My Dorm!

And My Dream Starts...

({ Joy's POV })

As the car parked, I saw a huge building. WooOow. This must be where they live. Secret lives here too.. Wow. I slowly got out of the car admiring the building. "Whaaa..." I said in amazement. Manager Kang and Yongguk were helping me by getting my luggages out of the van and carrying into the van. I slowly walked behind them STILL admiring the building. The inside of the building was beautiful as well. I didn't get to look around. B.A.P were somewhat in a rush to go back to their dorms.. 

We rode up the elevator to the 5th floor. We walked out and Manager Kang stood at the door. To be honest, the door was close to other doors... it looked more like a mini hotel room than a dorm.. Manager Kang reached into his coat pocket and pulled out a piece of paper. He handed them to me and said "This is the password... or code to your dorm. Your dorm is dorm #502. If you forget the code or where your dorm is at then come and tell me." He said smiling. He asked for my phone so he can put his number in for any questions. 

Wow... This is actually happening right now. I'm actually have a dorm... and I'm in a company.. and WOW. just wow.

I heard a little beep playing behind me. I turned around and B.A.P were going into their dorm. Wow. There my neighbors... Hul~ Yongguk was still standing there waiting for Manager Kang to open my door so he can put in my luggages. "Yongguk, just go inside. I'll settle her in. Take a rest." Manager Kang said. Yongguk gave him a big gummy smile and waved him and me bye as he walked inside. Manager Kang took my luggage and told me to try opening the door. 

The door made a little beeping tone and I turned the handled. Wow. The dorm looked bigger than I imagined. Manager Kang nudged me to go inside. He followed me behind luring my luggages in. "Chaaaaaaa... So You will be living here for the rest of trainee life." Manager Kang said. Wow. Everything was so clean but... there was not much furnature. Manager Kang nudged me again and showed me around.

"So the first thing you will see is the living room. Then when you turn around, you will see the kitchen. I hope you know how to cook hehehe... or the kitchen will be useless......... hehe... Anyways... The left hall has 1 room and 1 bathroom, and the right hall has .. well the same thing. It seems big since you're here alone but when you're members come, it'll be crowded!" He smiled. He walked back to the door to leave but he stopped. "Ahh.... And on Monday, you should come with me and the boys. They have another photoshoot and if you come, it will be an opportunity for you to see how it's like." He said as he smiled. "Wake up at 7am tomorrow (:! Don't be late." He exited and closed the door.

I stood there blankly for a couple of minutes just to absorb all this in..I shook my head and looked around the dorm again. Wow. My own place. MY OWN. and I live ALONE. WoooOw.

I ran around like a little kid. I got to do whatever I want! BWHAHAHA No one can stop me! I jumped on the bed and I ran in circles but that was about it... There wasn't much furnature... There was one sofa in the living room, a very SMALL t.v, and a twins bed in two of the rooms. I guess I needed to go shopping for this but... I have no money in korea.. I guess I can call my dad so he can transfer american money to korean money.. Eh... 

Seems boring right... Well... Each idol gets a dorm so D: WHY CAN'T JOY HAVE ONEEE. Sorry TT^TT Not much anything either.. and it's short too.. ugh. I'M JUST STRESS BECAUSE OF FINALS AND IF I FAIL, I WILL LOSE MY A AND UGHHHHHHHHHHHHHHH sorry. I'll make the other one more interesting.. I guess.

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