Aurora's Story

Fairy Tail Beginnings - Aurora's Story


I pulled the straps on my bag across my chest as I grinned at my surrounding, "Wow. I never been to the capitol city before." I pressed forward gazing at the shops that were filled with new faces. The other children that ran across and around sent butterflies in my stomach, "I've missed out in so much." I muttered, jogging up a small incline. I gawked at the huge gray fountain the poured over into a pool of water. I slapped my hands on the cold concrete and felt sprinkles of water bounce off of the pool and onto my face. I picked into my pocket and frowned at its emptiness. "Not even one coin to toss in." I groaned.

I pulled the straps of my bag off my shoulder and reached in the multi colored pocket. I pulled out a silver empty tin can and placed it on the fountain then reached into my bag once again. Holding out my hand crafted ukulele, I kicked my bag to the ground and pulled my instrument close to my chest. I strummed the strings and twisted the knobs to a correct tune. Placing my fingers on each string, I began to play my melody I hum every night.

The sound of the rushing water behind me and my ukulele almost put me to sleep, but the clank of coins falling into my tin can sent my heart jolting with joy.

I placed my ukulele back in my bag along with my full can of coins, "I should become a song writer." I laughed to myself as I pulled the straps over my shoulder. I glanced over my shoulder and noticed a small boy leaning against a post. His deep dark blue hair fell across his gleaming light blue eyes.

His head perked up as our eyes locked on one another. He turned slightly red, bowed his head then scurried his feet along with the passing crowd. I lightly smiled at his innocence and quietly turned away, watching my white hair flow slowly behind me.

"Got you! You're coming with me you little brat!" I glanced over my shoulder and watched the small blue haired boy struggle in the arms of a man dressed in uniform. Without a thought, I spun around and rammed my small body into the towering mans side. He shouted in rage dropping the small boy to his feet.

"Come on." I groaned, gripping onto the boys wrist and pulling him in between the crowds feet. I felt myself tugging on the boys body more than expected, his slow pace made me realize how fast I truly was. I busted through the other side of the crowd and into another alley way, hearing the uniformed mans shouts grow fainter each step. Curving around a corner I released my grip on the boy and jogged to a stop, huffing.

I turned to the boy who sat on the ground gasping small breaths. I placed my hand on my hip in disbelief, "If you take your time breathing, you wouldn't look so pathetic."

The little boy rose to his feet take in slow steady breaths, "My names Triston," He huffed with his right hand out to me, "Nice to meet you."

"Aurora." I muttered, eyeballing his hand, "I'll see you around." I lied, turning in the opposite direction.

I listened to the patter of Triston's feet as he followed behind me, "Where you going?"

"To the peak of the mountain."

Triston gasped, "Why are you going there?" I glanced at the small boys face and continued walking through the back way out of the city, "You know about the monster don't you?" Triston questioned, running every once in awhile to keep up with my pace, "It's a dangerous place to journey to the peak all alone. Especially someone as small and fragile as you!"

I halted and slowly turned my focus to the boy. I starred deep into his light blue eyes holding back all my built up rage. Triston took a step back, "I'll see you around." I murmured through my clenched teeth before flipping my white hair behind my back and continued my march to the mountains.


I peered up the side and lightly smiled to myself before jabbing my hands and feet in the cracks of the mountain. My muscles tightened as I lifted my small but heavy body, slowly ascending up the rough and jagged mountain. Some distance away the moon's pale light burst through a luster of gray clouds, revealing miles of sharply gabled rooftops below.  Looking down, I felt suddenly isolated and threatened. Throughout my seven years of training, mountain climbing was never a challenge I was faced to tackle, but overcoming obstacles far worse than what lay ahead of me.

All I could think about was finally finding out about my parents. To finally find someone who loved me. After a moments breath I resumed my treacherous climb up the mountain. I slapped my hand against a rock and shifted my weight onto it, my heart dropped as the rock pulled out of the mountain side, pulling my body back with it.

My muscles ached in my left arm as it was the only thing holding my - what seemed to be - thousand pound body. I winced at the pain feeling my muscles tear inside. Frantically, I used my feet to look for leverage, pressing down on a rock, the pain in my arm began to ease. I cursed under my breath afraid to admit the oblivion. I was stuck.

I pressed my free hand on the wall search for a concave in the mountain. I only needed a whole or two to reach a cliff side, "Damn." I muttered.

"Need a hand?" I squinted above me to see a small face peering down at me, "It's Triston-"

"I know who you are." I groaned, raising my right hand out to him. Triston wrapped both hands around mine and watch as he used all his strength to lift me over the edge. He took in slow steady breaths as I crawled next to him against a large fallen rock, "Thanks."

He lightly smiled, "No problem."





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