Manager Who ?!

And My Dream Starts...

({ Manager Kang's POV })

I guess today is when I pick up the new trainee from the airport... but I have to handle these big boys first.. "YAH WAKE UP! You guys have a photo shooting today!" I yelled out in their room. I saw one of there head's popping up out of their blankets. It was Zelo. He started blinking several times. "Good boy Zelo-ah~~ Wake up the rest of your hyungs. We leave in an hour." I commanded. I walked out to the living room waiting for them. The boys (B.A.P) slowly got up and got ready for another busy schedule. I wouldn't blame them for being tired but being a manager is also tiring... Thank gosh today's schedule is only the photo shooting, but for me, I have to pick up a new trainee and show her around. Aish.. Another group I have to take care off...

"HYUNG! We're ready to go. Sorry for taking long" Yongguk said as he gave me one of his gummy smiles.

"It's alright boys. Come on! I have a schedule of my own too!" I said as I pushed them out their dorms to the van. They rushed into the van as if their fans were chasing them.

"Hyung~ Why are you such in a hurry?" Zelo questioned. 

"I have to get someone from the airport." I said shortly since I was driving.

"Ahhh~! Is it Secret Noonas? Are they back from Japan already?!" Zelo asked with a excited expression on his face.

"No... They don't come back for awhile. I'm picking up a new trainee girl. I'll introduce you to her later." I replied.

Everyone suddenly got interested on my schedule. The boys started bursting out questions about the new trainee.

"Is she pretty?? How many trainees are you picking up? How old are they? Where did she come from? Are you managing them too?"

Questions filled the car as I tried focusing on driving. "STOP! STOP! I don't even know the trainee myself. You'll see her and ask her questions yourself." I explained.

The car ride to the photo shoot was quiet after I told them to stop. I was curious about this girl myself. I hope she aren't those snobby people that think just because they're a trainee, they're all that. Ugh. We arrived at the building and I told them to get out so I could go to the airport. They left the van one by one and waved bye to me. Such sweet boys. I hope I'm not late to pick her up.


I arrived at the airport and took out a picture the boss gave me of her. I saw no one insight that looks like her. Aishh.. Did I come to early? Now I have to wait.. I walked around the airport looking for food and I saw some teenagers with signs that says Joyce. Who the heck is Joyce.. Maybe someone who is popular.. I stood next to the crowd. I took out the picture of her again. "Noh Ah Ri... Noh Ah Ri..." I softly said as I repeated her name over and over again. As time passed, I saw a tall girl dragging 3 luggages with her. Maybe that's her..


({ Joy's POV })

Aishh Jinjjah... These luggages are heavy.. I didn't even have enough sleep because of that crying baby... Where is that ahjusshi that is picking me up? ughh I don't even know what he looks like! I just know he is holding a sign with my korean name on it. I walked to the front of the airport looking around for my name.

I then saw at least 5 people with signs that say "Joyce" and they started screaming their lungs off when they saw me. "Oh my gosh.. I have youtube fans here!!! This is daebak!" I thought to myself. I gave a big smile to them and waved my hands. They waved their hands at me too. I'm guessing the ahjusshi might be in that crowd.. I saw a middle-aged man hands up when I came closer. It looked like BAP's Manager... Daebak.. Some koreans do look alike. I continued walking closer to my fans and greeted them. 

After that surprising fan meeting, I was looking for that ahjusshi. I wonder if that middle-aged man was him. Then I heard a soft shouting from somewhere. "Noh Ah Ri!! Noh Ah Ri!!" I walked to the direction where I heard my name. I saw that middle-aged man again but this time I got a good look at him. I almost fainted... It's.. Omo... BAP's Manager... Am I dreaming.. Wow. He walked closer to me and gave me a welcoming smile.

"Hello there. Are you Noh Ah Ri?" He said in broken english.

I couldn't help but giggle .. Did he think I only spoke english?? Haha. 

"Neh. Annyeonghaseyo. I'm Noh Ah Ri." I greeted him politely with a big smile. "Are you the person that is picking me up?"

He looked at me in a shooked expression. "Wow! Your korean is really good for a person who lived in the states! Well I'm going to be your manager." He said as he shooked my hands. 

"Neh~~ Please take care of me well" I replied slightly bowing down. This is just daebak. He helped me with my lugagges and escorted me to the van. We went inside the van and he drove me to the next location.


Next update.. might take awhile.. hehe... 

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