Aurora's Story

Fairy Tail Beginnings - Aurora's Story


The wind breezes over the grass. Birds twitter and sing, delighting in the day as they soar with the wind. Up above, treetops bend and sway, dancing together to a rhythm only seen in the movement of the leaves. Each green blade moves to the music unheard. They clap together in appreciation, the rustling an applause to the beautiful, long hot summer’s day.

In the city of Crocus, people roam the streets, each one meditative on their own thoughts. The windows of every store is wide open and various music plays from each radio. Every person listens to their own music, but all enjoying the same day, the same sun, the same wind rushing in to each car. It swirls around their bodies, across their bare shoulders, over every surface exploring each store interior. The wind blows through their fingers in their hair, touches the roots of each strand, pulling it away and dancing with it. Like dance partners, they swirl together making excited movements together, faster and faster, whipping back and forth. The wind escapes, eager and happy, finding another dance partner in the tress, with the leaves, the birds, in another store. It plays and skips with every delight possible under the sun’s rays.

The sun shines down blissfully on me as I watched the wind make its way here and there. I listen to the leaves rustle and the birds’ tweet. I listen to the small talk of the people of Crocus, all trying to dance with the warm summer wind. I take a gulp of air. I lean back against the tree and place my hand on my chest above my bathing suit top, my shorts soaking up the heat. Sweat trickles from my shining forehead and into my shrewd eyes, even though I'm hiding under the shade. My lean muscled body unfolds and expands as I take a slow deep breath, as I swiftly step out from the tree and dash to the right, materializing my sword into my hand as quickly as possible.

An abnormal rush of air swoops down. I look to my side and gasp as a large metal fist bashes into my side. The air whips around me as my body crashes into - one; two; three; - trees, stopping as I slam into the fourth one and rolling onto the floor.

I groan as I force my muscles to lift myself off the ground and onto my knees. I look up to my father, standing on his summoned beast shoulder. The large metallic body of his spirit was the smallest one in his inventory, which was pitiful in my case.

A magic circle formed above my father, he was gone in a blink, and a light shot from the beasts shoulder down to the earth in front of me where my father now stood. His transportation magic was faster than mine, and he was able to use it much more frequently than I could - taking all my magic when used.

My father explained to me that it was something within me that leaked my magic, giving the reason why my magic depleted so easily.

He held his hand out to me and I gladly took it, helping myself to my feet. I limped over to the beast who laid his hand out on the floor. I crawled into his palm and he raised up to his shoulder where my father waited at.

The wind rushed through my hair as the beast trampled through out the forest, toppling trees over that got in his way. I looked to my mother who stood in the backyard of our house, her hands on her hips staring deadly at us. She raised her hand out in front of her, and a black magic circle formed. Her arm was covered in a black and blue armor. A black light shot out from it, shooting straight through the beasts body as if it was nothing.

The spirit began to falter, and my dad lifted me into his arms, "Close your eyes." He muttered. Obediently closed, I reopened them as my father placed me back on the ground in front of my mother.

"I can not believe you just let that thing destory our back yard!" My mom shouted, "Do you know how many years my ancestors dedicated their time into making those woods!"

My father shrugged, "I'll just get an earth mage to fix it up - No big deal Jaci."

"Aurora, take a seat. I'll show you the embib power in full action." My mother said, pulling off her favorite necklace.

"Embib? You told her? I thought we agreed not to tell her!" Dad shouted.

"We also said we weren't going to tell her about my rebel years, or that she was prophicied as a mage of destruction - but that didnt stop you." My mother bent down to me, her golden hair falling on the sides of her face, "Can you hold this honey and make sure your father's blood doesn't get on it."

"Jaci, you're kidding right?" My mom placed her arms to her side, "I'll fix the trees. Once Julie gets back from the Tower, I'll make sure she fixs it." He pleaded.

A magic circle formed above my mothers head. I watched it carefully, the black symbols circling around. My mother's hair began to change, slowly cascading down from the roots, her golden hair turned to white. Her clothes glowed bright, and then dimmed, exposing her new armored body, covered in a tight black armor over her whole body, covered in cracks that glowed a water blue.

My mother raised her palm out to my fathers chest, "Jaci?" He groaned.

A black magic circle formed and out black liquid, blowing my father off his feet and back into the forest. My mom looked down at me lightly smiling, "Pretty cool huh?"

A huge magic circle formed from the ground in the forest, and a large gold spirit began to rise from the ground with my father standing on it's shoulder. I watched in awe, for it was my second time that I saw the legendary beast.

The beast lifted its foot and stomped on a tree. Then its other foot. My father laughed hysterically as I watched the beast dance on top of all the trees, cracking under its large gold feet, "How do you like that Jaci!" My father shouted.

"Your father is a complete moron." She laughed, bending her knees then shooting off toward my father.

It was a swift attack. A large black blade appeared into my moms hand, she swung it hard down across the beast hand, pushing it out of the way and swipping one blow across my fathers head, knockoing him unconciouss and propelling down onto the floor.

The gold metallic beast dissolved back into the ground, and my mother stood in her pink dress in front of my father. He was grinning up at her, laughing apologetically to her. She reached her hand out to him, and he took it with a genuine smile as he watched his wife with the golden hair stand above him.


I drew in a breath as I gazed out into the feild where my father was using his spirits to pick up the trees they broke. The leaves were changing to fire, and gathered on the ground in orange and yellow piles. I watched them dance across the field, circling around in patterns, creating small tornados across the land. It was an extreme change of weather, from pour to heat.

I wiped the sweat from my forehead with the back of my hand and rubbed it off on my shorts. The wind felt good, and I wanted to enjoy the breeze as I used my arms behind me as support to sit up. I looked over my shoulder to my mother who stood against the wind. Her flowing cloud like golden hair blew up above my head, blending in against the blue sky, as if they blonged there.

She looked down at me with a displeasing face, "Why don't you put a shirt on Aurora?" I looked down to my bikini top then back at her. I shrugged in response, "I think we're done for today. Your magic is almost all used up."

I rose to my feet, wipping off any dirt they may have stuck to my jean shorts. My mother waved her hand to my father, who quickly allowed his spirits to return to their world, before using the last of his magic to shoot a light from the forest to us.

He gasped for air as he appeared in front of us. My mother wrapped her arm around his waist and helped him to the house as I followed in behind them. She rested him on the kitchen chair and raced her fingers through his hair, "You shouldn't have called out so many spirits honey. You know how much it takes up, yet you continue to use your magic as if you had a world full of it."

I hoisted myself onto the counter, crossing my legs, "Mom? Dad says I have a magic leak. What does that mean?"

My mother punched her fist into the top of my dads head, "Why the hell did you tell her that now!" My dad whimpered, taking his head in his hands as my mother turned to face me, "Your father is a compulsive liar sweet heart."

"Mom, just tell me."

She scratched her eyebrow, "Okay." She goraned, smacking her right hand to her hip - another habit of hers -, "That necklace you have there, around your neck. It's something that keeps the darkness away. The thing is honey, your magic is a dark magic." I blinked at her, "As long as you have that necklace, it will absorb the exact amount of magic you use. In result, your magic depletes quicker than others."

"Is it weird," I asked, "For me to use dark magic?"

"I use it too," She said, "The necklace, the green one I wear. It absorbs my dark magic."

"You took it off, during the fight with dad." She nodded slowly, "So I can take mine off too?"

She shook her head, "Over the years your dark magic has grown. Thanh had noticed it, thats why she had you get that crystal." She explained, "If you learned to use Embib, there is a chance you can absorb that magic and control it."

I looked down to my chest where my necklace hung. The symbol of the Fiore glistened under the kitchen light. It was my prize possesion, a gift I worked hard to achieve. Facing a creation of Zeref's, and meeting Triston - a man I loved - who eventually brung me to my parents.

My mother let go of my hand as the echo of the doorbell rung through the house. She looked over her shoulder to my father, who starred blankly back.

"That's unsual for someone to use the front doors." He muttered, rising from his chair and swiftly walking through the kitchen and toward the main doors of the house. My mother followed and I slid off the counter and hurried after them.

A messenger of Nier stood in the doorway, panting heavily as he asked for my father by name. He spotted my father and pushed passed the maide and ignoring all thought that he was in front of the King of Fiore.

"Maarten," He started, "I have news of the team who infiltrated the tower. After successfully entering the tower, they were stopped by a dark guild."

"A dark guild? Which one?" My father questioned.

"Trinity Raven," He whispered, "The guild overpowered Edgor and Lisa sir. Then, out of nowhere, the two rose from the ground, and salughtered Nier's remaining members."

I felt my muscle tense, "S-slaughtered?" 



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