
9 Letters


A week later, I saw her again. I was heading to my class when someone suddenly bumped onto me.

“Sorry sorry!” Jieun said immediately as she picked up her books that were landed on the floor.

“Oh is you!” they both said as they saw each other.

“You study here too?” Daehyun asked.

“Yeah. I am a design student. Second year this year” she flashed her design textbooks.

“Oh great. I am second year too. Guess we can be counted as friends now?” he pulled out his right hand which was previously hiding inside his hoodie pocket.

Jieun took it and shake “Friends”

“Where are you going?” he asked.

“I’m heading to the canteen to grab something before my next class. What about you?”

“Is my break too. Let’s go together then” he said as he took her books from her hands.

“Oh thanks” she passed her books to him.

“What do you want to eat?” he asked.

She bite her thumbnail as she scan through the different stalls. When she caught something she would like to eat, she skipped happily to the stall without noticing her surroundings.

 “Watch out!” he shouted as he pulled her back.  It turned out that a girl was walking across them and she nearly bang onto her.

“You should be more careful of where you’re walking. Are you hurt?” he asked in concern.

She shook her head and said “Sorry” as she looked at the floor.

“What do you want to eat? I will help you to buy in case you bump onto others again” he sighed.  

“Cheesecake!” she smiled happily.


After 5 minutes, he came back with 2 cheesecakes. One is Oreo cheesecake and another one Blueberry cheesecake.

“Which one do you want?”

“Oreo! How much is it?” she took out her wallet and pulled out some notes.

He stopped her and said “Is my treat”

“And may I know why you’re treating me?”

“Well, you see. Me you are friends. So is there a reason why friend treat friend food? No” he smirked as he eat his cheesecake happily.

“Okay then! Next time it shall be my turn and you can’t say no”

“Well if that is the case, please remind me to order something real good”


They both laughed.

Soon, the bell rang. Signally for the next class.

“Is about time for me to go back to my class” she stood up as she carried her backpack and her books.

“I will help you to hold these” he stopped her from getting the books and he carried them himself.

When she stopped in front of a classroom he asked “Is this your classroom?”

“Yeah, thanks for the cheesecake. Hope to see you around” she then walked in to her classroom.

“Bye!” he waved sadly. He hated the fact that the bell rang and she got to go. He wanted to spend more time to know her but maybe next time.

Your clumsiness attracted me. But please do not be overly clumsy next time.



PS, I drafted these years back. Didnt had a chance to post it until now >< 




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jtwakaraniii #1
Chapter 2: It's cute and simple! Good start!
Chapter 1: It's nice start. Please update soon ^^