could tell that they both love you and would take care of you so I told them that so long as you agreed and they did not force you in anyway then I was more than happy for them to be in a relationship with you. Have they asked you then?”


“What did you say?”

“That I loved them too but I needed time so they said that they would give me as much time as I need and that they would drop by today to see how I am doing. I still don’t know what to say to them but at the same time I think that they deserve an answer. What do you think that I should do?”

“Minho you know that I can’t tell you how to handle this situation but I will give you my opinion on the situation. You love them don’t you?”


“You know they won’t force you to do anything. You know they won’t rush you. You know they love you.”


“Then I think that you should at least give them a chance to show you how much they love a care about you and at the same time show them how you feel about them. But if you do not think that you are ready then I don’t want you to rush in to anything because you feel obligated to, okay?”

“Okay. Thanks for the help.” Just then there was a knock on the front door. “There is someone at the door so I’ll speak to you soon. Love you hyung.”

“Love you too. Look after yourself for me.”

“I will hyung. Bye.”


Minho put down his phone and went to go and answer the door.

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I love 2nd generation stories, it showed so much love and care among them. Excited to read
Chapter 6: That was accually expected. Never thought I’d say that.
Chapter 19: Ahhh i love this story author nim!!!!.......its freaking awesome. I love the emotion you put into your story and the way they cared for minho ...ohhh ao cute and protective hehe.....i love it! Thank you author nim and keep up the food work! FIGHTING!!!
Chapter 4: Yeah, I WishedILivedinKorea also :P
Chapter 1: WOW! This starts with a pun intended. I like it=).
Chapter 16: everyone must be so happy cause finally minho back home and i hope everything is really-really over.........
Chapter 15: i hope thats surprise party for minho... hope not horrible think... he need a good thing happen in his life after what happen...
jessicamaylee #8
Chapter 15: surprise party! i bet ya...or else its something horrible 0-0
Chapter 13: poor minho... hope he will get well soon and hope shinee member can take the information about their flames getting hurt by his own father...
mward46 #10
sad!!! but really well written! I look forward to the next chapter!