Hate That I Love You (Taeminzy)

Kaiminzy & Taeminzy Drabbles

It was another of their stupid arguments and Minzy can't stand him so much that she slammed the door at his face before walking to their room. The unfortunate fact is that since they live together, there is no running away from him. To add on, they are living in a small rented apartment near school as it was the most affordable place available for college students and since both of them live together, the rental is not as expensive as they both share the fee. Both worked together in the same cafe just 2 blocks away from their apartment and they earn quite a bit as the manager favour them a lot and understood their situation.


Both Taemin and Minzy are not only flatmates, they were more than that, for close to 3 years at that too. Their first two years together have been nothing but wonderful. Surprises left and right, sweet kisses and hugs shared, endless loving text and phonecalls were exchanged but as of late they have been getting into petty arguments such as spending time away with each other with friends, misunderstood exchange with people of the opposite gender, having meals and even something as small as not cleaning the place they reside together. 


This time around, they were onto each other because Taemin have been relying on Minzy to buy the toiletries but he was the one who use it more frequently as he is at home most of the time. It doesn't help that his lessons were all cramped within 2 days from morning till night and the rest was mostly spend in their apartment doing his work where as Minzy has her lessons on a 5 day school week and always having to spend time outside of her apartment to get her assignments and projects done. 


She sat on their bed as she hug her pillow tightly. In frustration, she even took Taemin's pillow and kept hitting it as if it was her boyfriend. If that was not enough, she even scream into her pillow to vent her anger at him. It was too much! She has been paying extra to buy the toiletries for 3 months now and all he does is using it but worst of all is finishing it before the month ends! What in the world does he do with them? Eat it when he is hungry? She had to at least buy twice per month because of that. He wasn't like this before so why now?


Minzy could not recall much after venting her frustrations out except to wake up when they sky turned dark. Her head felt so fuzzy from sleep that she could barely remember much until she saw his pillow that was thrown to the other side of the room. Only then she remembered their argument earlier in the day. Minzy sighed as she stretch herself before walking out of the room. She heard her stomach growled in hunger and when she look at the clock, she realized that it was already 10 at night.


Heading towards the kitchen, she switched the lights on and was surprised to see an apology written card with a picture of her pouting boyfriend begging for forgiveness behind her plate of favourite cupcakes down the block. She hate it that she found herself smiling at how adorable her boyfriend was, just as she take the card and picture from it's stand, she realized that it was leaning on the toiletries that he probably bought after feeling guilty about their heated exchange. 


She found herself sighing because she could not be angry at him for long with all his apologetic methods. Minzy just loves him that much. Knowing well where her boyfriend is right now, she head out of the kitchen towards the dark living room where a sleeping figure was seen snoring softly at the couch. She felt her heart tug at her boyfriend's figure sleeping using his own arm as his pillow. This very boy in front of her who knows her better than anyone else, who knows how to push and pull her around despite the many things they went through in their 3rd year together. 


It just isn't right that she can't be mad at him for too long, it isn't fair that he knows her weak spots even when she is upset with him, it's wrong that he knows how to make her smile. Taemin always takes advantage of her vulnerable state of anger and sadness to cuddle up to her as he pamper her with kisses and surprises. She despise the fact that she adore him for doing all those things to her. She hates how much she loves him despite all the arguments they had and it was probably one of the reasons why they are still together after this long. She knew that when it was him in her place, she would do the same anyway, that was how they have been and will always be. 


Minzy sighed for the umpteenth time as she trace her sleeping boyfriend's face before giving him a peck on his forehead. She saw Taemin frown a little at her act before he peacefully went back to sleep. She smiled at how handsome he is not only on the outside but also on the inside. There is no one else that could compare to him and there is definitely no replacement for him at all. She stood up and head to their room to take his pillow and gently place it below his sleeping head before heading to the kitchen to eat her favourite cupcake. 


After she was done enjoying her cupcake and clearing the toiletries that he bought in the bathroom, she heads to her school bag and took some drawing papers that she normally doodle on during her free time. She did a simple drawing and wrote a letter to him in return before positioning it just like he did for her earlier. After arranging, she looks at it with a smile before heading back to their room. As she let herself fall into a deep sleep, she smiled recalling the card she left for him to read the next day. On it was written, 'You're Forgiven Lee Taemin.'

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Missyouwannabe #1
Chapter 62: YES!!!!!!!!!!
Chapter 62: i really want to see kai and taemin reaction of minzy in MAMA 2015
Chapter 62: I really need kai or taemin reaction over 2ne1 perform on mama T.T
Chapter 62: That cheap trick but get me feel happy.
Seul-Tae #5
Chapter 21: Thats good
andrea13 #6
I wish there was a sequel to clueless my favorite
Chapter 25: wow kai that is scary ><
Missyouwannabe #8
Chapter 61: Ooohhh I wouldn't mind Jongin giving me chocolate donut kisses as well lol
choezna #9
Chapter 60: aigoo, their daughter is so adorable...