Chapter 17

Kidnapped Minho

Kidnapped Minho Chapter 17

Minho was woken by Onew the next morning.

“Minho our manager called and me and the others need to go and we don’t know how long we will be so we may be back late, but if you need anything you just need to ring okay.” Minho nodded and the rest of them came in to say goodbye before they left, leaving Minho all on his own.

Minho did not know what to do with himself and ended up spending his time watch TV but he was not alone for long because only a couple of hours after his band mates had left there was a knock on the door.

“Donghae hyung…Nichkhun hyung…what are you doing here?” They each took a deep breath.

“Minho we need to talk to you.” Minho nodded and let them in, closing the door behind them.

They sat in silence for a while before Minho decided that he had finally had enough of them not speaking to him.

“So…what is it you wanted to talk to me about hyung?” Nichkhun and Donghae turned to look at each other before turning back to Minho.

“Well…you see…” Donghae started.

“We…love…you…” Nichkhun finished. Then they went silent, waiting to see what Minho would say or do in reaction to their confession.


“I love you too.” Minho replied. Nichkhun and Donghae sighed.

"No Minho...we are in love with you." Donghae corrected.

"Both of you are in love...with me?" Minho asked wanting to make sure that he had heard correctly. They both nodded. "I love you both too." Minho whispered but they heard him and smiled brightly, relieved that he loved them too. However Minho's face then dropped, causing Donghae's and Nichkhun's to drop too.

"What is it Minho, have we made you uncomfortable?" Nichkhun asked. Minho shook his head.

"No, that's not it. It's just both love me and I love both of you so does that mean that you are going to make me choose between the both of you, because I don't know if I can pick between you two." Minho lowered his head not wanting to look at them. Donghae and Nichkhun rose from where they were sitting and moved to sit on either side of Minho, each placing an arm round him.

"You see Minho that is where you are wrong because we," Donghae said indicating himself and Nichkhun, "are in love with each other too." Donghae finished with a smile.

"I don't understand." Minho stated with a confused look on his face.

"Well now that we have confirmed that we all love each other the only thing left is for us is to ask you if you want to be with us." Nichkhun finished, worry evident in his voice, the two oldest sat waiting for Minho's answer.

"It's okay if you do not want to answer us now we will give you all the time you need." Donghae said, not wanting Minho to feel pressured into answering right away if he was not completely happy with the idea.

"How about this, we'll leave and give you some time to think." Nichkhun said reassuringly. They made to get up, not really expecting an answer from Minho.

"I'm sorry I can't give you your answer now." Nichkhun and Donghae looked at each other before placing both of their arms around Minho and drew him in for a hug. Minho stiffened at first but soon relaxed into their warmth. They say there for a while not really moving. After a while though Donghae and Nichkhun decided that it was finally time to leave Minho alone with what they had said so that he can finally make his decision about whether he wants to be with them or not.

As they got up to leave they once again looked at each other to confirm that they were having the same thought, before bending down and giving Minho a kiss on the cheek.

"Bye Minho. Tell us when you have made a decision, okay, no matter what it is." Donghae said a smile on both their faces, showing that they would be happy with whatever decision he comes too.

"We'll drop by tomorrow at some point to see how you are doing." Nichkhun stated, before they both left through the door, leaving nothing but a silent Minho alone with his thoughts on what had just happened.

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I love 2nd generation stories, it showed so much love and care among them. Excited to read
Chapter 6: That was accually expected. Never thought I’d say that.
Chapter 19: Ahhh i love this story author nim!!!!.......its freaking awesome. I love the emotion you put into your story and the way they cared for minho ...ohhh ao cute and protective hehe.....i love it! Thank you author nim and keep up the food work! FIGHTING!!!
Chapter 4: Yeah, I WishedILivedinKorea also :P
Chapter 1: WOW! This starts with a pun intended. I like it=).
Chapter 16: everyone must be so happy cause finally minho back home and i hope everything is really-really over.........
Chapter 15: i hope thats surprise party for minho... hope not horrible think... he need a good thing happen in his life after what happen...
jessicamaylee #8
Chapter 15: surprise party! i bet ya...or else its something horrible 0-0
Chapter 13: poor minho... hope he will get well soon and hope shinee member can take the information about their flames getting hurt by his own father...
mward46 #10
sad!!! but really well written! I look forward to the next chapter!