Chapter 2

Hallyu 101 [ON HIATUS]


"Oh, and by the way, I think you missed your audition. They're starting to close up the auditorium now." Onew announced, nonchalantly. Then it hit me. I missed my audition. Oh, I'm pretty much screwed. My life depended on that audition and I ended up missing out on it.

I let my impulse take over me as I recklessly hopped out of the clinic bed and headed for the unfamiliar hallways of the SME building. I left my sanity and probably, my dignity behind as Onew started barking at me for my ridiculous actions. I couldn't care about anything else. There's one thing I gotta do now. If I had to beg, then so be it.

I literally sprinted my way to the auditorium. (By the way, I had no clue on how I located the area seamlessly. Blame my impulse on that one!) There's a man, a teenage boy, rather, meddling with his bundle of keys, looking like he's about to lock the place up. "Cheogi! Wait!" I screamed at the top of my lungs. I was out of breath when I reached the guy. "Excuse me, ahjusshi, I was wondering... Are the auditions over?" I asked, struggling to utter the Korean translations of what I'm supposedly saying. 

The guy turned around and a wave of relief washed over me. It was the same crew member who instructed me inside the building. Thank the Heavens! He should probably remember me, right?

A look of shock covered his entire face as he looked at me straight in the eye. "Ah... So you could speak Korean. Why bother putting me in an awkward situation earlier?" He asked, ignoring the urgency of my tone.

"Um, that's because..." I stuttered.

"Oh! Jamkanmanyo! So you could remember me?" I asked, doing the same thing - ignoring the guy's previous question.

"You speak Korean pretty well. Unbelievable. Do you know how embarrassed I was?" The guy retorted.

I now realized we're not really having a normal conversation here. We are simply throwing back questions at one another without even answering any. Well, that's just great.

"Joesonghamnida, ahjusshi." I gave up. It's no use throwing another snappy comeback.

His lips curved up into a thin smile. Even his slanted eyes squinted into a thin line as he smiled. "Aniya, I'm just messing with you." He replied with an awkward laugh that made him look kinda... handsome.

Oh, boy. Something must be REALLY wrong with me. I'm checking him out. Again. But this time, without the influence of any bad breakfast burrito. This could not be good.

"About the audition... you missed it. I'm sorry." He informed, pity evident in his eyes.

I felt the weight of the whole world come crashing down on me. I had one shot. And I blew it. I wasted all my college savings for a stupid plane ticket to doom. I'm a wreck. I should just rot in a hole!

My knees wobbled and my came in contact with the cold marble floor. I remember making myself a mental note earlier not to scuff the million-dollar floor with my cheapo shoes. But now I don't really care if my cheapo personality is making hideous scuff marks on it.

My vision blurred as wet tears welled up in my eyes. I am not going to cry! I told myself. I've made enough of a fool out of myself today. I will not be bawling out like a baby.

"Yeonra-sshi..." The crew guy sat next to me and tapped me on the shoulder, trying to console me.

I heaved a huge sigh. Tears started to roll down my cheeks. Well, this is just great. 

I gathered up all my strength and muttered in a weak voice, "Aniya, nan gwenchana." I wiped my face with my oversized shirt, not really caring on how unwomanly I must've looked. I raced out of the building as fast as I could and let the bitterness pierce through me.

The moment I stepped out of the building, I felt more cold than ever. The winter breeze was definitely not helping to brighten my mood. I breathed a long sigh as the last trickles of tears fell down my face.

It was dark. I looked up the sky that had no single star in it. Great.

I slumped onto a public bench and hugged my knees towards my body. I swear it was so cold I might just become a frozen popsicle. "Ahhhh~!!!" I screamed at the top of my lungs.

What am I supposed to do now?

I slid down the bench whilst wincing at the contact I made with the metal seat.

Great. Great. Great!!!!

And as if just on cue, my stomach rumbled obnoxiously loud. I groaned. Well, isn't this a swell day!

The thing about me and my stomach is that we are never allowed to starve. Ever. Or we'd go extremely bananas. And come to think of it, I haven't had a meal since my bad breakfast burrito - well, this couldn't be too good.

I sloppily sat back up and shoved my jacket pockets only to find a one peso coin.

So let me see, I just lost my chance of auditioning for my dream and am now starving with nothing but a single coin in my pocket. Life is great.

I was ready to bawl my eyes out when I remembered about my luggage. My mom packed me some Korean Won for emergencies. I sighed in relief. I went on to grab my bag. My now MIA (Missing in Action) bag.

The thick winter air slapped me in the face. I left my bag inside the building. My mind did a little flashback on today's happennings. Then I remembered... I left my luggage slumped next to my seat back at the auditorium.


I hate moments of great peril where you're left to do something you don't want to. This is definitely one of those moments.

Time to it up, face the music, and prepare to get humiliated.

I dragged my feet excruciatingly and made my way back to the SME building. Great. After making such a damsel-in-distressy kind of exit, I'm now making a hilarious entrance.

I dug my hands further into my jacket pockets and headed for the auditorium. When I neared up the corner, I carefully peeked at my target spot. I needed to be on guard, right?

And guess what? Mr. Handsome Guy still had to be there. He was busy fumbling with his keys whilst holding a huge box. I fled for a good couple of minutes and he still isn't finished locking up the place. He doesn't seem to be a fast worker.

He tried holding up the box and locking up the doors at the same time. As a result of his impossible struggle, all the contents of the box fell out and landed on the marble floor, making a huge clanking noise that echoed through the walls.

Well, that's my cue. Thank God I didn't have to distract him. That would've been super embarrassing. I mean, just imagine me saying, "Oh hey there! I was the girl who cried like a total baby a few minutes ago and I was wondering if I could get my bag back. I need to call my mommy."

While he was busy putting the stuff back to the box, I slid effortlessly to the narrow opening of the auditorium doors. I chuckled a little bit. I can't help but admire my undercover agent-like moves. If you're wondering where I got the moves... Let's just say I wasn't a teenager who usually turns up during her curfews.

After a little celebratory party for my undercover skills, I realized how unbelievably dark it was. Boy, was it pitch black! I reached for my jeans pocket and fished out my iTouch. The minute I pushed the home button, relief washed over me. Thank the heavens for the light!

I started searching for my luggage at the ginormously huge auditorium with only my iTouch illuminating my way. I felt like a man with some very bad vision. As I dragged my feet forward, I hit something hard causing a bunch of stage props to fall over. The noise the impact made was terrifying. I could only hope Mr. Handsome Guy didn't hear anything. Or I'm probably dead meat.

Acting out of instinct, I swiftly slid under a seat. A few seconds passed and there doesn't seem to be any kind of response coming from Mr. Handsome Guy. He was probably finished locking up. I breathed a sigh of relief when ~ the entire auditorium suddenly lit up. 

Oh god, it burns! My eyes scrunched up to the sudden presence of light.

"Who's in there?" Mr. Handome Guy's voice reverberated through the walls.

I froze at my spot. OK. Time to panic.

I crawled as fast as I can and as far as I possibly could.  My heart was hammering against my chest. I could feel the adrenaline surging through my veins.

"Who's in there?!" His voice boomed, sounding not so far from where I am.


Just as I felt like he was going to catch me red-handed, I spotted my neon green luggage at the opposite end of the row. My confidence suddenly came back up and I was determined to make my plan: "Grab and Go," a success.

Heavy footsteps were heard. ASDFGHJKL!!!!

I was a good few meters away from my bag when the sound of the footsteps came to a halt. My "Grab and Go" plan might just work!

At the count of three, I was going to lung for my suitcase.

Hana, dul, set.

It felt like a scene from a movie shown in slow motion.

I lunged for my bag and the next thing I knew, it was under my tight embrace. I smiled at the success of my plan.

Or so I thought.

I lifted my gaze up only to see a pair of eyes intriguely studying me. Those eyes had the mixed look of confusion and amusement.

So much for being undercover.

"Annyong." I greeted, my voice quivering.

Mr. Handsome Guy's face lit up and he smiled his warm smile.

Then I had the weirdest vision. Ever.

There were flower petals surrounding Mr. Handsome Guy. He was shining and his smile made him look very dashing. Oh god, what is wrong with me?!

"Annyong haseyo, Yeonra-sshi. We meet again." He said, looking unwavered by my weirdness. I laughed awkwardly, not knowing what to say. I stood up, dusting off imaginary dirt from my jeans.

"It's just that..." I started.

Then my stupid stomach decided to growl. At this freakin' moment!

I plastered a flustered smile on my face and looked away. Great. So much for taking care of what's left of my dignity. I scratched the back of my head helplessly.

Mr. Handsome Guy took hold of my bag and started heading for the auditorium's doors, leaving me glued on my spot, stunned. "Jamkamanyo! I... I didn't mean to sneak in. It's just that... I really needed to get my bag." I explained, gesturing to the luggage he's holding.

He stopped in his tracks and glanced back at me. "Araso. Kaja." He replied, unfaltered. Mr. Handsome Guy went back to making his way out of the auditorium with my baggage in tow.

"Ne?" I asked, following him.

"Just follow me." He instructed.

Suddenly, I had visions of being turned over to officials, getting arrested for trespassing, and ending up rotting in jail. With no one to bail me out. I started breaking into cold sweat. I can't go to jail!!! I am innocent! I didn't mean to get all undercover spy-ish. I'm just protecting what's left of my so-called dignity!

"Ahjusshi, maybe we could talk about this," I cried. "I have one clear intention and that is to retrieve my bag."

He gave me a stern look. "Are you sure you only have one clear intention?" He questioned, raising an eyebrow.

I nodded eagerly. "Ne. I only wanted to get my bag back."

Mr. Handsome Guy shrugged and smiled. "I'm not sure about that. It seems that you have another intention."

"Ne?" I asked, confused. Does this mean he's gonna turn me in? Eottokae?! I've had such a bad day already and I just had to end up in jail.

As worrying thoughts clouded up my brain, my stomach growled obnoxiously. Again. Oh, come on! My stomach's really gotta understand the thing you call "timing".

He pointed to my stomach and said, "Sounds to me like you have another intention."

My face turned cherry red as I flustered. There goes what's left of my dignity.

"Let's grab some dinner. My treat." Mr. Handsome informed, smiling widely at me.


Hmm.... I know I'm so bad at doing updates. Please don't give up on Hallyu 101.

I decided to end Chapter 2 here. It's supposed to be longer. But I feel like if I don't start another chapter, you guys are just gonna bail on this story.

Feel free to comment and subscribe.

You don't know how much your responses motivate my writing.

So um yeah, my apologies for the cliffhanger. And for not revealing Mr. Handsome Guy's identity.

Who knows what might happen in Chapter 3.


a) Mr. Handsome Guy and Yeonra start to go out officially

b) Onew reconciles with the other SHINee members

c) Yeonra and Onew find a way to get along

Make a guess. Hahaha :)


will update (hopefully) soon,



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Chapter 7: 3 years hiatus -_- jusko po ........ dumami na ung fandoms natin wala parin hahahahaha
JeAiLy #2
@KaiRa09 hey! i'm currently working on "3" chapters. plus, i've been having writer's block! i'll be updating soon
Chapter 3: Yah! Author! When will you update??
You've been free for almost a week and...
no updates???????? you lazy bum ^^V
JeAiLy #4
Chapter 2: Just updated chapter 2. Please don't give up on Hallyu 101.
Feel free to comment and subscribe, 'kay?
Chapter 2: Ha! U really make me curious now! Who is that guy???
It's okay, i understand, it happens to me too, since i'm busy with college, writing isn't an easy job. Hwaiting!!

Btw, when will the
other shinee members come? I really can't wait!
Chapter 1: ommo, my first thought after opening chapter 1 is: WHO THE HELL IS THE REAL OWNER OF THAT BODY?!! hahaha, seriously, you edited it so good!!but i cant never imagine lee jinki with that kind of body!

my english isnt very good and i have some trouble to understand the meaning of some words but i do enjoy our story. i can wait for the next chapter
Chapter 1: Good job! ^^ Oh, and when Onew cried~ if i standing beside him , I want to wiped his tears and say "Dont cry yeobo~ I'm here" KYAAAA! OKEY JUST MY IMAGINATION HAHAHA! I'm being crazzzzzzy now -_- mian~ just because onew effect...