Her Beauty Makes Him Tremble


Jiyong is compleatly smitten with a fellow leader of a group, f(x)'s Victoria. He calls her in the middle of the night to see if she comes over, but will she take it the wrong way?


This is the first Kpop fic that I have written. Well, I can only take half the credit because this is a role play  that I just did with a friend online. Suposidly, these two are shiped together by people. Never whould have thunk it. I don't know, do you guys ship GD and Vicrtoria together or have you evern seen it done before? This will only be two chapters, so I hope that you enjoy it! ^O^


Here is a sneak peak...




As much as he hated to admit it, it was true. He managed to find a little courrage in his grey cloud of self loathing and took the opertunity to call her before it was gone. It only rang twice before she answered.
"Yes?" she asked.
"Hi. It's G-dra--" He inwardly flinchs, closing his eyes and grimancing. "I mean Jiyong."
"Oh, hai~" She sounded pleased to hear from him, a good sing.
"So how are you? I didn't wake you, did I?"
"Nu uh," He heard her give a light, playfull laugh. "I'm just reading a book that one of the girls got me for Christmas. And why are you up at this hour?"
He put his hand on the back of his neck and rubbed it. "Well, I just kinda woke up. Can't get back to sleep."


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JasmineLee #1
Chapter 1: One shot?
This couple is new to me, so I feel refreshed reading this :D