Chapter 5

Just Classmates

Never let Kim Jongin in your toilet at 2am in the morning.


Kyungsoo peacefully buries his head in his pillow that night, and as the saying goes, "slept like a baby." That is until-


What the ?

Kyungsoo ignores the buzzing and turns his head to face the other side of the room. A few minutes later...


Uhg. Kyungsoo rolls back over and blindly grabs his phone and flipped it open. He rubs his eyes with his free hand and groans once he sees the name on the screen.

What the does he want?

1:21a.m: "Kyungsoo, what do you think dogs could say if they talked?"

1:24a.m:"Hello? Are you there?"

1:25a.m: "That they woof you! Get it?"

1:31a.m: “Hyung, I’m hungrrryy~~ I’m coming over right now make me something to eat.”

Kyungsoo let out a tired sigh. He doesn’t want to get up a cook, he just wants to sleep. So that’s what he does. He honestly doesn’t think Jongin would show up, you know, with his mom and dad in the house and everything.

“You can come over but I’m not letting you in. You can freeze for all I care.” Kyungsoo replies before tucking his phone under his pillow. He shut his eyes forcing himself to fall back asleep. He wasn't really going to come over, was he? Kyungsoo thought he was just joking and shook his head as if someone were actually talking to him. Maybe he's drunk? He doesn’t really see Jongin as the drunk type, but then again there are many things he doesn't understand about Jongin. He doesn't understand why he's always dancing, or why he has to chew his chips with his mouth open, or why the fact he always asks stupid questions. Oh but that kiss, that kiss. He almost forgot about what happened just hours ago. His stomach felt warm and knots started tying themselves just thinking about that kiss.

He likes me. He…likes me...why? Why the would anyone like me?

Kyungsoo can’t understand how this wasn't a joke. He recalled one time in the second grade a boy pretended to ask him out just to see if he would say yes. Wearing his feelings on his sleeve he said yes with a hint of shyness in his voice.  But what the hell else was he supposed to say? He didn’t want to hurt the kid’s feelings and yet, maybe he did like that boy. Maybe he did notice that he liked boys from a young age. Maybe he just couldn’t accept himself after that incident and hid his feelings behind a shield to protect himself. After all, what would happen if his parents ever found out? Kyungsoo recalled seeing his parents react to same- couples shown on television and the disgust was evident on their faces. Needless to say, Kyungsoo didn’t need to hear them voice their disapproval when it’s written all over their faces.

Kyungsoo feels his eyes become heavier and heavier and slowly drifted into the dream world when…

Knock knock knock.

The sleepy boy’s eyes flings open and feels his heart pump outside his chest. Oh my ing god. He pulls his covers over his head and pretends he didn’t hear what he thought he just heard. Two minutes later, there was another knock. Not wanting to make his parents get out of bed, Kyungsoo throws on a sweater and makes his way to the front door. The wood under his feet are cold and the boards squeak a few times before the boy reaches the door.

Kyungsoo tips up to the peephole and sure enough, it was Jongin standing outside the door. .

He unlocks the door and opens it just a little, only revealing half of his face to his classmate.

“What do you want?” Kyungsoo whispers.

“You said you were going to make me food?” Jongin loudly inquires.

“Wha- how did you even find out where I live?” The shorter boy asks, furrowing his eyebrows.

“Uhm, GPS? Hello?” Jongin says, pointing to his phone, “what do you live in 1969?” Jongin giggles to himself shortly after.

Kyungsoo rolls his eyes and felt the second hand embarrassment radiating off the other boy.

“If you’re here to crack innuendos, I suggest you leave because I’m about two seconds away from shutting the do-“

“You said you were going to make me food though.”

“You thought I was serious?”


“No.” Kyungsoo utters. He proceeds to shut the door when a foot catches hold of the door.

“Wait,” Jongin continues, “I have to use the bathroom.”

“Go use your own.”

“But my house is far, and it’s cold. What if I my pants?” The taller boy pleads, making himself look pitiful by widening his eyes and slightly frowning his mouth. Who is this guy fooling?

“Then maybe you should visit the doctor if you can’t contain your ting endeavors.”

“I really can’t hold it, hyung. If you shut that door I might just right here.” Jongin grinned, flashing his pearly whites at the older boy.

Kyungsoo eyed him dead in the eyes, contemplating on the worst case scenario. Worst case scenario number one, he s in front of his door. No one will believe that an enormous was produced by the  only neighbor who had a dog, which was a Yorkie Terrier. Worst case scenario number two, Kyungsoo’s parents wake up and find an immensely attractive boy ting in their toilet and then somehow getting caught that he got off to Jongin’s foot rubbing his crotch at lunch. The latter seems unrealistic, but Kyungsoo always had to think out every possible scenario. If Jongin was just quiet, then his parents won’t even know that he was even there! Perfect.

“Okay, you can come in, but please be quiet alright? My parents are still asleep and the bathroom is next to their room.” Kyungsoo cautions. He let the slender boy enter his house and silently closes the door. He leads the way down the dingy  hallway, inhaling the crisp winter air as he thought about having Jongin over at his house. He gestures toward the bathroom and lightly closes the door for him.

s only take a few minutes usually, so Kyungsoo expects Jongin to be out of there within five minutes. He sits himself on the cushioned leather chair further down the hall and waits for the dancer. He waits for about a minute before he hears something. Like someone was in pain? Kyungsoo carefully lifts himself from the chair, eyes stricken with panic because he didn’t want his parents to wake up. He crept towards the bathroom where Jongin was and stops just outside the door. A few seconds tick by and he hears the unthinkable. . He hears Jongin softly in there, only stopping to take a breath before under his breath. Each moan becomes louder and louder and Kyungsoo felt his heart make its way up to his throat.

“What the actual ? What the hell are you doing in there!?” Kyungsoo whispers angrily through the door, lightly knocking on it. There was no doubt in his mind that his parents were awaken by his moans.

“Taking a feels so good hyung, I can’t help it.” Jongin says breathlessly before letting out an even louder moan.

“Shut the up and hurry!” Kyungsoo pleads with the other boy. Is this seriously happening?

He listens to Jongin’s moans, and can’t help but feel hot when hearing them. His ears are a burning hot like a furnace and creeps into his cheeks. The younger boy’s breathless panting was enough to send Kyungsoo over the edge and felt his underwear growing larger and larger. It definitely didn’t help he was wearing jersey shorts along with the fact that his shirt isn’t long enough to cover his problem. 

He palms his , hoping it would die down with a light touch. However, his grew as Jongin’s moans become more prominent. Kyungsoo’s eyes close and he leans against the wall next to the bathroom door, reveling in the fact that Jongin’s moans are music to his ears, like a breath of fresh air. He has never heard something so dangerously attractive before. He knows he should stop and tell him to off out of his house, but one more minute shouldn’t hurt, right? He palms his and feels beads of sweat forming at his crown until he hears Jongin Kyungsoo’s name.

“Kyungsoo hyung, uhg …” Jongin moans in the next room.

Kyungsoo snaps out of his trance and immediately runs to the door knob, only to find out that smug locked the door.

“Jongin please please hurry up, my parents are goin-“

“Kyungsoo!” A commanding voice emerges from down the hall. The light flicks on and the picture in front of his father is worthy of a few professional shots. Kyungsoo’s problem hasn’t gone away, Jongin is still Kyungsoo’s name like nothing is happening, and his father is in nothing but a pair of shorts and some tattered socks. Even though it is still winter, Kyungsoo’s father has an unnatural amount of body hair on his body to create an entire new ecosystem. He is one of the very few in Korea to have this amount of hair on his body, and somehow his dad has always been proud of this his whole life. “Who the hell is that in the bathroom!?”

Kyungsoo hesitates before replying weakly, “My..uh.. friend.”

Jongin’s moans are still penetrating through the walls before Kyungsoo kicks the door and tells him to “Shut the up!”

“Right.” His dad says blankly before making his way to the bathroom door and bangs on the door with his calloused hand. “Whoever the you are, come out right now! I’ll give you three seconds to come out. One…two…th-“

The door knob turns and Jongin emerges from the dark bathroom, eyes squinting from the bright fluorescent lights in the hallway.

“You should really consider getting some dimmer light bulbs,” Jongin says lightly, shielding his eyes with his hand, “this can really damage your eyes if they try to adjust too quickly.”

“I don’t want to know what the is going on or why you were my son’s name, but I want you out of the house, NOW.” Kyungsoo’s father orders, pointing towards the front door. Jongin knows he can’t joke his way out of this one, so he winks at Kyungsoo before running out the door.

“Kyungsoo.” His father whispers.

Kyungsoo looks up at him, folding his hands over his pants. His problem is nearly gone after the mood-killer caught him, but embarrassment doesn’t go away easily.

“Do you like that boy?” The room is silent. His mother is appearing from the bedroom door down the hall, hands covering . Her eyes look tired, like she has seen too much of this world that should have been kept in the dark. What exactly has she been through? Kyungsoo has always asked himself. Over his life, Kyungsoo asked about his mom’s life, but she always quickly changed the subject. Maybe he shouldn’t know, or perhaps didn’t even want to know and this is just one of those things that should be left in the shadows to forget. He wants to help his mom, to be the perfect son she has always wanted, but he never felt good enough. Especially during his high school years when his mom compared him to other kids from school, like he was never good enough for her. Kyungsoo solemnly looks at his mother’s eyes, and the back to his father’s when he blurts out,



Hello my lovelies! Sorry for hiatus, I have been wasting away my summer in front of my computer screen reading kaisoo nonstop. Sorry for such a short chapter, I kind of wanted to leave it off at a cliff hanger /evil cackle/

Anyway, let me know if you like this chapter, I'm writing chapter 6 right now, so it should be out soon. Not too sure where I'm going with this fic tbh so i'm just going with the flow haha. I just imagine Jongin being this smug i have no idea why, but yeah. I read all your comments so make sure you leave me one :)

And sorry for any grammar errors or spelling mistakes you find, i read over it twice but you know, i could have missed something. so sorry! 

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kwonkpopking #1
Chapter 6: I just read this now and I'm now sad af because the last time you updated was like 2 years ago and I know I don't have hope for another chapter any time soon
T-araFans #2
Chapter 6: SO That why Jongin came into Kyungsoo...
Nice update...
Pleaase update soon...
Waitforit #3
Chapter 6: Oh my god this is so funny. Jongin you lil' . How can you agree to make a bet with sehun?
resham98 #4
Chapter 6: I really loved it !!! Awesome writing :)
Please update soon :)
Chapter 6: psml I love this
T-araFans #6
Chapter 5: Jongin is really crazy...
Nice update...
Please update soon...
digindeeper #7
Chapter 5: i can't believe i just discovered this fic! i love it, and the baekyeol side pairing is absolutely perfect :D
wakoiau #8
Chapter 5: WT actual F!! JOngin !! hahahaahh
Chapter 5: Jongin you dumb hahahahaha you put kyung In trouble
12011401 #10
Chapter 5: jongin hahaha